Japan Today

naruhodo1 comments

Posted in: Scientist makes violin strings from spider silk See in context

300 females to be exact.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Two men taken to hospital after smoking 'legal herbs' See in context

it doesnt seem most of u understand what this article is about mainly because it assumes that you all know now in japan there are stores that sell weed "like substance" that supposedly gets u high. its not weed, so its legal. there are shops around that sell it by the joint. its some sort of chemical on some sort of leaf. from what i hear, its addictive and dangerous, unlike the real illegal stuff we cal marijuana.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: YouTube video has girls asking: Am I pretty? See in context

why do people need to be mean is beyond me. there is nothing wrong with the truth. i would just give a rating. 10 being a model. if parents or friends keep lying and telling u that u r a 9 or an 8 when in fact you are a 6, u will b heart broken when u keep aiming for a 9 boyfriend/girlfriend and u r only a 6. its very rare for such a match. usually a 6 matches a 5,6,7 not a 9 or 10. im always surprised when i get 4's or 5's chasing me when im clearly a 7 or 8. i think they re nuts to think they have a chance with me. people need to know the truth about their level so they can chase after realistic goals.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Man arrested after driving car into Yoshinoya outlet in Odawara See in context

he must have been really really really drunk.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Himeji bar owner killed in arson attack See in context

i still dont get the turn yourself in. he must have had nothing to live for. she must have cleaned him up.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Mobile phone industry eyes savings by recycling See in context

too bad those savings dont trickle down to consumers. we are just making the execs richer with bonuses. whats my incentive? i get $1-5 dollars for a phone and they benefit $50. if we split the savings 50-50 im for it! otherwise i have a nice collection of phones so far! its also nice to go through old pics and messages. its like a diary of your life. but dont forget to keep the charger.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's DSP to buy U.S. cancer start-up for $2.6 bil See in context

awesome news!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Radiation fears haunt food shoppers in Japan See in context

im so glad the younger generation is flipn the bird to the gaman or support our brothers or we all suffer together ideoligies. get real old farts. cant wait for all of ya to retire out of politics!! way to go young j people. and now that i know what EAON is doing, im gonna do my shoppn there!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Mobile phone running low on battery? Charge up with water See in context

im sold on the water one!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Get rid of money-wasting foundations, 'amakudari' before hiking taxes See in context

if everyone starts to understand this, and everyone drops the shoganai attitude, then maybe the littke man can slay the dragon.

10 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama says he's not bluffing on Iran See in context

booo to war

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Rocks in a jar See in context

i think her point was to not be a follower but to listen to what your heart thinks is right. and if we teach all our kids to IGNORE those ill mannered humans (they just don't know any better) and not laugh at their jokes, and not give them attention, then they woukd have no followers and in turn become the outcast. and Choi, u make it sound way worse than it is. if u count every encounter with j people in public places like on a train etc as u mentioned, and put it in a %, those ill mannered unfortunate incounters represents 0.00001% of all encounters with j people.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Iraq says nearly 70,000 killed in violence from 2004 to 2011 See in context

Nessie, really?? Now you got me to do another quick search on Iraqi widows. Here's a link from the New York Times, BUT I'm sure you could find more info. <>http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/25/world/middleeast/iraqi-widows-numbers-have-grown-but-aid-lags.html The figure is about 900,000 with many more saying 2,000,000. I was just being nice with the 600,000 figure. I really wanted to say millions, but I gave the lowest figure I could find just for people like you.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Iraq says nearly 70,000 killed in violence from 2004 to 2011 See in context

yup, i was right. prime example of propaganda. quick search will give u a figure of 600,000+ in the first 2 years alone!! the power of the media. does anyone smell a war coming? heres the link.<>


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Iraq says nearly 70,000 killed in violence from 2004 to 2011 See in context

i thought the number was much higher. i wonder how many more died from starvation and disease. i cant believe in japan that number matches the bianual figure of suicides. something doesnt seem right.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 12-year-old girl killed after lying down on railway tracks See in context

no children. but i have parents, and there were many time where i convinced my parents they were wrong about something, even though in their hearts they knew sonething was wrong. i lied and lied out of fear or embarrassement. their instinct was right but i convinced them otherwise. dont feel bad, a very very few people can truley trust their instincts and stick with their guns (feeling of sonething is not right). instincts are 100%! it takes time to go back and think of all the times you thought u were right about something, were convinced otherwise by deceit, later finding out u were right all along, 100% for me so far. its a long exercise and i recommend people to try it so they can realize how powerful instincts are.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: 12-year-old girl killed after lying down on railway tracks See in context

Yubaru, totally disagree, but many like you have not reach the level of trusting THEIR instincts. Instincts NEVER lie, most people just choose to ignore them by second guessing themselves. You should always feel when something is wrong, especially if it is your child, and please do something about it. As my saying goes, believe nothing you hear, half of what you see, and EVERYTHING your instincts tell you.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: 12-year-old girl killed after lying down on railway tracks See in context

Parents are to blame 100%. If they noticed something was wrong and just ignored it or were too ashamed or afraid or to ask for help, I blame them. If they were too busy to notice, I blame them. If they are the cause of this directly, I blame them. I hope they suffer and good on her for taking revenge on them. Maybe now they will notice! Too little, too late!

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: Panasonic to appoint new president after big loss See in context

wow, japanese stubborn policy at its best. being patient in business is good but the japanese take it way way too far. everyone must know WHEN to cut your losses!! I blame all investors both threw stocks or debt like bank loans for NOT keeping an eye. We should all go back to putting money under our mattreses instead of lending our money to banks.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Sex-change treatment for kids: It's on the rise See in context

But seriously, it's really hard to tell the sex of Japanese children, especially ones that prefers the opposite sex, and therefore visual cues such as clothes, hairstyles, body language, voice. I insist that all kids have name tags to help me from not accidentally embarrassing the kid. But even then, I get a name like natsuki or asahi that are unisex names and just try not er

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's largest chipmaker Elpida files for bankruptcy protection See in context

so govt comes in with tax payers money, saves them, after investor money, average joes money, disappears. the only people that win are the company execs who are connected to politicians. thats where my tax money goes. scammers. i never feel bad for scamming back the govt, or lying about my taxes or or. what a corrupt system, but still beats the corrupt system of 3rd world countries. if u cant beat them, secretly join them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Gov't feared nuclear crisis would engulf Tokyo, report shows See in context

nothing new hear.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Posted in: 2 perish in Osaka Prefecture house fire See in context

i hate that word perish

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Tsunami-hit towns at crossroads, despite clean-up See in context

Unfortunately, stubborness is the way of the old generations in many many cultures and we cant do much until the younger generation and thinking take over. 15-20 years later me thinks but it might be too late for nippon

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Have you ever bought, copied or downloaded unauthorized music, TV shows or movies? See in context

i wonder if the ones who voted no are over 40 or 50 and just dont know how to copy??

-4 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: 5 new countries go nuclear despite Fukushima: U.N. See in context

what a joke.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Some Japanese customs that may confuse foreigners See in context

pigeon toed walkimg is caused from the way girls sit on the floor, it twists their knees over time, nothing to do with kimino, or looking cute. slurping noodles cools it down as mentioned by another. if u cant excuse urself to move and blow ur nose, then i prefer sniffling over hearing the phlem move through ur nosterals and onto the tissue, yuk. staring causes confusion for a lot of foreigners, but i like it. i feel like a star. so i smile or wave and they get all giddy. its cute.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Posted in: Do you support the government's proposed consumption tax hike to finance social welfare? See in context

poor people in japan is the result of their demise. u could tell the rich from the poor on here. im rich, the hell with your taxes. im on the winning team. i worked hard. i dreamed big. and i never gave up. why should i be punished for the lazy, drunk, drugy, who lack ambition, drive, and dreams . u reap what u soe.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S., N Korea resume nuclear talks See in context

peanut, what if the americans decide after all nukes are disassembled NOT to give anymore aid. they still dont havw electeicity in most of iraq. they were bombed back to rhe 1800's , stolen their oil, yes they are stealing oil as we speak,and will leave shortly with a few left behind to guard their interest. i would demand for the US to start building infrastracture in n korea and help them with aid, then 10-20 years later starr talking about disassembling. someone will have to take that leap of faith and i wouldnt recommend the north to do it given the US history.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Man arrested for dropping 2-year-old baby out of hotel window See in context

so let me get this straight, someone witnessed something called the police and they move in and take the kid away. was it recorded on video? can i just call the police and say so and so did this and they go for an arrest. highly doubt it. as many have said, where are the details?!?!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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