Japan Today

MPNiea comments

Posted in: Obama sweeps to victory, says change has come to America See in context

Well, here comes another Civil War in America. I wonder how many innocents will die in this one.

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Posted in: Iran: Obama seems more rational than McCain See in context

Iran endorsing Obama? Not a huge surprise. A fascist state supporting a fascist dictator-like candidate who will overwhelmingly socialize the U.S.

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Posted in: Obama revels in Powell endorsement, cash mountain See in context

Yup, $605 million can buy a lot of votes.

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Posted in: McCain criticizes Obama's promise of tax cuts See in context

I love how Obama can lie so easily and tell the public that he is willing to give 95% of the population a tax cut. It's not even a tax cut in the first place. The plan offers a $500-$900 tax rebate. Of course, this is after he eliminates all of the tax cuts Bush gave and hikes the death tax (yes, that's right, you are taxed 3 times when you die), the dividend tax, and income tax. You may get $500 in the mail, but you will be spending an additional $1500 if your make below $60,000 a year and an addition 15% for every $15,000 above that.

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Posted in: Biden, Palin spar over Iraq, economy in debate See in context

I agree with FandB. The debate went well for Palin, and the Obama camp was not expecting a nearly flawless night. Once again, people will be looking at the McCain / Palin ticket after her performance. This is precisely what the ticket needs to keep things fresh after two weeks of fear mongering in the senate.

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Posted in: Jeering crowd goads suicidal jumper to his death in England See in context

What a wonderful world we live in.

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Posted in: Akina Minami appears in Gundam costume See in context

All I can say is...awesome.

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Posted in: Duchovny's visit to Japan up in the air See in context

For a sexually deprived, that's right not depraved, country like Japan, they should be hailing the arrival of Duchovny. BTW, he is a wonderful actor and deserves more than a preposterous label that belittles his accomplishments.

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Posted in: McRib sandwich See in context

I remember back in the early 90s that McDonald restaurants had to stop serving the McRib after nine incidents of contamination. Mice were being pressed into the patties.

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Posted in: Japan holds diaper fashion show -- for adults See in context

Somehow, I am not surprised at all to see this at Tokyo.

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Posted in: Cell phone can unlock car, start engine See in context

How cute. Now when they steal my cell phone, they can have my care as well.

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Posted in: Should radio stations have to pay royalties to artists whose music they play? See in context

Of course, why should only the station profit by airing popular music?

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Posted in: Bank of Japan injects Y2.5 tril into markets as Lehman Japan also files for bankruptcy See in context

The Democrats should have taken President Bush's advice in 2003 when he fought for the establishment of a committee to regulate financial institutes like Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Lehman Bros.


Of course, Democrat presidential nominees for the past 12 years have been in their pockets. It is not a surprise that they blocked all efforts to cease any proposals and bills to regulate these institutes:


Have fun looking over that.

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Posted in: The English of most would-be translators is awfully poor. Few Japanese can actually read English accurately. See in context

eh, English is overrated anyway. Translators should focus on German if English is too difficult. Americans should be able to cope with that at least.

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Posted in: Palin says Democrats spreading misinformation and lies See in context

buddha4brains: Is that why Obama lost the majority of his prospective voters in the poles? Because the Democrats are slowing down to look at an accident?

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Posted in: Palin says Democrats spreading misinformation and lies See in context

The Democrats are going insane over the fact that November is still months away and they already lost. Obama / Biden have no idea what they are doing or going to do to prevent the carpet from flying away from beneath them. So instead they launch this massive attack on Palin's family and character, which is very similar to what Kerry attempted before it backfired. Unfortunately, the Democrats don't learn from their prior mistakes. And for that they will lose what could have been an easy election. Instead of attacking a Vice-presidential nominee, which is humorous in itself, maybe Obama and Biden will return to the true issues.

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Posted in: Palin says Democrats spreading misinformation and lies See in context

SuchiSake3: I'm sure Clinton had nothing to do with the slack of security that lead to the terrorist attacks. Except for the fact that he decreased military budgets by 63% then spent 720 billion dollars of Social Security funds on wasteful social welfare programs that did nothing but increase crime. And to think that no terrorists existed until the Iraq war is preposterous, seeming how we've been fighting the war on terror since Reagan. Just because Clinton decided to ignore the problem, that doesn't mean it disappeared. The so-called "6 trillion dollar debt" is once again just liberal propaganda that doesn't even exist. We still have less debt than what Clinton had before transferring our Social Security earnings. And lastly, they did talk about health care, tax cuts, and global warming, just in case you missed the perfect speech by McCain. Matter of fact, the Republicans are the only people actually providing details on their plans rather than spending hours on criticizing problems that may or may not even exist.

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Posted in: Palin mocks Obama as McCain claims nomination See in context

Palin proves herself once again with a great speech. She laid out who she is, what she has done, and what she will do. Obama is in some serious trouble. A Republican Vice-Presidential nominee woman with more experience than the Democratic Presidential nominee will be the talk point for months. There is nothing Obama can do to move around it. Instead, he sends his attack dogs in the media to diminish her reputation, and yet they are failing one-by-one. No wonder Obama's 8-point bounce from the DNC convention is rapidly disappearing.

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Posted in: GOP convention opens amid talk of Palin's unmarried daughter being pregnant See in context

Smithinjapan: It is called an example, i.e. "one of a number of things, or a part of something, taken to show the character of the whole". A = B ~ C. Keep up big boy. Democrats are the epitome of hypocrisy. That and the physical embodiment of hopelessness and failure. McCain / Palin have already won this election, and the liberal media is scavenging for scraps to keep up. The Dems just don't know that they already lost an election that could have easily fallen into their laps with a little strategy.

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Posted in: GOP convention opens amid talk of Palin's unmarried daughter being pregnant See in context

Are you serious? This gets a headline in JapanToday? John Edward's love child didn't even get a sentence, and an engaged 17-year-old woman gets a headline?

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Posted in: G-8 lower house speakers discuss peace, arms reduction in Hiroshima See in context

I am actually surprised Pelosi of all people would make a trip to Hiroshima. Nevertheless, the need for a sitting president or vice-president to visit the city is moot. I am sure not a single sitting prime minister or royal member of Japan has ever made a trip to Hawaii to pay respects to the war memorial.

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Posted in: Obama policy book coming out Sept 9 See in context

"The book will include a foreword by Obama and feature sections—written by members of Obama for America, his presidential campaign—on such issues as health care, energy and national security."


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Posted in: What did you think of the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony? See in context

Overdone and pathetic. China needlessly produced a flamboyant circus to tout its archaic themed nationalism, gross conformity, and glorification of fabricated history. Now we have reports that the fireworks and the singer were fakes.

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Posted in: What do you think of American swimmer Michael Phelps' long victory yell after he wins a race? See in context

Topic: Epic Fail

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Posted in: Does the U.S. need to have military bases anywhere in Japan? See in context

I don't believe we need U.S. Military bases in Japan. A waste of U.S. taxpayer money, and if China attacks let Japan figure out what to do by themselves.

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Posted in: Obama backs away from McCain's debate challenge See in context

Not surprising. Personally, I can do without two hours of Hussein Obama's umms. Without a teleprompter, Obama is a sitting duck. And there is no way he wants the media to pick up on his little fault this early in the game.

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Posted in: Do you think the Olympic Games will be a success? See in context

No, and I have a bad feeling that China will wind up causing a national incident by imprisoning foreign tourists. Although all the nations will turn their cheeks - including the US, the general populace will speak up as they did for Tibet.

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Posted in: Obama says McCain equals 4 more years of Bush See in context

“It’s true that change is hard, change isn’t easy,” Obama said. “Nobody here thinks that Bush or McCain has a real answer for the challenges we face so what they’re going to try to do is make you scared about me,” Obama said in remarks prepared for an audience in Springfield, Missouri, the first stop on a bus tour devoted to discussing economic security.

“It’s a leap, electing a 46-year-old black guy named Barack Obama,” he said, adding that the message Republicans have for voters is simple: “He doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bill.”

This is coming from a man who wants to reinstate Clinton's outrageous tax hikes to pay for absurd welfare programs that have continuously proved to fail, socialized healthcare, and reparations across the board. And these are new ideas? Every speech is riddled with exaggerated promises and lies that no one dares to challenge in fear of being labeled a racist. Is this the presidential nominee that America is looking for? Not to mention that the media is promoting Hussein Obama as the next messiah. Instead of a dictator selling / outsourcing his campaign to Europe, I'd rather vote for a man who has military experience, served in congress longer than four years, and refuses to destroy the middle class in an anti-Capitalist triad. Oh, and I certainly refuse to acknowledge a man like Hussein Obama who organizes a paid army of bloggers to fight his battles online. Is anyone here not a troll paid by Obama's campaign?

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Posted in: Bush vows to take 'message of freedom' to Beijing See in context

President Bush's message will surely turn some heads in China, perhaps even bar him from attending any ceremonies. Nothing will change in China until the people of China collectively rally against the Communist regime. And it still amazes me that people are attaching the deficit numbers here when it has nothing to do with the article. By the way, the deficit is entirely different from the national debt. Of course Clinton had a surplus deficit. He dedicate 720 billion dollars of our social security fund to pay for his social welfare program. His surplus was nothing but tax raises and a gross use of his power attained by Congress concerning Social Security, which is why our SS is crumbling. President Bush, on the other hand, refuses to use our SS funds. So, in a way, having halved the national debt in two years despite continuous economic fallout that has nothing to do with the central government, the deficit is pretty good news.

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