Japan Today

Miyam_Musashi comments

Posted in: Democrats pounce as Trump administration ratchets up attack on Obamacare See in context

In December, U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor ruled that after Trump signed a $1.5 trillion tax cut package passed by Congress last year that eliminated the penalties, the individual mandate could no longer be considered constitutional.

And all of Obamacare must fall with the mandate. Congress didn’t include a severability clause, as it often does. Instead, the law stated at least six times that the (now unconstitutional) mandate is “essential.” The rule of law requires courts to take Congress at its word that the rest of the law is inseparable from the mandate.

The ruling will go all the way to the Supreme Court.

Obamacare will be rule unconstitutional and annulled.

The President will most likely keep healthcare going by Executive Order until Congress comes up with a replacement.

This is where bi-partisanship will be required. Should the Dems manifest their usual intransigence, too bad. They will default to having Trump will institute TrumpCare.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Mueller inquiry over, Trump plays favorite role: the victim See in context

He may not having been involved directly but none can ignore the Russian's interference in the last election. So he must have (had?) very very good friends by that time...

If I recall correctly, the Obama administration was in charge during the last election, along with the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ.

And Trump was supposed to lose big time according to polls. He didn't have any friends - just voters sick and tired of the Washington swamp.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Mueller inquiry over, Trump plays favorite role: the victim See in context

So, you're proposing that sitting presidents not be allowed to be investigated. Immunity from the law sounds more like a dictatorship than a democracy.

Agreed. Let's have the full force of the Trump administration, the DOJ, FBI and CIA spy on the campaign of the 2020 Dem nominee, and then conduct a counter-intelligence operation, complete with bogus FISA warrants on fabricated charges as an insurance policy in case the Dem manages to win.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Mueller inquiry over, Trump plays favorite role: the victim See in context

The more important point seems to be lost.

Such a partisan probe and witch hunt should never be allowed to happen against another duly-elected president.

An administration should never again be allowed to weaponize government departments and intelligence agencies against a political opponent and presidential candidate.

Those responsible should be brought to justice.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Pentagon authorizes $1 bil for Trump's border wall See in context

I see someone here is well on their way to completing their Fascist-in-Training merit badge. Separation of powers? What's that? Clearly a Great Man such as Trump should not be constrained by such trifles, apparently.

Hey fella! I'm a proud American here in Japan to do real business. Don't assume that people like me who are clear-eyed and are sick and tired of parasitic politicians gouging the public, fall into your concept of what a Trump supporter is.

At least this guy, Trump, for all his weaknesses is a self-made billionaire, doesn't take a salary, and has so far done many positive things for the American people.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Pentagon authorizes $1 bil for Trump's border wall See in context

I'm pissed about $717 billion! Cut THAT 10%, to start. The fact that the Pentagon feels $1B can be spared just shows how much waste there is.

How I miss the days of looking at facts BEFORE making decisions.

Fiscal hawk! Where were people like you when the previous fella pissed away $11 trillion in additional debt all in 8 years by himself?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Pentagon authorizes $1 bil for Trump's border wall See in context

President Trump will get the priorities of the American people done, with or without the participation of an utterly anemic and useless congress, starting with border security.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: DOJ: Trump campaign did not coordinate with Russia in 2016 See in context

But that wouldn't be entirely correct. There's a big question mark over obstruction and there's been a lot of people who have been caught out by the investigation.

Don't believe the spin. Had there been obstruction, you think Mueller would have hesitated for one second to pursue charges?

This entire fiasco is over except for the rabid left, which will be their undoing in 2020.

Now, to mete out justice for the real criminals behind taking down a duly-elected president.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Why Trump's legal woes go beyond the Mueller report See in context

Either way, Trump potentially could face charges once he is out of office.

"Waiting for Godot" is the new liberal mantra. That's going be quite a long wait for the re-elected President with two more terms for his successor.

Thanks to the feckless "investigations" of the rabid left. 

By then, the swamp shall have been drained. The real criminals involved with the bogus Russia probe and the Clinton email national security breach scandal shall have faced charges.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Mueller submits Trump-Russia inquiry report to U.S. attorney general See in context

BTW, this entire fiasco is far from over. But not the way Schiff and the demented left would have it.

We need to get to the bottom of who exactly weaponized the DOJ and FBI against political opponents, which laws were broken and who goes to the slammer. Heads will roll!

If only to restore confidence in the DOJ and FBI.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Mueller submits Trump-Russia inquiry report to U.S. attorney general See in context

No further indictments. Case closed after 2 years and $30 million wasted. The witch hunt is over.

Win for Trump and the republic! No question about it.

Sleepless night for the unhinged. Hope you all get over it for the good of the nation.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump downplays white nationalism threat after NZ mosque massacre See in context

"We are there to support and stand with the people of New Zealand."

Trump himself telephoned New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, offering condolences, prayers and any help the U.S. might be able to provide. 

You'd wonder what the American president could possibly say that would appease the unhinged and still give comfort to the Kiwis.

Fortunately, he couldn't care less about appeasing anyone and is focused on the security and well-being of the American people.

America to New Zealand: We are with you and we offer our condolences and prayers.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: 12 GOP senators join Democrats to block Trump border emergency declaration See in context

Note only Susan Collins is up for reelection in 2020. And who'd expect MItt to have Trump's six in a national emergency?

In the meantime, there is an emergency at the border with 76,000 illegals, an all-time high, trying to cross the border in Feb 2019.

Veto! Mr. Trump. Thank you for taking a stand for real Americans.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump says he would be 'very disappointed' in Kim if reports about N Korea launch site true See in context

I'm afraid you're too pessimistic, to use a mild term. The fat lady hasn't sang on this one.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump says he would be 'very disappointed' in Kim if reports about N Korea launch site true See in context

President Trump is trying to resolve an issue every President tried to address and failed. We remember that it was Carter in 1994 who negotiated a sweetheart deal that gave NK 2 nuclear reactor s and Usd 5 billion in aid in return for its promise to stop seeking nukes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump says talks with Kim failed over N Korean sanctions demands See in context

Whereas his DPKR counterpart comes out of this looking very virile, indeed.

Virile, of course the primary trait some would seek in a leader. We do prefer one fully engaged in border and international security.

Don't worry - no need for "headwrecking"! The word is the DPRK issues immigrant visas for like-minded fools, espec. the infantile ones.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump says talks with Kim failed over N Korean sanctions demands See in context

Trump has a hissy fit and goes home.

Here's the real story:

Trump said Kim built on this Thursday, pledging to dismantle the Yongbyon nuclear facility if all sanctions imposed on the country were lifted first. They could not do that, Trump said. A lot more weaponry were not included, though United States would be able to inspect some North Korean facilities.

"Sometimes you have to walk,” he said. Kim had a vision of denuclearization, that's "not exactly our vision, but it's a lot closer than it was a year ago."

Kim said of the denuclearization goal: “If I’m not willing to do that, I won’t be here right now.” Trump said the two leaders could have signed a deal Thursday. “But it’s better to do it right than do it fast,” he said.

Meanwhile, as expected, the brownies dutifully guffawed and patted each other on their left, infantile backsides. 

Gdod effort, President Trump! The vast majority of the world's audience agree. After 70 years of impotent pretenders, we finally have one leader getting the job done.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Nuclear weapons on menu at Trump-Kim dinner See in context

Can't speak for the others here, but I want negotiations to succeed. Dialogue, not war, has always been my position. My main problem is the nature of the two leaders involved and the very nebulous nature of talks and conditions. 

Personalities? Nebulous nature, ultimate goals?

You think FDR, Churchill & Stalin were well-liked and had clear goals at Yalta? FDR had little love for the law and had secret service agents tear the film out of reporters' cameras to conceal his polio. Churchill was booted out of office; the communist threat was ominous.

There was a reason Trump became president however unconventional; just perhaps this peace effort may prove to be one good reason.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. Navy ships pass through strategic Taiwan Strait, riling China See in context

They waited until Obama was gone and Trump took over. Then they armed the islands. It's all because Trump is leading from behind. (Did I use that correctly?)

I guess you're right. The Chinese could have had missile launch pads floating in rafts and bombers land on the sea; then take a few years to build the artificial islands. Trump's predecessor was so "fearsome". Your apology for the "guy leading from behind" is complete.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Nuclear weapons on menu at Trump-Kim dinner See in context

Lots of noise and little puerile pokes from the usual suspects rooting for the peace effort to lose.

Can't do anything about the Democrat-escalated Vietnam conflict, but an actual Korean Peace Treaty to replace the current Korean armistice would be a good start. Korean unification could be a prelude to denuclearization.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. Navy ships pass through strategic Taiwan Strait, riling China See in context

Well, except for the artificial island the Chinese built. They promised to not arm the island when Obama was president and they kept their promise. Once Trump got elected they moved in the missiles. Smart move since Trump hasn't done anything about it.

Apologist! They took advantage of a weakling and far left ideologue leading from behind. Anyone elected after eight years of this aberration had to do a lot of clean-up, starting with the piling up $9 trillion in debt all by himself.

The Chinese were going to arm those artificial islands. They should have been nipped in the bud at the first sign of a massive landfill.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump says he won't rush N Korea on denuclearization; peace deal possible See in context

The deal? Formally end military hostilities with a Korean Peace Treaty to replace the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement.

That would be a good first step.

And that alone would be reason for a Nobel Peace Prize. (Compare that with his predecessor who did absolutely NOTHING to be "awarded" the peace prize, in the process greatly diminished its prestige and significance.) 

Denuclearization would be tricky but this president is undaunted by challenges.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Expectations low as Trump looks for win in N Korea summit See in context

And, of course, the empty promises about the DPRK becoming some kind of capitalist hub or outpost of US commericalism. Can't see the party faithful in North Korea swallowing that one.

Millions of North Koreans have South Korean relatives. Even your so-called "party faithful". They may be starving but aren't stupid.

Given a chance, the Korean DNA for business accuity will be quickly developed if far-left "Americans" who hate America just keep their hands off for six more years.

Thank God, President Trump, defies the media, the socialists and Never Trumpers, and does what's best for the American people and for the security of people and countries in the region, foremost of which Japan & SoKor.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Okinawa base referendum may deal nationwide electoral blow to Abe See in context

Okinawa base referendum may deal nationwide electoral blow to Abe

News was still hot in Okinawa today; gone by next week. Won't affect Abe or the Central gov't in the least.

The referendum was like a one-sided campaign for a dictator; loud-speakers on vans blaring all day for almost a month, without any opposing view.

On referendum day, it rained. No one really cared except those invested in Tamaki and many supporters of the late Gov. Onaga to support an issue dear to his heart.

The referendum had nothing to do with US Bases. Rightly so, because Okinawan families and businesses in the hundreds of thousands are directly or indirectly employed or dependent on the bases. Even some major Malls. If their employment, livelihood and businesses were put to the test, the outcome would have been overwhelmingly different.

The referendum was about the runaway on the seabed at an existing USMC base, Camp Schwab in Henoko, Nago, Okinawa. Naha Airport's second runway on Senaga Island currently being constructed, along with other major reclamation projects including many roadways and bridges, are not free of ecological concerns. As long as construction does not create debris, nobody really cares. Plenty of ocean and sea life around.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Mueller: Manafort 'brazenly violated the law' for years See in context

Guilt by association equates to ad hominem fallacy, the ultimate recourse of rabble rousers.

Manafort may be guilty of many deeds; so are many, among whom the losing candidate who destroyed evidence in defiance of a subpoena.

Nothing whatsoever to do with Trump the duly-elected president or his election. Nothing to do with Russia and all that nonsense.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Okinawa holds referendum on controversial U.S. base move See in context

After this referendum then what, Gov. Denny?

There will be a political stalemate. The national gov't will build the runway. Camp Schwab on Oura Bay is an integral part of Camp Butler; no shutdown there. Futenna will be gradually returned as agreed, as with Kinser. Only those landowners now paid excessive rental fees for the bases will be unhappy. For everyone else, life goes on.

Any economic development plans apart from base issues, Gov.?

Make your governorship a win for the prefecture; not be a single issue politician pandering to sentiments.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump says he's inclined to extend China trade deadline and meet Xi soon See in context

In twenty three months, when a sane president is sworn into the White House, sanity and stability will return to international relations and trade policies.

In 23 months, we may finally have put back sanity in international relations and trade policies after decades of neglect with a China deal, a new Iran deal, trade agreements with the UK and EU, and the withdrawal from unnecessary wars because of a President leading the free world, and not from behind like in the past.

In 23 months, a hard left socialist candidate will lose handily in battleground swing states to President Trump in this center /right majority country.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump says he's inclined to extend China trade deadline and meet Xi soon See in context

This is what happens when a carpet-bagging grifter is elected.

President Trump is working hard to contain disadvantageous one-sided trade deals abused for decades. He's doing it for all Americans and most Americans agree with him.

Cut down on the sour language already. It's getting tiresome.


-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan fears a half-baked, deceptive agreement which leads to the Trump administration taking a soft line on North Korea by removing economic sanctions without serious progress on disarmament. That would be the nightmare scenario. See in context

Lots of us haven't succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome yet.

LOL. Stockholm syndrome, noun, feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim towards a captor.

I respect your opinion, but not your sour rhetoric. Sorry, but losing an election has nothing to do with Stockholm syndrome.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan fears a half-baked, deceptive agreement which leads to the Trump administration taking a soft line on North Korea by removing economic sanctions without serious progress on disarmament. That would be the nightmare scenario. See in context

Donny will happily sacrifice his premier ally in Asia in order to appear like a fake global peacemaker to his whooping gullibles

"Donny" will happily continue to see to it that NoKor ceases launching missiles over Hokkaido. If he accomplishes that small step, Japan will be safer. Thank him for it!

If he accomplishes a little more toward nuclear disarmament or the abduction issue, all you need to do is give him credit!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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