Posted in: U.S., Japan, S Korea show united stance on N Korea See in context
I do not see the correlation between past colonization and an ‘ongoing duty to balance conflicting interests’ between the two Koreas. It seems natural that Japan should side more heavily with the United States and the South; they are both allies and democratic states. Additionally, the United States and the Republic of Korea do kidnap Japan’s citizens.
that is the prevailing attitude amongst Japanese voters and exactly why this country will never be a respectable player on the global stage.
I'd hate to think that Japan would rather save one South Korean or Japanese for the sacrifice of two or more North Koreans, but unfortunately that is the equation we readily accept.
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Posted in: U.S., Japan, S Korea show united stance on N Korea See in context
How expedient it is for Japan to naturally pick the American side.
We ought to remember that it was because of Japan's sloppy handling of the war that Korea was partitioned. The US and the ROK government wouldn't give a crap about creating North Korean civilian casualties if that should bring about a win-win situation. However, Japan has a ongoing duty to balance conflicting interests between its former colonies, but this alignment with the South clearly implies that the DPJ has little or no re-collection of that duty.
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Posted in: Does J-pop really suck? See in context
Above posts in summary:
My English speaking world tastes >>>>>>> Japanese mainstream bubblegum pop audience tastes.
Certainly, that catchy American song that goes something like "California bitches uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh" never made a noticeable presence on the Oricon charts despite all the hype about it in the Anglo-American world. What's there to explain other than to recall that the Japanese market is not the same?
Comparing different products tailored for different markets in terms of subjective tastes is nothing short of outright pretentious behavior.
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Posted in: Delta launches new advertising campaign in Japan See in context
Was Northwest better?
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Posted in: Hiroshima not shy about its atomic bomb legacy See in context
The majority of American voters who turned up to the 2004 US Presidential election re-elected Bush after Iraq, does that mean they all deserve to die and are the deaths of people who didn't support Bush and their families are acceptable collateral damage? Supporting the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is an implied answer of 'yes' to that question.
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Posted in: 'Space Battleship Yamato' blasts off See in context
Am tired of all the Japan bashing. I am proud of my country and get told I am wrong. Well my ancestors did some bad things but I am innocent. Now people are getting bent out of shape about a movie just because it has the Yamato in it.
It's tough being citizens of an awesome country.
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Posted in: 'Space Battleship Yamato' blasts off See in context
Edward James Olmos could'ved played the Mexican Desslar
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Posted in: Utada: 'I don't want to be a helpless adult' See in context
Wow, I only started to appreciate her work when I became an adult. As a dumb male teenager I liked the young prettier looking twin-tailed Mai Kuraki alot more. Now when I listen and compare Secret of My Heart to Automatic I reflect on how much of a dumb kid I was.
Is she admitting that America/English speaking world won't listen to music by Asians?
Sadly, you might be right.
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Posted in: 'Space Battleship Yamato' blasts off See in context
I loved the animation series (though I was more a Captain Harlock fan) I wish this would have been a more international collaboration with more "real" actors
Meisa Kuroki is technically white. But the production could've used Djimon Honsou or some K1 klown as the token Black guy.
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Posted in: 'Space Battleship Yamato' blasts off See in context
Look at it this way, a ship of Imperial Japan is now on a mission to save all of human kind.
OMG, why didn't I think the same way about Star Trek and the Enterprise?? A ship named after a series of aircraft carriers that served American interests is now out to save humanity..oh wait, now I feel I've been duped by both Roddenberry and Matsumoto.
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Posted in: 'Space Battleship Yamato' blasts off See in context
Hurrrrr..this movie may have references that crudely challenge my learnings that all Japanese military elements during WWII were evil. I am not going to watch it durrrr...
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Posted in: Matsumoto Castle See in context
The fact that the castle didn't burn during the war is a harrowing reminder to the locals that their city of is no real importance to the world.
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Posted in: Police find man who mailed war bones to Japanese consulate in New York See in context
Taking human remains as a memento is just weird.
Are you implying that the bulk of USMC veterans of the Pacific are weird?
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Posted in: Hear this See in context
So, they're protesting against China over Senkaku, but one guy decides to bring the Nobel Prize Winner issue to make it look like they have a legitimate cause?
Of course, if you bring the Senkaku issue into alignment with Tibet, Uygurstan, Taiwan and Liu, it would make it look like another instance of Chinese oppression. The Koreans use this tactic when protesting about Japanese occupation by bringing up WWII, despite the anachronistic details its very effective in rallying no-brainers to your cause.
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Posted in: Hear this See in context
It's awesome how the Japanese nationalist movements can rally for the causes of non-Japanese speaking peoples who are victimised by the Chinese.
They would be better off protesting against their thieving government and lying, food mislabeling companies. China is an easy target. It's harder to look at oneself.
Darn right, Japan must first weed out the Chinese carpetbaggers from its public institutions in order to mount an effective anti-Chinese front.
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Posted in: The freefall of Japan’s anime industry See in context
I watched an episode of Code Geass with my niece on TV, I'm not too sure if homoerotic British?? imperialism with gigantic robots is everyone's cup of tea but shows with eccentric themes like this don't disappoint viewers who don't watch anime on a regular basis.
However remakes of classics like Gundam Seed fail to carry their weight unlike the original production they are based on. In Seed, I was expecting a retooling of Tomino's MS Gundam for the modern age,that I got but sadly in the form of a wreck caused by the producers and writers when they tried to appeal to the female audience. For viewers who've never watched Gundam before, this show may seem 'pretty' but for those who remember the original series well, the show is 'atrocious' to say the least. The show didn't need to have 'Gundam' in the title at all, in fact the word itself is only mentioned twice or thrice throughout the show.
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Posted in: Trick or treat See in context
Only a Gaijin can make a Gachapin costume look cool to wear.
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Posted in: Show of force See in context
Then the feeling was replaced by outrage and anger that that flag is still being flown and used here, despite the association with Japan`s evil past.
Alot of people associate the US and UK flag as symbols of its evil past..present, but I don't. Alot of people try to make their personal emotional response as some objectively rational dissonance.
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Posted in: Show of force See in context
I am interested to know if the Army still uses the War flag. Anyone know? Or were laws passed to ban it?
No sir, the GSDF flies the 8 rays with gold cordon. But the poor quality of discipline exhibited during the war is maintained.
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Posted in: Show of force See in context
but I do agree that the JMSDF doesn't deserve to fly that ensign, this is the greatest disrespect for the many Imperial Japanese Navy men who are resting at the bottom of the ocean, inglorious but defiant. Knowing that these American pawns are calling it their own is comparable to grave robbing.
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Posted in: Show of force See in context
We can't really change that war flag? The imperial memories are incredible negative.
Waaah, the war standard used by the enemies my granfather fought against is respected..wahhhh
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Posted in: China’s pyrrhic victory See in context
Remember, it's the west's fault for making China what it is today by investing in this one gigantic totalitarian sovereign state. Similar wage rates can be found throughout the democratic Pacific rim, but it had to be China.
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Posted in: In Japan, the customer is not king See in context
Local burgershop at Shinjuku, McDonalds, Wikipedia
Oh lawdy..haha
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Posted in: Miniskirt Police recruit new members See in context
I used to watch the ending part back in 2000 just before Excel Saga aired. The legging has much improved since then.
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Posted in: Anti-immigration sentiment grows in Sweden See in context
White-Europeans, have the natural right of indigebous right to exclude other races from their lands.
I just can't stand colonial whites in the Americas, Australasia and Africa who think those rights extend beyond their lands.
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Posted in: Japan urges calm after China severs contacts See in context
Chinese come and get him!
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Posted in: Akihabara morphing into a Sextoys 'R' Us See in context
This BDSM trend in Akiba is far more respectable than the recent Otaku dominance in this town.
I was ashamed when anime highschool girl effigies replaced AMD & Intel on those large billboards, as should all dignified Japanese ought to be. But if an image of a dominatrix would replace all that googly eyed 2D bullcrap I'd be a happier man knowing that this nation's males are socially competent enough to engage in such relationships with real women.
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Posted in: Fellow Americans' suspicions frustrate U.S. Muslims See in context
The A bombs though were good and have ensured global stability since 1945.
Looks at War in Iraq
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Posted in: Trump and Musk's dismantling of government is shaking foundations of US democracy
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
This will be a new disaster. Will trump want a part of Japan for security reason and build a trump…
Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO