Japan Today

MPNiea comments

Posted in: Obama promises to revive U.S. economy See in context

Well, certainly the billions of dollars the Democrats want to throw indiscriminately at realty investors who made poor investment decisions during the housing boom is sure as heck isn't going to make things better. President Bush should be vetoing that wasteful bill.

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Posted in: America is the most selfish country. See in context

America is selfish. How dare they contribute only 80% of all world aid! They should be forking over 20 times rather than 10 times more than any other country on this earth. Instead of 48 billion dollars to combat AIDs in Africa, President Bush should have allocated 100 billion. Same with contributions to help pre-industrial nations. Instead of a few billion, they should be paying 100% of the bill for all the countries not as productive as China. Who cares about whether or not Americans can afford paying for their own lifestyles. They should only be concerned about other people in countries whose governments cannot possibly take care of them.

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Posted in: McCain ridicules Obama over Iraq policy See in context

McCain certainly has some spunk in him. Although he is not my first presidential choice and will probably sink further when he announces a VP, he is a far superior option than Hussein Obama. Then again, I guess it would not be too bad to have someone as liberal as McCain in office. He'll just pander to the Democrats for four years then hand it over to another candidate.

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Posted in: Obama addresses 200,000 in Berlin with message of unity for world's people See in context

Forget about paralleling Obama with Jesus or a new fabricated Messiah. Obama's little world tour is gradually resembling some form of offshore coup d’état to build support for a nationalized dictatorship - one reminiscent of Hitler's early political strategy. After all, no other presidential nominee has ever spent this much time and money to build a foreign base. Obviously Obama has something else up his sleeve. Beside the fact that 60% of the DNC's funds are allocated from foreign sources, it would be quite beneficial to outsource their election as well.

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Posted in: Obama says he'll work for Mideast peace See in context

Is Obama's ambiguous universal plan of peace precisely what Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and President Bush campaigned at the start of their nominations? I guess the same failing rhetoric never changes...even in 20 years of failure. Bush Sr. sat on a time bomb, Clinton paid off every Middle Eastern leader with our Social Security funds, and President Bush decided to take them head on - and yet nothing has succeeded. Perhaps, it is time to accept the fact that a permanent war is the only solution. Bringing our troops back will only bring the war to the home front.

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Posted in: Do you think the International Criminal Court should be able to charge world leaders with crimes? See in context

Also, it is humorous for people to cry war crimes when searching for some purpose of blaming President Bush. Yet when people see masses slaughtered by dictators in China, Iran, Syria, Columbia, and western Russia - not to mention the PLO, pre-war Iraq, and Hezbollah, everyone is silent. Good job guys on showing some concern for real atrocities. You are perfect examples of ignorance.

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Posted in: Do you think the International Criminal Court should be able to charge world leaders with crimes? See in context

World leaders, particularly in the case of dictatorships, should be held responsible for their actions. However, it would be detrimental for the ICC to become nothing more than a political campaign to further some ideology of retribution. The United Nations have already proved countless number of times that they are wholly incapable of managing the most insignificant tasks, such as aid distribution. If we already have failure at the most fundamental foundation of a unifying government system, how is anyone supposed to take the ICC seriously? In the end, I predict the ICC will be nothing more than political rhetoricians attempting to force capitalism and democracy into a whirl pool of chaos in order to further some world-wide socialist system to support the EU. After all, the United States contributes 80% of all world aid to other countries. That doesn't even count the billions we give to countries in the EU to keep them afloat, and we are forced to to keep international favor. Personally, I believe any world-wide governing system is a joke. Countries must fight for themselves and aid only themselves. If the world doesn't care about third-world nations, then why should the U.S. be forced to pick up the tab to bring a smile to a few faces Americans will never see or meet. What we need is an enforced closed-door policy. Then we'll see who still feels the U.S. is the bane of the world.

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Posted in: House Speaker Pelosi calls Bush 'a total failure' See in context

Interesting claims by the head of a party with a lower approval rating than President Bush.

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