Japan Today

mountaingrill comments

Posted in: Bear attacks rising in Japan; aging hunters on the front line See in context

There appears to be conflicting advice on what to do if you happen across a bear. The following seems to be the standard:

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Do not panic. Black bears are generally shy and will usually avoid humans if they can.

Stop moving and stand still. Do not run, as running may trigger a chase response.

Make Yourself Appear Larger

If the bear is within a safe distance (more than 10 meters away), slowly raise your arms and speak in a calm, firm voice to make yourself appear larger.

Avoid eye contact, as this can be perceived as a challenge. Look at the bear's body, not directly into its eyes.

Back Away Slowly

If the bear isn’t approaching you aggressively, back away slowly while facing it. Do not turn your back on the bear or make sudden movements.

Create distance between you and the bear, but avoid running.

Carry Bear Bell or Whistle

In Japan, it’s recommended to carry a bear bell or whistle to alert bears of your presence, reducing the chance of surprising one.

Bear spray can be useful, but it’s important to have it easily accessible and know how to use it.

If the Bear Approaches Aggressively:

Stand your ground. Black bears often bluff, and they may stand on their hind legs or make noise, but they are generally not aggressive unless they feel threatened or cornered.

If the bear attacks, protect your vital organs (head, neck, chest) and try to make yourself as small as possible by curling up on the ground with your hands behind your neck

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan shifting back to nuclear to ditch coal, power AI See in context

Apparently, they are not alone: Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are also investing in nuclear reactors to power AI.

Moderator: Thanks for your contribution. Your comment has been featured in the latest episode of the Japan This Week podcast. Visit the Japan Today top page to listen.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Posted in: People warned to beware of tick-borne infections in Japan See in context

I was bitten by a tick while climbing Mt. Atago a few weeks ago in the Kyoto area. The tick had managed to lodge itself between my toes, and I didn’t notice it until I put my socks on the next morning. I don’t seem to have any symptoms of Lyme disease, but I know it’s not something to be taken lightly. My friend in the UK suffered terribly with facial palsy following a tick bite.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Matsue Ohashi: A bridge with stories to tell See in context

What an interesting story. I'm travelling to Matsue in a couple of weeks and will certainly check out this bridge. Apparently Matsue castle is another example of 'hitobashira'.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese mountaineer dies, another injured while climbing mountain in Pakistan See in context

I think this is Shinji Tamura who was a professional Himalayan guide. He is quite famous and has been on TV. He climbed Everest 4 times, Manaslu 4 times and Chooyu 3 times. He also successfully climbed K2 among a host of others. In other words a very experienced mountaineer. This is a huge loss for the climbing community.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: What is the best way for humans, especially city dwellers, to observe wildlife without encroaching on their habitat or putting them in zoos or aquariums? See in context

When I was younger, I used to live in the countryside, and I remember being constantly surrounded by wildlife. However, nowadays, I don't experience that to the same extent. Recently the Living Planet Index reported that natural wildlife has declined 70% since the 1970s. We really need to take better care of our fellow animals, insects, birds, and mammals that we share this planet with. If we do this perhaps we would naturally spend more time seeing wildlife and less time looking for it.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Entry bans around Mt Ontake summit to be lifted See in context

I remember this happening and being shocked by such a high death toll. It seems most people were struck by large rocks that had been ejected from the volcano. There was a harrowing documentary about a woman who lost her arm but survived the night and was successfully rescued the next day. The summit has been partly accessible for a few years now. I climbed a couple of years ago using the Nigorigo Onsen Route. This is a longer route from the northwest and passes through some stunning ancient forests. The summit is very otherworldly and worth the trip, even if it's just to pay respects. The more popular Imori Kogen route starts with a cable car. It is much shorter and can be done as a fairly easy day hike. You must carry a safety helmet to be allowed on the mountain. There are now several emergency shelters at the summit. If you go stay safe!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you think summers are hotter now than when you were younger? See in context

According to NASA, the Global temperature has risen by about 1 degree Celcius in the past 100 years. So it looks like summers are indeed hotter - they certainly feel hotter.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Mount Fuji hiking season nears with warnings against 'bullet climbing' See in context

See the sunrise on the way up, and you'll have some far nicer views as you climb with the sun. Start climbing at 4 or 5am from the fifth station (you'll need to get a taxi there) and you'll be at the top by 11am for an early lunch. Then back down by 3pm for a nice long soak in an onsen. Don't stay in the huts; they are nasty and overcrowded. I've climbed Fuji twice both in and out of season. I recommend late September the weather is still great and there is no one around.

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Posted in: Record 3,506 people stranded on Japanese mountains in 2022 See in context

Wow I'm surprised how big that number is. The Japanese I know or who have hiked with are always well prepared and kitted out.

Btw 30 days rescue insurance through Yamap costs 650 yen for 30 days cover, which is very reasonable.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

Posted in: Family of missing Connecticut woman suspends search in Japan after almost two months See in context

Did anyone actually see her on the trail? this is a popular route especially in May. Do we have any idea if she was actually on this trail at any time and how far did she get? The first part of the leg she was on passes through a wide swathe of Forestry Commission land. This land is crisscrossed with logging paths that aren't marked on maps as they change. If I was going to get lost that's where it would happen. Did anyone see het past this point?

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Posted in: Berlin police investigate Pink Floyd's Roger Waters over Nazi-style uniform See in context

It's also partly a throwback to Pink's uniform in the Wall movie. This was his final transition in the movie and the red armbands were used to show his surrender to underlying anger and bitterness, as well as a nod towards his descent into totalitarianism. The red color represents rage and violence that consume him. Like he says, it's art.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: Zelenskyy likens war-torn Ukraine to A-bombed Hiroshima See in context

The sanctioning of F16s would have been a gamechanger earlier but unfortunately comes a little late. Russia is well and truly dug in and even with the west's equipment it is unlikely there be little change in the territory now held by the Russians. Unfortunately Russia is just a far bigger country and Ukraine will eventually have to concede some land. The only possible way for Ukraine to win is with political turmoil within Russia and some form of coup.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Posted in: Connecticut woman missing since April 10 after going on hiking pilgrimage in Japan See in context

Here's a bit more information

I believe she started at the Mandoroko Minshuku here 〒637-1224 Nara, Yoshino District, Totsukawa, Imoze, 101 五百

And was aiming to get to Taiyo no yu onsen 行者民宿 太陽の湯 here 〒637-1554 Nara, Yoshino District, Totsukawa, Hiradani, 693 行者民宿 十津川温泉 太陽の湯

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Heavy snow warnings issued for parts of Japan; flights canceled See in context

Here in rural Kyoto we have blizzard conditions, the worse I have seen in 20 years

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: What advice would you give to someone who may be feeling depressed or lonely during the Christmas-New Year period? See in context

If you can, stay away from teh booze, it will make you feel worse.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you think having female quotas in college admissions, government and company management positions is reverse discrimination against men? See in context

If the goal is to attract more women then it may not be the best way to go about it. Perhaps rethinking the job or course contents to make it more suitable or attractive for women. For example offereing flexible working hours and a creche would go along way to attarcting women into a job. Make length of service less of a priority. Get rid of all the useless and stuffy ojisans who don't do anything. And yes of course it is sexism to chose one gender over another for gender.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Posted in: Yakuza may be blocked from using all expressways in Japan within the decade See in context

When I worked for a well known Eikaiwa chain the Yakuza came in to enquire about English classes. Apprently they wanted to be able to communicate with their "foreign female employees". They demanded ashtrays and smoked during the sales talk. The staff asked me to do a demo lesson but to do it really badly as they didn't want the Yaks as customers. That was the one and only time I have been asked to do a bad lesson - and luckily they didn't sign.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: French man desperate to find clues on missing sister in Japan See in context

This is my theory

Looking at the youtube video and reading the Reddit, it seem that Tiphanie was very organized and had tightly scheduled her day. She had listed the Kanmangafuchi Abyss as something to do on the day she dissapeared. It seems as though Tiphaine would have kept to her schedule and gone to this place.

It is just 11 minutes walk from the Turtle Hotel where she was staying. It is likely that this could have been her first stop as it was so close. The abyss is a gorge with fast running water. The sides are steep and very slippery even when it hasn't been raining because of the spray from the gorge.

People often want to climb down to the water to get a shot because of the deep blue colour of the rock pools. Tipahnie was wearing canvas sneakers that would have easliy slipped on those rocks. The river is fairly fast running even in good weather, and it had also been raining 2 days prior.

She suffered from epilepsy and a fall into cold water may have triggered a seizure. Although it was summer this river comes down from the mountains and Niko is fairly high so the water would have been fairly cold.

The argument against this is that a body hasn't been found yet, but it does seem a far more likely scenario than a criminal act

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: What is your definition of virtue signaling? Can you give some examples? See in context

Any of the following words and I stop listening, switch of, or stop reading

Cis gender

Non binary

Plant based



Cultural appropriation



Toxic ......... (anything)

Zero waste

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: We've got to limit the number of people who can get a COVID-19 test and diagnosis, though we know it's our duty to respond to as many patients as possible. See in context

In my expereince when you have symptoms - basically a fever - it is impossible to get a test. In my area there are designated hospitals that will accept pateients with a fever to get tested. These need to be within walking/cycling distance from your address and the names are provided by the local health authority.

However, the places available are very limited as patients are addigned an isolatation room while they wait. I found it very difficult to get tested as the places went within 5minutes each day.

My company would have given me a pcr tests if I didn't have symptoms, but couldn't give me one once I had symptoms as it was out of my area and involved coming by public transport.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan reports record high 250,403 coronavirus cases; 34,243 in Tokyo See in context

People are asking about how this being classified differently affects things., This is my experience of the system.

We didnt gave to pay for the anti inflamatory medicine but we paid about 2,000 yen for the test.

Isolating at home is considered being in hospital so I was able to claim 15,000 yen per day on my life insurance for the 10 day period. My wife claimed about 12,000 per day.

We were also sent a box of food from the local health department that covered 3-4 days of the isolation. We could have asked for more.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan reports 249,830 coronavirus cases; 38,940 in Tokyo See in context

Covid knocked the stuffing out of me. Do not take it lightly

4 ( +16 / -12 )

Posted in: Which books or author did you love when you were a child? See in context

In my case it was the early 70s. I really enjoyed the following,

Enid Blytons famous five

Watership Down

The Hobitt

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan reports 233,094 coronavirus cases; record high 40,406 for Tokyo See in context

I am on my 5th day of Covid. In my expereince the symptoms of this variant are worse than the flu and last longer. It is highly transmissable and my family now has it too. The problem is getting tested if you have a fever. There are a limited number of hospitals locally that will accept patients with a temperature. You have to call first thing in the morning each day to see if you can get a test - and in my expereince all the places have gone within 5 minutes. I dread to think what would happen if anyone becomes very seriously ill.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan's daily COVID cases hit new record, above 209,000 See in context

I am on my fourth day with Covid and I can tell you it is nasty. Similar symtoms to a bad flu but it just keeps going. It took me two days before I could find a place to get tested. The local hospitals here in Kansai are swamped. I had my third booster shot in April and the sysmtoms are anything but mild. This current version of Covid needs to be taken seriously.

14 ( +26 / -12 )

Posted in: Russian and Belarusian athletes banned from Paralympics in stunning about-face See in context

News sources are saying that the principle reason was that other teams and athletes had refused to compete if Russia/Belarus took part.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Posted in: Joni Mitchell says she is boycotting Spotify over COVID 'lies' See in context

Just joined Spotify so I could watch the Dr. Robert Malone podcast episode (#1757) and see what all the fuss was about. It seems his point is that the whole vaccination thing is complex and that the efficacy includes many variables. He says we should be open to discussing and analyzing other threats to virus efficacy, and not be afraid of putting forward other hypothesis. I didn't see anything particularly controversial other than a doctor wanting to look into things more deeply.

As for these musicians wanting silencing Joe Rogan podcast seems a bit of an overreaction. What do they know and why should they be given a voice over a very qualified researcher? Shouldn't we be more open to discussion and debate rather than just silence people whose opinions we don't necessarily agree with. Joe Rogan is doing well in giving voice to a variety of interesting people in long form (this is a 3 hour podcast) that we night otherwise not have access to.

2 ( +20 / -18 )

Posted in: 20,830 suicides reported in Japan in 2021 See in context

It is good that the number has dropped since the 2000s when it was one of the highest rates in the world. I checked the world rates and was surprised to see the US rate higher than Japan, and also South Korea's phenomenally high rate

These are some suicide rates for 2021 from World Population Review

South Korea 28.6

Russia 25.1

US 16.1

Japan 15.3

Australia 12.5

Canada 11.8

NZ 11

China 8.1

UK 7.9

Stopping drinking and taking up hiking made me feel a lot better

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Australian and Serbian leaders discuss Djokovic's visa See in context

He should have his visa revoked and be punished for lying on an official government document, as any regular person would be - no exceptions or excuses. He provided the information to whoever filled out the form. There is no way he should be exempt from the conditions that would be applied to anyone else. This another case of different rules for the privileged and it stinks. I imagine the government are desperately trying the choose the course of action in which they look less bad.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

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