Japan Today

Namorada comments

Posted in: Japan #MeToo survivor says media failing to report sexual assault cases properly See in context

The thing that still irks me about this situation is that petty grievances get so much more attention. Like it was a fad. Japan blasted through the #MeToo movement like a trend. Before survivors of truly horrific things done to them could get the chance to be acknowledged and taken seriously in Japan, I feel like the movement was trivialized. Cases of power abuses and harassment weren’t discussed as much as situations like unwanted advances in social situations were taking over. And is the case in Japan, new forms of harassment started taking center stage. Alcohol harassment, quitting harassment and my favorite smell harassment.

There are inconveniences in life. Not everything is life altering. A woman being raped is awful. I’d like the country and media to give more attention to very real and very traumatic issues.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan 'baby hatch' man empowers kids via program to live best life See in context

I remember when these first came about and the public was outraged.

Clearly, these kids need a safe place.

Open more of them.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Head of influential Japan opposition party suspended over extramarital affair See in context

There are real problems that need to be dealt with in this country.

The public gets worked up over things that quite frankly do not impact their day to day lives. Meanwhile, poverty is increasing and with it crime. Debts are massive making a weak yen both beneficial and harmful.

Who this guy did the other night means nothing to me.

Fix the country.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Posted in: Health insurance cards to no longer be issued as info will be integrated with My Number cards See in context

My trouble with the card is that I just don’t care for all of that data connected to one card that needs to be used at tiny little clinics that probably don’t have the necessary security.

The government knowing information about me? Who cares. They already know it.

I just don’t want some nut job disrupting my life just because the security features installed failed or what not.

My second concern is the renewal. From the beginning, I applied for the card with an IC chip. No renewal form came. It expired. I went into the ward office and had to listen to some lady rip me a new one about not renewing it on time. Then it took about a month to get a new one.

If this card is going to be essential, I want it ready the day I go in to update it. I don’t care if the renewal is late or not. I pay for health insurance and I will get served in a timely manner and I don’t need some paper pusher having a bad day denying me that right.

Moderator: Thanks for your contribution. Your comment has been featured in the latest episode of the Japan This Week podcast. Visit the Japan Today top page to listen.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

Posted in: 30% of tourists to Japan experienced overtourism problems in 2024 See in context

I agree with getting rid of duty free shops. And I wouldn’t mind seeing some kind of tax that is dedicated to debt reduction.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Chief public prosecutor apologizes to man acquitted of 1966 murders See in context

I would not tolerate a prosecutor appearing in my house. Their incompetence and desire to close the case cost the man decades of his life.

The people who came to the wrong conclusion should be locked up for an equivalent amount of time.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Posted in: Ishiba aims to keep wage hike momentum; small businesses worried See in context

I truly dislike the productivity argument given for Japan’s low wages. In a global comparison, yes, Japan has not kept up with its peers. KEPT UP.

Its growth per capita has been rising steadily since before the year 2000 only its wages have flatlined. This according to ministry of health, labor and welfare statistics.

I don’t know about other people, but when my salary doesn’t rise while my productivity increases over a 20 year period with minor dips (2008 and 2020) that is a problem.

Wages need to go up as they have done in other nations.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo Disneyland loses top-attendance crown for Japanese theme parks for second year in a row See in context

Disney is cramped and crowded.

I have been to both parks (apparently they need two separate parks so they can rip off customers a bit more) and both times were expensive, dull events with tons of kids and rabid fans.

USJ is far more spacious in comparison, it has things to do for people of all ages. And the fun feels more organic. Halloween is a great example of this.

Additionally, I spend about the same amount in all of the parks, but my money goes further at USJ.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't to set up panel to discuss ways for small firms to hike wages See in context

Businesses can’t afford wage hikes cause they don’t have many customers. Customers can’t go out cause they don’t have enough money.

Not enough is circulating and those that can afford to pay more are opting to give more to shareholders who (for the most part) are financially secure and just want more.

I would rather have consumer driven growth than shareholder growth alone.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Venom: The Last Dance' misses projections as superhero films' grip on theaters loosens See in context

Can’t wait to see it!

Didn’t even know it was coming out.

Japan is getting worse at advertising movies.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Leftover grapes in Yamanashi used for feed, vinegar to reduce food waste See in context

I would like to see some grape prices come down a bit.

Also, the Shine Muscat craze is overrated.

There are so many grapes in Japan that are far more delicious.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's government in flux after election gives no party majority See in context

Of course the business lobby wants the LDP to stay in power. Wages for most people are stagnant and the government seems to want to reward already wealthy shareholders.

Enough if this. Workers in Japan should be paid more so they can drive the economy forward.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's rising ramen prices give vendors food for thought See in context

Companies need to start raising wages, not bonuses.

If customers weren’t constantly afraid of their financial situation they’d eat out more and circulate that money.

Companies that can do so will see a benefit.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Many people claim infidelity as cause for divorce, but is it really? See in context

It might have a lot to do with the fact that some couples rush into marriage. After a few dates, I might think about having sex with a potential long term partner. However, I have met many Japanese couples who decide to get married after a few dates.

Perhaps rushing into marriage is the bigger problem with some of these couples.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: Ishiba defends his Diet dissolution plan in 1st debate with opposition See in context

He won’t last long.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo's Shibuya, Shinjuku join hands to tackle Halloween crowds See in context

If we are going to go this far, ban the drinking and large crowds at Hanami events in certain areas. It really makes it hard to enjoy the blossoms when there are drunken people all over.

4 ( +14 / -10 )

Posted in: Japan wants its hardworking citizens to try a 4-day workweek See in context

If the salaries are reduced for the additional day off, it will be pointless.

Keep the salaries the same and expect an equal level of productivity on the days worked.

Time in the office does not always equal more productivity.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan enacts laws for new foreign worker scheme See in context

Meanwhile, the government gives Japanese businesses a loophole to exploit so that they do not have to pay into the system by allowing them to employ "independent contractors" instead of regular employees. Sure, the individuals should have to pay in, but securing those matching funds from the Japanese businesses would help the social insurance schemes a lot more, no?

The government basically needs to deduct all expenses direct from all salaries, in addition to the matching shares from businesses. Then, and only then, will all of these changes actually start to address real problems.

But the government is just putting the onus on the foreigners and giving a pass to Japanese businesses that exploit foreign labor.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Posted in: Japan to step up enrollment of foreign residents in pension system See in context

Why not go after the Japanese who aren’t paying in?

Additionally, why aren’t they going after Eikaiwa that are no longer hiring workers but independent contractors so that they can avoid paying their half of the pension/healthcare costs.

As always, the Japanese government is going after those pesky foreigners while turning a blind eye to the businesses owned and operated by Japanese who avoid paying their workers more and look for ways to avoid paying into the national health and pension systems.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan enacts childcare law to tackle declining birthrate See in context

I would like to see an end to all these workers not on Shakai Hoken.

Anyone working, should be enrolled automatically. Too many companies avoid paying their part by using things like working hours or special independent contractors. It’s garbage.

The government needs to start cracking down on businesses. They aren’t paying wages that are good enough to keep their virtuous cycle going and they’re not enough to support a family on.

Too many leaders still believe that families need to support each other like they did in the old days. This isn’t going to happen. They need to move forward and do some heavy lifting on their bloated salaries.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan to replace cedars with low-pollen trees to tackle hay fever See in context

Why not cut down a lot of the trees, use what can be used and leave the rest on the forest floor to let in new natural growth? Seems a lot cheaper than replanting trees carefully selected by a government that brought the problem in the first place.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan begins ¥40,000 tax cut to help inflation-hit households See in context

From what I can tell this is 40,000 yen in total from Saturday to December.

Not sure how it’ll work for people who pay their residential tax directly. Perhaps they’ll see that tax decrease. (opinion- with an increase elsewhere perhaps since local governments seem to like to spend money on nothing in my area).

So that’ll be at most 5,000 yen a month. It’ll hardly even register.

I would rather the government tell businesses that they need to raise salaries or face tax increases.

Someone needs to blink first and waiting for the wealthy and those with some modest pay raise from April to spend so it can trickle down to the grunts is foolish.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Authorities urge elderly people to be careful when eating mochi See in context

Not gonna lie, every time I hear and ambulance siren around this time of year, I assume mochi is the culprit.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Inflation, weak yen hit appetite for holiday spending in Japan See in context

Wages refuse to budge and the concern for their exporters is putting pressure on everyone else. So while I’m so glad that shareholders of those export led companies see some benefits, it is not being felt by the majority of people.

12 ( +26 / -14 )

Posted in: China plans to keep ships near Senkakus for 365 days in 2024 See in context

Time to give the US one island for its navy. That’ll stop China immediately.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo's Shibuya sees subdued Halloween as tight security dampens mood See in context

People will just move elsewhere. There was a time that people partied on the Yamanote Line. So they’ll just find a new area to go to and party. Or, perhaps, it might be better to encourage people to go inside and party around the Tokyo area by offering freebies to people who go into shops wearing a costume. There are just so many ways they could approach this. Instead, fear-mongering is the route they’ve chosen.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Posted in: My Number ID system faces further setback with erroneous deliveries See in context

Just went in to update my card a month ago. Had to fill out the same form several times. They didn’t like that my name on my pension card didn’t match the my number card. I showed them all the cards in my wallet and told them to start standardizing their system. The Pension card accepted my form filled out in Romanji but sent me a card with Katakana. They selected the katakana, not me.

When I went in to pick up my card, I asked about the health insurance plan. They acted like they had no idea and said it wasn’t important. I asked them how they will create a secure system to protect my information at all these tiny little clinics? Again, I was told that was simply told that it was in the future and they can’t answer such questions. Useless.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Soup Stock Tokyo now offering free food for babies; sparks debate online See in context

The kids I saw today at just before lunchtime were like rabid animals.

Running around the restaurant, spilling things on the floor, having fun in the bathroom with a single stall, running into other customers and the staff, banging their cutlery on the table, screaming and shouting…my initial reaction was “I hate kids.”

Then, I thought, where are their parents. The vast majority were moms on smartphones or gabbing away with their friends. A few dads were there. One on a laptop, another on his second beer already and the third one seemed to be lost in thought cause he certainly wasn’t looking in his wife’s direction while she talked.

These are the people I actually hate. Their kids are their responsibility but instead they let the rest of the customers do the work. I wonder how long it’ll be before a hot iron plate falls on a kids head or god forbid some child goes missing before these people realize that a restaurant is not a park and that their kids are their responsibility.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: As streamers cut costs, TV shows — and residuals — vanish See in context

I loathed cable companies, but when streaming services started popping up all over the place, it felt like a return to cable. Except now not everyone has the same services so it is getting increasingly harder to talk to anyone about shows. They’ve seen it already and have moved on, they will get around to seeing it after I’ve moved on, or they’ll never really watch it. At first it didn’t bother me, but then shows started getting cancelled or decline in quality that I stopped watching. Instead of so many different shows on different platforms, why not offer a lot of the same shows with different features and ways to enjoy them. That way viewership levels will be more consistent and shows will continue.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Missed inflation goal haunts departing Bank of Japan chief Kuroda See in context

deep-rooted perceptions among Japanese people that prices and wages will not rise

I don’t see how this has changed? Prices are definitely rising, but I haven’t heard of many people getting raises. Perhaps if the news keeps saying it is happening, people will just think their turn is going to come soon and when it doesn’t they’ll have something else to worry about and have moved on.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

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