Japan Today

Morbraz44 comments

Posted in: Court rules TEPCO execs not guilty of professional negligence over nuclear crisis See in context

Extraordinary decision , read the following :

This series of events — the destruction of the Fukushima Daiichi plant by a massive earthquake and tsunami — was entirely predictable. In “Why Power Companies Build Nuclear Reactors on Fault Lines: The Case of Japan,” J. Mark Ramseyer, a visiting professor of Japanese legal studies at Harvard, notes that earthquakes of comparable magnitude have struck the northeast coast of Japan, on average, every 100 years, each one generating a devastating tsunami. In fact, the previous tsunami in 1933 was almost precisely as high as the one that struck Japan on 3/11.

Robert Meyer, co-director of the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, points out that this pattern has been well known since ancient times. A monument from the first century still sits on a hill, high above the area destroyed by the 2011 tsunami, he says. Its inscription reads, “Beware the great tsunami; do not build below this level.”

either these guys don't understand what they are talking about and they should be sued or they tell the truth and the whole gang involved in the decision process to set up the TEPCO plant at Fukushima should be sued and condemned !!!

putting Carlos GHOSN IN JAIL appears enormously easier and safer for Japanese politicians and decision makers !!

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Posted in: Ghosn's wife leaves Japan to appeal to French gov't; prosecutors want her questioned See in context

Clearly the J prosecutor carries on is disgusting and dirty job...this is in many ways expected ...but the real disgust comes from the French government which doesn't move to say simply "enough is enough"

If we had had more of this type of managers ,Carlos type a man, probably the French economy wouldn't be in such an appalling state ; if the Enarchy , the nest of the so-called elite, produced brilliant managers it would have been known for a long time ..and this is not the case : neither brilliant nor courageous !

a pity

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Posted in: Ghosn ready to repay cost of Versailles wedding: lawyer See in context

Laguna & oldman are right

its amazing that's the Japanese Ministry of Justice assisted Nissan in the coup...Japan is really an extraordinary country when it comes to assessing and reprimanding wrongdoing :

Fukushima disaster : the whole government was responsible for collective blindness and so was TEDCO hierarchy , thousands of victims !! at a cost of hundreds of Billions of ¥

Lessons in Leadership from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster


It was a profoundly man-made disaster that could and should have been foreseen and prevented,” said Kiyoshi Kurokawa, chairman of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission, established by the National Diet of Japan.

no one yet in jail, the dirty linen is ( hopefully) washed behind closed doors

Carlos Ghosn disaster : Renault , rescued a company, NISSAN, virtually bankrupted, put it back on its feet and made it a remarkably profitable outfit , turnover above 100 billions € /yr …No victims to my knowledge …money advantages reaped by Carlos circa 0,03 % of Nissan turnover without accounting for what should be due to Carlos upon retirement

.But when one compares the situations, Fukushima vs Nissan, we cannot but be chocked at the difference of treatments which confirms that the purpose of the trial has very little to do with money! !

Japan’image in the world is already tarnished by a legal treatment akin to harassment even if the prosecutor released Ghosn US right arm, after having fell in the treacherous trap of his own making. All of this comes after Japan announced that whale killings will re-start later this year.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

Posted in: Ghosn tells Nikkei arrest due to plot, treason within Nissan See in context

I forgot to add : even though the French government does not seem to be part of the plot it's deafening silence on the issue makes one think that this government has no spine since the plot was obvious from the start CQFD

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Posted in: Ghosn tells Nikkei arrest due to plot, treason within Nissan See in context

Sure enough Carlos is victim of a plot..it has been obvious from the very beginning and it reminds Khordokosky's arrest by Putin' special forces ...not a very good example of democracy !!!

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Posted in: Ghosn: Bail refusal would not be normal in any other democracy See in context

Carlos is right , money is an obvious pretext :It was a plot and it smells deception from the very beginning'with the complicity of the Japanese judiciary system.the French government with its pants down thks to the Gilets Jaunes has been helpless.

Now Nissan has to face it, the bloke has not surrendered and Nissan is in it as well.

a Jolly good mess

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