Posted in: Norway killer's manifesto praises Japan for not adopting multiculturalism See in context
While you're technically right about Sharia, the issues run much deeper, as with other multicultural issues. For example there is the problem of coercion of unwilling Sharia participants. Even the Guardian, the UK's most left-leaning paper, is not in favour of Sharia.
BTW I think multiculturalism has worked fantastically well in the UK for thousands of years BECAUSE things like Sharia courts have not been allowed. If Japan opened up its doors it should also beware of such things.
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Posted in: Divorce means liberation for some, virtual servitude for others See in context
They should move to the UK, where a woman can divorce her husband on a whim and live off his salary forever, even if she shacks up with a millionaire.
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Posted in: George Clooney uses Hollywood starpower in Sudan See in context
The slave trade in Sudan (ie the enslavement of native Africans by Arab Muslim Sudanese) is in full swing again, some 150 years after the British managed to put a stop to it. (How revoltingly arrogant of the British to impose their values on the Sudanese. After all, slavery is part of Arab culture, and all cultures must be cherished no matter how bad they may seem to arrogant western observers. Isn't that right, moral equivalence fanboys?) But the world's media doesn't give a damn, because the perpetrators are Muslim, and criticising Muslims (Arab Muslims to boot) is 100% racist and Islamophobic. And what's more, many of the enlsaved Africans are Chistian... so it's their own damn fault. The level of MSM disinterest in evident in this article, the main thrust of which is that George Clooney is bringing the taboo subject of Sudan up at all. But even given this golden opportunity, actual details of the southern Sudanese suffering at the hands of their Arab masters are omitted.
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Posted in: Pope stunned by wave of anti-Christian violence See in context
smithinjapan: As a total atheist myself, I find your moral equivalence absurd at the best of times but sickening in this instance. Copts have been the target of violence and intimidation for decades in Egypt, but the reason it hadn't reached the MSM is that they never retaliate (the MSM isn't interested in the fate of Christians.) The scale of violence has reached the point where even the MSM has had to take notice. Who are these 'radical Christians' in Egypt, and what are they doing? Answer: there are none, there are just long suffering Copts who want to be free to practise their religion, but are being intimidated by the Muslim state and actually murdered by Muslim extremists. Yet you still want to pin blame on them.
runwithscissors Your claim that the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have anything to do with Christianity are totally absurd. Stupidity, ignorance, greed, self-interest yes, but Christianity, no. But then I find it odd that even when terrorists actually say that they kill themselves and others in the name of their religion, you think that their religion is not their motivation. If their motivation is simply 'fighting the invader' why don't they just so? The answer is that their religion is chock full of calls to fight, subjugate or deceive the infidel. Islam is more important than nationality.
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Posted in: Japan urges calm after China severs contacts See in context
Kindergarten diplomacy from China and Japan. I'm sure Korea will weigh in too so that it doesn't feel left out. No wonder the US has to stand guard in the area.
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Posted in: Do you believe that Al-Qaida was responsible for the events of 9/11 See in context
Of course it was Al-Qaida, but their motives were more devious than most people realise.
(BTW, I also believe that Al-Qaida was set up by the USA, and that the invations of Iraq and Afghansistan were not only illegal, but stupid beyond all measure.)
The Islamic jihad, started by Mohammad in the 7thC, was put on ice, and Muslim military conquests in Europe (the Ottoman Empire, Spain etc) rolled back as the Muslim world fell behind the 'west' in technological and financial power. In the 1980s it was back with a vengence, as Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini tapped into growing Islamic confidence caused in part by Britain's creation of Muslim states like Pakistan, and the rise of the self-loathing leftish elite in the west.
With US policies as justification, and the Koran as divine sanction, Al-Qaida perpetrated 9/11. But there was also a seconday consideration. After 9/11, Islam could now play the 'victim' card (don't tar us all with the same brush, it was 'extremists' wot dun it!) This ruse has been swallowed hook line and sinker by the leftish 'elite', who now seek to accommodate Ismamic barbarity (eg preaching death for homosexuality and apostacy) in mainstream western culture, and who kowtow to each Islamic demand (not request, but demand) for concessions to Islam in many walks of life. And now the jihad is gaining strength. Islamic slavery of Africans (stamped out by the British in the 19th) is booming in Sudan, unchallenged by the dhimmi west. Islamic "Barbary" piracy (appeased by the US eventually but stamped out by the British in the 19thC) is back in Somalia. Islamic law, with its inherent persecution of non-Muslims, homosexuals etc) is being established, fully or partially, in many places all over the globe (even in the UK.) But becuase Islam has played the victim card so brilliantly, with 9/11 being the masterstoke, all debate about jihad is stamped out by the leftish thought police.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
In response to my concerns of taste, and whether the site of the mosque is or isn't part of Ground Zero, the only responses I got were of the crass "IT'S THE LAW, GET OVER IT" variety. I was merely pointing out how ludicrous that is, since everybody challenges the law and politicians' decisions from time to time.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
I think it's 'unbelievable' that you fail to see the distinction between morals and legislation. It seem you think that no law should be questioned, no politician's decision challenged. Orwellian, totalitarian conformity seems to be your bag.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
The letter of the law, at the end of the day, is the only thing that matters.
It's so scary, and so sad, that you think that way.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
That's their opinion, which many people disagree with. But of course, the letter of the law and the opinions of petty officials are now the only thing that matters to 'liberals'. More convervative than the conservatives.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
A link to a video discussing the mosque isn't relevant to this discussion? Cover your ears and keep chanting your mantra...
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
Pat Condell, a left-wing athiest activist who's disgusted at the way 'liberals' refuse to critcise misogynistic, homophobic, confrontational and violent Islam, has some excellent points to make about the mosque (which, SushiSake3, is part of Ground Zero since it took a hit from one of the planes.)
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
you have far more to fear about Christianity's idea of worldly life
Why? America has operated under a broadly Christian set of values since the beginning.
But anyway, Sharia Law is already in effect in parts of the UK. Muslim women in those places now have effectly no recourse to the law of the land. Instead, issues such as domestic violence are judged in Sharia courts according to Sharia values. Since wife beating is not only tolerated in the Koran but advocated (4:34) those women have little or no protection. As Islam makes further inroads into US life (and this mosque is a huge stepping stone) the full impact must be studied, or else the US will end up in the same sort of mess as the UK.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
Ask almost any atheist and they will tell you that no system which believes in God is rational.
I am an athiest. All religions may say irrational things about the afterlife etc, but it's Islam's ideas about worldly life that's the problem. One by-product of this mosque issue is that many more people will research Islam and hopefully take steps to ensure that medieaval Sharia doesn't make it to the statute books.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
It is irrationally dumb to be wary of 800,000
I see you're cranking up the insults yabits.
If you took the time to read my posts you'd notice that I'm not particularly wary of Muslims, but of Islam, the ideology that acts as a catalyst for the 'suicidal radicals' you mention.
I grew up in Dearborn around plenty of Muslims. I know from years of personal experience that Islam is not a hateful ideology.
And I grew up in a town with about 5000 Kashmir Muslims, of whom some are still close friends. But even some of my friends think that women should be stoned to death for adultery. It's Islam that makes otherwise sane people think like that.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
aka: educated people
If you educated yourself about Islam you'd realise that rational Muslims (the majority) are the biggest victims of that hateful ideology.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
Muslims may be rational, but Islam is not. That's why there are, as you admit, 2 or 3 thousand "suicidal radicals" at large. Rational Muslims can't challenge them head-on because the "radicals" are the ones on sound Islamic ideological ground. Besides, you think 2 or 3 thousand "suicidal radicals" is nothing to be wary of? Sounds like you're suicidal yourself.
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Posted in: New York mayor tries to ease tensions after Muslim cabbie knifed See in context
They were not the same.
They were not the same.
They were not the same.
They were not the same........
This is a tactic of PC drones, keep chanting the mantra and hope that everyone accepts it as truth. I note that Islamic apologists are always throwing down the gauntlet to those wary of Islam - "PROVE that Islam is violent" etc. Well here's a poser SushiSake3, how does the Islam of the 9/11 terrorists differ from mainstream Islam? And if you manage to explain that, how about explaining how those terrorists, and thousands like them, got to misunderstand so badly the religion they devoted their lives (and deaths) to?
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
Much of what you say makes sense; however, Islam sets itself apart from all other religions in two main ways. Firstly, it's a complete political ideology which aspires to be the only jurisprudence (Sharia) and secondly, so much of its doctrine pertains to non-ahderents of the faith (infidels.) The aggressive treatment of infidels (and apostates) is a major part of the Koran.
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
employ extreme measures
Asking them to build the mosque elsewhere is not 'extreme'.
The only measure that can be taken to prevent Islamic doctrine becoming law in the USA is to educate people about what Islam teaches and what Islamic law means to the people who have to live under it (and about whom nobody seems to care.)
Muslims are not being triumphant
That's subjective.
Look, it's no fun banging heads with you guys, being called a bigot and worse (right wing? Gettoutahere, you're dealing a with peacenik! Just one who's prepared to risk challenging modern PC dogma.) I'd be perfectly happy if the White House was bulldozed and replaced with a Hindu shrine or a Buddhist temple. But the thing is that Islam is not like other religions, and it's a great mistake to pretend that it is.
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
why you are so sure
Because it's easy to check the teachings of the four main modern schools of Islamic jurisprudence.
Notice that lower Manhattan is not located in an Islamic country.
It's the same ideology, and that ideology could eventually be put into practise if it goes unchallenged. Can't happen in the USA? An arrogant delusion. Plus the fact that as Islam is seen to grow stronger in the USA (triumphalist megamosques certainly help), Islamic law takes a tighter grip elsewhere (eg Nigeria.) But the politically correct don't seem to give a hoot for the fate of mere Africans.
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
Muchakucha, you might want to rethink that 2:25pm post
Oh come on, those are links to a loony cult and a deranged woman. Mainstream Islam preaches death to homosexuals.
What would be the problem there at ground zero that wouldn't be present elsewhere?
This is a reasonable point. I just want people to realise exactly what is preached is mosques, and therefore what will be preached at Ground Zero.
To the Moderators: I did just as MistWizard asked. Surely it was pertinent to the topic? Or was the truth too unpleasant?
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
Muslims selectively interperate their holy texts just like the followers of other religions do
No Christians, or any members of any other major religion, selectively their holy texts to say that homosexuals or apostates should be killed. However 3 of the 4 main modern day Islamic jurisrudences say that homosexuals should be killed, and all 4 state that apostates should be killed.
The fact that homosexuals and apostates are persecuted, imprisoned, murdered and executed in Islamic countries seems to be happily tolerated and/or ignored by PC drones on the basis that 1) some Muslims don't agree with it and 2) It doesn't happen to them (yet).
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
I'm not sure that I would call those Islamic ideals
Why aren't you sure? Those ideals are enshrined in Islamic law and easy to verify.
"the Godless" Christian ideals
Ok, some Christians think homosexuality is 'Godless'. There it stops. In Islamic countries, homosexuals are imprisoned or executed. Notice the difference?
Be that as it may, how, pray tell, can anyone say that those precepts "will be preached" at this particular site?
It's reasonable to assume that mainstays of the Islamic faith will be preached at a major mosque such as this. Death for homosexuals is routinely preached at London's biggest mosque, the prestigious Regents Park Mosque. Why do you think the Ground Zero Mosque will be any different?
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Posted in: Rallies over mosque near ground zero get heated See in context
Every time a voice is raised in protest against the mosque, another man joins the Taliban against the U.S
Well I'll be... MistWizard at last understands one of the central tenets of Islam! Namely, do what we want or we will fight you.
As for the mosque: yes the law is on Islam's side. Yes, it's in incredible bad taste to build it there. Yes, it being a mosque, Islamic ideals such as death for homosexuals and apostates will be preached there. But hate speech enjoys the full protection of the constitution when it's Islam doing the talking. People who oppose aforementioned hate speech are slandered and maligned.
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Posted in: Some Muslims question mosque near ground zero See in context
You say it's 'tolerable' to assert that homosexuals should be killed. So what happens when an Imam makes that assertion and a devout Muslim takes heed and goes and kills a homosexual? Ever heard of incitement?
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Posted in: Some Muslims question mosque near ground zero See in context
right-wing nutcases
There you go again. I find "right wing" more offensive than "nut-cases"
Prominent Muslim Tarek Fatah states that the mosque is a 'provocation'.
Is he a right wing nut-case? Wikipedia describes him as a 'leftist radical'. One thing's for sure: he knows a hell of lot more about Islam than you do.
Just for good measure, the head of Al-Arabiya TV, a leading Saudi Arabian TV station, states:
"I cannot imagine that Muslims want a mosque on this particular site, because it will be turned into an arena for promoters of hatred, and a symbol of those who committed the crime."
Oh no! Another right-wing nut-case!! They seem to be everywhere don't they, yabits?
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Posted in: Some Muslims question mosque near ground zero See in context
For the exact reason you fail to tolerate Muslims' beliefs you fall into the category you criticize them for.
Do you think it's correct to tolerate somebody's assertion that homosexuals should be killed? Why should the intolerable be tolerated? Such tolerance ensures that homosexuals will be killed.
And your belief tbat people who dislike Islam assumse all Muslims are the same is just leftish hate-speech. I'm sure many Muslims think Islam is a croc. However, they are all bound by Islam, since dissention brings retribution in the Islamic world.
So long as the criticism is CONSTRUCTIVE and not simply for the sake of opposition, then it's a good thing
These free-thinking Muslims are saying EXCACTLY THE SAME THING as non-Muslims who oppose the mosque. Are these Muslims bigotted right-wing Islamophobes?
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Posted in: Obama says Muslims have right to build mosque near ground zero See in context
Landing gear from one of the aircraft smashed into the building. Therefore the building is part of Ground Zero.
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Posted in: Obama says Muslims have right to build mosque near ground zero See in context
Let's not be suckered by this 'building bridges' line. A huge mosque at Ground Zero is a clear signal to the Islamic world that Americans are submitting to Islam, which, as infidels, they are required to do by the Koran.
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Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer
Posted in: Japan gets its first foreign tour bus driver under specified skilled worker program
Catch them, send them to jail.. And deport if it applies..
Posted in: 800 cabbages stolen from Aichi field