Japan Today

MrPudgins comments

Posted in: Unusual bond heals wounds for American WWII POWs who will visit Japan See in context

Perhaps we could some respectful message to Nippon Coke and Engineering.

http://www.n-coke.com/en/enquiries/index.html (English)

http://www.n-coke.com/enquiries/index.html (Japanese)

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Posted in: Is there more to controversial art of Trevor Brown than meets the eye? See in context

The "art" of Trevor Brown. That's a laugh. And the laugh is on people who pay him for it, and the critics who try to find depth in it. It's so derivative. There are any number of other "artists" who exhibit similar themes - Earley and Ryden to name only two. Yoshitomo Nara did it better in the 90's- more subtle, more mysterious, more interesting. In ten years' time, no one will remember who Trevor Brown was. Good thing, too! What a waste of paint.

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Posted in: Model in altered Ralph Lauren ad for Japan speaks out See in context

According to most medical charts available online, the weight range for a woman 5'9" is 128 - 168 lbs. According to the University of Wisconsin Medical School's slightly different system of calculating weight/percentage of body fat, the "ideal" weight for the same height would be 145 lbs. At 5'9" and 119 lbs., Ms. Hamilton is underweight. Not that anyone in the fashion world or advertising cares about that. Be vigilant. These people are not our friends.

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Posted in: Don't sweat it See in context

The writer of this article is probably too young to remember "dress shields." They've been around since the 1950's (at least) in the U.S., and they're still available in some lingerie shops and catalogs. Just in case you want to know!

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