Japan Today

New_Attitude comments

Posted in: Cola wars return as Pepsi MAX takes on Coke Zero See in context

The real answer as to which is better, Coke or Pepsi: Neither!..... Unless you count Coca-Cola from Mexico or Kosher Coca-Cola from the US (sold in some areas during Passover); real sugar as sweetner vs. HFCS. I've tried both, and the real sugar Coca Cola just tastes better IMHO.

In the US, Pepsi was offering "Throwback" Pepsi and Mountain Dew last year....they were incredible. One bottler from Texas offers sugar-sweetened Dr. Pepper; haven't had it, but would definitely like to try it.

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Posted in: Futenma commander defends Marine base See in context

I have one issue to point out and one note of congratulations:

The Japanese govt. and the US Govt. in 1996 agreed to relocate Futenma to Schwab. The US Govt. is not inclined to revisit agreements already made just becuase of the political winds of change in the host nation. If Cuba had gone democratic at any point in the past 50 years, and and made a point of getting Gitmo back, it would have happend already I think. To the PM, his allies, and all the anit-US Base protestors: Thank you for making this an issue that both liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democratics can finally agree upon: Move Futenma operations where you agreed to move them, or in Futenma they will stay. Otherwise, kick us out and let the US-South Korea become the "most important bi-lateral relationship, bar none". The J-gov will probably not find too many allies Stateside, either on the left or the right, when it comes to this issue. The only criticism I have for the US Military on the Okinawa basing issue is something that has been going on for years: The subtle and at the same time active promotion of Okinawa being a separate entity from Japan. It was strongly encouraged during the Ryukyu Administration era, and to a certain extent, persists today. Those who know what I'm talking about know what I'm talking about.

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Posted in: U.S. veterans land on Iwo Jima to mark anniversary See in context

I didn't know it was milk powder and whale meat; I thought it was Wrigley's gum, Lucky Strikes, and Hershey bars.

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Posted in: U.S. veterans land on Iwo Jima to mark anniversary See in context

Conducting a "War of Aggession" is not necessarily always a negative; the US-led NATO operations in Kosovo could be seen as a war of aggression, yet you don't hear too many people complaining about that. What you should be complaining about is the failure to analyze the second and third order effects of conducting such a conflict (as in Iraq or the Japanese Imperial Armed forces in WWII) which creates a mess that takes its toil in blood and treasure. NationalistRE: Would you consider the late Emperor Showa, Hirohito, to be "shikataganai collaborating filth"? I believe it was his (prudent in my opinion) call to accept the terms of the Potsdam Agreement and surrender. If the Japanaese soldiers at Iwo-JIMA didn't surrender, it was probably becuase their education and training led them to believe that it wasn't an option that either side would allow.

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Posted in: Move over Calpis, Coke releases 'Moo Moo White' See in context

Will Coke come out with a Chocolate version of this called "Doo Doo Brown"?

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Posted in: Antiwhaling protester to be brought to Japan for questioning See in context

It's all fun and games until the alien probe from outer space tries to talk to the whales, doesn't hear them, and tries to destroy Earth. God forbid we let William Shatner put his girdle and hairpiece on, go back into time and try to save the whales when Sea Shepperd can do it now.

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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context

And another thing, the US Govt. has been weary of letting the host nation excessively dictate the terms by which the US Military operates in country ever since the Khobar Towers bombings in Saudia Arabia (1996)

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Posted in: Japan balks at $2 billion bill to host U.S. troops See in context

The PM may have his work cut out for him. The US Govt. doens't like to renegotiate just becuase of the political winds of change. Case in point: The Roh Administration in South Korea wanted a ROK General in charge of the UNC/CFC (Joint US/ROK Command) the US Army out of Yongsan Garrision (prime real estate in downtown Seoul) and a timeline for these things to happen. The US agreed to all three. Once the more conservative, pro-US Lee Administration came into power, they wanted to backpedal, but the US wouldn't budge. The plans were in motion. I personally believe that if, in 1959, an assertive, yet democratic government would have come into power in Cuba, the US would have returned Gitmo years ago. The biggest reason they keep it is to piss off the Castro family business. The bypassing US law thing with detainees is just a bonus for them.

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Posted in: I’m shut out of my daughter’s life See in context

Agree with Raj; this is not a Hague Conventions issue in the sense that we've heard of as of late re: international child abduction. Even if Mr. Del Vecchio were a Japanese national, he still would have had the Japanese Judicial System's "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" philsophy working against him. Disagree with Razza's advise on withholding money. Abandoning parental responsibilities (i.e. child support) is not doing the child any favors, and if the foreigner lacking custody choses to expatriate, then it becomes an international legal issue (in my mind at least) as problematic as the international child abduction issue. As for biglittleman, his explanation was a bit crude, and should not have called anyone on this forum an idiot, the underlying principals he stated are correct. Marriage is about building a lasting family unit, not about superficial attractions that change over time. As for the author, I don't know his situation and I don't know him. I only know the situation he's presented here. I do know that the left-behind parents situation in Japan goes beyond a foreigner rights issue, as there are Japanese left-behind parents who are affected as well, like former PM Koizumi's ex-wife.

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Posted in: Foreign-born politicians put new face on Japanese officialdom See in context

In Japan, being a foreigner or a Japanese citizen who's not a part of the Yamato Tribe (Ainu, Okinawans, Burakumin, Naturalized) is like being a feminist in Saudi Arabia.

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Posted in: Visa publishes expats guide to living in Japan See in context

The reason more establishments don't accept credit cards in Japan is twofold: One, the percentage paid to the credit card companies in high. In a country with an interest rate that's effectively zero, the convience for businesses who don't want to deal with the cost of handling, transporting, and borrowing cash isn't there. If stores offer to accept credit cards, it's often as a convience for the customer. Stores that have point cards will usually not offer the full point value for customers who use credit cards, unless it's that store's card. The other reason is largely cultural. Most Japanese people I know use the card as a charge care, i.e. the card balance is paid off every month. I know people with the airline mile cards. One would think they would use their card every chance they got in order to earn the miles....but they don't. I'm guessing that certain purchases, like convenience stores and highway tolls, which can be processed quickly by card, are still seen as a nuisance by the customer. Japan's smaller retailers managed to get the online purchases horror stories covered by the news media, and therefore into the minds of the average Japanese person.

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