Japan Today

motogaijin comments

Posted in: In malt we trust See in context

Enjoy your crap Japanese "beer". I'll be enjoying this Saison Hennepin from Brewery Ommegang in New York! Our government is completely screwed up, but at least they let people make decent, real beer.

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Posted in: Liberal Dutch marijuana policy takes another hit See in context

I'm tired of liberals and their pot. They should abuse ocycontin like my conservative hero Rush Limbaugh.

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Posted in: 'Space Battleship Yamato' blasts off See in context

So basically a Japanese-version of the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica. Yes, I know that Yamato is an old show, but it seems like the production of this movie took a lot of cues from Battlestar, down to gender-swapping a character.

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Posted in: Bush memoir sells 220,000 copies on first day See in context

Not a surprise. The right-leaning, corporate American media, lead by Faux News is currently on a campaign to revise history and beatify Bush the Younger. Expect some poll to come out within the next month stating him to be "one of the best presidents in American History"

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Posted in: If you could meet U.S. President Barack Obama while he is in Japan this week, but only had time for one question, what would you ask him? See in context

Mr. President, do you believe that the Republicans have no interest in helping the country?

You don't need the president for an answer to that. "The Republicans want to help Americans--the wealthiest 2% of them, anyway"

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Posted in: Republicans in charge take aim at health overhaul See in context

What is Michael Moore weighing in at these days?

I don't know. What does a large man who walks by himself have to do with morbidly obese Republican voters on motorized scooters mostly paid for with social security (read 'tax') money?

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Posted in: Republicans in charge take aim at health overhaul See in context

Sounds to me like you have our hefty new Surgeon General and the Smoker-in-Chief who appointed her confused with the so-called Republican base.

Nope, I'm pretty sure that the 350lb=er in the motorized scooter headed to the poll with the name of the Republican candidate in my area on a lapel button was probably a pretty typical republican voter.

What you got for me next big boy?

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Posted in: Republicans in charge take aim at health overhaul See in context

I wonder if the overweight, chain-smoking, couch potatoes who make up the Republican voter base understand that without the new health care laws, insurance companies will be able to deny them coverage for being morbidly obese.

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Posted in: Foiled See in context

China triumphant and Japan crying. This photo is not only a great sports shot, but it accurately captures current geo-politics!

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Posted in: Obamas visit students, enjoy Diwali festival in India See in context

When he is at the White House he lets Clinton do all the hardwork. Not a fan of Clinton, she has a backbone and not Obama. Obama is on a celebrity binge.

Umm, she handles foreign policy which is you know, um HER JOB as SECRETARY OF STATE! Did you finish middle school?

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Posted in: U.S senators urge Canada to stay in Afghanistan See in context

I hope Canada pulls out. no need for Canadians to die for the American corporatist/republican party agenda

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Posted in: Obama arrives in India See in context

Perhaps it will be his first and last visit to India as a President of the USA.

Perhaps it won't. We don't know yet.

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Posted in: Obama likely to focus on deficit in next 2 years See in context

In a sick kind of way, I hope the GOP does take the reigns from Nov. When things are still worsening 2 years from now, maybe the American people will realize that the GOP has no interest in making the lives of average Americans any better, and that the Democrats are only interested in doing so when it benefits them politically.

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Posted in: All signs point to Republican victories: polls See in context

If Conservatives' vote for change, they're not going to get it.

Yes they will. Common Americans still have a little money in their pockets and a little blood in their veins--the Republicans will suck all of that away and that's what conservatives want.

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Posted in: All signs point to Republican victories: polls See in context

Some of us are Libertarians, many are independent,

Libertarian and Independent=too afraid to admit to being a Republican.

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Posted in: All signs point to Republican victories: polls See in context

Under Obama, after his spending spree, the dollar really is headed for collapse. If Republicans taking power, and hopefully reigning in spending, and fixing a lot of the economic problems, is what terrifies you, then all I can say is, don't let the door hit you on the way out. America won't miss you.

I try to miss the doorknob. Enjoy taking those suitcases of dollars to Super Walmart to buy a loaf of bread sir!

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Posted in: All signs point to Republican victories: polls See in context

End the end, this is what the so-called "real Americans" want; I hope they enjoy it because it's about to get really "interesting" over here. I hope they enjoy the fruits of their efforts. Me? Eleven words--saving for a one way ticket out of the country forever. Hopefully the dollar doesn't completely collapse before I have the money saved.

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Posted in: Amazon making Kindle app for BlackBerry tablet See in context

Why? If someone is so stupid that they can't understand this basic concept, what is a warning going to do?

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Posted in: Republicans block bill to lift US military gay ban See in context

You'll never see me agree with the Republicans again, but they did the right thing today.

DADT is archaic and should be repealed, but DREAM is a piece of crap; If this act allowing the children of criminals to become citizens had passed, it would have been followed by an act opening the border to anyone who wanted to come to the US without qualification.

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Posted in: Soaring yen threatens disaster for most, but profits for some See in context

I would love to see that too. Then I would exchange all of my savings in Japanese yen into dollars and start a new life in Hawaii.

Trust me, if we reach a point where there is that much disparity between the dollar and yen, then things have gone so bad that I can guarantee that you will not want to be anywhere in the US.

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Posted in: Growing number of Americans incorrectly call Obama Muslim See in context

In the end, this isn't a problem, it's the symptom of a larger problem; that Americans are myopic, intolerant, and easily mislead. The rightist American posters on this very forum are Exhibit A.

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Posted in: Some Muslims question mosque near ground zero See in context

I don't consider 65% or more of the American people who disagree with this idea a small collection of dissenters.

If you'd asked if black should have equal rights in society in 1960, 65% of whites would have said no. All this proves is that the majority of people are biased. What's your point?

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Posted in: Some Muslims question mosque near ground zero See in context

Then they had better change their ways. Fundamentally.

Who are they? Why do so many white Americans assume that anyone who is not like them is a part of some monolithic group that all think and act exactly alike?

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Posted in: Obama says Muslims have right to build mosque near ground zero See in context

It's because Obama hasn't figured out the difference between a religion and a political ideology. Islam is a political ideology that is contrary to the US constitution.

Me thinks it is YOU that does not understand that difference between religion and political ideology.

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Posted in: Marcia's family history to be revealed on NHK documentary See in context

They did this sort of thing on PBS here in the states tracing the background of a few celebrities and other prominent people. PBS of course is pretty classy; this, being Japanese television will probably involve someone getting whacked in the nether regions with a squeaky hammer.

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Posted in: Far from ground zero, opponents fight new mosques See in context

I like Islam because no one has ever tried to convert me to it. This is in stark contrast to Christians who will not get the hint that I am not the least bit interested in their (or anyone else's) religion and that "no" I don't want to come to their church. If they can promise to leave everyone else alone, I think they should have as many acres for their mosques as they like.

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Posted in: Wonder of the world See in context


"Wonder" is a stage name. Stevie wonder was born Stevland Hardaway Judkins, and later legally changed his name to Stevland Hardaway Morris.

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Posted in: Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law See in context

Does federal law trump state law-- Judge Susan Bolton think so....

So does the U.S. Constitution...

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Posted in: BP's Hayward to leave as CEO; Russia job in works See in context

If there were any justice in the world, 'joint venture in Russia' would be a euphemism for 'gulag in Siberia'.

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Posted in: Ex-CIA chief: Strike on Iran seems more likely now See in context

A Bush-ite appointee trying to advocate for war. Color me surprised.

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