Japan Today

missray comments

Posted in: As U.S. poised to restrict abortion, other nations ease access See in context

Why is it that men feel that they are responsible for deciding what a woman should do with her body? If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, then the government should make all hospital costs for giving birth to a child totally free, and take full responsibility for helping mothers of that child until they are an adult, because simply being "alive" doesn't equate to "living". Living in perpetual poverty, neglect, and abuse doesn't mean you're living a healthy life.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Posted in: 3 dead, 6 wounded in shooting at Michigan high school See in context

It's just way too easy for a kid to get their hands on a gun in the U.S. And as long as that continues, these mass shootings will go on and on and on. Americans say that the gun is not the problem. OK, then if it's not the easy access to guns, then it must be that the people handling these weapons must be really psycho and have no value for human life.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Acquitted and in demand, Rittenhouse ponders what's next See in context

They weren't being chased across a carpark, cornered and lunged at, being swung at with skateboards or having Glocks pointed at them by the protesters.

That is because they exercised good judgment not to incite others to attack them, even though they were also carrying guns. Those other gun-carrying people said so themselves that this kid stood out by being alone and acting nervous and funny.

> So, had everyone from the parade stays home, no one would have been hit by that SUV.

How is that remotely relevant? Are you saying that the SUV had every right to be there mowing down people? No. The SUV had no right to bust through a barricade. Just like Kyle had no right to place himself in a situation like that in the manner that he did and not expect to be met with resistance.

You don't go up to protesters waving around your gun and expect that others won't take offense to that. He should have known that shooting dead one person will cause others to deem him an active shooter and do everything they can to take him down before he kills others. Maybe in Japan, bystanders will simply run away from an attacker. But in America, most Americans would help others out, or try to take down someone attacking them.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Posted in: Acquitted and in demand, Rittenhouse ponders what's next See in context

Bottom line is this: Had my child come to me to ask me if they could go to a riot armed with a rifle, I would say a definite no. I as a parent have a duty and obligation to not put my child in harm's way. While he may have had a right to 'defend' himself, he had no right being there in the first place. Placing guns in stupid people's hands is foolhardy. No good can come of it. He now has to live with the guilt of such actions.

It's like going to Africa and coming across a lion in their own habitat, and you decide to shoot the lion in self-defense because they are simply defending their home. Had you not been there, there would have been no need for 'self-defense'. Simple as that.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Posted in: Acquitted and in demand, Rittenhouse ponders what's next See in context

Well, he may need to raise a lot of money for his impending civil cases coming up. He may have been deemed "not guilty" in his criminal case, but that does not mean he is totally "innocent". In civil cases, the burden of proof will shift to the defense in trying to prove that his presence in Kenosha, carrying a gun, in now way contributed to the deaths of two men, and injury to one. He must prove in a civil court that those two men would have still died had he not been there in the first place.

In any case, I still can't get my head around the fact that there were so many other adults who were carrying guns there and they had the restraint and training not to shoot at any of the protesters, yet this kid (probably due to his lack of experience and skill with handling a gun in a situation such as that), did the damage he did, and yet is not going to be held in some way accountable for that fact.

I'm wondering how other legal gun-carrying citizens feel that even though they follow the proper restraint and rules in wielding a gun, and never use it so flippantly, or put their lives in a situation where it deems that they have to use it in so-called "self-defense" which is not proportionate, they are not deemed as "heroes". Yet, here this kid is getting all the glory for putting himself in a situation he neither had the experience, nor common sense to understand how to deal with a situation without resorting to the worst possible outcome.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

Posted in: Jury finds Rittenhouse not guilty in Kenosha shootings See in context

Of course. Not surprised. This sends the message that free speech is dead. Vigilantes can now shoot willynilly at protesters all they like.

Also, I'm sure that this murderer and the judge went drinking together after this verdict to celebrate their victory. How pathetic.

-20 ( +17 / -37 )

Posted in: Jury to get to weigh some lesser charges in Rittenhouse case See in context

So let me get this straight. This kid claims that he had a right to shoot and kill because he felt his life threatened. Then by that logic, since he was brandishing a gun in a place he had no right to be with a gun in the first place, then anyone who saw him with his weapon, also had a right to shoot and kill him because he could have been deemed a threat to those people. He is just lucky that others had more restraint than he did. Heck, if I was there and saw him with his big ole gun, I would automatically consider him as the threat, thus giving me the right to take him out before he hurts anyone else.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Braves overpower Astros to win World Series See in context

Congratulations to the Braves. I'm so glad that those cheating Astros didn't win. Yes, they may not have cheated this year, but the stain of years past lives on.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Train attacker says he targeted Tokyo in hopes of increasing kill count See in context

Hattori was quoted as saying he "wanted to kill people and be given the death penalty" and that he had been "thinking from around June of being sentenced to death."

So he wanted to die, but was so afraid of catching Covid that he kept wearing a mask? He's not only a lunatic and evil, but also stupid.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Suspect in Tokyo train attack says he adores Batman villain Joker See in context

Less people would have been injured if they had done so! Luckily no one died…if there were deaths then the train company themselves would have been looking at this issue of why the doors weren’t opened sooner in a life and death situation!

Actually, a friend of mine who was on that train said that the incident happened far from the driver, so the driver couldn't immediately be aware of the incident. And no one was hurt because the doors didn't immediately open. All injuries occurred in the vicinity of the criminal. Now, if the criminal had continued to chase them to where they were trapped and continued to stab more people, then it would have been an issue.

I place the sole blame on this lunatic. He wanted to death penalty. I know this may sound harsh, but he took the coward's way of hurting others rather than doing it to himself. If he wanted to die, then he could without the cost of hurting other people. Don't try to shift blame of this criminal!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump launches into nuclear debate with Russia See in context

For some reason, I'm getting a strange flashback of the "Dr. Strangelove" movie. I for one don't think more nuclear weapons is the answer. It just ends up being a numbers game to see how many millions of lives lost is acceptable. Contrary to what Trump may believe in, nuclear deterrence theory doesn't work. According to retired General George Lee Butler (who was once in command of the U.S. Strategic Command), he deemed nuclear deterrence as “a slippery intellectual construct that translates very poorly into the real world of spontaneous crises, inexplicable motivations, incomplete intelligence and fragile human relationships.”


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Mother arrested after 4 children found dead in home See in context

And here we go yet again, it seems to me I read about this every week, day even

I know, it's sad to hear what this world is coming to, and not just in Japan. I guess the difference in the killing of kids in Japan and the killing of kids in the U.S., where I'm from is the motives. In Japan, it seems the primary motive is depression and a feeling of hopelessness amongst wives who get no help from husbands. In the U.S., it stems from jealously, as it seems everyday, there is news about someone killing their own kids to spite their ex-wives (or in rare cases ex-husbands).

As for abuse of kids, I hear the same kinds of stories both in Japan and the U.S., such as many people unwittingly killing their own kids by leaving them in cars to fry in summer, malnourished kids, some going around selling their own stuffed animals for food, and kids tied up, like dogs, outside of places like Walmart, while their parents are shopping inside. It's pathetic and evil how people treat kids around the world.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Nishikori to face Djokovic in Toronto Masters final See in context

Wawrinka's will, or just concentration, kind of vanished.

Excuses, excuses. Why give excuses for someone losing. Just admit that Nishikori played better than Wawrinka and leave it at that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Lawmakers scuffle as Diet battle heats up over controversial security bills See in context

Judging from the hoards of people protesting outside of the Diet and the thousands of protesters across the nation, the next election will sway in Minshuto's favor. We can then expect a new bill being passed then.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Hanyu retains Grand Prix Final title See in context

Congrats to Hanyu! I love his demeanor. Doesn't panic and let the spotlight faze him. Also, when he falls like he did on his last jump of the night, he just smiles with a 'aw shucks' attitude. He also politely applauded the crowds support. Cool.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Man arrested for fatally abusing 4-year-old daughter See in context

What's the world coming to nowadays. A man here killing his own daughter, three dead infants killed in Massachussetts; how can all of these parents kill their own children and not allow them a decent sort of life?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Despite loss, Japanese fans proud of Nishikori See in context

kurobune: So true. Why can't some posters on this thread just congratulate these two competitors. Why do some people use it as a way to bring up a bunch of red herrings and make up stories like people making excuses that Nishikori whined his height played a factor. All I've heard from Nishikori is praise for his opponent. In fact, I've even seen many interviews from those in his town of Matsue that they were disappointed and proud that he got this far. Not one mentioned any excuses like height. Even commentators like Aya Sugiyama and Shuzo Matsuoka never said anything like that. Only some haters on this thread would say, "I heard 'someone' the other day say ..." So convenient.

Anyway, congratulations to these two competitors, Cilic and Nishikori. Great job!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Actor-comedian Robin Williams found dead in apparent suicide See in context

And once again, you miss the biggest point. Did Williams walk onto a platform and jump off for all those around to be splashed with and the driver traumatized for life, likely to escape debt or other responsibilities?

smithinjapan: No, Williams did not, but there are so many non-celebrities in the world who also did not. But why should we call those common folk who die quietly and cause no one else physical harm, selfish and cowards, but put Mr. Williams on a pedestal for his actions. Seems like a double standard to me. Was his life more important than the average citizen who also faced depression, and tried everything in their power to combat it peacefully? IMO that is totally wrong. Besides, you could say that Robin Williams' suicide did cause trauma for a lot of people. Sometimes emotional and mental trauma caused could be even deadlier than physical trauma. I don't really think his family and loved ones are better off now than he is dead. I'm pretty sure they are very shocked and will be deeply affected by this for a long time. RIP Mr. Williams, you will be missed, but also to the many others who face depression everyday and can't win the battle against it.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: South Korea protests women's figure skating result See in context

not because the Koreans were the ones whining, it was the Western countries who were whining, their figure skating experts, and their press that screamed controversy.

chucky: Most skating experts like Scott Hamilton, Michelle Kwan, Elvis Stojko, and Tara Lipinski are saying that there is no controversy. In fact, the Western countries are only 'reporting' that Koreans are whining. There are also many articles (that I've already previously posted) that state that Sotnikova won fair and square. Yet people are picking staws by saying that there were two judges siding with the Russians. How about tonight's gold medal hockey match between Canada and Sweden? Don't you think having three Canadian officials in the game would be also biased?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: South Korea protests women's figure skating result See in context

You know, instead of concentrating on Asada's free performance, there were many Japanese who were happy on Friday simply because Kim didn't get the gold medal

Pukey2: Why stop there? You could also say that there were many Koreans who were gloating and happy that Mao didn't win a medal at all. After all, it stands to reason that those who would whine when things don't go their way, also tend to be the ones who would revel in another's misery.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: South Korea protests women's figure skating result See in context

It's strange but I haven't heard any response.

Good point. That's the difference. There have been quite a number of controversies in these Olympics. For example, even though Russia lost a hockey match against the U.S, on a controversial movement of the net, you don't see millions of Russians signing petitions. In the ladies moguls, even though many people thought Uemura should have won the bronze after she performed better than the winner, you don't hear about millions of Japanese in an uproar calling for a recount.

As with Mao's performance, I too thought her free skate was the best and should have been given more points, but I, like others, prefer to savor the good feelings from that moment and share the same feelings as Mao that at least she was able to go out with a bang, medal or no medal. I think the well-wishes from people around the world (e.g. Michelle Kwan and Plushenko) is a worthwhile reward.

Yet, here we are again, with millions of Koreans protesting Kim getting a silver instead of a bronze, and not celebrating the fact that she got something that few people ever come close to getting. At the very least, Kim herself stayed classy. It's too bad that many of her own people can't.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: South Korea protests women's figure skating result See in context

It's unfortunate that this "controversy' is overshadowing some wonderful performances in these Olympics. Sotnikova won fair and square. As mentioned before, many well-known skating experts have said that Sotnikova won it fairly. For instance, Scott Hamilton said that she did enough to win by taking advantage of the points system in place:


Also, there is a complete explanation of why she won at this link:


Yes, there were two questionable judges, but even if they gave such high scores, one of their scores was thrown out anyway since the highest and lowest scores are always disregarded, and the law of averages plays itself out in the end. Artistically, Kim may have had an edge, but technically, Sotnikova was better.

All in all, I agree with Yahoo writer Dan Wetzel, when he says 'enough already, Sotnikova beat Kim fair and square':


5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Angry Koreans demand review of judges' scores in figure skating after Kim's silver finish See in context

after the Russian woman fell but Kim skated perfectly

No, Sotnikova did not fall, it was the other Russian, Lipnitskaya that did. Sounds like some posters and many Koreans are misinformed and letting their sense of nationalism cloud their judgments. Besides, Kim did not skate cleanly. She may have not fallen, but she landed offbalance on some of her jumps and her moves didn't have the same fluidity that it did in Vancouver. Overall, she was very conservative, while Sotnikova put all of her energy and effort into her routine.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Russia's Sotnikova stuns Kim to win figure skating gold; Asada 6th See in context

And again, controversy rules at the Olympics in figure skating. Kim Yuna should have won gold here, just like Mao should've won gold in Vancouver. Judging at the Olympics are full of scandal. It's a pity that it should take away from some wonderful skating performances.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Hikaru Utada to return to entertainment industry after 3-year-hiatus See in context

I see little worth in her music. It is formulaic and irrelevant.

Jaymann: You're pretty much describing 99% of the music in the world. Nowadays (at least for the past century) pretty much all music in the world can be considered "formulaic and irrelavant". It just depends on how you look at it. You could say that there just isn't anything original anymore, whether it be classical, rock, jazz, pop, reggae, country, etc. IMO, the most redeeming quality of music nowadays is serving as a type of landmark in our lives; reminding us of our good times and bad.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Teen gunman kills 5 inside home in New Mexico See in context

What gun supporters would like us to believe is that it isn't the gun that kills, but crazy lunatics with no way out. Which just means that while people in other industrial nations actually care about living at peace with others, Americans only care about who has more guns to protect themselves from other fellow Americans with guns. Sad, but true.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Cheap is king in recession-mired Japan See in context

Yoshinoya offering Japanese rice topped with beef

I think Yoshinoya is comparable to a McDonald's or Denny's back home in America - terrible. I can't believe how much grease and undescribable goo is covered over the food served at a typical American Denny's. Not to mention how wilted the French fries always tends to look at Denny's (at least the McDonald's fries almost always looks better).

In Japan, at least there is always Matsuya serving a more balanced food set. I once had a hamburg lunch set there with garden salad, miso soup and a bowl of rice for only 560 yen. Actually, the best deals for food in Japan are at university school cafeterias. Well-balanced, tasty, and extremely reasonable. And you don't have to be a student to go there. I often go to the university cafeteria in my area and get a shogayaki teishoku with a side salad, tofu, and miso soup all for about 350 yen. They also have free tea or water there.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: 3 dead, including gunman, in Oregon mall shooting See in context

Why? You are more likely to be killed by a drunk driver in the US than you are to be killed by a gun. You are more likely to fall to your death in the US than you are to be killed by a gun.

True, but I'm more likely to be shot by a gun in the States than in many other developed countries. When I was living in the States, there were a few gun-related crimes which hit quite close to home (one where a teacher was shot by a student in my high school and another where a former co-worker was mugged at gunpoint, and another where a friend was carjacked). Yes, (knock on wood) nothing gun-related happened to me, but pretty much everyone I know knows someone who has been a victim of some gun-related crime in the States. And let's not forget stories where innocent kids get killed in accidental gun deaths as in the story below:


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Google's Android is eating Apple's lunch See in context

Seems to me that both the iPhone and Android are too expensive for me. This is why I still stick to my keitai (which I've owned for the past four years). I pay only 1,995 yen a month for unlimited Internet access and email. Yes, I don't get the fancy touch screen functions and apps I may receive with a smartphone, but at least I can access the Internet, email friends and family, and make phone calls. Can't really see much more being needed.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's world tour to start in February See in context

Although I'm not a big fan of Ms. Pamyu Pamyu, I've heard she has a huge following in Europe, where young adults view her as a colorful fashion trendsetter and try to copy what she wears.

She definitely won't make it very far

Yup, she ONLY has a successful business in fake eyelashes and her own clothing line, numerous appearances at fashion shows, several videos that became viral hits on the Internet, a certified gold album, and her own autobiography. All of that and she isn't even an adult yet.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

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