Posted in: Tokyo police urge go-kart tour companies to improve safety measures See in context
'"Numbers dont matter???
Wow what world do you live in? As a 25 year veteran safety inspector I would say your completely off the mark. Numbers do matter!! Especially when it comes to safety. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not safe.
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Posted in: Tokyo police urge go-kart tour companies to improve safety measures See in context
Im curious of all you people on here making such negitive comments about these go-cart companies, have any of you actually taken a tour with them? I have taken the tour a few times and let me tell you they take saftey very seriously. They have guides that lead these tour groups around and they are always making sure that everyone is driving safely and close behind them. The data we have been giving by the media seems to be that there were 12 accidents since March. I think these companies have well over 500 to 1000 customers a month. So you all do the numbers. I would say with that many customers and only 12 minor accidents, you are all wrong to say its unsafe. Instead of making your comments about how dangerous it is or unsafe it is why dont you go and take a tour to see for yourselves.
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Posted in: When music takes over: Pianist battles Tourette’s syndrome See in context
My son suffers from Tourette's. I'm happy to see this story. Good for you!!
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Posted in: Managing gaijin teachers See in context
Same old story from so many of you college graduatates! You think your better than everyone else so you can easly say, you need to have a degree to teach, amazing! Their is a sad thing going on in the world, this push to get a degree from a university or college when what we really need is more technical schools. I would rather bring an 18 year old into my company and train them they way I want them to work then some 4 or 5 year college student who knows what? what exeperience do they have, NONE! I assume Dean that your company offers some type of training for your teachers. It is such a mistake for English schools and the other big companies not to have a training program set up to help their employees learn more and get better. Majority of the students in the world who have a love to do something cant because of people like some of you on here here who cry, degree, degree, degree! Most people in the world can't afford a college education.
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Posted in: Managing gaijin teachers See in context
Truth be told, most Americans don't write well, who cares! If you can speak that is what's most important. I could care less about how this article is written movintotokyo! i guess people are right most of you english teachers are just plain jerks! teach them how to speak english, they can learn writing in school. SPEAK!!!! and get over yourselves. I think Dean puts out some great information in his articles.
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Posted in: The state of the language school industry See in context
I agree with some of the quotes on here about having a degree. The fact is that just because you have a English Language Degree or any degree does not in any way shape or form, make you a good teacher. I think that College is overrated and has been for many years. I know that in the U.S. even people who have degrees can't get a good job. Most companies that are worth a dime need people with experience and not just a degree. It all about money just like these schools here in Japan. There are people who have comon sense smarts and people who have book smarts. I wish people would lay off the your not qualified because you didnt got to College or University to become an English Teacher. If a person is motivated enough and has a love for teaching, they will do great! Oh and I think Willy Wonka became famous! Final thoughts, there is allot of what I call lost talent out there because so many have this must have a 4 year degree issue. I feel your only hurting your company by allowing such shallow thinking to exsist. For me its basic "Love for what you do and motivation to do it"
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Posted in: China, Russia take swipes West at annual security forum in Beijing
Posted in: China, Russia take swipes West at annual security forum in Beijing
The only positive thing about this is at least we can be sure it’s a new item in the freezer…
Posted in: Does the new Godiva x Baskin-Robbins Japan ice cream collaboration live up to the hype?
Posted in: China, Russia take swipes West at annual security forum in Beijing