Posted in: Gargling solution flies off shelves after Osaka governor touts anti-virus effect See in context
Strangerland, you might be right that some of these products might reduce the viral count in your mouth and digestive system.
However, this is a respiratory virus, I don’t think I need to remind anyone how much it hurts when you accidentally “breath” a liquid. Or I guess you have to gargle through your nose? Either way, you don’t want any kind of liquid in your lungs. (And your body will let you know it doesn’t like it, it’s called choking)
Coughing is initiated from your throat, and not your mouth, so doesn’t help for that either. (Well separated from your digestive tract)
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Satellites see big fishing's footprint on the high seas See in context
As for India and Indonesia, wooden rafts do not carry these transponders mentioned in the article.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Firms to build 14MW solar plant in Fukushima See in context
@Temperance Raziel, uninformed indeed.
I somewhat agree with you that solar panels use to many resource, but then you had to mention quarts... which happens to be second most abundant mineral on earth and is a waste product of silver mines. (already existing mines, regardless of any solar panel production)
And then you had to add "North Korea, Vietnam or Cuba" to the equation, which beside being poor in monetary sources, are also poor in natural resource. Oh, while we are talking about communist countries, guess the number one country for solar panel production and installation? Yup, China.
The real issue with solar panels is, how to store the energy. Because the energy need is at is highest point when the supply is at its lowest point. (at night)
I think it's quite the great idea to re-use land for solar energy purpose, this makes the large footprint somewhat irrelevant.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese destroyer leaves port reportedly to escort U.S. warships See in context
it means floating in the water next to the more important ship in the water.
It more or less indeed does;
a person, vehicle, or group accompanying another for protection or as a mark of rank.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Having a peck See in context
@Wakarimasen yes they are perfectly edible (I cannot vouch for the taste).
The seeds however, can contain trace amounts of cyanide, so I would advice not eating those. (If you are worried about potential cyanide in the flowers, you can try steaming them just to be sure, there shouldn't be any though)
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Turkey warns 'fascist' Netherlands will pay in rally dispute See in context
“If you let horses, dogs on my citizens you have to be held to account,” he said, referring to dogs, horses and water cannons used by Dutch police to disperse pro-Erdogan demonstrators after clashes in Rotterdam early Sunday.
Beside the fact they are Dutch citizens as well, that they broke through a police barrier (as the area near the consulate wasn't designated as demonstration area, though nearby areas were) and then tried to attack the police when they were retreating and even were kicking police who were down on the ground. I don't think the name demonstrators still fits for them, rioters would be better.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Turkey-Dutch relations worsen after Turkish visit banned See in context
A small update; the Turkish Minister Betul Sayan Kaya, as mentioned in this article, has been marked as an "undesirable alien" and thus has been forced to return to the country she entered from, Germany in this case, from which she took a plane and returned to Turkey. Being marked as such means she isn't allowed to enter any of the Schengen countries until she successfully disputes this.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo's homeless boast their own upscale neighborhood See in context
@albaleo I actually walked around that area of the Tama river, and honestly had no clue those shacks were the homes of 'homeless' people, they are however, in between of the dykes and the river.
@Laptop_Warrior the point of the Tama river they are talking about in the article appears to be ~120m wide according to Google Maps.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: SoftBank announces IoT-based bicycle sharing system See in context
Yet more more people in Japan commute by bicycle than in other developed countries.
Do you have a source on that? because as far as I am aware Denmark and The Netherlands tend to lead anything related to cycling.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 2 killed after truck rear-ends tour bus in Aichi See in context
While checking the brakes because something appears to be wrong is always a good things, I am somewhat curious to why they did not wait until the next parking spot, or took the nearest exit and parked around there. And the truck driver not paying proper attention is nothing new I guess. Either way, the article as it is, does not really contain enough information to judge this case.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: UK minister: Britons may need visas to visit EU after Brexit See in context
@goldorak, as for the Norwegians and the Swiss (I don't know about Albania) both are part of the Schengen and thus allow the free movement of people. Preventing the free movement of people happens to be the main, if the not the only, argument why people voted 'leave'.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Well run See in context
@Kurobune Bolt himself says he won't participate in the 2020 Olympics and that the Rio will be his last Olympics. So I did say the chance is pretty low.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Delta shutdown strands 1,000-plus at Narita airport See in context
@James Burke
There probably is a better way to design it but it can't be easily designed so that if one server goes down another can just take over - there would be gaps in what was recorded
Actually the solution is quite simple, a Master/Slave database which replicates data over multiple servers/locations. So if the main server goes down, another server will be assigned as 'Master'. The only data lost in this case would be the data that was being processed on the old 'Master' while it went down.
Now if the solution is so simple why didn't they do it that way? answer: it costs money.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Are airport body scanners an invasion of privacy? See in context
MarkG, if you are really bothered by radiation that much I would advice you not taking the plane at all.
First off all, a scan would expose you to about 0.1μSv per scan, though I agree that would be relative a lot compared to background radiation, comparing that to in-flight radiation e.g. Tokyo -> Paris would be at 6.6μSv per hour, makes it a somewhat redundant number (note: as this flight gets near the arctic the radiation dose might be slightly higher than normally)
Also the average radiation dose you would get just by background radiation in your average day would be ~10μSv a day
Oh, and I just happen to know quite a few things about Amsterdam Airport in the Netherlands, they use "Millimeter wave scanners" and unlike the "Backscatter X-ray scanners" they do not use x-rays so there is no radiation potential (as Backscatter X-ray scans are forbidden in Europe since 2012). But the fun part is, rather than displaying the actual image, it processes the image without human input and highlights suspicious areas over a cartoon image of a person. Obviously we still have to trust them that they don't save the images, but that's a different story. (as they claim not to)
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Self-freezing bottled Coca-Cola now available at convenience store vending machines in Japan See in context
@mukashiyokatta, they use a freezer, you can do this with normal coca cola bottles in our own freezer, just don't keep them in too long (times and temps can be found on google)
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Early days, but Apple Pay struggles outside U.S. See in context
They should make it backwards compatible with Suica, now that would be useful!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Ad-blocking software use for mobile devices surges: study See in context
@Scrote, you get those messages because you have JavaScript disabled, this because most ads require JavaScript to load themselves. The messages you are seeing, are always visible by default, but hide when the ads are (being) loaded.
There is no viable way to check against adblockers and a war on adblockers will probably also make website lose non adblocking customers by mistake or pure annoyance.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Rich and powerful warn robots are coming for your jobs See in context
I always have a little chuckle when I compare it to the following.
You have wagon, but it does not have any wheels, thus pushing it requires more strength and takes more time. So to still transport the same amount of goods you would need more people, having more jobs than you would have with the invention of the wheel. And then we have horses that could pull or push the wagons, so the horses took their jobs the same way robots do/will.
Want more jobs? make a pyramid or two. (or a wall if you fancy)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. woman sues Starbucks for $5 mil over ice in cold drinks See in context
I don't know if you can do this easily in the US, but what I normally do with things like Cola at the Mac is just to order the drink without ice (this is also an option at the self-service screens) and go back to complain when they actually did add ice or under-fill it (though this actually only happened once)
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: FBI defends stand against Apple on encryption See in context
Yet our friends from the FBI kindly forget to mention that a lot of these encryption technologies are open source, so anybody who doesn't trust iPhone's anymore (read terrorists) can just make their own encrypted app/storage. The only thing banning encryption will do, is take it away from the public, while the people who have any need to encrypt it will be able to do it anyways. I mean, if encryption becomes illegal, what will stop somebody who is already doing 'illegal' things from doing another illegal thing which is encryption.
So basically, "He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Internet by light promises to leave Wi-Fi eating dust See in context
This is honestly one of the most flawed articles I have ever read.
Laboratory tests have shown theoretical speeds of over 200 Gbps
Great, except nobody has internet speeds near that in their homes, heck, I doubt most people could even fully use 802.11ac.
you can’t have more than ten objects connected in Bluetooth or Wi-Fi without interference.
I'm curious what happens if you have 2 'Li-Fi' routers on the same frequency. answer: clients are unable to receive data, as it completely scrambles it.
Li-fi has its drawbacks—it only works if a smartphone or other device is placed directly in the light and it cannot travel through walls.
This isn't just a drawback, this is what makes this technology almost completely useless, e.g.; You are streaming music, then put your phone in your pocket before it finished downloading, music will stop playing as the connection is gone. Now you would probably say "but with 200gbps it will download within milliseconds", again, I doubt anyone has a 200gbps connection into his home.
In supermarkets it could be used to give information about a product, or in museums about a painting, by using lamps placed nearby.
This is perfectly possible with Wi-Fi, yet I see nobody doing this, what makes them think this technology will suddenly get supermarkets of their asses, make apps for the phone, then install Li-Fi hardware beside the Wi-Fi hardware they might already have.
It could also be useful on aircraft, in underground garages and any place where lack of Internet connection is an issue.
Or just place a WiFi router, would have the same effect.
Now, don't get me wrong, it's a really interesting idea and there are probably cases where it could be useful (e.g. the hospitals). But claiming it is a replacement for Wi-Fi is just some weak argument to get more money out of the pockets of consumers.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Mysterious thieves on bizarre train strap binge See in context
..As they are mounted at a high position..
Also known as eye level for the average north American/European. Maybe I am missing something, but the straps seem rather easy to remove, as they are secured with two simple Phillips head screws halfway up the straps. (Odakyu Line)
And if it's done by train personnel, who would even think of as being strange? or let alone, say something about it? as it just look like maintenance to the average person.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: App shakes up earthquake science by turning users into sensors See in context
@Jason Gomez, you mean Yurekuru? which is an early warning app for Japan, but does not rely on (automated) user reports, unlike the app mentioned here.
Anyhow, the accelerometer in a phone is not made for continuous operation like this so I doubt is has a good effect on your battery life. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if certain phones (read, iPhone), would not allow you to access the accelerometer while it is locked or sleeping.
Short story, An interesting idea, though I doubt its usefulness.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan's negative yield bond explained See in context
I am confused, somebody please tell me I am not alone.
100,000 yen at -0.035%, somehow ends up at 3,500 yen? what math genius has been working here?
If I were to get the Greek 10 year with the same kind of logic, would I get my money back with in ten fold?
Now I am not sure how bonds work, but I expect something like "100,000 * -0.035% = 35" as -0.035% is the same as multiplying by -0.00035 as 1 = 100% (note the '%' sign, in the article too)
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Oil prices have been dropping for the past few months, so why aren’t fuel surcharges on airfares coming down? See in context
First of all, airline companies tend to pay their fuel in advance, this to prevent any loss from heavy fluctuations. (Fuel hedging)
And obviously they rather want to have consumers to pay more than they have to, though due to competition this will be slowly reduced (slower than the actually drop in oil prices). Though sadly they always manage to rise prices insanely fast when the oil price rise even a little.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: TEPCO to lower power rates ahead of deregulation battle See in context
will save about 1,000 yen per year
Great, now they can buy more of those upmarket noodles.
13 ( +13 / -0 )
Posted in: Why is the UK called Igirisu in Japanese? See in context
I guess the same goes for the Netherlands being called 'オランダ' (Holland), while North and South Holland are part of the Netherlands just like England is part of the UK
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: California shooting rampage leaves 14 dead; 2 suspects killed in gun battle with police See in context
I cant help but having a certain thing sir Trump mentioned from popping into my mind
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you think digital payment options will ever completely replace cash? See in context
Actually in my home country (The Netherlands) I never carry cash around with me as debit cards are accepted almost everywhere (even online).
So I actually found myself unable to handle change properly the first week in Japan. The wide usage of cash and the somewhat splintered use of IC cards (Pasmo, Suica) makes paying in Japan seem to be somewhat poor managed.
I guess I just preffer the ease of not counting my cash out everytime I need to pay something.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Cup noodles and chocolates keep Abenomics' pulse beating See in context
"Discount items keep Abenomics' pulse beating"
For the second time in a year, Japan’s economy has slipped into recession, but consumers’ taste for upmarket discounts items suggests some pockets of resilience.
Yeah, this is how ridiculous the current article sounds to me. Somebody has been completly oblivious of the impact of this 'rise in sales' and then wonder why the economy is doing so poor.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Woman, boyfriend arrested after threatening to gouge out her son’s eyes
She is a nasty, entitled, foul mouthed racist. The judge was not impressed with the jury’s verdict.
Posted in: Australia soccer star Sam Kerr found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of police officer
Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs
Posted in: Is DOGE a cybersecurity threat?