Japan Today

Nao comments

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context

Am I correct to assume most foreigners in Japan are supporting Renho on this issue? It seems it is which is some discovery.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context


so what if I couldn't site a particular law that you are looking for? What if I was not a professional legal worker? What difference does it make? Somebody already sued Renho which means some lawyer picked up this case, but you wouldn't be satisfied until I say no, I don't have all the detailed knowledge of a lawyer.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context


You are the first person I've come across to justify Renho's action legal. Call every Japanese a fool for not believing Renho's excuse and that act itself will build racism.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Cat-and-mouse game continues in underage schoolgirl dating services See in context

Couple the sex education class with harassment lessons. School is where lolicons are given free hand and minors are forced to put up with them just because they are teachers. It ends up becoming the way of life for minors. After receiving all education, minors could be free to do what they want at their own risk.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context

Where that leaves us is that either her story pans out, and she genuinely didn't know she was still an ROC citizen in addition to being Japanese, or alternatively, she did file the declaration. In the latter case, note that she would be in legal compliance with the Nationality Law in all respects. In the former, it's a fairly minor infraction that is not rigorously pursued.

The Japanese government doesn't go after citizens with several nationalities to check on them if they renounced other nationalities. There are other instances where the government doesn't keep you updated on what you should/shouldn't do, but it still doesn't make running for office with several nationalities legal. 

Showing the record while casting oneself as a victim of racism didn't clear suspicions when it is a legal matter and originates in how she handled the problem from beginnings. 

Every person I knew who held dual nationalities clearly understood the requirement and how the government handled it. Renho is kidding Japanese public by her lax explanations.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan conveys 'concern' over China gov't ships sailing through straits See in context

Chinese officials in Beijing are still laughing, they seem to know how to make Japan jump.

You don't know everyone dislikes China? I wouldn't mind if China relocated to Mars.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context

"Hybrids." Not a very nice term, is it? Where did you pick it up? I hope you don't use it in actual conversations with any mixed race people.

Ok. Though I don't really see why mixed is better than hybrid.   

What evidence do you have that she was lying? How do you know she didn't just make a careless mistake like she claimed?

Renho lied about renouncing Taiwanese nationality when this issue was first brought up. Her status as a Japanese politician itself is based on a lie since she was a Chinese at the time she nominated herself which is against Japanese (and several other nation's) law.

It is hard to believe anyone would make a careless mistake about one's nationality as an adult, and then go on to blame the country for being racist. 

their lack of cohesion, inability to articulate appealing policies and willingness to compromise their principles by working with other parties to bring down the LDP is what brings them down.

I'm sure DP lost credibility for a number of reasons, but as long as Renho remains the top, its status will remain unchanged which Abe might prefer.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context

No one would've considered this to be problematic as long as Renho played by the rule. Hybrids are not the issue. Her lies and now victim playing is what brings down DP. I haven't heard any sound reasons why she had forgotten her nationality yet.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context

Do you think that an unquestioning loyalty to one's government is a desirable, even necessary, trait in a citizen?

I'm not asking the question to ordinary citizens. Renho could be the pm of Japan if she was lucky and I will hold her accountable for clarification of her nationality.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Opposition party leader Renho shows legal records to prove nationality See in context

blind adherence to the Japanese government's territorial claims

I'm not interested in Chinese propaganda.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Pioneering cancer gene therapy by Novartis backed by U.S. panel See in context

Advanced medical treatments may not be covered by insurance, but 70% to 100% of the cost are covered by insurance. Excessive cost over several hundred dollars per month depending on the income will be refunded additionally.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Inhumane' treatment in Japanese hospital behind NZ man's death: kin See in context

I've heard the patient/family usually goes public not because of the medical mistake, but because of poor communication or lack of sincerity. Maybe Japanese psychiatry staffs are not used to assertive patients/families, but they ought to know how to deal with tragedies when they're working in medical fields.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Abe's sagging support dims outlook for revising constitution See in context

I just think that the fear of changing the said Article comes from those who oldies who experienced the last WW who are made to believe that changing so would be tantamount to another war that they don't want their future race to experience.

While I'm against wars as well, that is my impression, too. Personally I wish there was a way for selective wars to be allowed, but drawing lines would be difficult.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan hangs 2 inmates, including one seeking retrial See in context

Could you even think if one of them actually were innocent! What if it was you who had been falsely accused and hanged for a murder?

Sumida withdrew an appeal and accepted a court ruling himself. Nishikawa was appealing for retrials claiming execution was a sentence too harsh for murdering 4 women which is beyond my comprehension.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

Posted in: Ex-bureaucrat alleges Abe office's involvement in new school approval See in context

After getting rid of Abe, there wouldn't be any politician who can sustain approval ratings as much as Abe does for several years. There wouldn't be anyone who gets even 30% support ratings. It will be too late when the past DP like dramas are repeated, and economy sunk far worse than it is.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Ex-bureaucrat alleges Abe office's involvement in new school approval See in context

If it was a special deregulation zone, the PM had every right to pressure corrupt bureaucracy who grant concessions to vested interests. Nothing would have come out as scandals if Kake had not been Abe's friend. Targeting friendships as crimes is senseless and taking in Maekawa's story who is bent on settling vendettas.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Ex-bureaucrat alleges Abe office's involvement in new school approval See in context

Commenters here seem to want to get rid of Abe no matter what. 

There's no "seem to" about it. There's always someone saying, "but who would replace him?" but I really don't care. No one could be worse.

No need to care if you don't live in Japan and are a foreigner I suppose.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Ex-bureaucrat alleges Abe office's involvement in new school approval See in context

Scandals are not good enough to call anybody a criminal.

But criminal activity is. That's what is being investigated, is it not?

Suspects are treated as innocent until proven otherwise. Abe is not even investigated by the police department unlike the corrupt educator Kagoike.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Ex-bureaucrat alleges Abe office's involvement in new school approval See in context

Commenters here seem to want to get rid of Abe no matter what. Scandals are not good enough to call anybody a criminal.

It is also a bit strange no one questions Maekawa's hypocritical character and motives. I don't trust anyone in education who takes advantages of students. Anyone who believes Maekawa's excuses should doubt their intelligence.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Pre-emptive U.S. strike on North Korea could be 'catastrophic' See in context

I wish NK whose revenues are based on criminal activities disappeared from the face of the earth, but it exists today as a result of poorly handled international conflicts by the west. I was supportive of and would support preemptive strikes against NK, but when Gen. Mattis, a mad dog is negative, is reluctant, I say no.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Rare footage shows Korean 'comfort women' from World War Two See in context

SKorean ex president Park claimed victims remain victims/offenders remain offenders for 1000 years. No amount of apologies/laws will satisfy Korea or China.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Rare footage shows Korean 'comfort women' from World War Two See in context

Unit 731 was quite famous even without any trials for them, but comfort women came up in the early 1990s after Asahi produced a serial article on "sex slave victims by Japanese army" which later turned out to be based on fake testimonies. 

The Japanese government doesn't deny comfort women existed. They reject the idea the government constructed its structure. If the system was a governmental scheme, a part of the duties for officers, it isn't hard to imagine records of orders/manuals of some kind remained, but there weren't any unlike SKorean government during the Vietnam war who did keep such records. 

I infer many comfort women were sold/lied to by their own parents for money which is unimaginable or too hard for victims to come to terms with.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: N Korea claims to have tested its first ICBM, reaching altitude of 2,802 km See in context

If the world has failed Ukraine and Qaddafi after they had given up nuclear arms, no amount of talks and dialogues will get through to NK.  NK has proved to be smart despite its reputation.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Silicone Sally: Japanese men find true love with sex dolls See in context

The men and dolls in the picture simply look like prostitutes and her customers.  It is sick when I think of dolls as human replacements, but fuzoku workers were already here who aren't different from future advanced AI dolls.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan, EU still apart in free trade talks; dairy products remain issue See in context

There shouldn't be no need to pressure Japanese dairy farmers when they are already decreasing in numbers and milk production may be difficult in near future let alone cheese.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan, EU still apart in free trade talks; dairy products remain issue See in context

Europeans want to export fresh dairy products that will not be fresh by the time it reaches Japan at a time when local production for local consumption is encouraged and becoming popular? It shouldn't be in the interests of Japan...

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Okinawa marks 72nd anniversary of fierce WWII ground battle See in context

The Abe government's forging ahead of the construction of a new base at Henoko is certainly alienating the najority of Okinawans' self-identity as Japanese because the Henoko relocation means nothing but selling sovereignty over Okinawa or part of it to a foreign power. How can one describe this situation except by saying "high treason"?

The sad reality is in these times Okinawa will be occupied by China without an American base or Japanese SDF for its geopolitical location.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gunman kills doctor, wounds 6 others in Bronx hospital rampage See in context

HimajinJuly 1 07:57 am JST

A law enforcement source told PIX11 News the suspected gunman is Henry Bello. The source said Bello has three previous arrests on his record, dating back to 2004. Those arrests were related to sex abuse, forcible touching and stalking or surveillance, the source said.

I thought when someone had been arrested for sexual crimes before, his name and address became open to public as a registered sex offender. Bello might have been released without convictions, but a pink collar job in a metropolitan hospital sounds ill suited for him.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Okinawa marks 72nd anniversary of fierce WWII ground battle See in context


Taiwan was already largely populated by Chinese by the time Japan started governing the country. Taiwan's majority population regained the ability to use Chinese as soon as Japan left the country. Okinawa can't/couldn't regain their "original language" because of what reasons? Even if Japan let go of Okinawa, their original languages or more likely dialects would not have returned. 


Whether Mandarin or other variety of Chinese dialects, I'm sure it was Chinese nonetheless.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Okinawa marks 72nd anniversary of fierce WWII ground battle See in context

Just because travel was difficult among little islands, various dialects developed into a unique set of languages?? 

Japan had governed Taiwan from the late 19th century, but they speak Chinese today. Why not Okinawa as well?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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