Japan Today

Mikey_jpn comments

Posted in: Remote-control VR robots to start working in Japanese convenience stores this summer See in context

As an ex-pat, who does not speak Japanese, will these robots be programmed to understand English and/or other languages?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context


Very well said! Exactly!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control See in context

All things man made that fly are machines. All machines are prone to have mechanical problems. As a prior military serviceman, and aircraft mechanic, I can assure everyone that no military flying “machine” will leave the ground unless 100% ready to do so. There is too much checking and re-checking to make certain the “machine” is flight worthy. It is not the fault of any US service member.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: 'Ghost in the Shell' makers defend Johansson casting See in context

This is more racism, pure and simple. The makers of the movie know what and who they want. No one should criticize or cry foul play just because one actor was chosen over another. The film creators know what the essence is that their character needs to present. Not the public and potential viewers of the finished product. IMO

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Obama: Americans will reject Trump's 'wacky' ideas See in context

Listen, is this idiot claiming that he knew all there is to know about running a country when he was elected? Sounds like it to me. To this day he "still" does not have a clue. So maybe Trump doesn't either, but it is expected once in office that any new leader surround themselves with qualified constituents. I believe the Donald will do that. America can not afford to put a lying, deceitful, overly obsessed with power idiot like HC in the drivers seat. Obama is just shaking in his boots that thinking of all that he has done being in-done once a Republican takes over. And he should be. His legacy is worthless.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Sanders urges fans to rally behind Clinton as Democratic convention heats up See in context

It would take a very long shafted shovel for the Dems to dig themselves any deeper than they are now. This whole election, on both sides, is a sham. Just wait until all the police killings, somehow instigated and encouraged by the current White House occupant, leads to EO to invoke Marshall law. No one can go out, no one can vote. No one can vote, no election. No election, the end of America!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Sharapova out of Rio Olympics as CAS delays doping decision See in context

This ban is absolutely wrong. She was taking the drug for 10 years, and then it suddenly gets added to the anti-doping list of prohibited drugs. She admitted that she took it, and I am not so sure she truly did not know it was added to the list, but still, she did not try to lie her way out. This ban is totally without warrant. I believe she will be reinstated, but the delay to the result is, IMO, a ploy intended to keep her out of the Olympics. I could be wrong.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Posted in: Bloody attacks with suspected IS links mark end of Ramadan See in context

White House National Security spokesman Ned Price said the intent of the Saudi attack was “to sow division and fear.”

Our (American) officials spread so much lies and untruths. This is a pure and simple act of killing people that are not extreme muslims. Who don't follow the extremist ideologies. And they don't care about collateral damage. And how does any white houes person know what is in the minds of the fanatics? BS to be sure.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: America's beauty hasn't faded. Has its greatness? See in context

America as I knew it growing up (graduated high school 1966) is long gone. I doubt it will ever be the same. Politics and greed running amuck is the reason. It kills me to think that the once greatest nation is doomed.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: More sponsors keep backing Sharapova despite 2-year ban See in context

So, let me get this straight. A drug which is okay today, but added to the banned substance list tomorrow, EVERY athlete needs to check the list EVERY day? BS to be sure. Maria did not do this intentionally, and she should not be punished for it. Kudos to Evian and Head and others for being smart enough to know it was an oversight. Shame on all of you thinking she needs this suspension.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Selling English: The work of a skilled chameleon See in context

Very interesting. I would love t meet this gentleman. I recently moved to Japan, probably for the remainder of my life, and would dearly love to listen to more of his story. And I'm curious about his accent too. LOL

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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