Posted in: Ai Haruna, Angelica Michibata solve Shibuya mysteries See in context
nope. ai looks quite adotable
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Posted in: Why do tourists continue to stay away from Japan, despite the fact that there are many places of interest far away from the crisis-affected areas? What should Japanese tourism officials do to promote See in context
Same reasons as always. Japan is expensive, not very tourist friendly and does a poot job of advertising itself. Not sure that up north was anyway a big tourist drawcard.
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Posted in: IMF chief Strauss-Kahn submits his resignation See in context
More and more sounds like the evidence is against him. His claim that they had sex but it was consensual is weak. also note the flood of stories coming out about his previous bad behaviour to women and claims that he hires proostitutes. Sounds like a sociopathic rich scumbag - not unccommon in the finance industry.
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Posted in: AKB48 members get Red Cross work experience See in context
I would happily have them do first aid on me.
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Posted in: Shriver: It's a 'painful and heartbreaking time' See in context
Cripes!!!! what about the mother of the child???? What was Arnie thinking????
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Posted in: Shriver: It's a 'painful and heartbreaking time' See in context
Arnie doesn't need to be afraid. he can builod himself a fortress out of his millions......
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Posted in: IMF chief under suicide watch at NYC jail See in context
Why do people assume she will get a big payday? she won't get damages - do you all mean from selling her story? I can think of ways that he could have forced her to perform oral sex - maybe not to completion, but at least tried. He has a terrible reputation among those in the know in France. Very aggressive to women, very touchy, has had issues before. Sounds to me like there is at least some smoke here and probably even fire. conspiracy theorists (Sarkozy framed him, US Govt. wanted him to go down to harm IMF) right to mention those, but fact is timing is wrong or his demise won't change IMF stance on US debt.
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Posted in: Erika Sawajiri's divorce drama continues See in context
All this hoohaa is just to generate publicity for her and her hubby. sure she is good looking, like thousands of J tarentos. so what? Like any of the JT regulars are likely to get to meet her, let alone anything more.
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Posted in: What makes conspiracy theorists tick and what is the best way to combat their beliefs? See in context
Depends on their pet conspiracy. could be personal experience, could be political beliefs, could be they are gullible (or not as the case may be), could be that they are a bit crazy......
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Posted in: Nap time See in context
I love how the locals can catch 40 winks anywhere at any time in any position. Is this an innate thing or something they learn at school. Sure, appearing to be tired is considered a sign of your hard working etc, but even when i appear to be tired I couldn't sleep like the bloke on the right of picture
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Posted in: IMF head's hearing delayed in hotel sex assault case See in context
Maybe set up by Sarkozy? Or by some rich speculator who benefits from collapse of Euro? Or maybe just typical senior bureaucrat scumbag who is used to getting his way.
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Posted in: Massacre in northern Guatemala leaves 29 dead See in context
Drug wars move south. Only when the US stops the war on drugs and (heaven forbid) admits that prohibition is impossible will Latin America be free of this scourge.
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Posted in: Funeral held for Miyu Uehara in Kagoshima See in context
I still don't think the facts of this story add up to a suicide. Any news in the J press on police theories?
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Posted in: Do you think Prime Minister Naoto Kan made the right decision when he asked Chubu Electric to shut down the Hamaoka nuclear plant which stands in an area where a magnitude-8 earthquake is strongly pro See in context
No. Stable door and all that. Earthequake didn't cause all the fukuoka trouble, tsunami did.
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Posted in: Bin Laden's diary shows he was looking for new targets, big body count: U.S. See in context
Would be nice if it has a little Hello Kitty or similar on the cover
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Posted in: Tomobile See in context
Yummy. even with the weird fringer thing. hope she finds true love before 24.
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Posted in: Man murders friend, hides body and himself in apartment See in context
great story. dude must be seriously messed up.
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Posted in: 'Talent' Miyu Uehara dead after apparently hanging herself at home See in context
An acquaintance found her by a door with a scarf and belt around her neck at about 2 a.m. and called emergency services
does nobody find it weird that "an acquaintance" found her inside her apartment at 2am? strange........
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Posted in: Should the U.S. release photos or video footage of Osama bin Laden's body? See in context
apparently SEALS didn't have helmet cams. no live pictures of the raid. Proof was proff for the m,ilitary, not for the public. Why do people want to see a picture of him with his head blown off - just gruesome voyeurism. Photo doesn't prove anything - heard of doctored pictures??
They shouldn't release as will just inflame islamic loonies.
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Posted in: Dog days See in context
Slow news day in GW. People do this stuff to their pets all over the world, not just Japan. Still weird though.
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Posted in: N Korea detains 2 Japanese over drugs, counterfeit money See in context
Given the alleged offences, can only imagine they were trying to avoid paying MK their cut. This stuff is how NK earns most of its foreign currency.....
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Posted in: Report sees sharper sea rise from Arctic melt See in context
Could be. Is there so much ice on land as to push sea levels up? i thought sea was about 70% of planet's surface. And deserts are about 20% of land. and lots more has no ice. So how does some of (say) 20% (ice or snow) of 30% (landmass) melting lead to dramatic rise in sea level. not disputing, just curious.
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Posted in: Erika Sawajiri signs with Avex, promises to change attitude See in context
Dodgy barnet. and not particularly tarented either.....
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Posted in: Report sees sharper sea rise from Arctic melt See in context
If water expands when it is frozen why does it melting contribute to higher seal levels? Strange science.......
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Posted in: Do you think Japan should cut back its ODA commitments to other countries and allocate the money instead to earthquake and tsunami relief efforts in the Tohoku region? See in context
Yes. Lunchbox, govt. borrowing in Japan already over 200% of GCP. do they need to borrow more? Why send money to countries where frequently large portions of ODA are siphoned off by corrupt governments or wasted on vanity projexts....
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Posted in: Rie Hasegawa launches 'Smile and Run' event for tsunami victims See in context
Jeeeez, that is really an unfortunate name for a fundraiser for tsunami victims. what next, a swimathon?
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Posted in: Tornadoes kill at least 290 in six U.S states See in context
Have there been any "divine retribution" comments from either right wing religious nuts or our Muslim brethren. Weather in US has been going nuts of late.
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Posted in: Ai Tominaga not talking about remarriage yet See in context
also like the very casual attitude to marriage in Japan. Is it always like that? i have heard of several cases where J women become crazy when marriage breaks down....
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Words dont blow babies to bits. Important difference
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments
Posted in: Sharma hits 32nd ODI hundred as India beats England by 4 wickets to win cricket series
Posted in: Is DOGE a cybersecurity threat?
Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs