Japan Today

MrMukatsuku comments

Posted in: LAPD says Miura hanged himself with shirt in cell at detention house See in context

(continued) Unless of course you are soooooo busted, then you take the easy way out.

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Posted in: LAPD says Miura hanged himself with shirt in cell at detention house See in context

Instead of facing what he did and taking responsibility, he takes the easy way out.

In Japan, 'taking responsibility' is always someone else's problem.

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Posted in: Naked Briton detained after swimming in Imperial Palace moat See in context

A bit late but: A naked man jumped into the imperial moat today, 50 cops are looking into it.

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Posted in: Segway See in context

Good to see that exercise in the big wide outdoors hasn't gone out of fashion.

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Posted in: Pocket proficiency See in context

wow that's almost 10 years old

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Posted in: Manners more attractive than boobs, says Mika Kano See in context

Talking of manners and breasts, women complain that "Men look at their breasts and never listen to them..." Sony have now come out with a breast implant combined with an mp3 player. So men will finally be able to listen to them...

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Posted in: KDDI to launch 1Gbps fiber-optic service in Oct See in context

It seems that Japan is the place to base your web server, to cope with incoming traffic.

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Posted in: 'Mad Men' and '30 Rock' win top Emmys See in context

Will you people please stop.

Please do not barrack other posters!

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Posted in: Kochi company executive stabbed to death See in context

So how many investigators did the murdered boy found in the Fukuoka park get?

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Posted in: Aya Sugimoto See in context

So, when is she going to shave her head?

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Posted in: 31 windows broken at primary school in Saitama See in context

Police found rocks...

Another crime solved - 'I think the rocks have something to do with the broken windows guv... we can crack this case if we can just figure out how...'

Their detection powers are truly phenomenal.

Things are looking up!

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Posted in: Aeon to launch trial food discount store in Tokyo See in context


Well it's good to see that someone has finally pulled their finger out and making a real effort at improving the quality of food on sale in our shops. Any news on the availability of burgers with the fish-hook dressing?

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Posted in: Aeon to launch trial food discount store in Tokyo See in context

Oh goody, will they be selling rice?

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Posted in: 343 mobile handsets stolen from DoCoMo shops in Ibaraki See in context

Just another 22 and they can use a new phone every day

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Posted in: Marie spreads a bit of cheer See in context

I am horrible at remembering dialogue

Therein lies your answer...

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Posted in: Movie industry enjoying 'die-and-cry' boom See in context

Women like movies where one person dies very slowly.

Men like movies where lots of people die very quickly.

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Posted in: Pet robot bugs See in context

Scratch my last comment! ($90.88) by UPS Saver - hehe!

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Posted in: Pet robot bugs See in context

Additional Information:

2,625 yen

Wow, that's some mark-up! They're advertised for $10 - about 1000yen on the vexrobotics website. Why the disparity?

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Posted in: Top Japanese cell phone innovator praises iPhone See in context

Takeshi Natsuno, who developed Japan’s first Internet-linking cell phone service “i-mode” in 1999, when such systems were still ground-breaking.

It was however a British company (Lxxxxx) that did the management, programming, infrastructure and actually got the damned thing working.

In Japan, the bottom line has become SO important that corporations milk product lines for as long as they can, effectively stifling innovation - because a new product would prevent them milking the old product line to death. Ya jus' gotta maximize that profit.

One of my friends - A Japanese researcher, was researching 5G - Signal tunneling. He became so disillusioned with DoCoMo (He agreed when I said YRP stands for "Yokosuka Research Prison") that he disappeared off to a research at a university in Finland - where he's appreciated!

This country has plenty of innovators, they're just not allowed to express themselves.

...which he said was dominated by stodgy conservatives, who lacked the charisma and creative sensibilities of a Steve Jobs,

... I rest my case...

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Posted in: 8 people arrested for use of illegal drugs in open-air live concert in Gunma See in context

Those tomatoes are now just way too juicy and red for me to think its right for me, or any others for that matter, to eat.

Tried smoking them?

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Posted in: The do's and don'ts of having an affair See in context

I don't think anyone is having a stab at you seansezso, we're all here trying to find the truth.

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Posted in: 26-year-old woman found stabbed to death in apartment in Tachikawa, boyfriend missing See in context

People undergoing domestic violence must be referred to psychologist

Preferably not this dude...


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Posted in: Restaurant owner stabbed to death by regular customer in Osaka See in context

More criminal psychology on parade. "You owe me, so I'm gonna kill you and spend the rest of my life in prison, just to teach you a lesson."

Or possibly "I owe you, I cannot pay, you're pi$$ing me off by always asking me to pay, I'll teach you not to pi$$ me off."

As OgieDoggie says: Dig deeper you journalists. Otherwise your readers are left with nothing to do but speculate on the intentions of the players.

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Posted in: Tires on 100 cars slashed in Fukushima See in context

Got in a bit quick there Sarge! Guess I'm a slow typist!

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Posted in: Tires on 100 cars slashed in Fukushima See in context

At least it wasn't a group of people who were slashed.

The local tyre sales outlets must be wringing their hands in glee!

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Posted in: Tokyo won't be able to cope with Katrina-like flooding See in context

The good news is that Japan has never had a typhoon as strong as Hurricane Katrina in its recorded history. The most destructive typhoon was Typhoon Kathleen in 1947, which claimed 3,769 lives.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the average seawater temperature rose by 0.5 degrees Celsius, but in the Sea of Japan, it has risen about 0.7 degrees to 1.6 Celsius in the past 100 years, which is believed to be the cause of bigger typhoons that the Kanto region has been experiencing. Another trend with recent typhoons is that more of them are reaching the mainland, the agency said.

Typoons are bigger and more frequent...

Forget the Dome. Head for the Ropp. 'hills'!

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of Japanese TV variety programs? See in context

blvtzpk - Might I presume that they are only 'warm' because of the studio lights? In all other respects they don't do anything that warrants their appearance in front of the camera!

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of Japanese TV variety programs? See in context

Having not seen a single positive response to the question of "What do you think of the quality of Japanese TV variety programs?" the judgement must surely be a resounding: "cr@p!"

Everyone wants to be famous, but doesn't want to put in years of work at stage school... are there any stage schools in Japan?

Current technology, used so often in the production of mainstream, J-pop singles, or any single for that matter, means that any old howler can sing like an angel. This promotes an endless stream of talentless bodies that will forever be paraded on terrestrial Japanese TV, who can do no more than warble into a microphone and make out like it's Friday night at the local karaoke bar. Only, next Friday night you are not on the TV, you've been dropped for a new flavour of the month.

The true talent, and I say this with a bucket of salt, are those who come into mainstream media via a 'traditional' Japanese theatrical background.

The point I am making is: The selection process of discovering 'Talent' and putting it straight on the TV is flawed. Talent must be developed before its debut. Oh, and I'm sick of the way the word 'debut' is used here in Japan. A debut is made ONLY AFTER the debutante has been polished and schooled in the ways of 'high-society'. The word debut in the Japanese context literally means: Here now, still debuting tomorrow, still debuting next week, and is gone after a month or so. A debut happens only once folks - one day, one time then your debut is over. I digress... Talent must be developed before its debut.

Being a performer in the TV Media light is a profession, and must be treated as such. Talent must be developed. First, three to five years of stage school would weed out the deadbeat-wannabes - wannabes who want all the fame but don't want to work at it. A school that produces everything from actors to writers to sound engineers. Once you have your stageschool production line going, it should steadily churn out cohorts of real talent. Second, and this will go against the Japanese salaryman ethos of: "Wring 'em dry and throw them away", your talent must be developed and grown through a series of increasing challenges.

I can't see anything like a stage school happening, but I though I'd express the idea anyway to promote a bit of discussion.

Comments? Ideas? Insults?

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of Japanese TV variety programs? See in context

Sorry cleo, you're not a member of the Evangelical Choir of Consumption - with the current 'quality of Japanese TV variety programs' you dog must have very clean ears.

Oxymoron example: 'the quality of Japanese TV variety programs'.

I had a post removed too! It was a doozie.

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of Japanese TV variety programs? See in context

Careful blvtzpk, maybe cleo will suggest (cue the Evangelical Choir of Consumption) : 'Buy another television!'. Personally I don't watch terrestrial tv, opting instead for satellite tv, or the Internet. I still pop back to jp native tv to remind me just how bad it is, and to motivate me to use my time in a more profitable way.

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