Japan Today

Mike45 comments

Posted in: China slams 'troublemaker' Abe after Africa visit See in context

"Example is USA. Kentucky Tennesee, New Jersey and many more states are very thankful Japanese automakers etc created their divisions ther"

Yes, its correct, but the opposite can never be said for Japan allowing U.S. mfgs access to Japans market. Those states have low tax rates and unions arent strong and unemployment is high due to several factors. Unfortuanetly, many in the U.S. are unaware of Japans predatory business activities. I have no issue with Japan factories all over the U.S., but why cant they come to Japan?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: ANA apologizes over racial stereotyping in new TV commercial See in context

I dont think its a joke or funny, its typical Japanese TV- stupid. I agree that Asians in other countries have fought hard to remove sterotypes in their more progressive society, but in some Asian countries its very acceptable due to "cultural differences" to do/say offensive things and get away with it. Its just that this type of thing doesnt offend me.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Detroit demands broad access to Japan's auto market but targets narrow niche See in context


I think you got it backwards. The U.S. opens almost every sector to Japan but Japan finds a way to block access to its domestic markets. Nobody is crying, they are asking to play fair...unless thats what you mean by crying.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: ANA apologizes over racial stereotyping in new TV commercial See in context

This kind of thing has never bothered me, I mean, when Im on the train etc I know Im different, and can "feel" people gawking etc, but honestly I dont want to look/act like a Japanese, I am comfortable with what I am. I dont like being treated as inferior or incompetent, just because I am a foriegner, or not to be trusted, these situtations are highly offensive but the whole nose/hair thing never bothered me.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to open door further to skilled foreign workers See in context

"Japanese think that these are the very traits that make Japan the 3rd largest economy in the world, so why change ? "

This is an excellent point, and I think this and other great post here should be summarized in a book or handout for anybody considering coming to Japan to pursue a career.. Everyone sooner or latter finds out these "truths" There is no need to change, this has all been tried before. The glue that holds everything together is Japans unique approach to everything. During the 80's, thousands of foriengers were just tolerated as entertainers, assembly line workers etc. Its more of the same. They are trying old tricks with new times- an increasingly older population that will need to be cared for/replaced in the labor pool. In order for Japan to accept foriengers, say on a scale like SG, HK or AUS, they would need to embrace and speak English. It would make the transistion smooth and relatively painless. This is an impossible task in Japan. All manuals, rules, laws, customs and sterotypes would have to change overnight. A more realistic outlook would be a gradual transistion in a decade, perhaps a century? Like others who posted here, I cant see this happening in Japan, the time has already passed. The only way I can see it happening is some "unique" solution like crash courses in japanese for 3rd world nationals (who by that time will have perhaps become 2nd world in their own country) that was tried in the 80's and the same ole racist approach (keep them at bay in ghettos) and start some huge Eikawia scam all over again.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Suga defends dolphin hunt after U.S. criticism See in context


Agreed, they keep saying its an "ancient" tradition, but in the old days, other forms of meat were not available so dolphins and whales were the best thing. There is not excuse for it in modern times. It was only after the Cove film that the barbaric slow death procedures stopped, now its more "humane" I personally find it disgusting.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan to open door further to skilled foreign workers See in context

The labor shortage is only in certian sectors, there are many old people doing P/T work now, and many still looking for work. Like all things Japan, nothing is what it seems. High paying jobs have an abundance of applicants, its the service, 3K jobs that are looking for people.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to open door further to skilled foreign workers See in context

"Blame it all on Japan, but not Japanese fault that workers are supposed to achieve a certain level of language fluency and writing ability"

So who is to blame, after decades and billions of yen, the end result of "learning English", the defacto language of choice for the whole world is "this is Tanaka, I am a pen" nonsense? There is no need for the rest of the world to conform to weirdness known as Japan, Japan needs to conform more to the world. Thats where the problem is, and it will never change, repeat cycle, so yes, the blame is within Japan. More "skilled" workers from former colonies to yell at and look down on because "nani mo dekinai!!" due to superiority attitudes and their lack of understanding of "this is Japan!

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Posted in: ANA apologizes over racial stereotyping in new TV commercial See in context

I dont feel offended by it; I just dont get it, is there some hidden message in it? If Japanese people change, they will end up looking cacausin or want to look cacausin?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: China, Japan slug it out in the world's press See in context

"These countries are using the words 'democracy' and 'communism' but beyond that they are neither democratic or communis"

very true, not much difference between Asian facism and Asian communism.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. envoy Kennedy tweets concern over Taiji dolphin hunt See in context

what is all this about "capturing and using dolphins in marine parks is inhumane"? Apples and oranges- nobody is killing any dolphins in any marine park, the dolphins enjoy being around humans, unless they are trying to kill them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama: Pot is not more dangerous than alcohol See in context

As long as there is a demand for drugs in the U.S., there will be problems. The people who crave drugs are to blame, so this solution is the lesser of two evils. If Obamas solution takse a downturn, the only people to blame are the people who demand drugs, you cant blame Obama, the war on drugs was a failure, and the legal system a joke. Im guessing with it being legal, it might have some benefit, like the stigma of being an alcoholic gets many people fired or shunned, might end up being the same for stonners, meaning it will now be mainstream and out in the open for all to see.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. envoy Kennedy tweets concern over Taiji dolphin hunt See in context

Hey, Im starting to like this Ambassador ) An Ambassador in Japan that speaks out against something in Japan? Refreshing.

Its not only the U.S. business, its the worlds business. There is no reason to kill any dolphin. It has a range of emotions and feelings, like humans, there are plenty of other species on the food chain, no need to kill any dolphin.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan raises its economic outlook See in context

I dont think anybody is hoping for doom and gloom; we've all experienced enough of that, we are just living in reality. The majority of people working are in contract postions (keiyaku) and those positions never see any raises. If your a young person on track in a big corp, then yes, youll see your bonus and raises. The rest? where are the stats on them?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Detroit demands broad access to Japan's auto market but targets narrow niche See in context


nobody is blaming japan for protecting its people/markets. The world is asking of Japan to play fair. Its not only the Auto industry that is closed, its food industry, machinery, cosmetics, pharms, etc. There are so many products you cannot buy in Japan you can get elsewhere

@hokaido guy

"Not sure what foreign management has to do with anything. In manufacturing, a joint venture is about maximizing profits by avoiding transport costs, sharing distribution channels and logistics"

In the case of Japan, the only way many foriegn companies can penetrate is by creating a joint venture, with Japanese latter owning the company. You see very few wholly owned foriegn subsidiary in Japan; I see many in neighboring countries and plenty of Japanese subsidiary offices throughout Asia.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Retired cop kills moviegoer for texting in Florida theater See in context

There are some who say I am a Japan "hater" but thats unrealistic. Im a realist, and call it as I see it. This part about the U.S., is well, messed up to put it nicely. Japan has the U.S. beat on this issue but I dont kid myself; I think if guns were legal in Japan, we would of course see the same statistics, after all there are 30000 suicides a year in Japan and I have seen plenty of violence due to stress, inequality etc. Something went wrong in the U.S. about 15 years ago. People always have had guns, but there was a social restraint and feelings of guilt, responsibility and a genuine respect for life (Christian values?) etc that came with gun ownership. The occasional loon would go biserk, but it wasnt the norm. This isnt a gun control problem, its a society problem, but the cat is out of the bag, so gun control is the only option now.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Detroit demands broad access to Japan's auto market but targets narrow niche See in context


You seem to have a disconnect of what some media reports or what the Abe administration wants and what actually goes on here. The Japanese gov has openly stated that they want US products in Japan? is that a laugh? Why not pass the TPP then? Ask any foriegn company rep who is trying to penetrate Japan the obstacles they must overcome. The distribution network protects Japanese domestic makers. Sure, on paper it may seem fair, but anybody who knows situational ethics Japan knows the traps that come latter. They might out of courtesy put a foriegn product out there, but will they push it? Translation,post sales support? Why bother? Better yet, on your way to the eki, count the # of foriegn bikes and scooters, amoungst the hundreds parked in front of any big eki, the # of foriegn makers. I think I counted 1. Count the # of foreign products in any conbini, super or home center. youll find 80 to 90% are Japanese.Why dont you think so many Japanese buy duty free items in Guam and abroad? They cant get them in japan. TPP is supposed to bring a closure to this; the reality is many want it but due to the cultural obstacles, its going to be very difficult to achieve.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Detroit demands broad access to Japan's auto market but targets narrow niche See in context


You make some excellent points, some of the best I have read on here so far. Many in the U.S. have sold out, in so many sectors, to foriegners to include the predatory business practices of the Japanese. It is an open market economy, but I have seen so many U.S. governers etc in Japan courting Japan companies to their state. Do you see an Japanese politicians courting US companies to their prefecture?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Detroit demands broad access to Japan's auto market but targets narrow niche See in context


Thanks for that update, and that is good news. Funny thing is I have never seen any joint US venture where the product does not become wholly owned or managed by a Japanese entitiy. For example, I think Mitsubishi/Cat is now 100% owned by Mitsubishi in Japan? Others- Mitsui/Dupont, etc, ever been to their offices? No foriegn management there. We see rare exceptions like MCD or Nissan, but those are the exception.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Detroit demands broad access to Japan's auto market but targets narrow niche See in context

This is typical of the one sided Japanese response and excuses, due to decades of protectionsm and brainwashing. They think that U.S. cars are still built like they were in the 70s as thats the image that bozozuku or other thugs portray, driving around some dropped lincoln or impala. U.S. made cars have drastically changed, for example Ford models. The problem is that these U.S. companies have no access (due to the brainwashing and petty excuses) to the distribution network in Japan, whereas the Japanese have full access, and often dominate many sectors in the U.S. GM or Ford could do a joint venture, like they do in Korea or China here in Japan. Good luck on that happening.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Posted in: Ishihara backs sacked military chief for Tokyo governor See in context

I think aussie makes an excellent point. Toshiko once posted that every Japanese has a different view and not to generalize, but to the outside world, this doesnt appear to be true. Sure, they might, but they dont vocalize it like other democracys do, perhaps in order to maintain the Wa and haromony and cultural restrictions are too great. As many have posted, how many times has Ishihara been elected? Im sure this general will win as well. How many times does the same PM get elected..return to another minister post, then get relected, repeat cycle? Toshiko post long rants that I hear from many Japanese, but in the end, the same people always get elected. Its easy to complain in Japan, but impossible for anything to change..

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Rodman sings happy birthday to North Korean leader See in context

I dont think its just unique to Korea, its the same throughout Asia. many visitors think they are the "special" one, showered with praises and nice gifts, unknowingly falling victim to the oldest trick in the Asia culture tool chest of tricks..manipulation. Ive experienced it allot and seen others fall for it. Its not a good or bad thing, its just a cultural difference that is very effective in getting what one wants. Its not something thats easily spoken about, due to cultural misunderstandings, but lets not kid ourselves that is unique to NK.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Rodman sings happy birthday to North Korean leader See in context

A good cure for the Rods NK Asian fever would be to take up residence in NK like Jenkins did. Jenkins was once a fan of NK, until he seen it for what it is, now he wants nothing to do with it.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Rodman sings happy birthday to North Korean leader See in context

I think the Rod is confused, perhaps got some Asian fever. He doesnt understand the meaning of the bow in Asian culture. In Japan, when one bows to another, he assumes a subordinate position and the other individual becomes elevated, usually taking on the role of some father like figure. Something possibly copied from nature, as you can see it allot, for example many animals will roll over and show submission to the superior ranking animal. Its not so much a sign of respect, its a show of submission. Its why I never do it anymore.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Ishihara backs sacked military chief for Tokyo governor See in context

Sorry, Im not one of the sheep.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: 1st legal recreational pot industry opens in U.S. See in context

its a prototype, social engineering type experiment. Ive known people who were stoned their entire life, lets just say they were "vacant" Denver could become what vegas is to gambling and prostitution, a legal hub for weed. As long as it stays in denver, I see no issue. Its when other cities, (can you say Detroit) who are desparate for revenue start to copy it that it becomes a social ill.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Abe says it is time to revise pacifist constitution See in context

"I'd bet. He will please Japanese people by demanding US Military bases to go away without Japanese money."


Yes, that might be in the cards, but the U.S. could easily pull a similar move on Japanese companies access to U.S. markets. Your standard of living in Japan depends on exports to the U.S. Europe and China. All of your military technology came from the U.S. Many Japanese are employed on U.S. bases. I think the U.S. could easily live without a Japan, but Japan would be in a serious jam without the U.S.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Abe says it is time to revise pacifist constitution See in context


I can appreciate your response but you said "but we don't want to make the wrong decisions." So who is making the decisions for you?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Abe says it is time to revise pacifist constitution See in context

@ David,

And so we have come full circle; how does Japan become a soverign democratic country capable of its own self defense? So many different camps, but the current camp seems the 1940 solution was best, well there are facist hints of that anyway. Will Japan always require a babysiter?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Germany urges Japan to deal honestly with WWII past See in context

@ tina

your overreactive response is the typical annoying all or nothing Japanese answer I often get. I have read Iris book on the subject and have made my own objective conclusions. The numbers are irrelevant. If you would like to discuss how such beastiality and disgusting things possibly occurred, what drove men to commit such acts (hate, desparation, etc) and the effects on those who suffered, then Im game, otherwise I can get the same canned answer from any other Japanese who watched a documentary by the all knowing oyaji commentator. Apologies, but long ago I stopped listening to him.

@ Jimzo,

I get the same reaction from Chinese. Most dislike the CCP and are uninterested in hypernationalism.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

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