Posted in: 24 injured after M6.3 quake hits western Japan See in context
The alerts on the phones were like drive by shootings in your windows and then your home shakes a second later. Yea I'd say that got anyone up scared at 530am with the history of the 95 big one.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: ‘Women only’ train cars: Is it a crime for men to ride in them? See in context
I had a buddy once laugh at this... he said "are you serious?... they have groping problems and their guvt does this?" They should try a new sign that says: "Chikans do 5 years jail time" That'll stop most of them.
8 ( +17 / -9 )
Posted in: Japanese woman, 114, named world's oldest woman See in context
That 2nd photo is classic. There is a nursing home down the street from us and I often see the women doing physical training inside and activities. Anyway best to you lady. Yep the only real big killer here is the smoking, boozing, stress, suicide and the big C. Impressive centurion numbers but they won't show you the cancer ones.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Suspect in Guam murders pleads not guilty by reason of mental illness See in context
or rather GUILTY by INSANITY while on drugs and mad at the world. Off with his head.
5 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan expected to ratify Hague Convention on child abduction See in context
Great thread btw... all give two cents and I am following up on all comments.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: What lies ahead See in context
what they should start is the PEANUTS Lucy's Psychiatric help for 100 yen.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan expected to ratify Hague Convention on child abduction See in context
Product of “brainwashing”. 99 out of 100 will do this too. I have been prepping my net for years in case it happens. I taught my 5 year old how to use Skype on an iPad and even call him when I see him online if I am away on business. Another trick is to get your kids into your home country. I buy my kid flag patches, point stuff out in movies, and the little things. Make them proud to be bicultural. As for this new HC ratification... we will see but I don't see much change. PM is meeting the US president who is multicultural and I hope POTUS pushes it hard with a smile.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Pistorius says he had 'no intention' to kill girlfriend See in context
Check out the Piers Morgan interview he did recently. It is mind boggling this guy would be capable of this tragedy but it happened.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: State of Washington See in context
Zemeckis has had my heart since Back to the Future. Cast Away was another goodie. DW is legend. About ten years ago he fell asleep at an award show for him...and his wife had to wake him up. LOL.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Pistorius says he had 'no intention' to kill girlfriend See in context
Has a history. Loves guns. Loves booze. Tweets about being a SWAT man in is house hearing the washing machine and pulling the gun out. They found roids, a bloody bat and he was drunk. Story is flyin pigs. Later dude.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Royal Bank of Scotland fined $612 mil for rate rigging; Japan unit pleads guilty to wire fraud See in context
Meanwhile the JFSA fines a few million yen with a wrist slap for dodgy institutions here. I like how the West spanks.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Shimane town demands pants for Michelangelo's David sculpture See in context
perhaps they should put a black tarp over the magazine rack in every convenience store while they're at it.
60 ( +62 / -3 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer's YouTube apology still stirring debate See in context
Article on the Sydney Herald was so spot on with this absurd situation... I am also one who believes this crap was whipped up by the managers as this idiot event went global. Drama Queens.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Ravens beat 49ers to win Super Bowl See in context
Good game. After all is said and done and seeing the commercials- movies, beer, food, more food... Man... how do we do it broke and a trillion gazillion bucks in debt with wars.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Objet d'Art See in context
"Let's hang here after school and ditch our ramen cups after"
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Affleck wins directors' top award as 'Argo' hurtles toward Oscars See in context
Ben is the new king and I love the vid of him eating his Big Mac in LA traffic and driving himself last year doing it. 20 more years of awesome flicks to come with this Boston man. The Town rocked too.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Suspect says he killed financier, wife over investment deal loss See in context
This is why the SESC/JFSA needs to get with the program to protect investors. People get crazy nuts when they lose life savings (I know a few) and see it flaunted by these guys in Tokyo and abroad thinking they're in the clear. Japanese are hesitant it lift a finger and keep it inside... A lot of gaijin get robbed too and the SESC throws them the finger.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: AKB48 singer shaves her head as act of contrition for dating See in context
I agree with a 100 posts... BUT... did an image search of her and it opens up a new can of worms. Honestly... these people are in their own world. This thing is their world.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Why Japanese women go for fake crooked teeth See in context
open up a self esteem clinic next door...and that is for the ojisans too.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Why Japanese women go for fake crooked teeth See in context
The Thai teens/young women are getting fake braces now (some bleed at the lips when they laugh)... just sayin. Ironically a few weeks ago we had an article about young Japanese wearing more masks. Anyway, the whole thing and these masterminded ---48 are products of the times. At least these things come off and not like tattoos. Now for the hard facts. The Japanese do not add fluoride to their tap water.. they give the kids powdered antibiotics on every cough that permanently destroys the enamel on teeth through childhood (Asia). This also causes bad breath forever. This is why Japanese teeth look very old at 25... straight white healthy teeth make faces look younger and attractive period. Nothing beats healthy Austin Powers in the 90s. Rotten food will get stuck in these dumb things over time and this is a nightmare in the making, but this is Japan. And these people will brush their teeth all day long in their office or school bathrooms for the whiter younger kawaii look.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Man held after bodies of missing banker, wife found in Saitama See in context
this story totally changed after my post...
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Man held after bodies of missing banker, wife found in Saitama See in context
An orchestrated robbery hit or revenge for a sour deal. This means they gave up their passports to be Swiss citizens and my first guess is down to no extradition treaty motive with Switzerland and the normal Japanese loving their country would only give it up to suit another lifestyle... This guy was more than likely banking for some bad dudes since the 80s and Ginza is as expensive as it gets here. Trace the investments, accounts and clients. The CC might have just been a bonus for the hitman.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for beating 84-year-old mother to death over breakfast dispute See in context
It wouldve been a story the other way around without the death. She clocks him to get up off his a**... Mommas boys and laziness is in no shortage here... and that is the truth.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: After Psy, S Korea dreams of conquering music world See in context
They believed they were going to dominate world soccer and sports after the 2002 Italy WC game. This lot came to Boston in immi waves in the 80s and had something to prove with narcissism and all eyes on me complex (starting fights and hitting girls). Deep down this guy hated the US until YouTube made him a star and green started to roll in ( I would say half of those hits were Koreans)... Head to a club in Seoul with 500 of these guys and see how much fun you will have.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Looking good See in context
Great suit too. High five for the gaijin guys!
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Students forced to drink diluted acid as punishment at Aichi school See in context
This guy would get 20 years in the can easy back home. Then he would be beaten daily inside. Otaku Monster.
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan seeks answers after suffering highest terror death toll since 9/11 See in context
hokkaidoguy hit it clean. One thing I do expect is a massive drop in Mid East support and travel. This tragedy opened up a new can of worms in Japan. This tragedy also reminds me of seeing Iranians burning the US flag with Levis and Nikes on and then uploading their stunt online with Microsoft and a Japanese laptop. You have no idea how much the west and evildoers have given them for oil. Try evolution.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: McDonald’s Japan giving away free breakfasts See in context
Frungy, nice post. I have seen their stock go down recently here, more of their TV commercials and BK is back. My 2 cents... this is in the headline news section of a gaijin site so someone is sending a stream of funds in another dept. I guess it beats war and crime stories.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
dbsaiyaToday 08:51 am JST Only two things that I can get out of this. The first is don't drink to…
Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens
Posted in: Vance and Musk question authority of the courts as Trump's agenda faces legal pushback
Posted in: Richard Gere calls Trump 'bully' and 'thug' at Spain's top film awards