Japan Today

Miyam_Musashi comments

Posted in: U.S. charges Assange after London arrest ends 7 years in Ecuador embassy See in context

Wikileaks needs to hack the Mueller report.

I bet Trump would let Assange go if that happened.

Ouch! You just revealed the ace up his sleeve!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Putin: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse' See in context

I know. You're smart. No low-information liberal, you're not. (Redundant but no apology required.)

You know the difference between on record and fabricated, which provide the crux of Putin's jab at the witch hunt: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse'.

(What a subtle double entendre, the smart Ruskie!)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Iran's Khamenei calls U.S. blacklisting of Guards a 'vicious move' See in context

I see that the eventual fall of the Theocrats of Iran, their cornies and their military terrorist component through internal upheaval will cause a lot of distress to some folks here.

Lighten up!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Iran's Khamenei calls U.S. blacklisting of Guards a 'vicious move' See in context

Look at a map : Iran is 3 to 4 times larger than Iraq, with a worst terrain than Afghanistan.

Seeing the success the US had in these countries, young American are gonna go back home in body bags by the thousands.

First, understand that no one want to conquer Iran. In fact, we want the Iranian people to take back Iran!

Second, the only ones who risk being annihilated, either through financial sanctions or through an upheaval by their people, - or other actions in kind, are the Iranian Theocrats and their terrorist military component.

Designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization is quite appropriate, given their active participation in state sponsorship of terror, i.e. providing weapons, rockets and missiles for Hezbollah and the Taliban.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Putin: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse' See in context

LEDE: Putin: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse'

It makes sense that you're trying your hardest to drag (someone) into this conversation, but why you are trying to do so does not make sense.

Not trying to drag anyone at all into an open mike gaffe actually on record, as opposed to fabricated accusations.

What wasn't captured was Putin's guffaw: "Russia knows Lenin gave birth to a mouse."

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Under Donald Trump, Fed faces politicization See in context

Why is this so? Let's paint a complete picture.

In seven years of the most accommodative monetary policy in U.S. history, the Fed kept the Fed funds rate at zero between 2008 and 2015. The recession ended in June 2009.

Therefore, during most of the Obama presidency, the Fed funds rate was at ZERO, presumably to prop up a moribund economy.

12/17/2015 0.50

Trump became president-elect on 11/6/2016

12/15/2016 0.75

Trump presidency. Economy and stock market heat up.

3/16/2017 1.00

6/15/2017 1.25

12/14/2017 1.50

3/22/2018 1.75

6/14/2018 2.00

9/27/2018 2.25

Economy slows down. GDP growth down.

12/19/2018 2.50

The Federal Reserve prefers to keep the fed funds rate between 2 and 5 percent. It's the sweet spot that maintains a healthy economy. That's where the nation's gross domestic product grows between 2 percent and 3 percent annually. It has a natural unemployment rate between 4.5 percent and 5 percent. Price increases remain below the Fed's inflation target of a 2 percent core inflation rate. The fed funds rate was 2.5 percent as of March 21, 2019.

President Trump simply wants to keep the economy roaring, without artificial monetary policies holding it down.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Putin: Russia knows Mueller probe 'gave birth to a mouse' See in context

How about we believe Putin to the extent of another fella's promise of "flexibility". Makes sense?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump's Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen resigns See in context

Wht haven't the republicans doge anything to remedy this "dire" sirltustion? Democrats have tried twice to address this crisis, but have been obstructed by republicans both times.

What a joke! Let's talk current House where the Dems' immigration policy is anything but for Trump and American to succeed!

Nothing can be done with lunatic Dems in charge of Congress. But the American people will hit back hard.

2020 can't come fast enough.

No more patch up pseudo solutions, with those open-border fanatics having anything to say. As they say, payback's a b_ulldog and the b_ulldog is back!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump's Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen resigns See in context

Im glad this is being reported. Trump fans seem to think it wasn’t intentional, or “Obama did it, too” or whatever it is they can make up to hide the fact they supported a cruel policy.

Yeah, our borders are being breached which is of great concern to all Americans. Unless you're from another country, being so anti-American. Or, to quote William Safire, consistently "a nattering nabob of negativism".

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: No-go zone: Trump to skip 'boring' White House press dinner See in context

Why would the Leader of the Free World lend prestige to an event dominated by the partisan hacks? Total waste of time.

Right decision, Mr. President.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: No-go zone: Trump to skip 'boring' White House press dinner See in context

Instead, Trump will lock himself in his bedroom and lie on the bed watching Fox News whilst eating burgers. Now that's a boring evening.

If you take your TDS blinders off for a second, you'd know that he will be in a rally with a far more positive message for the American people.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Far-right parties kick off campaigns for European Parliament elections See in context

Google: maps of US military bases around the world, troops in Africa, troops in middle east, 1953 coup in Iran, etc. Did you want me to reference in MLA or APA format too? ;)

In this discussion on campaigns for European Parliament elections, you complained that there was:

No mention of the US destabilizing the middle east and parts of Africa? Yes, American troops are deployed there too. Russia may be covert, but its small fries compared to the overt and covert US actions.

I replied that brave men and women of American forces were a key factor in decimating the ISIS caliphate and liberating hundreds of thousands, which in the process stemmed the flow of refugees to Europe.

And asked you, what would you know about America destabilizing the Middle East and North Africa region, in detail, in relation to European Parliament elections.

You seem to have no answer and are entirely confused, i.e. the 1953 coup d'etat in Iran is entirely irrelevant.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Far-right parties kick off campaigns for European Parliament elections See in context

No mention of the US destabilizing the middle east and parts of Africa? Yes, American troops are deployed there too. Russia may be covert, but its small fries compared to the overt and covert US actions.

The last time I looked the brave men and women of American forces were a key factor in decimating the ISIS caliphate and liberating hundreds of thousands, which in the process stemmed the flow of refugees to Europe.

So, in this discussion about European politics, what would you know about America destabilizing the MENA region, pray us tell in details?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Trump's attorney says IRS cannot legally release tax returns See in context

Disregard the crazies, Mr. President. 

Notwithstanding the fact that your returns have been under audit by eight years of quite possibly weaponized and compromised IRS agents without any preliminary derogatory findings, why succumbed to feckless partisanship.

Besides, there are no consequences to putting the toothless legislative branch in their proper place, as proven by 30,000 subpoenaed emails destroyed without any consequences.

Drag those issues on and let these people hysterically kick and scream their way to 2020!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Barr defends handling of Mueller's Russia report See in context

I didn’t say public. I said congressional intelligence committees.

You mean the House Intelligence Committee and Adam Schiff, the partisan hack whose security clearance may be pulled in the near future for possible breaches of intelligence.

Talk about an instant leaky bathtub. No confidentiality there!

That's the Adam Schiff who actively sought material against President Trump and got pranked by two Russian comedians.


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Barr defends handling of Mueller's Russia report See in context

Anyone who is working with or on the behalf of Trump on concealing any part of this Document is likely to face criminal charges. It call obstruction of Justice. That letter I mention would gave clear guidance on what will happen if the document is not release in full.

Even if this were true, it would be much less of an issue compared with 30,000 emails subpoenaed by a toothless Congress, then BleachBit-ed by you-know-who without consequences.

Sorry for those broken dreams.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Barr defends handling of Mueller's Russia report See in context

AG Barr isn't in any hurry to do his job properly for an issue which the top FBI counterintelligence officer described as "There is no there, there".

Wouldn't surprise anyone if he has Dems pent-up in their frustration through Nov 2020, as they get more rabid in their hysterics.

Barr has to quaver in his boots for those subpoenas duces tecum galore coming from a toothless Congress. Lol.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: U.S. House committee seeks Trump tax returns from IRS See in context

a proven scammer and known liar. 

All that is untrue. Try to tune out of CNN and MSNBC who've been espousing such lies and garbage for over 2 years. Waiting for the Mueller-Godot, only to fall on their face.

Or perhaps, just suppose that someone who doesn't like you accused you for being such? Wouldn't feel good, would it?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Posted in: U.S. House committee seeks Trump tax returns from IRS See in context

I guess many people here are free to express their opinion, but it is obvious many have lost their objectivity. Or is it for lack of information?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Democrats to prepare subpoenas for full Mueller report See in context

But you know what? There is! It's called Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e). 

The huge difference here is that there is no underlying crime or any evidence of a crime.

Again, a laughable subpoena by the deranged. No teeth or hope of enforcement. Complete waste of time.

Now, on the other hand, there is ample evidence that crimes were committed in this witch hunt and ill-conceived coup d'etat to try to unseat a duly-elected president. Those perps should be brought to justice, from top to bottom.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: White House warns Russia over troops in Venezuela; threatens sanctions See in context

The American war on Iraq and Afghanistan cost $6 trillion. America is still spending billions with no target of stopping.

Tell me something new!

That's our money. Maybe it's our weakness but (a) we had to bring Bin Laden to justice, (b) unlike other nations, we couldn't just stand around while the Taliban slaughtered its own people.

As for being the world's policeman, this President, whom far leftists like you despise, is doing exactly what you may be advocating to do: Taking steps to end it in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan! End it!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: White House warns Russia over troops in Venezuela; threatens sanctions See in context

American has an option to want to defend or not, Europe against Russia but the European countries don't have that. They must defend with or without the help of America.

With what? German soldiers training with broomsticks? Should we wait for another D-Day to rescue NATO from the Russians?

You're a Brit posting in the Brexit thread. We have our hands off Ms May and your country and wish you luck.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Democrats to prepare subpoenas for full Mueller report See in context

Democrats to prepare subpoenas for full Mueller report

A Legislative subpoena against the Executive branch: Toothless and laughable!

Absolute waste of time and taxpayers' money!

Start legislating already or seek therapy for your derangement, Nadler & co!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Posted in: U.S. rebukes Japan over tariffs on farm products See in context

If you eat something here which has soya it most likely will be foreign beans.

Life is really far more simple. You buy your Shima dofu block, hot and fresh, at the neighborhood su-pa, delivered by your favorite producer at a very reasonable price and know you're buying wholesome goodness with good cospa. (Nobody bothers to question where raw materials come from knowing the producer wouldn't deal with garbage or they'd be run out of town.)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: White House warns Russia over troops in Venezuela; threatens sanctions See in context

We are charged for hosting the American military bases just as are other countries like Japan.

Trump would like to close down those foreign US bases or at least get the host countries to pay even more for them.

I think Trump simply reminded NATO countries to pony up their commitment to the threshold of 2% of GDP.

“We agreed to do more, to step up – and now we see the results. By the end of next year, NATO allies will add $100 billion extra toward defense,” Stoltenberg.

As for the payment for bases, i.e. Japan, SoKor, sure. But none of the "base hosts" are paying for any sea or air assets, for example, committed to the defense of allies. How much would a single sub cost, or a single B-2 bomber, do you think?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: White House warns Russia over troops in Venezuela; threatens sanctions See in context

Coming from a country with more than 800 overseas military bases, more than any other country in the world. Many American troops on all of Russia's borders.

Indeed, why is that?

Not sure where you're from, but we did liberate Europe and held the ground against Stalin, leaving assets in place to contain the Bear. First, thank America for that. 

Second, the world can rest assured America will contain but never overtly attack Russia. Not sure about the other side, overtly or covertly.

When we see the Ruskies deploy military assets in our hemisphere, a responsible Administration will take action and issue strong caution warnings, taking whatever initiative to ensure no misunderstanding.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: White House warns Russia over troops in Venezuela; threatens sanctions See in context

On the Venezuela matter, you can count on the usual suspects to be on the wrong side of history, one in lock step with Putin and his ilk. No surprise here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. rebukes Japan over tariffs on farm products See in context

No GM or roundup thanks. I never buy US products and always check where the beans in tofu comes from. I also don’t eat fast food.

As opposed to Chinese products, ubiquitous in supermarkets, and even imported and branded by Aeon and others, give me US products anytime. If they eventually become cheaper with tariffs lifted, so much the better. Wisconsin cheese, baby. Tofu and other ethnic food; who's gonna buy US tofu. Use your common sense.

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Posted in: Angry over Brexit delay, 'Leave' supporters march through London See in context

Don't know much about British politics, though a line I read today seemed to sum it up: Schrödinger's cat exit. On a larger scale, there seems to be a growing electorate, and thus number of politicians, who want to both have and eat cake: they oppose but never propose. An American example is Trump and healthcare. In other words, they are spineless.

The ignoramus of British politics decided to insert his utter ignorance of American politics. Are you even American, sir?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump, allies tangle with key Democrat; Mueller report is 300 pages See in context

Right, Dems. Mueller and his 13 angry Dem assistants really let Trump off the hook with this dastardly Mueller Report.

Be angry and righteous!

Never mind that voter approval of Dems will go the way Rachel Maddow's, MSNBC and CNN's ratings went to the toilet right after people confirmed the fake narrative they'd been fed for 2 years!

All the way to 2020! Let's impeach Trump!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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