Posted in: City in Shizuoka starts incinerating tsunami debris See in context
This is a big big problem. I have been measuring the air around some incinerators with my Russian Geiger Counter and I found many time very radioactive air closer to the plants. Particularly I found a 0.6 microsieverts outside of the National Children Health Care Hospital. There is a big garden outside the Hospital and you can see the big Kinuta incinerator, there is also a big park there and the readings where always around 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 micro sieverts. SCAM!!! I have been closer to other incinerator, in Chitose Fuunabashi 0.3 micro sieverts, and if the air blows closer to you 0.4 ms. COME ON PEOPLE!!! don't be so blind.
0 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Husbands who take active role in family life have more loving wives: study See in context
Well, This article and the comments was so mind opener for me. I'm on the same position as Darren and many of you guys. I clean at home, I try to come back home around 7:30pm so I can see my daughter before sleep, I used to give all my money to my wife, payed her credit card, payed her pension, etc, but nothing made her happy. She always wanted more, she hates me, we don't sleep together since a year and a half, plus, Plus... Her mother controls her mind. I don't see the point in continuing more this suffering but I know I'm going to lose my daughter and that's the thing that doesn't let me sleep anymore. There is nothing I can do. If I stay here at home I'm just going to get crazy. Family Court as we know, is not on our side, 30minutes for her and 15minutes for you. This 6 years of being married went from happiness to craziness like sky rocket after my daughter was born, this is not the life I want or deserve, this is not the society I want for my children. I really prefer to keep my soul alive than become a gray suit guy on the train sucked by the whole Japanese society. Freedom!!!
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Shouldn't use the word expedite now, way too late
Posted in: Gov't to expedite release of rice reserves amid surging prices