Japan Today

mukai comments

Posted in: TEPCO president mulls paying damages; says he won't resign See in context

Ivan, I agree 100%. Too bad the lynching won't happen though. He already did the "Gomenasai" dance, and you know what that means to we Japanese. I have a feeling it will be shoganai attitude from here on. I hope I am wrong, but this turkey needs to flogged and shamed publicly for his corrupt and arrogant attitude before this.

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Posted in: TEPCO president mulls paying damages; says he won't resign See in context

“You are eating a warm meal every day,” said Konno, complaining that the two pieces of bread provided daily at the evacuation center where he is staying were not fit to be fed to dogs.'

And now we see why people in Japan do not trust TEPCO.

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Posted in: Comparing Japan and Chernobyl See in context

And by the way, I do not believe TEPCO executives are the most knowledgable. NO ONE on their board is a nuclear scientist, they are all stock holders and retired pols.

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Posted in: Comparing Japan and Chernobyl See in context

Klein, come on man, I was making a joke. You are the one telling everyone to lighten up, then when someone makes a joke you get bent out of shape. It was a joke to make people laugh - giving your own advice: lighten up man.

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Posted in: Comparing Japan and Chernobyl See in context

I hear TEPCO is changing the title from "Executive Committee" to "Putzmeisters".

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Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder of girlfriend's father See in context

@ Mangaman

Just so you know, I am Japanese. So much for your generalisations. Like all Japanese fathers wouldn't protect their daughters from "pedos". We do, thank you very much.

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Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder of girlfriend's father See in context

Ah, Mangaman:

As a father of two girls (9 and 12), if they were under 20 with a 22 year old suitor, I would meet him at the door with a baseball bat. Don't base fatherly love on strictly "bias created by the pedo hysteria in the west."

Would you want your under age daughter in a "pedo" relationship? Fathers the world over agree on this. Until you become a father (not a dad, any man can produce offspring, a father actually supports and raises them) then you really do not understand the father-child bond.

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Posted in: What do you think about Shintaro Ishihara's re-election for a 4th term as Tokyo governor? See in context

When I heard the news I rent my garments, gnashed my teeth and called up to heaven, "Why God, why have you forsaken us." And bear in mind I live in Nagoya.

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Posted in: Out for a walk See in context

What a touching photo. Very, very nice. I hope her family made it through the quake and tsunami.

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Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder of girlfriend's father See in context

Not the best way to impress the girlfriend's dad, or the girlfriend. I bet he will not approve of a wedding if she stays with this guy.

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Posted in: Park place See in context

Central Park in Nagoya was mobbed yesterday. Today Meijo Koen near my office was mobbed as well. Personally, I am glad to see little ones playing, couples together, and families enjoying life.

I feel the lesson from the quake and tsunami is to enjoy life while one can with the people they love. I can say, my wife and I have become much closer. Life gives many lessons to learn and we all have different of reacting. I respect those abstaining this year just as much as those who do enjoy hanami.

This picture made my heart warm, thanks JT.

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Posted in: Mother accepts kindergarten graduation certificates on behalf of missing daughters See in context

As a parent I do not think I could have mustered the strength this brave lady did. I would have been a wailing heap on the floor. God be with you brave lady. My heart and prayers are with you.

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Posted in: Sachiko Kobayashi distributes rice in Fukushima See in context

What a great lady with a huge heart!

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Posted in: U.S. Marine nuclear rescue team stands ready in Japan See in context

My English is not good, and my Latin far worse. But I believe their motto goes: Semper Fi.

Thank you Marines.

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Posted in: Praying man See in context

Very touching. Thank you JT for giving us a beautiful photo to see. Much better than other news sites today.

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Posted in: Wishing well boom attracts legions of ladies—and commercial opportunism See in context

Hey, I just came with an idea. I'll get a palm reader on TV to say the same thing about the bird bath in my back yard. We could split the profits. People would have drop in 500 yen coins for the pleasure of making their wishes. Then they could pay 2000 yen to have my wife read their palms, or tea leaves.

Mukai's bird bath - the new power spot.

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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

Beer99 - I just love my nation and want what is right to handle this.

smithinjapan - well said. Some people even now are in denile. And I do not mean the river in Egypt.


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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

Well where to begin.

Japan is the land of concrete. Steel, you bet all your used cars are sold for 10,000 yen for the steel.

TEPCO and the government could have gotten the whole started if they got off their bureaucratic butts and moved. They knew the post Chernobyl plans, they knew this plant had "irregular" inspection documts.

Never mind that, for over a month a huge concrete pumper from China has been off the coast, US Navy has had fresh water instead of sea water, but what was the Japanese response, "Oh it's all OK, we'll handle this."

And has has it been handled since. Again, if you do not understand nuclear science, then please I cannot be bothered.

Much was learned from Chernobyl, and this government and TEPCO failed to implement the plans after what was learned. We in the nuclear science community have begged MY NATION, I am Japanese, after Tokaimura, to implement plans and what was done - NOTHING.

Now that this thing has failed not one, but SIX plans to contain this, how about TEPCO send in the pros, you know, uhhh ... nuclear scientists and experts, not temporary contract workers. Sound good to you?

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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

@ hokkaidoguy,

Gee perhaps what was learned from Chernobyl. If the Japanese government and TEPCO had actually taken nuclear scientists advice and not Japanese bureaucrtaic advice, perhaps.

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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

Good luck diluting Plutonium. Unless you enjoy 4 eyed, glow in the dark Salmon. And the NY Times has reported there is Plutonium in the water. Sorry can't link, JT won't let me.

Just Google "Japan nuclear water has Plutonium".

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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

Oh yeah, the NHK experts. The paid talking heads of NHK and TEPCO who have absolutely NO nuclear science background muchless science background.

Oh yeah, the construction company that wants to sheet the plant with no nuclear background.

Seems Japan should have lead shielded this thing and concreted by week two as French, American, UK, and Russian nuclear scientists suggested, but then again in Japan "We Japanese seek Japanese solutions."

I guess Japanese radiation is uniquely unique radiation only the Japanese can deal with. Nihonjiron anyone!

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Posted in: Japan says dumping radioactive water in ocean doesn't violate law See in context

I just see asking in a few years, "Anyone ready for another 4 eyed glow in the dark salmon? They're fresh off the grill."

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Posted in: 7-year-old newspaper 'editor' revives optimism in shelters See in context

I bet her stories are written better than a "professional" journalist could write. Because they come from her heart!

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Posted in: Should rumor spreading be a prosecutable offense? See in context

"The Sanjo middle school in Sendai was forced to halt operations as a disaster refuge due to looting by foreigners. (Denied by a teacher at the school.)"

How ridiculous, what would they loot? Desks, chalk, (ahem) "history" textbooks. Who started that one, Ishihara?

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Posted in: Absorbent yet to soak up radioactive water at Fukushima plant See in context

Well the new plan failed. What's next calling in Doraemon or Totoro?

Burakumindes, I tip my hat to you, and so does my son! Hang in there my friend.

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Posted in: Popular curry restaurant runs out of stock due to quake shortages See in context

Well let us all thank the curry Gods, because Coco's curry is curry like Kirin Nodogoshi is beer.

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