Japan Today

naruhodo1 comments

Posted in: Portable DVD Player See in context

Who buys DVDs anymore?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: 7 killed as bus on way to Tokyo Disneyland crashes in Gunma See in context

How do people die on a bus? Even if it flipped over, which it didn't. And the kicker, 95% of the dead were in their 20's. U would think their bodies would be best equipped to handle an accident best. So sad.

-12 ( +0 / -11 )

Posted in: Searching for peace of mind See in context

I've been lucky in Aichi. Every doctor I've visited from psychiatrist to physician to dentist, had their training in the US, sothey speak excellent English on top of the peace of mind. I hope all can be as lucky. Good luck.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't, NPA look at ways to improve road safety for children See in context

How about buses? Or car pooling? Nah, that would be too hectic. Hmm, if only pedestrians have more sense about looking both ways EVEN though it's a green man flashing telling you it's safe. I'm sure all of you have witnessed this. Always be on the look out for OTHER people's mistakes, or that's what I was taught. Avoided so man close calls that way.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 'It's me, send money' scam creator tells his story in new book See in context

His father sold off the family’s land to pay his son’s legal fees and reimburse the victims. I wish I had a father like that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Cleavage cover to keep prying eyes away See in context

I'm so grateful for Japan and no cleavage showing. It's so hard for my eyes to keep eye contact when speaking to cleavage. It was stressful for me. Back home. I hated getting caught. It's just me. Most men love getting caught but that's just too perverted for me and for the Mrs.

-3 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: 4 teenagers arrested over death of acquaintance See in context

What are you all going off on?? Are you all imagining a half hour beat down?? It could have been one kick to the throat ( unintentionally of course!) They weren't out there to kill. To teach a lesson gangsta style. I'm sure that kid was also part of the bad kid crowd out at 1:00 am. Calm down people. Accidents happen all the time and people die. This was an accident. Bad fn luck for all involved. And I know many many teens that took the wrong route but turned their life alone completely as adults. For most its a phase. Nothing to do with raising your kids.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

Posted in: Saudi boy, 4, kills father for refusing to buy him PlayStation See in context

Honestdictator, they would punish a parent for a kid's wrong doing, and since the father is dead, it might be deemed as enough. It's what I heard as a child growing up in the gulf, but it could have just been an old wives tale to scare the kids...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Rakuten to shut China online shopping mall See in context

But for once they had the senses to know quickly when to quit. Unlike most businesses in Japan who after years in the red, I mean yeeeaaars, have the balls to ask for tax money, to bail them out. No, I would say his Harvard came into play, quit on cue, and just because consumers are dumb and willing to pay in Japan, doesn't mean the company is to blame. companies make bad investments all the time. Knowing when to cut your losses...and learn from them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan pledges $7.4 billion aid for Mekong development See in context

What does forgiving 3.7 BILLIon dollars mean? The leader that pocketed most of that money dont have to pay that back? and now they wanna them lend 7.4 ? I must be reading something wrong.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Iraq bombings kill at least 30 See in context

Mexico, although I agree with u, a friend of mine brought up a great point. Bloody civil wars is the cost of freedom. France and the US are 2 that quickly come to mind, oh, fall of USSR too. AFRICA, dear Africa, millions, upon millions in Mozambique, Sudan...recently Syria...so sad...humanity hasn't really changed. Wars in this day and age just does not make any sense. RIP innocent people.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Australia takes on big tobacco in court See in context

Ranger, once that happens, Japan will definitely hit bottom. Smoking is also a social thing. IzakayAs would close down all over Japan. Coffee shops too. People would rather stay home and smoke. Or, other businesses like snacks and kabukura would turn into a lounge where people could order food as well as smoke and mingle with young girls.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Personal info of over 1 mil smartphone users leaked See in context

What horsefella doesn't realize that most of us who own droids also have had or do own iPhones or other mac products. I love iMacs, 5 years and not a problem, so ya, reliable. I had an iPhone 3g on the first day. Some things are better on the iPhone vs my HTC but my HTC works more like a computer than a phone which is why I love it being Open. Love the larger screens, and I especially love their browser. You don't need to scroll left or right when u zoom on a web page. Font size auto adjusts to fit perfectly on your screen, so u only need to scroll up and down when surfing. Are there other phones that have such a browser?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Personal info of over 1 mil smartphone users leaked See in context

Open means, I can use any application, formats, on android without having to convert into apple format or using iTunes. It's like jailbreaking your iPhone, but with droids, they come jailbroken. Love the fact of draging my files right into my phone without having to go through iTunes or converting them from flac to avi or what have u..media files such as movies is the most pain staking procedure to download on your iPhone from pc, unless you BUY the movie from iTunes. It takes over an hour to convert into playable format on iPhone. That's just one tiny example of open vs closed.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: KDDI releases first Iridium satellite phone with GPS capability See in context

I'm surprised price is not mentioned, for example, rental fee of the phone is 24,000 yen per week!! And then a whole bunch of connection fees, monthly fees (which makes no sense if renting for a week if you are going on a hike in a remote area) usage fees, insurance fees, cancellation fees, administration fees ( please feel free to add on the fees I missed)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Can Japan's electronics giants, such as Sony, Panasonic and Sharp, regain their pre-eminent position in the global market? See in context

Cheaper goods are now as good as and sometimes better than the "reliable" name brands. I went to a 100 yen shop and bought a cable that connects my iphone to my pc for a 100 yen!! The original or similar go between1000-2000 yen.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: 15-year-old girl jumps to death from Yokohama school building See in context

Aren't they afraid of death, especially at that age! ?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Former Miyagi police chief caught driving drunk See in context

At least they aren't above the law.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Following poem, Israel bars entry to Guenter Grass See in context

Israel gained independence in 1948 in the wake of the Holocaust and became a refuge for hundreds of thousands of survivors of the World War II Nazi genocide of 6 million Jews. Some 200,000 aging survivors still live in Israel. GAINED my ars. Stolen from my grandparents land, my friends granddaddy land, by the BRITS, which colonized Palestine as they did much of the world. Once that was done, the genocide of Palestinians had officially started in the wake of the creation of Israel and continues to this day. What a bunch of hypocrites.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Penang's famed food hawkers see tradition lose steam See in context

Was there 2 years ago and dont see what all the fuss is about. The food was mediocre at best.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Scientists develop ultra-thin solar cells See in context

Unfortunately jack, most of us carry our phones in our pockets or bags when out..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese shares close 0.81% lower See in context

It's complete bull and randomness. Just like gambling at casinos, there's some skill BUT the house always wins. The house in Investment terms means randomness of the market because of unexpected shocks like wars, mothernature, but most importantly carelessness of people in charge of companies like tepco, jal, ... Just a very big scam buy the investment industry. Gamblers always lose, so I suggest everyone stop giving companies their hard earned money to piss away. Keep it in a bank. Buy land. let those companies reinvest their earnings instead of giving them away as bonuses

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Gasoline prices rise for 7th straight week See in context

There's no such thing as a win win situation. Yen goes down, IMPORTs cost more, and what does Japan lack, natural resources. And if I may add, thanks America for making the world a safer place! Pffft.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Mitsubishi acquires stake in Brazil coffee plantation See in context

What does Mitsubishi know about coffee plantations? Do they know something we don't? Are cars gonna start running on coffee? Wouldn't it be wiser to invest in a new technology that could give its struggling car division a boost? This happens way too much, especially in Japan, to common people as well, investing in a business completely out of their expertise. Anyway, I hope I'm wrong, and they are in fact up to something grand.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Stars on show for Potter studio tour launch See in context

I think that's not too bad for a family of 4 especially when visitors are expected from all over the world!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama: Oil supply enough to keep squeeze on Iran See in context

What I fear is the US pushing Iran to a corner where they have no choice but to use their Nukes. People's fears always materialize. The US will get their wish. That sucks. They don't care because they are so far away, but what about supporters of the US nearby? What a mess! Guns and wars.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Baptism by fire See in context

She's one tough cookie. Just so you know, sometimes it's OK to throw in the towel but knowing when is the hardest part. Anyway, ganbatte!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Does violence in movies contribute to violence in society? See in context

As a kid growing up, I used to watch a lot of wrestling and kanfu movies including all Bruce Lee's and a lot of old school Chinese movies. I used to get in a lot of trouble as a kid especially as a new immigrant to Canada. I was able to defend myself (and I really had no clue how) but subconsciously I was learning great moves from those movies. I once even faked passing out/dying when one older kid put me in a choke in the bathrooms. He was so freaked out and ran out of there. The negative story, as a teenager, my friend and I watched a movie on break ins and we decided to do that. Not for money. But for the excitement. We learnt from the movie how to stalk the house, to look for mail that hasn't been picked up. To wear gloves, to be in and out in less than 6 min. So maybe the question should read, Does violence in movies/cartoons influence kids/teens?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Sign of the times See in context

Once again the negative people here can't wait to pounce on the opportunity to express their frustration living here. What I see are millions and I mean millions of people daily passing through in and around shibuya station in Tokyo, one of the busiest in the world, and NOT one smoker. Maybe because nobody is standing around, or maybe they are hiding somewher under stairways, but the fact is, less than 1 % of Japanese people are rude. the negative and frustrated person will keep seeing and experiencing negativity. Try a Yoga class or take a vacation.

3 ( +17 / -15 )

Posted in: Smart items to defeat hay fever See in context

I'm blowing my semi clogged up nose as I read this. Sprays don't seem to work. My only solution are pills. They make u drowsy and take 12 hrs for the first batch to kick in, then it smooth sleepy sailing for the next few months. But I'm gonna definitely try the bedding spray.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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