Posted in: Abe handed letter from Sea Shepherd founder in Australia See in context
It is the advent of Europeans on the world stage over the last 500 years which has caused the imbalance that we are now witnessing in the natural world. While Europeans are busy telling Asian and other nations what to catch and what to eat, they are busy slaughtering hundreds of millions of sacred cows every year for food, and think nothing of it. That these sanctimonious racist hypocrites can have AbOriginal dancers to entertain visiting dignitaries is disgusting when considering the daily degradation the AbOriginals suffer under White rule, the indigenous people of Australia are a heartbeat away from becoming an extinct museum piece as the Black people of Tasmania have. And while White Australians dare tell others how things should go they enact one of the coldest most racist immigration policies in the world today. Not only are they sending refugees at sea back to certain oppression from which they are fleeing, they are also flooding small Black peoples islands in the region with refugees who will eventually outnumber the indigenous and subsume them. All so that they can keep that great wide continent for themselves. Sea Sheperd and others have a lot of land based work to before they hit the seas interfering in other peoples culture which their particular ra
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Dance on See in context
It's good to know some of the AbOriginals and their unique culture which includes dance has survived into the modern era. Should Prime Minister Abe exchange notes with Prince and Princess Akishino, he will see that there is much in common between the dance styles of Australia and Zambia in Africa where the they visited last month
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Posted in: World's largest all-LED vegetable plant starts operations See in context
@Fadamor, thanks for the promotion. However I didn't mean exercise in the muscle building way, as all "exercise" that we take, even small movements, is beneficial, whether or not we know it, movement is a big part of life. A plant outdoors not only will follow sunlight it will also experience movement from the wind and maybe other forms of life passing by. My argument is not against science but against the rush to non-wholesome methods without need. My point which you didn't quote was "The majority of man's food problems are really based on land distribution and use, but that problem is far to hard for us to tackle." PS you should be able to discern that I'm not a supporter of the "punk" and it indeed has everything to do with this article, when it comes to growing method.
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Posted in: Texas gunman kills 6, including 4 children See in context
You have a country full of out of control people, who don't want any control of deadly weapons. Oh yes, where are all the race baiters today ? who everytime there hear a shot fire they jump up and tell you something about Black people and what is Allah Jones and those nuts round at info wars saying now ? more guns !!
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Posted in: World's largest all-LED vegetable plant starts operations See in context
Probably one of the best known plants grown under totally unnatural conditions is the Dutch Skunk. Yes indeed it does what it's supposed to do, and more, but unlike other strains of weed, skunk sends a notable proportion of it's users mad. This is not down to increased THC as both Jamaica and Azania - South Africa have strains of herb/dagga which are much stronger than "the punk". Neither is it known if it is a result of the various feeds or artificial lights under which it is grown, what is known is that there is a problem and a different kind of "buzz". Elements within the modern world have become accustomed to disparaging all things natural with a preference to the man made, but let it be remembered that plants not only require water and nutrients but that sunlight and it's properties is a part of plant's food. LED or florescent lights will never provide all that sunlight does, neither do they encourage the plant to healthily "exercise" by systematically moving, as plants do, as they follow the sun on it's daily course. The majority of man's food problems are really based on land distribution and use, but that problem is far to hard for us to tackle.
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Posted in: Chicago stunned by outbreak of weekend shootings See in context
America had the money for centuries, it invested in war at the expense of the poorest classes who were subjected to racism. unemployment and the ghetto instead of alleviation for the wrong of slavery. The investment they saw was for the government created problem and solution of the war on drugs. Black America had it's commerce and industry, it's "Black Wall Street", which you all don't know about, that was destroyed by White racism. Economics, not the people, has created the ghetto and ghetto culture, which is this implosion you are seeing. The middle classes don't, normally, shoot the place up.,_Tulsa,_Oklahoma
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Inflatable solar lantern See in context
'arry, the point you miss is that the Inflatable Solar Lantern does not carry a fire risk as traditional lanterns notoriously do.
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Posted in: Le Pen calls for end of dual nationality after World Cup riots See in context
Le Pen and those of the discredited ideology should stop and think before continually sounding off about matters of race and immigration. The French whose roots lie outside of France are there as a direct result of France's colonial history, which in many ways still continues with "overseas regions" such as Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte and Réunion as well as it's 5 "overseas collectives" French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon and Wallis and Futuna. Most of which are lands inhabited by peoples of color. There is an admitted almost 2 million French citizens living abroad, should they be harassed, castigated and scape-goated for the ills of these various countries ? In fact so much do the French wish to maintain their French European culture that there are some 488 French language schools abroad complete with French teachers in the "French international school system" Also, France holds on to it's external dominions, as the majority of it's x colonies have to pay it monies in perpetuity, for the privilege of once being colonized by France, including desperately poor countries such as Haiti, Not just the Le Pens of this world, but the other rising racists across Europe and the greater White world should think twice how they treat others, as once the flow of people "back home" begins, it wont be only one way traffic.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Australia plans more tough asylum-seeker reforms See in context
if the West would stop causing wars there may well be half the amount of refugees as there are, have some people never bothered to note where people are fleeing from and the reason why. Those who heap praise on Australia are no doubt ignorant of the debilitated position the indigenous Australians have been subject to since the arrival of European immigrants over the last 2 centuries. While protecting "Australia" from immigrants how dare they force small weaker island nations to become refugee detention camps. In 20 years time these small island states will be changed beyond genetic recognition by being forced to take on untold amounts of refugees. The very thing Australia's 20 million White Europeans claim to be afraid of, they are doing to others. Nauru's population is less than 10,000, while Manus Island (PNG) has less than 45,000 indigenous inhabitants. If climate change doesn't destroy these nations, then Australia's selfish immigration policy will. If they are so keen on locking people up, why don't they build the camps in Australia, after all 90% of that continent is unoccupied, and that's from government statistics.
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Posted in: What's up? See in context
Maybe the Crown Prince and company are being shown the "Moor's Head" as "The “Moors guild” was "established in the 14th century in the municipality of Bern", no one needs reminding of the importance of finance for Switzerland, however many have forgotten the revered position of the "Black-a-Moor", not only in Switzerland but throughout all of pre slavery Europe.
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Posted in: What is a slur? Redskins case forces us to decide See in context
We cannot compare the bile that is said on the internet, with what can be said in the flesh, for in the flesh it would cause endless violence and murder.
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Posted in: Spain to count drugs, prostitution when measuring GDP See in context
Spain is heading in the same direction as an increasing number of countries and American states. The loss of revenue and constant creation of a criminal class through prohibition cannot go on indefinitely, it hurts the people and the nation. Breaking news that "Jamaica to decriminalize personal marijuana possession", could not be possible without American approval as Jamaica sits well within 100 miles of the American coast. So, this is Good News for Jamaica, for Rastafari who use Ganja as a holy sacrament, for medical users and the casual, recreational user. This will take a pressure off the people, the prisons and the police. Now that the U.S.A. is starting to ease up on herb in many states, the Jamaican Ganja Industry should start preparing for legally supplying America as soon as the social, economic and legal conditions arise. Jamaica has long had the reputation of having the best herb in the world, now maybe is the time to cash in on that good name and help push back the rise of genetically modified skunk by the promotion of good wholesome natural weed. Spain also is blest with a good climate so it wouldn't be surprising to see them fully cash in on their assets and aid the economy.
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Posted in: Ex-military chief sworn in as Egypt's president See in context
Despite statements such as “We don’t believe that foreign assistance alone can provide the kind of economic stability and the economic opportunities that really will help move Egypt’s economy forward” almost the first thing the new President of Egypt does is “calls for more Chinese investment, aids”, This is a good sign, for peace in the region, because although Saudi Arabia has called for an “international conference in aid of Egypt’s economy” and the United States has eased up on the free flow of funds, President Al Sisi realizes that the real substantial investment collateral lies with China. This is a good thing for peace in the region because, Egypt has been making bellicose noises and threatening Ethiopia with war because they are constructing a dam for use with Nile river water. Egypt believes that colonial era agreements continue to give it more rights than the downstream countries to the Nile river’s water. The incoming President has said that he will try negotiation regarding the dam, Now that he realizes that he needs China’s assistance, it can also be hoped that he realizes, China is not prepared to see the time, effort and billions of dollars it has invested in the down stream Nile countries wasted because of pointless wars
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Posted in: PNG gas project makes first shipment to Japan See in context
Let's see if the rapacious big boys, in particular Australia, allow the people of P.N.G. to really benefit from this project. Australia is already misusing the island as a solution for it's immigration problems. The U.N. and other bodies should really keep a watchful eye on things, if only to let the bully boys know this situation is under scrutiny.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Mali in crisis as rebels take control of northern towns See in context
Mali like Nigeria faces the well armed Islamist nation splitting threat. Like Nigeria, Mali faces terrorists who seem to be better armed than the government itself. Africa is one of the world's regions under severe attack from Islamists who's aim includes splitting countries while weakening the overall capacity of the nations. In the case of Mali we have also seen the deliberate destruction of historical artifacts because they do not satisfy the tenets of Islamist fanatics. Cameroon, Chad, Niger & The C.A.R. are all in various stages of attack from these forces. Another aim in this crusade against Africa is to weaken and keep it dependent on outside forces thereby enabling the control and exploitation of oil and other coveted resources and minerals. The march of nation splitting is not new to the continent, as we have seen Sudan split into two and Eritrea hacked out of Ethiopia. This method of political and economic control is being used against two of the rising B.R.I.C.S. nation with the Islamist separatists of the Caucasus regions of Russia and western China's Xinjiang province. India's restive Muslim population is also contributing to a sense of unease there with several attacks over the last year. All in all, the West's "War On Terror" seems now to be involving more "Non Western" players, than Western, and those most unable to defend themselves from well armed, resourced and determined forces, as is the case in Africa.
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Posted in: Twig collector See in context
The Crow has been noted by modern science to be rather intelligent when tested. The Rook (Corvus frugilegus) which is a member of the Corvidae family or in it's higher classification a crow is is of the same family as the Ravens found in and around the Tower of London, it has special protection in law. tradition said they protect the crown and the Tower. The Rook in the game of Chess, which predates Britain monarchy, is also known as the Tower. In the very ancient world the Egyptians of the African continent knew and revered them enough to weave them into the astrological science.
2 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Bombings kill 10, wound 70 in Kenyan market See in context
The narrative is the same, the Islamists aim to attack and implode as many African countries as possible with the net result that we are left begging Western powers to intervene and help us, thereby allowing said powers the position of "protecting" our assets and resources for their further use and keeping them away from the reach of other climbing markets whom the west may think it is in competition with. Despite the religious overlay of the players involved the whole thing is geopolitical and not religious.
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Posted in: Nigeria signals readiness to talk to Boko Haram rebels See in context
@WilliB I'm not here to offer appeasement, complacency or acquiescence nor even understanding to these murderers and their ways neither do I really have time for their apologists and those who would rather attack myself for speaking out against them. I care not for their idiosyncrasies only for their defeat. Turn your fire towards them not towards me, o.k. (Your comment was not posted because you cannot post two messages in a row on the same thread.) @slumdog Do you have any genuine thoughts of your own about these young women's plight, are or you just here to give your friends moral support ?
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Posted in: Nigeria signals readiness to talk to Boko Haram rebels See in context
@WilliB You were the one who raised the matter of the young women being released under some kind of deal. i said nothing about unique, but that if any release is going on why should they want to stay with Boko Haram, do you really believe because they've got their kidnappers to believe they have converted that it is genuine ? Further we should be talking about supporting the government and it's allies in their efforts to have ALL of these women freed and not be talking capitulation because Islamists have done it elsewhere, we cannot let their writ run just because they want it to.
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Posted in: Nigeria signals readiness to talk to Boko Haram rebels See in context
Honestly Dictator why should I be woefully ignorant, when Islam has been reeking havoc on the African continent since the early 600's AD ? I'm ignorant as to why you have to jump in defending WilliB, when I already done see how he's moving provocatively around this website. Do you really think for a moment any of these young women have genuinely converted to Islam, and that one single one of them wants to stay with Boko Haram, and that anyone of that has not been molested in some way ?
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Posted in: Nigeria signals readiness to talk to Boko Haram rebels See in context
WilliB I said "among" not only or "The ultimate" , so while you're jumping up to correct, make sure you fully understand first. As for you saying "The other girls (those who converted to islam) will remain with Boko Haram." I see no reason why they should stay with Boko Haram as they converted to Islam under duress.
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Posted in: Nigeria signals readiness to talk to Boko Haram rebels See in context
These poor women are being used as pawns. Simple fact is they are not going to be the last outrage from this group, whether or not their demands are met. If their demands are not met the world will be forced to witness Boko Haram brutality. If their demands are met then this will just be one case in an ongoing series following what will be seen by them as a winning formula, Essentially they must be crushed but that will be as hard as crushing any of the other Islamist groups around the world that that are rooted inside of communities. Defeated they must be, as among their ultimate aims is the splitting of Nigeria into two states with the north becoming an Islamic republic. It cannot be allowed to happen and as time goes on that state will encroach on others. The fight, despite the cost, must be taken to them now.
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Posted in: Twitter adding mute button for unwanted posts See in context
This is obviously long overdue, no doubt Twitter wants to save it's image a little. Twitter is as guilty and more as some of those who should be muted. Last month Twitter suspended (actually banned) me for doing anti racist work from their website, since then they seem to have been compelled to send me a barrage of ultra right wing racist groups to "follow". Despite the fact I was engaged in anti racist work I had not received this kind of material, some of the groups they proposed for me espouse violence and murder. My work is exposing Facebook's support for the Boeremag terrorists who were jailed in December for trying to bomb Nelson Mandela, ignite a race war, drive all Africans and "non Whites" out of the country, then set up a Whites only state. That they should now be putting in a mute button reeks of hypocrisy as some of the most rabid hateful groups on the face of the earth operate from their pages.
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Posted in: Disgraced Clippers owner Sterling provokes fresh outrage See in context
Ms Stiviano went along with her recording equipment for good reason, she had been racially abused by Sterling already and she wanted the evidence not to come from her mouth, but from his. My only question is did he repeat some of the exact words she wanted to record, as it was obvious from the recording that she wanted him to spit it all out. The man on the street has had to learn not to be racially insultive, so how comes the message hasn't made it's way upstairs to some of the pillars of society. Instead of just apologizing taking his medicine and letting the matter leave the public domain Sterling seems, with his attitude that somehow it wasn't his fault and look elsewhere, to be dragging it out and keeping it on the boil, is he planning on becoming an advocate for "free speech" of the uncouth kind ? If he has any sense he'll have the matter dealt with before another great lobby awakes to it. He has racially abused this woman, Ms Stiviano, inside of their relationship, how long before the women's rights movement awakes to see this is not only a racial matter but one that concerns women of all shades in relationships where they must suffer varying levels of abuse without any support or anyone shining the light on it. Or will the international women's movement only react in Mrs Sterling's favor as her property rights are under attack.
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Posted in: West Antarctic ice sheet collapse unstoppable, says NASA See in context
MarkG We know not why they are submerged, but we do know they are under the water. We know that now, like it or not, we are making an impact on our environment. By the time we reach the stage of knowing, we are also supposed to have the sense to cease and or correct any detrimental behavior we are engaged in. I will add that the level of architecture and engineering involved suggests that if those societies were not conscious of their environment, they could have a negative impact on it .
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Posted in: Boko Haram demands release of fighters for abducted girls See in context
Who do these terrorists think is turning the country into a global battlefield ? Is it not Boko Harom and their outrageous actions. The forced conversions are a throw back to how much of the African continent which is Islamic got the religion in the first place, it was called "Islam or Die", for those not murdered it was profitable to sell into slavery. The outlook for these young women is pretty bleak as the terrorists no doubt expect a fire fight when confronted so doubtless these poor souls will be rigged for explosion or some other heinous form of death.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: West Antarctic ice sheet collapse unstoppable, says NASA See in context
Mother Earth has an inbuilt mechanism for dispatching our non environmentally friendly behavior, it is connected with our ice caps and it's called rising sea levels. Many signs of it's previous enactment are strewn around the earth in the form of submerged civilizations. The ostriches who wish to deny man's hand in climate change wont see the signs as their heads are buried too deeply in the sand.
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Posted in: Nigerian insurgents blow up 2nd bridge, abduct wife, 2 kids See in context
It's amazing how the commentators here see this so locally and not for what it is, which is part of an international proxy war to split certain countries in two, damage their economies and allow stronger forces to come in, sometimes under the guise of protectors, to secure vital resources such as oil. In Nigeria's case this involves splitting the most populace country on the African continent, which now has it's leading economy. This can only serve the interests of the two great blocks who have enslaved and robbed Africa for the last 1,400 years.
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Posted in: S Africa's Zuma dedicates election win to Mandela See in context
The ANC is right to celebrate this victory and Liveicate it to MaDiba the first election since his passing in December. Nelson MaDiba Mandela is an example who no other leader will excel and the perfect example to aspire to. His work and example will help the ANC for generations to come, so for it they must continue with the program of lifting the majority out of poverty and providing basic amenities denied them even when the minority rulers had one of the highest standards of living in the world. Not surprisingly the ANC did drop a few percentage points but this was in the light of a vociferous campaign based around a scandal with President Jacob Zuma at the center. The DA didn't do any worse than expected with just under 23% but it is widely agreed that their power base cannot extend much more as it is largely centered in the White minority, they have been around as a party since 1999. On the other hand the 9 month old party of Julius malema called the EFF scored just under 6 and a half percent, they are expected to be the real opposition for the ANC in years to come. There is a myriad of smaller parties but none of their showings at the poll is really worth mention. All in all a free, fair and non violent election with very little rancor and fall out afterwards. All good minded people are wishing the ANC and the people of Azania - South Africa a very bright future.
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Posted in: Facebook plans campaign to 'friend' small business See in context
As Facebook makes a play for the business world it needs to watch it's back as it''s core support base is being eroded, not only from new players in the social media world, but because it's support for race terrorists who tried to bomb Nelson MaDiba Mandela is starting to resonate around a generation of young people and people of color who find such support abhorrent. Twitter is finding itself embroiled in this mess and it isn't serving the interest of either organization. As has just been noted in the recent Azania - South Africa elections, those espousing racism particularly violent racists don't get much support from a race savvy public and that has now made deep inroads into the world of ethical business.
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Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
WhoreSpringsColorado: you should move to wherever it is you infected Japan from
Posted in: Explosion at Taiwan department store kills 4; 26 injured
Women used as objects. When will it ever end?
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22