Japan Today

MilesTeg comments

Posted in: Hong Kong officials denounce attack on ice hockey players at Asian Winter Games See in context

iknowallToday  09:30 pm JST

I went to a hockey game and a soccer match broke out.

Soccer players take themselves out of the game when they break a nail.

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Posted in: Hong Kong officials denounce attack on ice hockey players at Asian Winter Games See in context

JapantimeToday  09:51 am JST

I don’t think many Asian countries compete in winter sports. I think China will win every event. Also I’ve never heard of Ice hockey being played in Asia. It is usually only played in Canada and a couple of European countries.

You clearly don't know much about hockey. The majority of NHL teams are in the US. A couple of European countries? LOL! Finland, Sweden, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Austria, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, etc., all have professional leagues.

Hockey is the only sport that has a mandatory handshake line after playoff or tournament games. In over 100 yrs of the NHL, there has never been a fight during the handshake line.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Entrepreneur launches support service for international school kids in Japan See in context

ZaphodToday  06:21 pm JST


And they are operating in Japan so communications at the very least should be bilingual.

They are bilingual where necessary. All intl. schools have Japanese staff.

So all parents of Japanese kids in int'l schools can speak English? Really?

In my experience, yes. At least to some degree. And Japanese kids with zero language support from home are not accepted. None of the intl. schools I know want to operate simply as language schools. Maybe some of the startups do, I do not know.

Yet you said there was nothing weird about not providing Japanese in communications. Now you're saying that they do where necessary. It is weird to not provide at least bilingual communications when operating in Japan with Japanese clients.

That 'may' be the case for admissions but without knowing the English level of one or both parents, it's difficult to determine how much English support they can actually provide to their child, isn't it. Do they give an English test to parents? LOL!

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Posted in: Netflix drops 'Emilia Perez' star Oscar bid over offensive posts: reports See in context

Emilia Perez was released in August 2024 and there was zero buzz, no media talking about Oscars. It went completely under the radar and was an afterthought. Now all of a sudden it's somehow nominated for 13...as much as Gone with the Wind. Sounds like the Academy is politically doubling down because of the election result.

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Posted in: Entrepreneur launches support service for international school kids in Japan See in context

ZaphodToday  01:18 pm JST


A bit weird for very expensive schools in Japan to not put out communications in Japanese.

Nothing weird about it. Classes are in English, with Japanese taught as a subject. They are not addressing an audience that speaks Japanese only.

And they are operating in Japan so communications at the very least should be bilingual. So all parents of Japanese kids in int'l schools can speak English? Really?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Chelsea star Kerr says she was treated differently because of 'skin colour' See in context

KenToday  08:40 am JST

*Kerr was scared and distressed**, Mewis did the physical damage. The police was aggressive towards Kerr who also was having a panic attack and was not the one who kicked the window. By all means this officer was definitely racist and profiling*

She was drunk and belligerent. She only became scared, distressed, and a 'victim' when forced to take accountability for her actions.

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Posted in: Grammys had a few surprises up their sleeves. Here are some key moments from the show See in context

starpunkToday  03:48 pm JST

I really could care less 'what' a performer is. I like and listen to music stars of all categories pretty much.

I've seen (and met) rock stars and bands from every continent except Antarctica. And I've seen rockers who are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, any old thing. Black, white, yellow, red, brown. And yes, gays. I've seen the openly gay punk rocker Bob Mould. He's terrific and he can kick more butt than several emo 'punks' of today, any day. I've seen the B-52s too, and the Village People. However, since the Village People sold themselves out to the Antichrist Traitor Don last week, they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine! To me that's like playing in the infamous Sun City resort during South Africa's apartheid era, you have to stand against something, I stand against fascism. I spit on the fascist pig!

LGBTQ people are in every occupation, incl. entertainment. That really means nothing to me. Little Richard was one of the first in rock'n'roll and he made an enormous influence and impact. If I like what I hear and see, alright. If I don't, I don't. There are no labels or categories in talent.

The punk/new wave revolution opened the doors for more women in rock'n'roll. It's too bad that the scene is dominated by these autotuned lip-synching gyrating sex robots with nothing to say.

Q: Who's your favorite Spice Girl?

A: Ringo!

Remember that stupid act? Does anybody even want to?

It's all pretty much what George Harrison once described as 'egotistical rubbish' and 'not very interesting'.


I heard today that the 'Only Grammy That Mattered' went to the Rolling StonesJustice!

It's hilarious! Was Gaga talking about transgender musical performers? Nope. Was she referring to transgenders in the music industry? Nope. Was she making an irrelevant, political statement unrelated to music at all? Yes.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Grammys had a few surprises up their sleeves. Here are some key moments from the show See in context

*“Trans people are not invisible.** Trans people deserve love. The queer community deserves to be lifted up. Music is love," Lady Gaga said.*

They're not invisible. They're just less than 1% of the population.

Beyonce wins Best Country Album of the Year.......LOL!

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Posted in: Oscar-hopeful 'Emilia Perez' star in row over Islam, George Floyd insults See in context

Hypocrisy of the far left.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan See in context

bass4funkToday  08:27 am JST

Typical Trump - providing idiotically simplistic answers to highly complex problems.

Really now? So what would be the best answer or better yet, what would be the best solution, you got the floor.

This premise of relocating them has been proposed from the very beginning and it clearly won't work. They aren't going anywhere and any rational person with even basic knowledge of the situation knows that. It's a tired, meaningless and insipid response that is nothing new. This is his brilliant idea? LOL!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Marianne Faithfull, British singer and pop icon, dies at 78 See in context

It took some time but she became a legit artist with her breakthrough album Broken English. The title track, Ballad of Lucy Jordan, Why'd Ya Do it, etc., cemented her place in British rock. Much more than just Mick's muse.

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Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

Ricky Kaminski13Today  01:42 pm JST

Captain Kirk & Mr. Spock broke the Prime Directive on numerous occasions and in most cases the result was positive. In about half the scenarios they were also dealing with alien species. Not the case here is it. Dr, Spock was a pediatrician.

Hehe, love it. A pediatrician of all things. Interesting. Live long and prosper! Will stand by the original point. Japan gets to decide about Japan. We are just guests here enjoying the show. The U.N needs to stop thinking it has a manual and a formula that works for all, cause it clearly doesn't. Remember Emperor Palpatine the Sith lord! See what I did there? May the force be with yaz.

I haven't watched any Star Wars drivel for the last couple of decades so no but it's probably pointless as well.

How about not making an analogy that contradicts your point. LOL!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

Ricky Kaminski13Today  12:25 pm JST

What was the Star Trek ultimate directive? Non-interference. Even if Japan is wrong on this one, and personally I think it'd be ok to change the laws regarding male-only imperial succession rule. It's not up to us nor the U.N. to decide how, when, where and what Japan does to steer their culture and traditions. Remember this is the oldest living royal family known to mankind!

Captain Kirk and Doctor Spock inherently knew that outside interference most likely backfires, and can do more harm than good, something that these social justice crusaders don't seem to have the humility to understand.

What is interesting here is that it's unusual for Japan to take such dramatic actions as cutting ties and funding to a U.N-related body! Can we read the tea leaves and suggest that they may even be emboldened by the waves of self-determination and resetting the game from the states? I wouldn't be surprised if there is a link here and congratulate them for taking back their own destiny if that turns out to be the case. They will do things in their own way, in their own time. We should respect that.

Captain Kirk & Mr. Spock broke the Prime Directive on numerous occasions and in most cases the result was positive. In about half the scenarios they were also dealing with alien species. Not the case here is it. Dr, Spock was a pediatrician.

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Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

TokyoLivingToday  09:35 am JST

Excellent, well done Japan..

Let Japan be Japan..

Then don't be a member of a UN women's right panel. Simple.

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Posted in: 'Love for humanity': Japan's unpaid parole officers See in context

Abe234Today  07:34 pm JST

MilesTegToday  04:26 pm JST

These dedicated and giving 'volunteers' are being taken advantage of by the gov't and system. Absolutely ridiculous to not pay for such a job and it ss a job not a volunteer activity. 

The term 'volunteer' has been turned into a farce. People and children cleaning JR train stations is considered a volunteer activity in Japan. Since when is volunteering supposed to reduce the operational expenses of private corporations? The most common volunteer activity in Japan is garbage cleanup; an activity that lacks any imagination or sustainability. Corporations have no idea about the actual benefits of good corporate volunteering.

Right and everything has to become payed for, everyone complains that’s it’s some one else’s job. And what’s wrong with taking pride in cleaning your town. Look at some towns in Europe. Dog poop everywhere , rats expanding, towns full of garbage, and people just “dropping litter” everywhere.

The volunteers get all their expenses paid for and they do it because it gives them a sense of purpose, and sense of community, and value, and are you happy to PAY MORE? In your taxes, So you can pay them? And what happens when the government decides to cut the services? And not support people.

I used to think like you about kids cleaning the school but I come to realize kids learn to look after their neighborhood, their school, and to understand if they make a mess someone has to clean it up. Instead of national service, there is nothing wrong with giving something back to the society in a form of social service.

maybe you live here and can see how clean your place is, and how safe it is. Kudos to people like her, they make the world a better place.

A parole officer shouldn't be a volunteer activity. It's a professional job that people need to be paid for as your life can be at risk. The article clearly stated that a 60yrs old volunteer was stabbed to death last May.

Our taxes are supposed to be used to keep the streets clean. If the streets are dirty it's because the gov't chooses not to direct tax money to clean them more but rather spend on areas that they think are more important such as uselessly sending facemasks that nobody asked for or wanted at the end of covid. The resources are there. The streets could be cleaner if the gov't wanted them to be. I don't give a crap about Europe (pun intended) and we're talking about Japan.

I never said anything about students cleaning their own schools. I mentioned that students and adults are cleaning privately owned train stations owned by corporations who have the money to clean them themselves. If you think that's appropriate use of volunteers, you have no idea.

Well-thought out, cause related volunteering that benefits both sides can make a huge difference. It's only possible in Japan right now because the crime rate is low and most crimes nonviolent. Many predict changes in this area and when it does happen, these volunteer parole officers will be unsustainable and the gov't will need to spend money an area that needed to be paid for in the first place.

I started my post by saying that these volunteers are dedicated and giving and that the fault lies with the gov't. Yet you somehow turn that around and make unfounded assumptions that I don't acknowledge them.

And grow up and stop using bold. It doesn't make your point anymore credible.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 'Love for humanity': Japan's unpaid parole officers See in context

These dedicated and giving 'volunteers' are being taken advantage of by the gov't and system. Absolutely ridiculous to not pay for such a job and it ss a job not a volunteer activity.

The term 'volunteer' has been turned into a farce. People and children cleaning JR train stations is considered a volunteer activity in Japan. Since when is volunteering supposed to reduce the operational expenses of private corporations? The most common volunteer activity in Japan is garbage cleanup; an activity that lacks any imagination or sustainability. Corporations have no idea about the actual benefits of good corporate volunteering.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Les Paul owned by guitar virtuoso Jeff Beck auctioned for over £1 mil See in context

The 'experts' on JapanToday couldn't find a photo of the specific guitar let alone a Les Paul. Yet there are photos of it everywhere recently. Incredible journalism and photography standards. LOL!

I just hope it was bought by someone who'll play it.

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Posted in: Ichiro Suzuki, CC Sabathia and Billy Wagner elected to Baseball Hall of Fame See in context

Ichiro also won 10 golden gloves. Excellent fielder and had a killer arm. Try for an extra base hit at your risk with Suzuki in the outfield. He threw some lasers! Complete player.

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Posted in: Is obesity a disease? Sometimes but not always, experts decide See in context

Yes sometimes weight gain can be physiological in nature or the result of a medical procedure and thus not as controllable. But this is a very small minority and I question genetic factors as well. Just cause your mother and grandmother were obese, doesn't mean you'll be also.

In the vast majority, they are behavioral factors and lifestyle choices; decisions people make like overeating, eating unhealthy food, and not exercising.

Attempting to call obesity an illness is only to take the focus away from behavioral/lifestyle choices and make it appear that they have no control and thus it's inevitable. I'm severely fat because of my family history and because I have an illness that results in me not being able to control how much or what I eat and that I'm unable to exercise. When the percentage of obesity increases and more become obese, there's a tendency to create sympathy for themselves and remove any semblance of personal accountability.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump names Mel Gibson, Jon Voight, Sylvester Stallone as Hollywood 'ambassadors' See in context

Once upon a time Stallone shocked with his low budget but excellent Rocky, Gibson directed Apocalypto (stunning film), and Voight starred in the cult classics Midnight Cowboy. and the Champ But now all three guys are resting on their laurels. Haven't done anything significant or noteworthy in decades. So kind of a perfect fit as Trump has no laurels.

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Posted in: David Lynch, visionary filmmaker behind 'Twin Peaks' and 'Mulholland Drive,' dies at 78 See in context

wanderlustToday  11:09 am JST

Loved his interpretation of Dune - it would probably be called steampunk nowadays - though he considered it a failure. A very talented director and producer.

Being a Lynch and Dune fan, I so wanted the film to be good but alas.....it was a complete mess. I guess there is a loose connection between Dune and Steampunk that Lynch tried to emphasize visually as AI is outlawed in the Dune universe. Lynch even pulled an Alan Smithee on the TV version of Dune and had his name removed from it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: David Lynch, visionary filmmaker behind 'Twin Peaks' and 'Mulholland Drive,' dies at 78 See in context

One of my favorite directors. Nobody made films like him. Personal fave was Mulholland Drive. Sad day.

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Posted in: Music streams hit nearly 5 trillion in 2024. Women pop performers lead charge in U.S. See in context

starpunkToday  03:07 pm JST

This is no indication that these 'artists' are any good. Either they're gyrating lip-synching sex robots or they're whining prissy-miss diva pissy-pants crybabies screeching, 'You screwed me over this, you screwed me over that! Eee! Eee! Eeeeeeee-yeeee! Eee! Eee! Eeeeeeee-yeeee! Eee! Eee! Eeeeeeee-yeeee!' ... ad infinitum.

*I've seen (and met) some good female musicians. I've seen + met the J-punk lady trio Shonen Knife 5 times, I've seen Chrissy Hyndes, Debbie Harry, Exene Cervenka, Kate Pierson and Cindy Wilson (B-52s), L7, Joan Jett and more. And last year I saw the sister duo Heart for the second time.*

*All these females stars and others I listed have some things that these 'pop tarts' don't - smarts, originality, creativity, strong wills, and TALENT. And they have the mileage records to prove it.*

I've listened to about half those songs and none of them do anything for me. Live shows are now about twerking, exposed butts, and auto-tune.

Good list you made but I'd exclude Shonen Knife and Joan Jett. Just my honest opinion.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Rock icon Jeff Beck's guitars are going on display in London before they are put up for auction See in context

I had my eye on his 54 Les Paul when I was a teen. It’s referred to as the ‘Oxblood’ for its unique color. and is one of the most sought after Les Pauls also because he switched primarily to Stratocasters afterwards. If I remember correctly there are some nice photos of it on the back cover of the album Wired. Alas, I think it’ll be out of my price range.

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Posted in: Japan 'poop master' gives back to nature See in context

I get what he's trying to impress upon people but it's just too risky, unsanitary as well as impractical.

Maybe start on a smaller scale like composting your organic garbage if you have a yard and enough space.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 8 students injured in hammer attack at university campus in Tokyo suburbs See in context

Geeter MckluskieToday  12:13 pm JST

finding a hammer, and attacking people speaks more of an unplanned attack based on reaction.

*"finding a hammer" involves looking for a hammer as there are no hammers in a classroom (unless it was a class in carpentry...lol). Ergo, she had to have** brought the hammer to class with the intent **of using it, or she left the classroom to find a weapon then return. Either way, there was intent on her part.*

The article clearly stated: used a hammer she found on campus.

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Posted in: 8 students injured in hammer attack at university campus in Tokyo suburbs See in context

Geeter MckluskieToday  10:39 am JST

*used a hammer she found on campus**.*

That makes any difference? She smashed it into the skull of a guy who was just sitting taking a class before wielding it on others...because she was "frustrated"

It makes a huge difference. If she brought the hammer from home, it indicates premeditation; she had intent and planned it. Losing control, finding a hammer, and attacking people speaks more of an unplanned attack based on reaction. Premeditation can be the difference between murder and manslaughter.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Posted in: Survivors patrol as looters prey on fire-wrecked Los Angeles See in context

HawkToday  08:19 pm JST

I remember watching the LA riots in horror on the news in the early 90s and sympathising with Korean-Americans protecting their businesses from looters and street trash.

Somewhat targeted looting, considering the shooting in the back of the head of an unarmed black 15-year-old girl for allegedly stealing a $2 bottle of orange juice from a Korean owned store, and the subsequent probationary sentence.

Still, two wrongs don't make a right.

There were lot of factors involved. The girl put the drink in her backpack. The 50yrs old woman working the store alone naturally assumed she was stealing as shoplifting and other incidents occurred often. The woman grabbed the bag of the girl which was a mistake. The girl who was much bigger and stronger, punched the woman twice and tried to leave the store which was a mistake. The woman shot the girl in the back of the head. The biggest mistake.

The Korean community and the black community in that LA area are as different as you can get. One side is law-abiding, hard working, family focused, and extol education. They're also hardened people who have lived through war and almost all men have undergone mandatory military training. They could never rely on the police for protection.

Little has changed. There's a shoplifting epidemic in the US forcing many retailers to close. In CA, shoplifting is now a felony because it's so out of control.

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Posted in: Survivors patrol as looters prey on fire-wrecked Los Angeles See in context

SpeedToday  03:30 pm JST

*I remember during the Rodney King riots in LA having lots of looters. My buddy's brothers and dad sat on top of their store with a rifle and handguns warning away thieves. **They were in Torrance so not even in the middle of the riots but looters were going hogwild nearby too.*

I've also noticed a lot of people having an unsympathetic attitude toward the Palisades and Malibu destruction by many people since they are owned by the very wealthy. The disenchantmet of the income gap between the have and have-nots is real and growing.

I must say that I'm impressed with the very low number of looters during disasters here in Japan and you know we have a lot of them. There are some looters but not nearly as many as there are in the US and many other places.

People still talk in admiration of armed, rooftop Koreans who had to defend their property and businesses themselves because the cops were nowhere in sight.

Considering the huge numbers of LA homeless and the Hollywood elite who care nothing about them yet demand donations from regular folk the way Oprah and the Rock did during the Maui wildfires and where they have luxury homes, the lack of sympathy is understandable.

But the threat and level of looting is crazy.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Raspy-voiced hit machine Rod Stewart turns 80 See in context

The F-a-c-e-s and the J-e-f-f B--e-c-k Group.

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