Japan Today

Kaowaiinekochanknaw comments

Posted in: Trump makes first big foray into Ukraine diplomacy, speaking to Putin, Zelenskyy See in context

Let's hope Trump can persuade them to can come to an agreement that will stop the killing of so many young men.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it See in context

I think the real answer is that there is still a lot of sex going on with married people in Japan.

It's just not with their spouse.

-8 ( +13 / -21 )

Posted in: 800 cabbages stolen from Aichi field See in context

That's a lotta lettuce man.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan top destination for Chinese during Lunar New Year holidays See in context

It's a good thing the two countries' new years holidays are staggered. Imagine what it would be like if them came during the Shogatsu. LOL

People have probably been saying that since Meiji times when Japan adopted the Gregorian calander.

Many holidays and events wouldbhave had to change their dates, or cease to be in any meaningful way.

At least Japan got Valentines, Halloween and Christmas as part of the deal. NYE never translated well I guess so the ringing of the bells at the shrimes ust be a relatively new tradition (on the 31st Dec).

Imagine if the Lunar New Year calander was still used in Japan?

Be cool in someways.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan top destination for Chinese during Lunar New Year holidays See in context

When the Year of the Snake began, many people in Asia especially, and from around the World celebrated the Lunar New Year and had some well deserved vacation time.

A great time for snow in Japan, so an excellent time to visit too.

Great to see so many happy tourists enjoying the power of their currencies against the weak yen atm and appreciating the heartfelt and warm omotenashi from the people of the Japanese archipelago.

Trip of a lifetime for many people and their good experiences and shared travel tales are bound to be great word of mouth advertising for helping promote tourism to Japan even further and thus contributing towards the Japanese Government's goal of achieving 60 million tourists per year.

Welcome to Japan. Enjoy your stay.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Sinkhole traps car on road in Nagoya; no one injured See in context

This is unfortunately true, and the Japanese media has picked up on it. The typical symptom of a country that is going broke is aging and failing infrastructure. We are seeing a lot of it now in the US, in some European countries, and here in Japan (especially outside of Tokyo, which gets better care). Parks, playgrounds, public steps, and many things that would cost relatively little to repair are simply roped off and left to decay for years unless they are in a prominent location. Infrastructure is on ongoing expense and drastic changed are needed in Japan to restart the economy improve living standards.


I travel all through Tokyo and Kanagawa prefectures every week and have seen the majority of parks I visit have some amount of disrepair, rusty, kids playground equipment is taped off and stays that way for years, benches are broken or rotten, stations and the surrounding streets have steps broken or missing, tiles broken or missing on the footpath and the roads are patched quickly and shodily die to a lack of funds.

There is a lot of new building and construction of luxury malls and apartments but no money left to repair failing infastructure for the communities.

They are excellent at cutting down trees though. I am amazed at the amount of tree felling that goes on here.

An astounding amount of shade is disappearing in Kanto at least and contributing to the heat island effect of the cities. Could be elsewhere too but not witness to other places to know otherwise atm.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Australia passes tough hate crime laws with mandatory jail time for Nazi salutes See in context

I miss the days, when the mere mention of Governments creating so-called 'hate speech' laws, got you branded a conspiracy theorist.

Yet here we are.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Posted in: Hokkaido city posts guards at tourist hotspot ahead of Lunar New Year See in context

Happy Lunar New Year everyone.

The Year of the Snake begins.

May it be a good one for us all.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Growing Muslim population in need of burial plots in Japan See in context

They were able to purchase lands/properties for their Mosques/prayer rooms

What's stopping them from doing the same for their cemeteries?

I know a few Muslims in Japan and from what i've heard they usually have more than enough funds for these things

Local Government approval is stopping them.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Growing Muslim population in need of burial plots in Japan See in context

This will be an excellent business opportunity for someone to take on.

There are quite a few Japanese graves in Australiabin Northern Australia that date back mors than 150 years or so.

Wonder how they were accomodated then?

I guess if it's not illegal, then some wise funeral homes will find a way to help the musilm community to live and pass on in Japan.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Climate change cooks up Japanese 'cabbage shock' See in context

I find tonkotsu bland and quite unpleasant. Similarity with the cabbage drowned in the sickly sweet sauce / dressing.

I will be hapoy if the dish disappears all together.

Leave cabbage off kebabs too.

A great injustice is being served here.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

Posted in: Central Tokyo condo prices top ¥100 mil again in 2024 See in context

Tokyo is really lucky they only have to deal with any minor inconveniences of being a popular tourist destination with so-called 'over tourism'.

If they ever have fo deal with what a lot of the world already deals with in 'over immigration', housing prices will sky rocket, there would be even more congestion and they would find people not all assimilating into the culture on a much larger scale.

the complaining would be priceless to watch though.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Quad foreign ministers meet in Washington See in context

So nice to not see Blinken anymore as SoS, just saying pleasentires and being as usless as wallpaoer.

Be nice to see rhe back of Wong too.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: I hope that by riding the wave of the Year of the Snake, we can share the charm of snakes with even more people. See in context

I look forward to Wednesday, the 29th of January 2025 and the Year of the Snake officially comes to be.

Lunar astrology relies on the moon.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Record 36.8 million tourists visited Japan in 2024 See in context

Too many! Increasing costs for everything so locals cannot afford to do things in their own country. Overtourism has made many parts of Japan horrible to be in…

I assume you mean tourists from Japan too? As domestic tourists are the largest part of so-called 'overtourism'.

In plenty of other countries the local are not able to do the things that wealthier tourists can do. It's the way of the world. When Japanese or other tourists visit a country like The Philippines, Vietnam or Cambodia, for example, they are able to stay in much nicer hotels, go and see the famous tourist sites (which cost money) and eat in nicer restaurants than the local people do.

It's normal for wealthier people to pay more and therefore businesses raise their prices accordingly to make profit from the good fortune in their sector. This is businesses.

The weak yen may make it harder for Japanese and local residents to afford what they once could with a stronger yen, but that's hardly the tourists fault.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Record number of Japan ramen eateries went bankrupt in 2024 See in context

While I feel for any small business shutting down, there simply seems to be an over-saturation of ramen shops in Japan.

I probably eat the Japanese style ramen once a year (Korean or Chinese styles more so) at best as not really a fan of the pork broth and oil. The smell is offensive to my nose for some reason.

I have read it's quite unhealthy, so maybe more people are conscious about this and staying away from the dish, aswell as because of price rises.

Hopefully these small spaces can be used for a better variety of food.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Worker crunch piles pressure on small-town Japan See in context

Fundamentally this is an uchi vs soto issue to it's core.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Foreign visitors to Japan top 33 mil in Jan-Nov, breaking annual record See in context

Great news for cultural exchanges and some much needed boosts to the economy.

Hopefully the tourists really enjoy their time in Japan.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: New fences installed at Mount Fuji photo spot to curb jaywalking See in context

From just reading the headline I was skeptical but after seeing the new fences, in the photo

I must admit, they do look splendid.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Bluesky isn’t the ‘new Twitter,’ but its resemblance to the old one is drawing millions of new users See in context

I prefer the new twitter which is X

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Shibuya’s Hachiko statue will be covered up for New Year’s Eve, pedestrian barricades installed See in context

How to ruin a city's vibrancy - 101

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Ousted Syrian leader Assad flees to Moscow after fall of Damascus See in context

I remember the days when the Mujahadeen were allies with the US against Russia.

Lets see how it goes with HTS in the coming year or so.

Forever wars. Yummy.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan's real wages flat in October after falling for 2 months See in context

Nominal wages, the average total monthly cash earnings per worker including base and overtime pay, increased 2.6 percent to 293,401 yen, rising for the 34th straight month, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said.

Excluding bonuses and nonscheduled payments, average wages climbed 2.7 percent to 265,537 yen, the biggest rise in nearly 32 years. Full-time workers' average wages grew 2.8 percent to 336,070 yen, marking the sharpest increase since comparable data became available in 1994.

These nominal wage averages are extremely low for any developed country.

I can't see how anyone can survive, let alone thrive on such a pittance.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Sean Penn accuses Academy Awards of cowardice at Marrakech Film Festival See in context

What an amazing news story.

The ridiculous Sean Penn's opinion of the Academy Awards.

Bravo for journalism.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Posted in: Health insurance cards to no longer be issued as info will be integrated with My Number cards See in context

I miss the good old days when this was just a conspiracy theory.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Posted in: Drinkable Mayo on sale at Japanese convenience stores for mayonnaise fanatics See in context

Sounds gross.

Better than drinking broken glass though I guess.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: PFAS chemicals detected in 20% of Japanese tap water in gov't survey See in context

One of the reasons, is right under our nose:


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Australian PM plays down privacy fears of social media ban for children See in context

It's cool, I totally trust social media companies to delete and not sell on their valuable data.

Breaches in security or hacking never occur.

Who cares about these kids' data or privacy?

These same kids should need to show and verify their identification to vote 2 years later anyway right?

Likely illegal for Australia to pass this though under what they are in signatory to with the United Nations though:

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Driver arrested after fatal hit-and-run incident in Kanagawa See in context

It is often quite dangerous and difficult to see cyclists riding down the footwalk to the left especially if traveling in the same direction when having to turn left on green. Often there are obstructions such as trees or traffic signal boxes etc etc to a driver's view creating a bllindspot. Really need to take note and drive cautiously when turning left, for this reason. The cyclists should also be aware of this risk too, as if hit, they will be hurting more than the vehicle.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan sets monthly record with 3.31 million visitors in October See in context

Welcome to Japan and enjoy your stay.

Great time of the year to visit.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

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