Posted in: Quake leaves deep scars on famed Noto sake brewers See in context
'Don't give up.'
Don't give up! Perhaps other nihonshu producers in other prefectures can assist the Noto sake producers get back on their feet again? I imagine it's a pretty tight group of producers regionally.
Don't give up!
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested over sexual assault, robbery of woman in her apartment See in context
Aside from the obvious mental anguish of this criminal act, the article doesn't say how she's recovering. I hope she was not physically injured, as well.
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan becomes 5th country to land spacecraft on moon See in context
Congratulations to the JAXA technicians, designers, engineers, and dreamers!
Let's hope that the problems with the solar panels are resolved today. No power = short-lived window for research. Still, despite this set-back, it's still an amazing achievement. Well done, Japan!
16 ( +21 / -5 )
Posted in: Couple in their 80s apparently freeze to death in Tokyo apartment See in context
This is such a sad story, not a way anyone should leave this Earth.
Sadly, despite public "heating centers" in my community, deaths such as this also happen here in Minnesota State USA. Here, during winters, there's no "wiggle room" with the weather; For example, today, it is a "balmy" -21 degrees C temperature, with a windchill of -35 degrees C outside. Skin freezes in 10 minutes today outside.
However, our homes, offices, and infrastructure are built to withstand these types of winters. I wonder if this couple lived in a very old home in Tokyo without adequate insulation to protect them? Rest in peace.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: High hopes for Japan's 'Moon Sniper' mission See in context
I just heard on the National Radio here in America that Japan's lunar lander was successful in its quest to land on the moon early this morning. Bravo Japan JAXA engineers and space scientists! Let's all hope the experiments fire up successfully too.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: One-third of Japan's unmarried adults under 50 have never dated See in context
I would imagine this is one factor of many which, when all are added together, becomes the demographic time-bomb that Japan is currently experiencing and well into the future.
I was married for nearly 25 years, three sons, all in their late 20's/early 30's. Two of the three are in committed, long-term, relationships, but none of them wish to marry, and certainly none of them wish to have children currently; Right now they are too committed to their careers, educations, and gasp their retirement accounts.
I understand these single Japanese in this study, however. I have found peace and happiness in being now alone, and I find great joy in this. It's given me the freedom to concentrate on my own self, and allows me to also take care of my older Mother and Father, work, and travel. I am my own "master".
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Transcripts of fatal aircraft collision reveal coast guard plane not cleared for take-off See in context
Well, there it is. Sadly, it seems the accident is pointing to human error. Miscommunication and pilot distraction are becoming more and more common in air accidents, and the facts being released from this one seems to point to this as the cause of the disaster.
More and more flights, into already incredibly busy airports still using 1970's era ground radar equipment, combined with over-worked pilots, control tower personnel, and flight crews have caused accidents in the past.
This problem is not unique in any way to Japan: There were a record number of "close calls" in and around American airports between commercial air traffic in 2023.
JAL Flight 516's entire flight crew are the heroes of the day, turning a possible catastrophe into a survivable, though still totemo kanashi, disaster. applause and praise!
12 ( +17 / -5 )
Posted in: Man arrested after assaulting father with sake bottle See in context
A nihonshu bottle to the head would really hurt, I think!
I read this, and my brain goes to the many American Western movies I've watched where this "break-a-liquor-bottle-over-the-head" saloon fight happened - Usually to the unsuspecting "good cowboy hero", who then instantly pops up off the floor and proceeds to completely pummel the "bad guy" to near death.... Ah, Hollywood.
I hope the father wasn't seriously hurt.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Escaped passengers recall tense moments in Japan Airlines jet blaze See in context
If any group of people are going to be able to follow instructions and do what is being asked of them in this situation, it's the Japanese.
Tamarama, I couldn't agree more with your comments. Although I have visited Japan many, many times since 2017, I still consistently marvel at the courtesies that the Japanese give to each other, and society in general. The Japanese strike me as VERY organized and polite people (in general). Knowing the Japanese culture, despite the emergency, I am sure that their instincts kicked in and they likely lined up politely, and exited row by row in a relatively organized, speedy, and controlled manner. I'm guessing, of course, but likely also with little pushing and shoving.
My heart goes out to the families of the brave Coast Guard crew that lost their lives in the disaster. Thankful that this disaster could have been MUCH worse than it was.
18 ( +28 / -10 )
Posted in: Earthquake shatters New Year calm in Japan See in context
God bless all those who passed away or were seriously injured in the Ishikawa quake. There is quite a bit of media exposure as well as calls for the US Military to assist the North Japan region here in America today.
Thank goodness no nuclear accident in Ishikawa/Toyama, such as that in Tohoku 2011.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Thousands of tons of dead sardines, mackerel wash ashore in northern Japan See in context
I have read that some fish species, whales, and even some mammals are especially sensitive to earthquakes; I wonder if there's something to that in this case?
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Russia withdraws from 2025 World Expo in Japan See in context
I honestly do feel sorry for the human in that mascot outfit. He/she is probably thinking "at least nobody recognizes me in this disaster! I aint adding this gig onto my resume.".
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Setsubun' bean-throwing festival held across Japan See in context
A four-year-old child choked to death at a childcare center in 2020 in Shimane Prefecture. The cause of death was suffocation due to one bean that got stuck in his throat. The bean was enlarged as it contained moisture from water.
It's sad to read about the 4 year old's death; Hopefully, the sadness from this death will cause more people to learn the "Heimlich maneuver" (sp). Perhaps if someone had realized that the boy was choking, his life could have been saved with the maneuver.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Happy birthday See in context
Omedetou tanjobi from America, Princess Aiko. May you have a long and bright future!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Man rides motorbike into lobby of Fukuoka police station; demands they crack down on rude driving See in context
Sigh, now all koban on Kyushu will have to post "Please, no vehicles inside building" signs on their automatic doors.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan sees sharp rise in drunken driving cases linked to e-scooters See in context
Here in my state of Minnesota USA, people are routinely arrested for DWI for driving all manner of vehicles while drunk: ATV's, scooters, lawn mowers, golf carts, snowmobiles, bicycles, boats, and even a stolen forklift recently.
Where there's a will, there's a way! Alcoholics need alcohol.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Young boy hit, killed by train in apparent suicide in Aichi See in context
I feel incredibly sad not only for this young child's death, but also for his parents and relatives, AND for the poor densha operator. He/she will be reliving that short moment for a very long time, I have no doubt.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Over 100,000 foreign visitors came to Japan in July for 4th month in row See in context
HAHA, how ironic this article comes out today; I just now uploaded a YouTube video of my own personal experiences with applying for a Japanese travel visa for September 1 - 30, 2022. I have been invited to a Shinto wedding of a friend in Hiroshima, as well as have been asked to help another friend with his gohan harvest in Saga-ken later in September. I don't "fit" the Japanese "tourist visa" profile - likely my application will be rejected.
If you want to laugh at my frustrations, have at it:
I didn't want to lie on the visa application; I simply want to enjoy my friend's wedding and help harvest oishi Kyushu gohan! But wow, this visa application has broken my spirit to travel again to Japan. We gaijin are not "dirty" or "contaminated with corona"! I've had 2 jabs and 2 boosters, and have not contracted corona here in America (yet). If anything, I'll actually catch corona IN TOKYO if I am allowed to travel there! LOL what a joke. VERY FRUSTRATED.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Remembering JAL crash See in context
The lanterns look beautiful.
May those who died in this crash rest in peace.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Warm water spray seat shipments reach 100M units in Japan See in context
Living in America.... Lived in Japan.... Still dreaming of my beloved Japanese TOTO washlet. One of the top five things I miss most about Japan.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese Emperor Emeritus diagnosed with heart failure, condition improved See in context
I wish the Emperor Emeritus good health and happiness in his retirement. He guided Japan through many decades of hardships and rapid change.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Sakurajima volcano in southwestern Japan erupts for 2nd day in row See in context
I've hiked all through the Kirishima/Kinkowan National Park on Sakurajima. It was so HOT (the sun), and also underfoot! That's what I remember the most. I always came away from my hiking there with a sense of awe of nature - there's just some things in the world that are completely out of human's control - an active volcano reminds us that the Earth always will win over humans every day of the year, and we humans just can't control everything around us.
I hope my friends in Kagoshima-shi are safe from the ash and gas plumes!
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan gets 120,400 foreign visitors in June, but only 252 tourists See in context
I now have now received FOUR corona shots (2 primary, 2 booster) here in the United States. I have visited Japan 6 times since 2017 - 2019 for a cumulative 125 nights, have climbed Fujisan 2x times, and completed the Kumano Kodo in Wakayama-ken. I respect the culture and people of Japan, and long for the day when I will be able to return as a solo-tourist.
I have an airline ticket to Japan purchased for August 31. I am stupid, right?
It really saddens me that Japan scape-goats gaijin for the rapidly increasing numbers of ba.5. They restrict respectful and eager gaijin such as me from traveling to Japan, literally forcing people (again, like me) to consider other travel destinations. So sad for the Japanese tourism economy!
Sorry, I'm just venting. I've cancelled this same airline ticket 5 times so far in 2020 and onward. Stupid me.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Over half a million yen in cash comes floating down river in Toyama See in context
Fish and frogs in Japanese aqueducts need "cash flow" too.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Former Prime Minister Abe dies after being shot while campaigning in Nara See in context
My heart and soul is with PM Abe's family along with all of Japan today. Such a tragedy, incredibly shocking.
Politics in Japan (at least during campaigns) will now, sadly, be forever changed.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Campaigning starts for Japan's upper house election on July 10 See in context
I see no mention of the individual parties' stances pertaining to restarting of the tourism industry, and if their parties will push to increase the numbers of us gaijin tourists back to Japan or not. As a gaijin, I hope that Japan will reopen her borders again after the election. I mean, I read recently that only 1,600 tourists have applied to travel to Japan under the "guided tours" program over the next two months. Crazy stuff.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: M5.2 quake hits in Ishikawa Prefecture; 5 injured See in context
I sincerely hope that everyone will be safe from harm from this quake, as well as its possible after-shocks. Torii and glass windows can be replaced, but human life cannot.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump administration tries to bring back fired nuclear weapons workers in DOGE reversal
Posted in: Trump administration tries to bring back fired nuclear weapons workers in DOGE reversal