Posted in: Chinese leaders face anger over 2nd child's quarantine death See in context
The ruling party promised last week to ease quarantine and other restrictions under its “zero-COVID” strategy,
A promise from the CCP has the same value as a chicken sh..t!
*People who visited a vegetable market in the city's southeast where a case was found were ordered into quarantine in a hotel *at their own expense.
I feel very sorry for the citizens of China.
Their lives are completely damaged and destroyed by their stupid leaders.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Chinese leaders face anger over 2nd child's quarantine death See in context
it took her father 11 hours to get help after emergency services balked at dealing with them and she finally was sent to a hospital 100 kilometers (60 miles) away.
Residents of some areas complain they are left without food and medicine.
When will these CCP idiots do finally understand that it is the biggest nonsense ever what they are doing with their zero covid strategy.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Foreign visitors in Japan surge after tourism reopening See in context
If you look careful, you can see creases in their faces where the masks were.
I've zoomed in and looked carefully and you absolutely can't see that
I zoomed in, and looked correctly, and sorry to tell you, this wasn't clear at all
My Goodness!
People are really obsessed with masks!
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: Biden says missile that killed two in Poland may not have come from Russia See in context
Even the missile explodes in Poland on accident, shoot by the Russians or the Ukranian, we should not forget that 2 people died from that.
And if Russia wouldn't have started their massmurdering war, there were never been any missile shot from anywhere.
7 ( +11 / -4 )
Posted in: Biden says missile that killed two in Poland may not have come from Russia See in context
If it really was a Russian missile that kills 2 people in Poland, shot on purpose or accidently, it will draw this whole thing to a very dangerous level.
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: Cambodian PM tests positive for COVID after hosting summit See in context
Intelligent people already understand though.
It seems that you do not belong to these group of people, because otherwise you could show an example.
But honestly speaking, I didn't expect that.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Cambodian PM tests positive for COVID after hosting summit See in context
This could have wide-ranging effects.
Like what?
Do you have any example?
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Cambodian PM tests positive for COVID after hosting summit See in context
Why is important to bring that to the news here that the Cambodian PM is tested positiv?
If me, my friends or my coworkers are tested positive, it doesnt' t find its way to the news.
Does a PM have a different body to care of than we do?
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Repeat COVID infections increase risk of health problems: study See in context
And @Elvis...
I hope you understand now, that what we were talking about yesterday about the 60000 infected persons, that the "probably" we mentioned, has now changed to "almost sure".
You can now be almost sure, that many of the 60000 infected people are vaccinated.
Because, offer more durable protection, and are variant proof and current vaccine strategy does not block transmission,".
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Repeat COVID infections increase risk of health problems: study See in context
The sad thing is that people who are only focused on studies and always ignoring the reality, ...and even now there is a study which conclusion is clearly shown in front of their eyes as, *"our current vaccine strategy does not block transmission," ... e*ven so, these people are still looking for excuses to keep the bubble in which they are living in function.
And that is one of the reasons why so many missinformation are still around the population about the vaccines and their help against the spread of the virus.
Because these people will never accept what is clearly shown and demonstrated in front of their eyes because it puts wholes in their bubbles, and they will never admit to the truth and will continue nonstop looking for any kind of excuses.
But yeah, these are the times we are living in...
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Repeat COVID infections increase risk of health problems: study See in context
That vaccines by themselves are not enough to completely stop transmission
Do you understand the meaning of "does not block" ?
*"The reason reinfection is happening is that our current vaccine strategy *does not block transmission,"
It has nothing to do with "not enough to completely stop transmission",
It clearly says:* "does NOT block transmissions." *
This sentence here clearly debunks everything what you and all the vaccine addict people are telling here since many months.
6 ( +10 / -4 )
Posted in: Repeat COVID infections increase risk of health problems: study See in context
"The reason reinfection is happening is that our current vaccine strategy does not block transmission,"
I guess that all the vaccine addicted people don't want to hear that.
But I hope these people finally wake up and see and understand this reality, and finally do also understand that when this was and is mentioned here before from some posters, that this was and is no missinformation.
And I also hope that the vaccine addicted people do also understand now, that the high numbers of cases, reported every day, are not because some people do not take the vaccine.
our current vaccine strategy does not block transmission,"
until we have vaccines that block transmission, offer more durable protection,
That says it all!
5 ( +12 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan reports 68,894 new coronavirus cases See in context
Clearly they don't prevent the spread of shameless misinformation like this either.
Unfortunately you also are one of the people who ignore the reality.
And that is exactly the problem.
Too many People who are vaccinated do drop all their carefull behaviour because they really think they can not spread the virus.
Even the whole world, even Pfizer agree to that, knows that this is a complete false assumption.
But as long as there are still people around who do not understand that, we should not be surprised that the numbers of cases do not drop effecient.
But 68000 in a country of 125.000.000. is 0.05%...which really shouldn't give any concern.
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan reports 68,894 new coronavirus cases See in context
Probably off course as there could be no other explanation,
Probably the other explanation is, what the whole world knows already (except some brainwashed, stubborn people), that the vaccine, even 3x or 4x, don't prevent the spread of the virus and don't protect you from getting infected and sick.
About masks? Probably masks doesn't protect you either in the way that we all got told from the so called experts.
But vaccinated or not, wearing masks or not, the numbers of infections will continue to go up and down.
And that will never change, even you will take 100 shots of this vaccine, because this vaccine do not prevent the spread of the virus, and the masks will just lower the risk, but will also not stop it.
Probably some day there will be a good medicine as a treatment, and this whole thing will go down to a level where people finally can stop to freak out day in day out about taking a vaccine or wearing masks.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan reports 68,894 new coronavirus cases See in context
want to know how many of the 68,000 wished they were vaxed 4 times and wore masks.
Probably they are all 4x, or at least 3x vaxed and wore masks.
You know how high the vaccination rate in Japan is and how crazy Japan is in wearing masks.
So the vaccination rate among this 68000 is definitevly very high and the percentage of the mask wearing is definitiv almost 100%.
-2 ( +8 / -10 )
Posted in: Ukrainian troops met with joy in Kherson as Russia abandons biggest prize See in context
40000 Ukrainain citizen have died
It seems that you are very proud of that.
Unbelievable that such idiots are still around!
how many more will die
Then tell your russian mass murdering as..holes to withdraw from Ukraine which they ilegal invade, started a war and kill innocent people including women and children.
Tell the Russian mass murdering insane Mob to stop the mass murdering which they started.
And then nobody have to die anymore.
The world knows and understand now who the Russians really are and for what Russia stands for;
A war mongering insane massmurdering Mob, who even do not hesitate to kill women and children and rape young Girls.
That is how the world looks now at Russia, and this will not change for the next hundreds of years.
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: Nearly 60% in Japan unaware of relaxed COVID-19 mask guidelines: survey See in context
More and more of my co workers are taking off their masks in the office. At least at their desks.
What is a good thing to see.
During the last 3 years, my company hired some new staff, whose faces I have never seen.
Now after 3 years, I can finally see some of the new faces.
21 ( +32 / -11 )
Posted in: Japan reports 74,093 new coronavirus cases See in context
It's inconceivable it would be so hard to get tested here but so easy in Tokyo is very easy to get tested in Tokyo.
If I wanted I just could get tested 2x just on my way home from work at the two test stations in Shinagawa.
When was the last time you "slept well" with a high fever and a headache?
After my 3rd vaccine. Because that were exactly the side effects I had from this strange fluid they put into my body.
And additional...what does every Kindergarten kid learn and do understand???
What did our parents taught us when we are kids???
What is the best medicine for our body???
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan reports 74,093 new coronavirus cases See in context
I understand your situation.
But there are many test stations in Tokyo.
I pass tonight on my way home from work two test stations in Shinagawa.
And both are empty.
Just a few people are there.
I am not sure if you live in Tokyo, but getting tested in Tokyo is really easy.
But Axel, honestly speaking...if you got tested, and you are what?
There is no special treatment.
The recommendation to recover is the same as if you have influenza.
Go to bed, sleep well and recover.
What I want to tell you is, that the treatment for Covid positive tested people is not different than influenza positiv tested people.
So in case you really can not get tested, it is not a big deal, because positive or not, the treatment is the same as influenza.
And if you are worried to infect other people, it is also the same situation like influenza.
And people also die from influenza...not only from Covid... if that is your concern point.
So don't take it too serious about getting tested for Covid.
Because if you are positiv, there is no special treatment.
The treatment is the same like influenza, sleep well and get your body good rest to recover.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: China's COVID restrictions intensify as cases surge to highest since Shanghai lockdown See in context
"All residents are required to stay at home,"
"Only one person in each household is allowed to buy daily necessities on a staggered schedule."
My goodness!
What a madness!
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese gov't urged to end free rollout of COVID-19 vaccines See in context
And I gurantee you...that many many people who are running now for the free vaccines will consider one thing, in case the vaccine will be at a very high price,
You guys know what this thing is?
The thing what people will consider is: is it worth to pay an expensive amount of money for a vaccine which doesn't prevent me to get infected and which doesn't prevent me to get sick.
That is what the people will consider.
Let's wait and see what will be the outcome.
1 ( +13 / -12 )
Posted in: Japanese gov't urged to end free rollout of COVID-19 vaccines See in context
What I see in front of my eyes is that people, who are 3x, 4x vaccinated are getting infected, getting sick, infect others and so on...
Should I ignore that???
Many people do ignore that and telling their daily BS about how effective the vaccine is...and so on.
But not me! I do not ignore the reality!
People can do whatever they want...take 3, 4, 5 .....endless shots,... or take nothing.
It is everyone's own desicion.
But I am tired of hearing that people who refuse this vaccine are anti-vaccer, even people who are 3x, 4x vaccinated are getting infected and sick and spread the virus, and for Corona is no end in sight.
Take the shots or leave it.
It is everybody's own decision.
But blaming the people for seeing the reality, and immediately screaming anti-vaccer is nothing more than complete BS.
And the point with, doing your responsibility for the society, also lost all its credit, because the whole world knows now, that the vaccine do not stop infection.
So even you are vaccinated you are a threat for the society! Not only the unvaccinated.
What I want to see is, that people do decide by their own to take the vaccine or not, and that this anti-vaxxer blaming BS comes to an end.
The worst thing for me was, that one person here was even willing to discrimanate people who don't take the vaccine.
Can you believe that?
Can you see to what this whole Covid thing came to?
But why do I waste my time here...people willl never understand that.
2 ( +20 / -18 )
Posted in: Gov't seeks power to turn down private home air conditioners remotely, report says See in context
If that really happens, the LDP will be finished.
16 ( +20 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese gov't urged to end free rollout of COVID-19 vaccines See in context
is simply going to increase the number of people who won't get vaccinated
But I am wondering how much will the vaccine addict people be willing to pay for their every 5 months shot?
Or will they also start to refuse the vaccine?
That will become really interesting...
-1 ( +17 / -18 )
Posted in: Japanese gov't urged to end free rollout of COVID-19 vaccines See in context
@the resident
Honestly speaking I don't see the relation between paying for the vaccine and being an anti-vaxxer.
4 ( +20 / -16 )
Posted in: Osaka bus driver flunks alcohol test after eating steamed bread See in context
Now I understand why I am always in such a swing and relieved mood at work after I ate mushipan for breakfast.
I will become my standard breakfast from now.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Over 80% of Japanese adults find tobacco smoke unpleasant: survey See in context
What comes next, do you soon put us smokers into prisons or torture camps?
People always complain and whine, according the corona virus by taking the vaccine and wear masks, about the responsibility for the society.
But when it comes to smoking, especially passive smoking, all these ~society responsibility whiners~ kept silent.
Nobody will complain if you smoke at home, in your own 4 walls. You can smoke there as much as you want.
I hope smoking will be banned in Izakayas too, because the smoke of cigarettes damaged the taste of my food.
But to give some credit to smokers, in my Mom and Pop's Izakaya, there is also one regular guest and his girlfriend, whose after shave or hair tonic, and the girl's perfume sometimes smells so strong that it also damages the taste of my food.
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Tourists warned about fake volunteer guide near Kinkakuji in Kyoto See in context
What kind of harassement is he exactly doing?
Like Yubaru already mentioned, is he touching or abusing the people?
As long as he is not behaving in the same way like these nigerians in Roppongie behave, I don't see a big problem.
If he approaches you, just tell him to off, and that's it.
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S. urging more students to study in each other's countries See in context
European countries for example..
Nobody wants to study in Europe currently, as long as the Russian war aggressiv mass murdering country is around and threatening Europe and the whole world with war and using nuclear weapons.
After Russia falls, Europe will be safe again.
-7 ( +8 / -15 )
Posted in: Study confirms AstraZeneca jab's higher risk of very rare clot See in context
the vaccines can demonstrate to reduce the risk from the infection then they are still the best option.
Which was already explained to you as completely false.
Always repeating your false statements make zero sense.
The best option to get not under a risk of infection or getting sick is "social distance", and NOT the vaccine.
If you don't keep enough social distance, even you are vaccinated, you can get infected and you can get sick.
So if you keep enough social distance it doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not, you are safe.
"Keep distance" is also the key point for the quarantaine, and not "be vaccinated".
Keep distance from the danger, and you are safe.
Therefore, "Keep distance" is always the best option!
If you do, if you can and if you want to use this option in your daily life, is up to each person, and is another topic.
But again, the best option to be safe or to lower the risk of infection or getting sick is NOT the vaccine. It is "social distance".
1 ( +4 / -3 )
She is a nasty, entitled, foul mouthed racist. The judge was not impressed with the jury’s verdict.
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer
Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs
Posted in: Is DOGE a cybersecurity threat?
Posted in: WHO worker aims to raise $1 bil to cover U.S. pullout