Posted in: Misinformation surges amid India's COVID-19 calamity See in context
Should have stuck to Ivermectin India. It's the one thing that was remarkable in working for them in saving lives.
Ivermectin was already effective against COVID (see graph in link) but too many people were coerced into getting COVID vaccinated even after recovering:
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: 'Great day for America': Vaccinated can largely ditch masks See in context
This is excellent news for all people for now. Hope they dont mark vaxxed people as unvaxxed again when the annual covid shots become standardized like the annual influenza shots.
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan prepares to inoculate adolescents aged 12-15 against COVID See in context
Immunizing adolescents would importantly reduce the risk for any person which they spend long time in close contact, be it in their house or in their place of work/study/entertainment/etc.
Wrong. This statement alone tells me that you do not live in Japan yet you are determined to present children as being dangerous to the people around them.
Children in Japan up to 7 years old are not required and don't wear masks. This is the entire country of Japan. Knowing that children are deemed by Pharma to be the "super spreaders" why in the world have schools been open for the past year? Schools, daycares, kindergartens should already have 100% infection rate along with their staff and parents by now...YET they HAVE NOT CLOSED. The staff and parents have not been infected.
If children were so infectious and not masked, playing, sneezing, talking, screaming every day with COVID all of Japan should be all infected by now.
It is troubling how adamant pharma is at getting children experimentally injected 2 or 3 times each year for "the greater $$pharma$$ good".
-5 ( +5 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan prepares to inoculate adolescents aged 12-15 against COVID See in context
But once again you conveniently forget to include the information that put this in context, is it because it proves the correlations you make spurious? You do understand that teenagers do have blood clot problems, and that a video do not provide confirmation of a case.
For example you forgot to include the very pertinent information that the 16yo from Wisconsin was taking birth control pills which have a much more stronger relationship with blot clot problems than any of the vaccines (and specially mRNA vaccines that are not even related in adults).
As always, in defense of Pharma. Even with experimental vaccines, the science is settled. Vaccines are 500% safe....well, um...teenagers have blood clot problems...we should lock-down for that too.
16-year-old Wisconsin girl develops blood clots, dead 11 days after experimental Pfizer mRNA shot
*Vaccinated:** March 19th and died on March 30th - 11 days after the shot*
So once again like Pharma, you conveniently say it's all coincidental and it must have been the contraceptive. It is amazing how you downplay it as it could have been anything. In what world do you live in where teenagers have blood clots all the time and conclude that it has nothing to do with the vaccine from 11 days before?
Here's another 2 year old infant death for you to dismiss:
*VAERS ID**: 1255745 – Pfizer*
*Symptoms**: Death, Product administered to patient of inappropriate age*
*SMQs:**, Medication errors (narrow)*
*Write-up**: "she was going to die/dies after vaccine; 2-year-old patient; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer via a Pfizer-sponsored program.*
A 2-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), second dose at the age of 2-years-old via an unspecified route of administration on 25Feb2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for covid-19 immunisation.
The patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that the 2-year-old dies after vaccine on 03 Mar 2021. Reported on VAERS.
Look for the researchers to exclude her from the study, probably claiming her death had nothing to do with the shot, she was going to die that day, five days after vaccination anyway.
That's how they roll. The patient died on 03 Mar 2021. The outcome of the event was fatal. No follow-up attempts are possible. Information on lot/batch cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: she was going to die"
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Tokyo governor says mutant strains of COVID-19 becoming dominant See in context
Again, it is not the media but the scientific experts that warn that variants that transmit more easily end up causing more deaths.
Watch the interview and realize that honest opinions of scientific experts are being suppressed and why they are. Mr. Yeadon discusses in detail why his fellow scientists agree with him but cannot speak their mind:
Michael Yeadon has been repeatedly criticized validly because he fails to base his opinion on any data, he has been repeatedly wrong about his predictions and has misrepresented other people's work for his purposes. This criticism is easily to prove valid since he has not been able to defend himself from those accusations, you don't even tried to do it yourself just accepted that he is mistaken all the time but you want to believe him, that is not rational.
I'm sorry but what are you talking about? You haven't even watched the interview to justify what you are saying. Just finding whatever hit pieces you can find to dismiss his background of 16 years as VP at Pfizer to protect Pharma's narrative. He's retired and already stated that he get no benefit from doing that interview nor making those statements except ridicule, threats and hit pieces like the one you presented.
Once again only irrational antivaxxers groups are the ones trying to use fear, medical and scientific professionals are promoting sensible and valid caution against the virus, including the easier to transmit variants. Fortunately and by the previous records of your source being wrong more times than right this means that his prediction of annual boosters are also completely out of the possibilities.
Not antivaxxer but anti corrupt pharma. Please remember that next time because you resort to using the phrase antivaxxer when you have nothing left to add. This COVID vaccine is simply unproven, still experimental , free of liability for vaccine companies and there are negative adverse events (disability, blood clots, death) happening outside of the normal fever, pain, headaches that last more than a week.
Easier to transmit variants? Lockdown, mask up, social distance and fear...we've been over this before. Pharma fear propaganda in full effect.
Again....not Pfizer's CEO but also Moderna's CEO is saying the same 4/23/2021:
"Moderna is working on a booster shot to fight off COVID-19 variants.
The company hopes to have it rolled out by this fall, according to its CEO Stephane Bancel. Clinical data on a booster shot could come in May...Moderna CEO says booster shots will eventually be required"
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Tokyo governor says mutant strains of COVID-19 becoming dominant See in context
Exactly the same interview I saw. We know this isn’t just about a virus.
Agreed. No need to fear the "mutant" strains as the media would want you to fear them.
Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer (where he worked for 16 years) discusses the 0.3% variance of the mutant strains his interview and how similar SARS-COV2 is to SARS-COV1:
Indeed. It's all about control and injections using FEAR (OH NO! Cases going up, mutant variant strains, comorbidity (heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure - even car accidents) deaths marked as due to COVID, Virus is spreading!) and propaganda to make sure people comply.
As Michael Yeadon explained in his interview....once they have an electronic database of those who inject they will be pinged to get their annual boosters...if they don't comply they will lose their freedoms. If they don't bring in the rest of their family members to inject they also lose their freedoms (work, shop, travel, education, etc).
Don't know if you caught it but the interview with Sucharit Bhakdi MD (**Most cited microbiologist in German academic history) **on the above site is also very good.
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: Tokyo governor says mutant strains of COVID-19 becoming dominant See in context
Well, the lies continue. Seeing how these “mutant strains” are 99.7% similar to the original virus, it’s not of concern. Stop excepting their lies people. Masks don’t work, vaccine passports are only about control of movement, and the vaccines are experimental. Those medical workers who took the vaccines should sue since it breaks international law. Nuremberg code if anyone was wondering.
Agreed. No need to fear the "mutant" strains as the media would want you to fear them.
Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer (where he worked for 16 years) discusses the 0.3% variance of the mutant strains his interview and how similar SARS-COV2 is to SARS-COV1:
Pharma friendly Reuters has written hit pieces on him for having differing views of the narrative they want to present to the public but there is no need to worry about these "mutant" strains....basically the same virus.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
As always, there is no need to have long term studies to say validly that COVID is much more risky in the long term, because it already produce much more long term and permanent problems, I know you are hoping vaccines will magically begin to cause them too, but at this point this is only happens with the natural infection, so you saying that vaccines have the same risk is false, mistaken.
I have never read anything from you entertaining other options outside of vaccines to save lives. Ivermectin actually is amazingly effective (family members of those infected can take it and not get COVID19 or develop symptoms - actually works as opposed to these experimental COVID vaxxes) but is off-patent so Pharma makes pennies as opposed to injections and CONTROL with V-passports.
I've only seen emphasis on Pharma's narrative in all your replies:
-Dismiss and downplay opposing statements
-Find hit pieces on opposing doctors or scientists
You previously presented a hit piece on Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer (where he worked for 16 years) against this interview:
That hit piece was by Reuters (working closely with the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation)
-Promote everyone being locked down, masked up and have them take these experimental COVID injections with ZERO long term safety studies (no recourse for injuries/death).
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
You keep spamming this every day until your comments get deleted, but you never include the data that proves this is completely in the same rates that non-vaccinated people have. Why is that? people may begin to think you do it on purpose to mislead by withholding the half of the information that proves your point is false.
Sorry that you feel that way but VAERS is updated bi-weekly and the numbers keep going up!
Here is the direct link to the CDC reporting of deaths:
"CDC uses the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to closely monitor reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination."
"Over 245 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 3, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 4,178 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. "
I'm sure you're going to emphasize the 0.0017%. Is that what you tell the families of loved ones they lost and that it wasn't the vaccine?
Or how about those who were disabled because of the shots but still managed to survive? At least they won't have severe cough and headache if they get COVID right?
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
"Vaccines do not cause autism."
"Vaccine ingredients do not cause autism."
So what exactly are you on about??
The website was previously updated to remove those statements as shown in the video:
The CDC updated the website again. Looks like there will still be ongoing lawsuits filed to provide ACTUAL studies that show that "vaccines do not cause autism". The CDC still has not provided any studies that allowed them to make that statement.
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
It would be again as the time you said CDC no longer said vaccines do not cause autism, something that was very easy to prove wrong with a few seconds of googling to the CDC site where they said precisely this.
Watch and understand...
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
So now you say you can trust the vaccine companies CEOs even when they have no data to prove boosters are going to be necessary? that can only mean you have to trust them also when they say their vaccines are safe and effective against COVID. You cannot argue that you can and can't trust them at the same time, that would be contradicting yourself.
On the contrary, reading that the CEOs are making these statements for shareholders is frightening. They are focused on planning for annual shots / boosters similar to the flu shot to make it endemic and when combined with a vaccine passport it will create 2 classes of citizens for a COVID vaccine that isn't even effective yet causes high risks of negative side effects.
Again ZERO long term studies which you are so accepting of. We have no idea what will happen down the road and already seeing these negative adverse events / deaths / disabilities. It will be worse for children when they start injecting in September this year to go to school (USA only now and depends on state).
Know of another person who got the 2nd Pfizer shot (employer required it) and has had serious headaches for 2 weeks already now and trouble working / focusing. Are you going to say there's no connection to the COVID vaccine?
-8 ( +0 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
It is the opposite, you keep trying to hide the fact that the VAERS data and the natural rates of occurrence in the non-vaccinated population is equivalent. Why is that? one thing is to ignore that this is how the VAERS data should be used, another completely different is for you to keep copy-pasting this in your comments without including the other half of the information that proves it is not significative.
VAERS data on specifically COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) are now reports the following:
Deaths - 3544
Permanent Disability - 1595
Office Visits - 19213
Emergency Room Doctor - 16521
Hospitalized - 8149 - Prolonged - 16
Recovered from adverse events- 45,575
Birth Defect - 88
Life Threatening - 2436
Not Serious - 45,375
Any of these can happen to you or your loved ones. Remember that a little over 1% is voluntarily reported. Multiply the numbers by 100x and you'll get more realistic numbers of what is actually happening.
How can these be natural when they are voluntarily reported with the physician helping them to voluntarily report it. Some physicians are even refusing to acknowledge the events from the vaccine and will not report it. Of course Pharma is in denial of any connections saying it's all "coincidental" but they will "look into it".
-8 ( +0 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
So to refute the claim that there is zero data to prove annual vaccines are going to be necessary you present exactly zero data? that is exactly my point.
The 3rd shot is being "$prepped$" as a booster to combat the "variants" but are ineffective. The COVID vaccines specifically do not work and your denial of VAERS (Voluntary Adverse Events Reporting System to CDC) data:
...tells me that you do not care about what the negative effects are happening and your focus is on maintaining Pharma's narrative: lock down, mask up and inject with these experimental vaxxes that still cause "Breakthrough COVID cases" - 5,800 cases already.
Additionally now you want people to blindly trust what Pfizer CEO says even when he is contradicted by scientific data. Who would have know? you saying they should be trusted more than science.
Not Pfizer's CEO but also Moderna's CEO is saying the same 4/23/2021:
"Moderna is working on a booster shot to fight off COVID-19 variants.
The company hopes to have it rolled out by this fall, according to its CEO Stephane Bancel. Clinical data on a booster shot could come in May...Moderna CEO says booster shots will eventually be required"
-7 ( +1 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
There is a grand total of 0 data that proves annual vaccines are ever going to be necessary.
*"Patients will "likely" need a third dose of Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine as the shot's protection wanes, CEO Albert Bourla said in a recent interview with CVS Health Live. And after receiving a third shot, people should expect re-vaccination every year, he said. *
That could spell extra sales for Pfizer in the short term, and turn its mRNA-based vaccine Comirnaty into a revenue spring for years to come.
Get it? Vaccine Passports in conjunction with annual shots. A new form of control for the "greater corrupt Pharma$$$ good". I'm sorry but you really are defending pharma at every turn.
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to introduce 'vaccine passports' for international travel See in context
Fortunately that is not the case, the mRNA vaccines are no longer experimental when the final results for the primary endpoints of the trials were recorded, analyzed and published. At this point calling them experimental is simply false.
Absolutely false. Those who are injecting are the experimental guinea pigs...anything that happens is permanent. No refunds. No regrets.
The carrot? Your COVID vaccine passport which requires annual booster shots.
A regional independent drug assessment center, the CTIAP (Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques), which is linked to the Cholet public hospital in the west of France, recently published a report showing that the vaccines used against COVID were not only submitted to insufficient clinical testing, but that the quality of the active substances, their “excipients, some of which are new,” and the manufacturing processes are problematic. “These new excipients should be considered as new active substances,” the Cholet hospital team stated, in a study that according to them raises issues that have not been commented to date.
All of the studies submitted during the MA application are summarized in the EPAR (European Public Assessment Report). This report is published on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) website. The planned studies, not yet completed, are also included.
This schedule, which “extends from 2021 to at least 2024,” depending on which COVID-19 vaccine is involved, is defined in the “annexes” of the conditional marketing authorization and in the published EPARs.
As an example, the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine received this European conditional MA on December 21, 2020. And the deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of this vaccine is “December 2023.”
The Moderna vaccine was granted marketing authorization on January 6, 2021. The deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine is “December 2022” at the earliest.
AstraZeneca’s vaccine was granted marketing authorization on January 29, 2021. The deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine is “March 2024.”
The Janssen vaccine was granted conditional European marketing authorization on March 11, 2021. The deadline for submitting “confirmation” of the vaccine’s efficacy, safety and tolerance is “December 2023.”
Safety studies do not conclude until after 2022-2024. Again, I know you'll probably ignore that information that everyone is just a guinea pig in this experiment but the reply is for others to read as an opposing opinion to Pharma's narrative.
Inject if you wish to but understand you have zero recourse if you do. Any adverse effects are permanent.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Contagious and concerning: What we know about COVID-19 variants See in context
Again, if you cannot find even one single recognized medical or scientific institution that supports you that means you are wrong in your beliefs (obviously its impossible every single one is on the conspiracy, right?)
CDC itself recognizes it BUT will not disclose the details of what they are seeing in VAERS data (
"If you get COVID-19 after vaccination, your symptoms might be less severe
*Even though a small percentage of fully vaccinated people will get sick**, vaccination will protect most people from getting sick. There also is some evidence that vaccination may make illness less severe in people who get vaccinated but still get sick. Despite this, some fully vaccinated people will still be hospitalized and die. However, the overall risk of hospitalization and death among fully vaccinated people will be much lower than among people with similar risk factors who are not vaccinated."*
Wait a we can still get COVID regardless of vaccinating while risking negative adverse reactions FROM THE INJECTIONS (2 shots + Annual Booster 6 months later)? I thought they were safety tested during their ultra short trials? ZERO LONG TERM STUDIES? Seeing how many injuries and deaths have happened AND vaccinated people still getting COVID infections well after vaccinating we already know the last sentence to be untrue.
Like I said...Inject if you believe these guinea pig experimental vaccines to be a godsend you were looking for, totally safe for you and your family and disregard VAERS data. Pharma is counting on it. Just reading some of the individual cases and you'll realize you're playing Russian roulette (5 out of 6 players say that it's totally safe). Especially if you have 2 or more comorbidities. Good luck.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Contagious and concerning: What we know about COVID-19 variants See in context
Ivermectin is the opposite, at this point the research has not demonstrated any specific benefit from it, but antivaxxer propaganda is desperately trying to push it as an alternative for the vaccine, hiding that even in very preliminary studies that appeared to show some benefits they never got even close to the reduction of risk from vaccines.
Why are you saying antivaxxer propaganda? Not antivaxxer propaganda but real safe solutions that actually save lives, prevent infection, prevent transmission and prevent deaths....which the current experimental COVID vaccines DO NOT. They do not prevent infection, transmission or deaths. "Breakthrough cases" are even recognized by the CDC. Anything out of the ordinary is accepted as "normal" or they'll say it's an "immune response" LOL. Anaphylaxis? Deadly blood clots? Miscarriage? Great immune response! Have all happened with Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zen and J&J. But these experimental COVID vaxxes are 500% safe right? Gimme a break.
In that case I would say pharma is pushing their "pharma propaganda" desperately trying to PUSH VACCINES AS THE ONLY OPTION LEFT and dismissing and downplaying the effectiveness of non-pharma injectable options that actually work and save lives.
Ivermectin HAS demonstrated incredibly effective benefits which is being ignored as it presents no profitability for Pharma and its shareholders. They simply would make pennies and would control only limited markets as the patent has expired and generics can be produced in any country. Pharma as a has no market share on Ivermectin.
Listen to Dr. Pierre Kory on Ivermectin:
Again, if you want to inject Pharma's experimental product you have the freedom to do so. Just don't be swayed by Pharma's propaganda to see it as the only option. There are other options they want to bury to protect their profits (non-working, annual "boosters" are coming soon because of these scary "variants").
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Contagious and concerning: What we know about COVID-19 variants See in context
Correcting false information that is in the comments is not pushing vaccines, which is not the "only" option to get immunity from the disease, they are simply the much safer option, even if some sites try to deceive with false information about it.
They are the much safer option? Regardless of the negative adverse events happening with ZERO long term studies? I commend your allegiance and confidence in pharma's novel COVID vaxxes. They are lucky to have you represent them. Knowing how corrupt Pharma is I don't share your confidence one bit.
As of 4/24/2021 - 3,486 DEATHS in the U.S. Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED
The CDC announced this week that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now recorded 3,486 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.
8,430 DEAD 354,177 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Remember that a little over 1% is voluntarily reported. 80% being women as men are less likely to report it. Multiply those results by 99x and I know you're still not convinced and still have confidence in their vaccines.
in this article it is very clear that the attention to the variants is because they are concerning, that comes from preliminary data that indicates higher degree of infectiousness and higher number of hospitalizations and complications or reduced efficacy from the immune system.
And unfortunately COVID vaxxes WILL NOT work for the variants. They are already ineffective against COVID as well with negative adverse events and the vaccinated even contracting COVID months after being vaccinated:
It is unfortunate that pharma only promotes one narrative: Lockdown. Mask up. Injection of their products (annually - YES, Pfizer and Moderna CEOs are pushing for annual COVID vaxxes).
For those who are not interested in getting injections or even hesitant to inject their family members they can speak to a doctor about Ivermectin use with COVID19 for prevention and treatment - if one family member contracts COVID19 everyone can take it and other family members WILL NOT GET INFECTED - it halts replication of the SARS-COV2 virus within 24-48 hours:
Inject if you want. Your body your choice. I commend your faith in Pharma. Pharma would be happy if you complied regardless of the experimental consequences.
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Contagious and concerning: What we know about COVID-19 variants See in context
How many variants and how many experimental, non-effective vaccines need to be produced for each variant?
Pharma already knows that the experimental COVID vaxxes are ineffective for COVID19 itself (final safety and efficacy studies finish in 2022-2024) AND especially ineffective for every variant.
IVERMECTIN works for COVID19 as well as ALL VARIANTS and is well tolerated
Pharma will do anything to bury any emerging news on Ivermectin as a prophylaxis and for treatment. It is highly effective and will cover ALL VARIANTS as an antiviral drug already in use for over 40 years repurposed for COVID19. There is absolutely ZERO money to be made by Pharma in using Ivermectin. Pharma needs a novel product to keep their shareholders happy. Amazing FDA approved drug that can and will end this entire pandemic but Pharma will make no money from it and will take every opportunity to discredit it for their vaxxes.
"research and develop lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in all stages of illness" -- "Ivermectin has recently discovered anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and a rapidly growing published medical evidence base demonstrating its unique and highly potent ability to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication."
"prophylaxis and in early outpatient treatment, for those who test positive for COVID-19"
There are doctors in the USA and around the world that understand Ivermectin's effectiveness for COVID patients and will prescribe it. Reach out to them to find out the truth if you are hesitant about injecting you or your family.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Do you think vaccination will be the silver bullet against the coronavirus? See in context
After recovery from chickenpox (usually contracted in childhood), inactive virus remains in the body. Shingles occurs later (usually in middle age or older) and is caused by reactivation of the virus. This is what happens even with natural infection resulting in natural immunity to chickenpox, which is why it has been observed for centuries, and the link with the chickenpox virus has been known for over a century.
Chickenpox vaccination has only been routine since the mid-1990s, and almost everyone older than that remains unvaccinated and has natural immunity from contracting chickenpox in childhood. They do not have immunity from shingles, and nor do people vaccinated against chickenpox.
Here's an article which you will find fascinating:
"Vaccinating one-year-olds against chickenpox could temporarily nearly double the incidence of shingles in the wider population, but in younger adults than previously thought.
The effect occurs because vaccination reduces the likelihood of adults who experienced chickenpox as a child being re-exposed to the virus. Re-exposure boosts immunity to shingles, caused by the same virus, Varicella-zoster virus.
In a study to be published in the journal eLife, scientists from the Universities of Antwerp and Hasselt (Belgium) have predicted that the temporary effect of a rise in shingles cases dominates in 31 to 40-year-olds. This is younger than previously predicted and this age group is less at risk of developing the most serious shingles symptoms. Many countries have avoided introducing universal chickenpox vaccination in children because it was previously predicted that the reduction in chickenpox related disease would be outbalanced by the temporarily increase in shingles-related disease.
A new model developed by the scientists also confounds previous findings on the length of time re-exposure chickenpox boosts immunity to shingles. The effect was thought to last for up to 20 years, but results of the current modeling study show it only lasts for two. The new model is the first based on real immunological and virological data from individuals.
*"We were surprised to find that re-exposure to chickenpox is beneficial for so few years and also that the most pronounced effect of vaccination on increasing cases of shingles is in younger adults," says lead author Dr Benson Ogunjimi.*
"Our findings should allay some fears about implementing childhood chickenpox vaccination," he says."
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: Do you think vaccination will be the silver bullet against the coronavirus? See in context
Antivaxxer propaganda is becoming more and more desperate the longer the vaccines have proved everything that they feared it would be proved, that they are safe, effective and a huge relief from the situation until now.
No one is desperate here. You already know that I am not antivaxxer but resort to that verbiage as a last resort. I am PRO SAFE COVID VAX and seeing what is happening there is no SAFE COVID VAX for you to take.
You are only pushing compliance to Pharma and avoiding the need for long term data. I'd call that Pharma based science and not scientific at all.
These COVID vaxxes are NOT SAFE, HAVE ZERO LONG TERM STUDIES, still cause infection and transmission (search "COVID Breakthrough cases in vaccinated" ) with negative side effects that still can lead to permanent disability and death.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Do you think vaccination will be the silver bullet against the coronavirus? See in context
"Shingles usually appears as a painful rash in a line on one side of the body with spots that look like chickenpox spots.
Shingles becomes increasingly common with age - in those over 55 years, there is also an increasing risk of the pain persisting even after the spots have completely healed.
This is very expensive for the health system to manage as the treatments generally don't work very well and are costly.
Some studies have indicated the risk of shingles in older adults is reduced by exposure to children who have chickenpox during the adult's life.
This results in a boost of immune responses against the virus and delays the waning of immunity which would eventually lead to shingles.
So why doesn't the UK use the chickenpox vaccine for children if it is safe and effective at preventing severe disease?
All vaccines in the UK are assessed for their cost-effectiveness to ensure the health budget spent on services which provide the greatest health benefit for the population as a whole.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation's (JCVI) last review found there could be an increase in the rate of shingles in adults over time, which would make the vaccine programme not cost-effective.
This is because, if chickenpox in children disappears as a result of a vaccine programme, adults would no longer have their immunity (to shingles).
Put simply, the conclusion of the previous review was it would not be cost-effective for the NHS to immunise children against chickenpox."
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Do you think vaccination will be the silver bullet against the coronavirus? See in context
Long term studies are not necessary to compare between two options when one is already been identified as a source of long term risk, because this option (in this case the COVID infection) can already be considered a higher risk until the other option has the same evidence, at this point all long term risks from the vaccine are purely imaginary...
I'd have to say your scientific background is entirely pharma science and not actually science based and puts people at risk. Already children (2 year old died and 12 year old paralyzed from the waist down) have been injured from Pfizer and Moderna's vaxx testing to inject all children this year. I wonder if you even care...
A regional independent drug assessment center, the CTIAP (Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques), which is linked to the Cholet public hospital in the west of France, recently published a report showing that the vaccines used against COVID were not only submitted to insufficient clinical testing, but that the quality of the active substances, their “excipients, some of which are new,” and the manufacturing processes are problematic. “These new excipients should be considered as new active substances,” the Cholet hospital team stated, in a study that according to them raises issues that have not been commented to date.
All of the studies submitted during the MA application are summarized in the EPAR (European Public Assessment Report). This report is published on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) website. The planned studies, not yet completed, are also included.
This schedule, which “extends from 2021 to at least 2024,” depending on which COVID-19 vaccine is involved, is defined in the “annexes” of the conditional marketing authorization and in the published EPARs.
As an example, the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine received this European conditional MA on December 21, 2020. And the deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of this vaccine is “December 2023.”
The Moderna vaccine was granted marketing authorization on January 6, 2021. The deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine is “December 2022” at the earliest.
AstraZeneca’s vaccine was granted marketing authorization on January 29, 2021. The deadline for filing “confirmation” of efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the vaccine is “March 2024.”
The Janssen vaccine was granted conditional European marketing authorization on March 11, 2021. The deadline for submitting “confirmation” of the vaccine’s efficacy, safety and tolerance is “December 2023.”
Safety studies do not conclude until after 2022-2024. I know you'll probably ignore that information that everyone is just a guinea pig in this experiment but the reply is for others to read as an opposing opinion to Pharma's narrative.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Do you think vaccination will be the silver bullet against the coronavirus? See in context
Sorry but that is mistaken, the vaccines do reduce infection rates, also symptoms, risk of complications, death and transmissibility. It is very easy to prove it since you will not find any reference that prove they do not, and the latest research results heavily indicate this.
No, unfortunately not. Some vaccines do reduce infection (chicken pox vaccine works but causes painful nerve stinging Shingles during the later years - natural infection / immunity is an inconvenience but preferable).
You say reduces death but these COVID vaxxes increased deaths:
3,486 DEATHS in the U.S. Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than the Past 15 Years COMBINED
The CDC announced this week that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, following experimental COVID injections, have now recorded 3,486 deaths since December of 2020, when the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots were given emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA.
Reduced COVID infection rates? Gimme a break. Search "Breakthrough COVID cases" and you will find that people are still contracting COVID in so many US states and some have died. This vax is a joke.
Long term studies are unnecessary to prove the vaccine are less risky than the infection, which is the whole point. vaccines have not produced long term problems while COVID has, from neuronal degeneration to auotimmune problems.
Long term studies are unnecessary? By saying that I would say you must be representing pharma in all forms to make sure everyone follows the narrative and vaccinates their family.
Vaccines have not produced long term problems? I know you are not fond of VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) that provide CDC data on negative side effects from all vaccines because is puts Pharma at risk when more and more people find out about it.
For VAERS in UK search: UK Yellow Card Coronavirus Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting
These COVID vaxxes have in fact produced a slew of negative side effects (yes, even death which is being censored):
Chest pain, Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, Vomiting, Blood pressure increase, Hives, Facial swelling, Lip swelling, Whole body rash, Itchiness (eyes, throat), Analphylactic shock (get your epipen ready), Belle's Palsy (paralyzed on one side of face), Blood clots, Miscarriages, Permanent Disability, Emergency Room visit, Hospitalized, Birth Defect, Life Threatening, Death
-7 ( +3 / -10 )
Posted in: Do you think vaccination will be the silver bullet against the coronavirus? See in context
You are mistaken and this can easily be proven. Vaccines help reducing infection, symptoms, death and transmission, that has been already corroborated, they are simply much safer than not vaccinated, they have been obviously tested, it is extremely successful, without any corroborated danger.
Unfortunately not these COVID vaccines. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZen do not reduce infection. The only goal was to reduce symptoms. Liquid Nyquil in the end and injectors will experience a slew of negative adverse events which you entirely ignore.
With such a scientific background I'm shocked you are perfectly fine with zero long term studies...not days but years. We are getting short term data from people who have already injected but long term effects remain to be seen.
-8 ( +2 / -10 )
Posted in: U.S. parents begin to ask: Should my child get a COVID-19 shot? See in context
Yeah, people have to wake up and finally realize that these pharmaceutical companies, which can make several billions from the sales of these vaccines, do not necessarily have our best interests in mind. They have been fined for billions over the years for falsifying data and bribing regulators. Ignoring this will do no good.
Exactly. Pfizer rap sheet isn't all that pretty.
Corruption and lies to push their products (profits before people):
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: U.S. parents begin to ask: Should my child get a COVID-19 shot? See in context
Pfizer/Moderna COVID VAX "testing" April-May 2021
Both Pfizer and Moderna are already testing their experimental COVID vaxxes from infants (6 months) and up. Children are already asymptomatic except those few outliers which pharma is this reason using to inject all children with. Goal in the USA now is have all infants / children experimentally COVID vaccinated at the beginning of the school year in September 2021.
Children in Japan up to 7 years old are not required and don't wear masks. This is the entire country of Japan. Knowing that children are deemed by Pharma to be the superspreaders why in the world have schools been open for the past year? Schools should already have 100% infection rate by now yet they haven't closed. The staff have not been infected. Where are their cases?
Knowing that these jabs aren't effective at all (lower cough / headache worth the risk??) with risks of negative adverse events (not just fever or muscle pain, the infamous blood clots, permanent or temporary disability, stroke, heart attacks, death) this just feeds into Pharma's control and profits.
PRO SAFE VACCINE here...but the COVID vax is not SAFE and they are liability free for vax companies (whatever happens to your children you are on your own - any deaths "ARE NOT LIKELY" related to the vaccines)
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: Worldwide COVID-19 death toll surpasses 3 million See in context
Big pharma will make much more from vaccinating everyone (yearly) than having a very tiny fraction of them visiting the ICU once.
That is false, first because until now there have been no evidence whatsoever that a yearly vaccine will be necessary (even if CEOs say it), and because you seriously are understimating what is the money that moves from even one day in the ICU, or for hospitalization, rehabilitation or even house treatment and following.
No, that is actually TRUE. Vaccines are the most lucrative investment a pharmaceutical company can make ESPECIALLY if they have no liability through the Emergency Use Authorization. When CEOs of both Pfizer and Moderna have already voiced it you know their intention. Although it may not mean it will happen you know they are pushing to make it happen and knowing Pharma's history...they are putting massive efforts to make sure it comes to fruition.
A Lucrative Investment
"A vaccine is Pfizer's best-selling drug"..."Sales of the vaccine are set to bring in about a fourth of Pfizer's total revenue this year. That would be nearly as much as its three best-selling products combined"
A Product That is Liability Free (100% profitable - once approve it is risk free for the company)
"You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either"
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Japanese hospital worker infected with coronavirus after 2 vaccine shots See in context
It is also known that the vaccine is 100% effective against serious infections leading to death.
Oh how I wish that were much has happened since the first injections started happening in December last year. Check their sources. Pharma is also liabilty free in all the cases. We're on our own with each shot.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
When all around you are losing their heads, it’s time to get a guard dog.
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