Posted in: After Trump and Brexit, populist tsunami threatens European mainstream See in context
We're just getting warmed up, beleive me ;) oh, yeah, a pointer: Shrieking "racist" doesn't actually work any more. A major politician just saying "yes, I am", then continuing with his speech, is less than 5 years away.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Nov 11 - It's Pocky and Pretz Day See in context
I guess I'm going to get some odd looks if I'm ever in Tokyo in November and go to pray at Yasukuni for the 11th hour? Now Toppo, that's actually worth celebrating...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Obama administration suspends TPP vote effort See in context
Hear that, globalists? The nails in your coffin! We want a world of nationalism, not a giant America with a "made in China" stamp on it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Meryl Streep says singing badly for new role required work See in context
Apparently when the Sex Pistols reformed for a one-off tour in 1996 they sounded too good, and had to practice at playing badly!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Nissan hiring 300 to develop common connected car technology See in context
Back in 2005 a Renault Avantime suffered a "software error" that left it careening down the motorway at 130mph with an immovable gear lever, and they want MORE of this crap? Japan ought to show some of that good old common sense few other first-world nations are gifted with, and demand all new cars have mechanical connections to the controls, which a computer can assist, but never override. And a clearly accessible "off switch" which instantly converts the car's controls to something out of 1950.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Osaka train driver apologizes to Japanese passengers for ‘having many foreigners’ on board See in context
If only the UK had had the sense to take a Japanese attitude in the 1950's, I might never have had to flee to a safer country! Oddly enough, Britain's first wave of mass immigration since the ice age (as new research is suggesting the Saxons, as well as the Normans and Romans, were just changes of aristocracy, not replacements of the population. Why do we speak English, then? Gee, why do the Indians?) was apparently needed to "rebuild after the war", something Japan managed largely on it's own, with the only assistance coming from a miniscule Korean and Chinese population, and a transient American one.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Japan: Guilty Until Proven Innocent' documentary shines light on controversial legal system See in context
It's shocking and could be stopped. Unless it's "convictions" of Japanese soldiers from the war, based entirely on anecdotal evidence of elderly Chinese people who have lived 65+ years under a communist regime, then those are totally true and legitimate and must not be questioned.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Panel meets to study emperor's possible abdication See in context
Wow, only one "herpaderp why do you need a monarchy anyway? It's 2016!" comment. I'm almost impressed. Doubt the Brits, Aussies, Canucks etc here will be as accomodating to Queen Elizabeth II when they go home, mind you.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan election manifestos free LGBT rights from political closet See in context
No specific leglislation is the best specific legislation. Even if maps of gay rights in the world often list it underneath the death penalty, as if governmental disinterest is somehow worse than governmental hatred. Which reminds me, I have to see if there's any non-secondhand copies of the original Tomodachi Life knocking about...
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Teacher who sat for anthem deserved pay cut: Japan court See in context
Once Britain's out of the EU hopefully we can start doing this as well. It might "twigger" a few people, but Germany's offer is still on the table...
-11 ( +1 / -12 )
Posted in: Post-Brexit, Britain may need 'Hotel California' model See in context
"What's in a name?" asks somebody who presumably lives in a country that requires people to choose a Japanese name if they naturalise. Hopefully one day Britain will require anybody who naturalises there to anglicise their name. Unfortunately I doubt we'll ever be able to legalise other things that are commonplace in Japan, like natives-only bars (yes, we are. New research suggests all British people are still the original settlers, not immigrants, who came from the Basque Country. The Celts and Saxons were only ever a minority who made themselves into an aristocracy, like the Normans. It's also possible English is actually a much earlier branch of the Germanic language than the one the Saxons bought with them)
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: 3 men rob Chiba love hotel See in context
Wot, no "It's a rich man's world" gag?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Toyota gets bullish on plug-in hybrids with new Prius Prime See in context
What's the point of the Prius? It used to sell on the fact it was a hybrid, but now a hybrid option can be specified on a lot of new cars. If there's a hybrid Corolla (may be called something else in Japan, I've not paid much attention) they have two normal-sized saloon cars on the market, probably without a great deal to choose between them other than looks.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Brexit campaigning suspended after 'Remain' MP shot dead See in context
Instead of saying "put Britain first" I should think he was saying "Britain First", a known far-right group with several members who claim to be veterans, but who delete any real veterans from their Facebook who ask awkward questions. Nice bunch. I'm still voting leave though, got my poster up outside, even if I am living in Osaka. I sure didn't come to Japan for the diversity!
-7 ( +3 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan's first 'naked restaurant' to ban overweight diners See in context
They'd get arrested if they tried this in London. Luckily I escaped the UK and now live in Civilisation. London isn't even allowed "body shaming" (normal people) in adverts on the tube, any more. You'd think in a country with free medical care they would be pushing good health as a duty.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Babymetal shows maturity as rude UK award presenter repeatedly interrupts speech See in context
Zeroscape are better away. Even if they are from Cuckanada.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: This little trolley appears to be floating upside down See in context
Those of us who grew up watching Back to the Future 2 were promised. We were promised ;_;
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman breaks silence among Fukushima thyroid cancer patients See in context
Be careful, to suggest that Fukushima was not the worst nuclear disaster in history is, in the rigidly harmony-oriented gaijin community, to be the "nail that sticks out". Surely something that happened in Japan must be worse than something that happened in the Soviet Union, BECAUSE it happened in Japan.
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo 'corruption' payment not on IOC agenda See in context
Meh, these big sporting events have been at it for decades. No doubt certain gaijin are already pinning this on "Japan, Inc", when Qatar have pretty much been caught red-handed "buying" a World Cup.
Also, directly under this article, I see three "Insight" (implying factual, unbiased in-depth looks at issues) articles about why it's good to play golf, all of which appear to have been written by a totally unbiased source called "Samadhi Golf School".
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: N Korea says Trump isn't screwy at all, a wise choice for president See in context
I'd still vote for him if I was a yank. And maybe they ought to pull out of South Korea, it's not like that country couldn't take on the North on it's own, if they tried anything. Not that that would be desirable to the South. Governments must be able to get away with an awful lot if they can justify it with "the enemy are at the gates".
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Changes coming soon to Japan's taxi industry See in context
Just keep the "traditional" cars (from 1980). London's new Taxis are barely acceptable, but I think all the ones in New York these days are Ford Transits, not big Checker jukeboxes. That's just sickening.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Abe honors war dead at Chidorigafuchi cemetery See in context
He ought to show some balls and go to Yasukuni yearly, too. Because what's wrong with commemorating people who fought for their country, even if they did lose? If I was in Tokyo I'd probably go there on November 11th. Oh well, there's always the Bomber Command memorial in London... which, oddly, you don't see the Germans whinging about half as much. Probably because they fixed themselves up after the war and don't just want other people to pay for it.
-8 ( +1 / -9 )
Nikka 12 yr old Single Malt. Nothing comes close.
Posted in: Japan’s unique tradition of bottle keep, where your drink literally has your name on it
Posted in: Australian team wrangles 102 venomous snakes from backyard
Posted in: Over 40% of Japanese want to use original family names at work after marriage
What happened in 2020 was unacceptable and a stain on Japan - putting a travel ban on gaijins
Posted in: Tokyo world athletics party can make up for Olympic lock-out, says CEO