Japan Today

nalhagen comments

Posted in: iPhone pre-orders trigger long lines See in context

Soooo, tokyodepth, you pay half the installments of your outdated iPhone and then expect Softbank to take the loss? Why? You buy a Toyota and then the a model comes out the next year and you think that Toyota will take the old car back and give you a new one with exactly the same payments? I think you need a reality check...

I, for one, do not have an iPhone, but am thinking of getting one once things calm down. Or I just might use my three year old cell phone until it dies and save the earth another needle on the haystack of industrial waste...

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Posted in: Whale of a problem See in context

Haha! 'Dozens'

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Posted in: Freshened Mazda CX-7 goes on sale See in context

There are a number of things that can prevent accidents on Japanese roads, but a limited number of things that any manuafacturer can control. Having a rear view camera on every car might prevent backing into a 2 year old you can't see because his/her head doesn't peak above the trunk. It's likely these features are more for safe manuevering and parking in tight areas and less about prevention of at-speed accidents.

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Posted in: Two die after toxic gas leaks into Ishikawa school cafeteria See in context

Holy crap! That's like a 15 minute drive from my house!

Adding some nice conjecture to the conversation, we're in the midst of summer vacation when schools have their maintenance and improvement work done. They may have been working on some equiment in the cafeteria (likely not a place that students eat since they usually eat in their classrooms, but the place that the lunches are actually made).

Really too bad, though...

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