Posted in: Toyama man arrested for stealing earthquake collection box See in context
Here in Australia after the big floods, looters were everywhere, many were caught, and as usual with our weak system they got a slap on the wrist. To me to steal during or after a crisis is the lowest form of human life, and they should automatically be jailed, and have the key thrown away.
I would be very very very surprised if this person, that they caught, has anything at all to do with this crime, if any...
10 or 15 years ago, I would have assumed that the J-Cops, got their man, but after seeing these people work, up close and personal, I know better than to trust them for anything more, than directions to the nearest train station...
Let's hope to God, that he's actually the right guy, and not just some guy, that happened to be walking by the wrong place, at the wrong time...
They don't mention anything about physical evidence, other than he fits the description, on the surveillance tape...
How about some finger prints...?
How about getting that warrant to search his house...?
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Posted in: Man held over death of girlfriend's 2-year-old daughter in 2009 See in context
Unbelievable..... Who would hit a 2-year girl on the head...?
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Posted in: Tomb of the Unknowns See in context
I am really surprised to see this...
It might very well be their response to the U.S. Ambassador's visit to Hiroshima.
But I think he must really want something else...
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Posted in: Unemployed 30-yr-old man arrested for kidnapping 5-yr-old girl in Chiba See in context
I think it's brilliant police work based on the result that they did find the perpetrator and the girl. Much better than your country (hint: milk cartons)
If this is brilliant police work, what-ever country you are from must be sad...
Hint... Chiba isn't metropolitan downtown Tokyo.
They sure leave out a lot of details...
The girl’s mother came out of the supermarket and spotted the pair leaving in a car.
The mother saw the two getting into a car... So she must have told the police something about the car right...?
I'd bet money she gave them at least a partial description, and direction, if not, license plate number, and make and model... But JT (or the cops) conveniently leave that out of story... Might not make them look too intelligent to release that kind of detail.
I bet you can look online and find stories of police (in the U.S.) catching in the act, child abductions, especially when the parent or someone sees a young girl or boy being taken in to a car... There was a story not even a couple months back, where police, were able to spot the car within minutes, after a child was abducted...
It's the ones that no-one sees the child being abducted that usually have a bad ending, but it's quite the opposite, when a witness is able to contact police, within minutes of a child abduction.
JN police aren't trained for this... That's why this kind of in-experienced, crappy at best, incompetent at worst, police work continues to happen... When you make the bicycle registration enforcement, the cops top priority, how can you expect these people to do anything at all well, except stop people on bikes...
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Posted in: SDF member flashes staff at drive-through restaurant in Saitama See in context
All I can say is, Your life, work, company must be Sad JT, for this to be a Top News Item...
Moderator: What would you have chosen as the top story for this morning?
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Posted in: Unemployed 30-yr-old man arrested for kidnapping 5-yr-old girl in Chiba See in context
approached the girl at around 6:40 p.m. on Monday
Disappears at 6:40pm...
A police search found the pair in a business hotel at dawn on Tuesday
Found basically 12 hours later...?
This is when you absolutely don't need clown cops...
How long did it take to arrive at the scene...?
Unbelievable.... Thank god she's alive, but how long does it take cops to show up..? They only have a Koban every 200 meters...
By the grace of God, she's alive today, but probably scarred for life...
And who leaves a 5-year girl alone outside in a parking lot for 30 minutes..? Incompetent parents... That mother should be charged with child endangerment... Or does that make too much "Common-Sense....?"
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Posted in: China's Zhang says Bale to star in Nanjing project See in context
So it's fiction.
Yes, those exact people, with the exact names and faces, probably didn't exit... But it's like the movie Titanic with DiCaprio...
The actors, names, faces probably have no connection at all with what happened, but like the movie Titanic, there really was a massacre, with thousands of Japanese troops raping, pillaging and torturing, just as the movie Titanic depicts a ship named "Titanic" which sinks in the North Atlantic and causes 1200 hundred people to die.
But history tells of a story more closely resembling that of "Schindler's List," than that of Titanic, in which upwards of 300,000 Chinese were murdered by Japanese troops..
Yes, there probably was no priest that resembled Christian Bale, But Sorry to hit you with the Reality of what Japan REALLY did during WW2 and the 30+ years leading up ww2...
Sorry to break your image of Japan as some Righteous Victim of WW2, when in Fact you were a prime, if not the worst perpetrator...
Why "way too kind"? Smacks of severe prejudice, after all not every single IJA soldier sent to China was a monster. It's a simple matter of statistics.
Unbelievable.... Some people....
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Posted in: Three Fukushima prison guards punished for bullying young coworker See in context
Three prison guards working at Fukushima prison have been punished for bullying a junior coworker
Gee... And to think in the REAL civilized world, they just fire you...
"No, no, no... Don't do that again Toshi-kun...! Dame Toshi-kun.."
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Posted in: Lawyer's widow disputes police version of husband's murder See in context
Tsuya had lost his life even though police officers
This should read, "Tsuya had lost his life due to negligence on the part of the police officers." PERIOD...
Best of luck to her...
I hope she prevails...
It's only through people like her that change will ever come about... Maybe some day, they will actually train J-Cops as real police are trained...
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Posted in: Your shout See in context
They would be much better served protesting their government to make a formal apology for all the acts of atrocities committed against China, Korea, and the rest of Asia, instead of taking this arrogant righteous victim attitude....
But that's why common-sense is so UN-common in Japan...
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Posted in: U.S., South Korea begin war games See in context
China calls for talks as Korea tension builds
Th latest news is that China has called for emergency 6-party talks, considering now, China has to contend with a Carrier in it's backyard, since, there is no way, the U.S. will bend over for China's wishes, this time and not play in the Yellow sea. Which by the way, several times earlier in the year, the U.S. gave into China's demands...
But there's no way, that's going to happen these days, not unless China does more than, blame both Korea's, for the North's attack... So having a carrier in your backyard, does get China to act more responsibly... Not too mention, they don't need thousands of N.Korean refugees fleeing over into China, if N.Korea does finally start another war... But I suppose YuriOtani, is just waiting for the chance to join in the Fight against those "Imperialistic Running Dogs of Wall Street..." ha ha ha ha...
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Posted in: Japan searches for crew of Taiwan cargo ship See in context
i like the article in the sense that it shows that the Japanese coast guard is unbiased towards other countries, as long as you follow the rules
That's ridiculous...
Every Single country in the world, except for maybe Somalia and a couple others, where there civil is unrest, will help and provide rescue or assistance if needed... It would be unheard of, for an industrialized nation like Japan, NOT to render assistance, to anyone at sea, regardless of Nationality...
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Posted in: Hotel's safety policy under fire after woman employee molested See in context
The woman said employees have never received any safety manual or been told what to do about troublesome guests.
Gee, here's an unconventional idea...
How about calling the police....?
Oh, I forgot these clown cops you have, are more likely to hold you down while, while someone else, either stabs you, takes an indecent picture, or gropes you...
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Posted in: China says Japan distorted facts in island dispute; no meeting between Kan, Wen See in context
What planet do you live on? It has alot to do with "us". Japanese control of the islands keeps China's territorial expansion in the East China Sea in check, a manouver they are pulling to challenge he U.S. 7th Fleet. China's "disputes" with Vietnamn, Phillipines all are part of China's agenda of controlling the sealanes that supply the democratic Asian nations with oil. All these nations are relying on "us" to provide a counter balance to China's militrary threat. Which "us" are you refering to?
Oh, so according to your logic, the u.s. should go along with Japan's claim of the "Kuril Islands" island as well..? Oh, and let's not forget the "Dokdo" islands too... Oh, but let's not stop there, there are probably half a dozen other islands that Japan makes some claim against...
I am NO big Fan of China, but the U.S. needs to stay the Hell out of these kind of petty disputes... We sure as hell didn't do much, when Japan had a REAL problem, with North Korea abducting people...
This is a problem Japan needs to come to terms with, they've made their bed, over the last 65 years, and now they need to deal with these neighbors. I am not even going to get started on the reasons Japanese feel so strongly about these islands... If you've lived in Japan for any matter of time, Japan not only distorts history, but has encouraged the sentiment that Japan was a Victim of WW2...
And When you've actually served your country, then you can make statements about it... Are you another, "Dick Cheney," 5 deferment, "Chicken-Hawk...?" Have you actually served, or are you just saying, Do as I say, not as I do...?
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Posted in: China says Japan distorted facts in island dispute; no meeting between Kan, Wen See in context
Beijing also slammed U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for speaking out about the territorial dispute
The U.S. needs to stay the hell out of this matter, it has absolutely nothing to do with us... Shame on her, Hillary... The democrats have been picking fights, that have nothing to do with our national priorities... And they're going to lose the house in a few days... Good for them....
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Posted in: Hooters to open first Japan restaurant in Tokyo on Oct 25 See in context
As for the famous Hooter girls, Tanabe said the company was not emphasizing the overt sex appeal of the girls,
Yea.... Right... No need for that...
Why go to a restaurant to see women scantly clad young women, when you can just go to the office...?
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Posted in: I protest See in context
gaijininfo: "Why are Japanese allowed to march but Chinese aren't?"
Huh...? As much as I disagree with just about every-single Anti-Common-Sense Law Japan has (and believe me, there are thousands..)
Practically anyone can hold a March or Rally, in Japan, if they file the proper paper-work with city hall and the local police.. And believe me, just come to Yokohama some-time on a Sunday or Holiday, and odds are you will catch a glimpse of one of their many wacko-groups, including all 10-members, marching with bull-horns and Japanese Navy flags, surrounded by 10-times that many cops...
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Posted in: Marauding monkey captured in Shizuoka See in context
City workers and police drove the monkey out with a spray and then forced it into a cage.
And just how many Keystones did this involve...?
I wonder if they got the "Right" Monkey into the cage...?
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Posted in: Knife found near scene of Kobe high school boy's murder See in context
This is exactly why you need a professional police force, not a bunch of Bicycle Keystones...
This crime will go Unsolved unless this wacko decides to turn himself in...! PERIOD!!!!
How long did it take them to catch kid criminal who strangled that Australian Teacher...? Like 3 years...? And They knew everything about him, his picture, his parents, everything...! And it still took 3 years...
Good Luck, I just hope no-one else is hurt by this wacko. Who knows, maybe He'll turn himself in...?
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Posted in: Blow-up See in context
Do you have anything positive to say about the country that gave you everything... The right to publish such garbage... Do you think North Korea gave that you that freedom..? Was it China...?
Only from the mind of an 8-year old..... JT that is....
You're welcome JT...
Moderator: Please post something more pertinent.
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Posted in: Rally for Senkakus See in context
I wonder if these are the same people who protest and want the US bases out of Japan.
You can take that to the bank!
These are the same Flags, Banners, and Posters shipped up from Okinawa, you just have to flip them over, the other side says: "Go Home America!"
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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context
As for protesting I again suggest you have a little stroll over towards the Japanese government offices on any given day of the week and you will see plenty of protesters, criticizing the government on everything from health care to foreign policy.
Fair enough, you're point is made, I am certainly not an expert on domestic japan politics, but it just seems quite peculiar, that the only ones that make the news, involve protesting the U.S., or something related to the U.S.
As for your children being taught all about the atrocities, although I am bit skeptical of this this statement, you should consider yourself and family lucky enough, to have found a school or district that will teach them anything at all regarding events in the 1900 ~ 1945 range. Good for you, and good for them.
My point isn't to call all Japanese a bunch of war criminals, it would be quite a stretch to say there might be more than a few hundred even alive today, that participated in those such atrocities, but rather to call attention to the fact, cause and effect, what happens to a society that fails to learn from history...
The Vietnam war is taught in American history books and schools, most american's other than a few neocon's like Bush, Cheney and some other war monger, draft dodgers, truly believe the war was bad thing to do, hence, you will see thousands and thousands of protesters, every time, the military does anything.... And I mean, literally anything....
Bottom line, Japan does not clearly understand what kind of relations it created 60+ years ago, if they did, You would never read about incidents like this, they would never happen. Those islands are close enough to geographical China (albeit Taiwan) to spit on.
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Posted in: U.S. lawmakers pressure Japan on child custody rights See in context
Republican Rep. Chris Smith said, “Americans are fed up with our friend and ally Japan and their pattern of noncooperation.”
Couldn't have said it better myself...
Now as they, Japan, "Time to stand the xxxx by....!"
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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context
Problem with Japanese Government is the lack of consistent strong leadership and communication skills with neighboring countries.
Well. that's one of them...
Another one is the fact that Japanese have no recollection of history greater than 50 years ago, 70% of the Japanese population, still view Japan as a victim of WW2.... WHY..? Because Japan doesn't teach REAL History and what really happened from around 1900 ~ 1945!
If they did, you would never read about BS incidents like this...
This is the major reason Japan has such problems with ALL their neighbors.
Funny thing too, you never see any protests in Japan, where the people are protesting the Government, UNLESS it's about the Japanese Government helping the U.S.
But where's the outrage over the government acting like idiots in this instance...?
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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context
Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats
Unbelievable.... And the hits just keep on coming...
Japan! How about just leaving the matter alone...?
Patrol boats are NOT suppose to be aggressors, the are public safety officers... Even if the Chinese wacko captain, intentionally tried to hit you, you're NOT suppose to play bumper cars, with large ships.
Why doesn't Japan just be the bigger party in this dual of wacko's....
Both countries are acting like a bunch of spoiled rotten kids... No harm, No Foul, everyone is ok, nobody was killed, just let it go Japan... You ran amuck with your military 60+ years ago all over Asia, everyone else, except Japan, remembers exactly what you did!
Here's a novel idea, how about showing the world, Japan can be the bigger, better person in the dual of knit-whits, and just leave it alone...
This is about as silly as Japan demanding the Northern Islands back from Russia... You wreck havoc all across Asia, raping and pillaging, not giving a damn about anyone else, but then after things don't go your way and you end up being beat, you want everything back the way it was when you started... TOO BAD! Grow UP!!! You made your bed, now you have to learn to live with the world around you, and all the sore feelings.
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Posted in: Japan urges calm after China severs contacts See in context
“We call for calm and prudent action by China in order not to further escalate the situation,”
Here we go again...
60+ years ago, Japan goes on a "Blitzkrieg" across Asia, literally no country within a 6000 mile radius escaped Japan's War Machine...
But then after they're finally forced to surrender, here they are...
Japan's playing their games again...
They want their cake, and they want to eat it too...
Japan needs to just shut it's damn mouth.. Not to mention, you have a country full of people, that have no clue the kind of damage and hell you perpetrated on the rest of Asia...
You guys are living on borrowed time... But you're so blind, you think you're in the right.... What a country...
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Posted in: Former U.S. POWs want Japanese companies to apologize See in context
Japan, strangely enough, is void of any reference to WW2, other than the memorials and monuments, dedicated to themselves, i.e... Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a kind of "Halo of Righteousness."
They are lucky they, they even heard them acknowledge it happened... A apology will never happen...
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Posted in: Man dies after beating in Fukushima Park See in context
Yea... Where are the cops now...?
Do you think for a split second, that they are going to find out who-ever did this...?
Not a fricken chance, unless they turn themselves in, it will be one of the hundreds of violent cases, that goes unsolved...
Is it really worth expending two of three police stations, to arrest 7 clerks, who were told put some labels on eels?
These are the kinds of cases that NEED to be solved, NOT harassing Obasan's and Salary-men on bicycles...
But you see, they've never had to solve any cases that require any critical thinking, so it's a vicious circle, and it will continue...
Yes, it's Yakuza, or you would have read about a group of 5 bozozoku's turning themselves in, or some construction guy, blaming it on too much to drink..
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Posted in: Guidebook of Tokyo restaurants where you’re allowed to smoke See in context
Are they joking...?
It should be a hand book of where non-smokers can find a place to not have someone blowing smoke in their face...
You can't walk 5-meters down a sidewalk or street without being in the wake of someone's smoke contrails!
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Posted in: Portugal pulverizes North Korea 7-0 as N Korea broadcasts game live See in context
Those N.Korean players might as well skip their return flight, and try to find asylum some place, they are almost certain to executed for getting beat that bad, when they get back home....
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Posted in: Trump tells prayer breakfast he wants to root out 'anti-Christian bias' and urges 'bring God back'
These nodding buffoons in the Senate will be held responsible for everything that follows.
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: Trump tells prayer breakfast he wants to root out 'anti-Christian bias' and urges 'bring God back'
Now lets defund the FAA and get rid of the air traffic controllers, amirite?
Posted in: Trump blames 'obsolete' U.S. air traffic control system for plane and chopper collision near DC