Posted in: Fired SpaceX workers sue Musk over workplace abuses See in context
I think every big workplace needs to constantly deal with these issues when they come up, but Elon Musk does have a history of hiring Females to high positions and SpaceX COO is an amazing female! I have a tremendous respect for Gwynne Shotwell and feel she runs the company well. She isn't a push over too.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: More than a thousand protest outside German Tesla factory See in context
China EVs are very good, becoming better each year. Tesla is an amazing company, not perfect but not a company that stifles their competition. Even I support Tesla, I also support protesting and activism as a way to improve and develop society.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Next-generation EVs in spotlight at Japan Mobility Show See in context
EV cars have many advantages but the most is that their is room to grow. The vision EQXX can already drive 1,000 km on a single charge. Driving 400km in my Toyota is tiring enough. I have no attachment to the sound of a engine. Absolutely not. A good sound system, quiet interior, temperature regulated interior and a giant screen for the visuals is enough for me. If the car also updates automatically to give me more range, that's superb.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida lowers bar for gov't to seek Unification Church dissolution order See in context
The Unification Church's views are strong and to some strange, but it's just another religion. Ban the church and you should also ban other strange religious political groups too. This Happiness Realization Party is a controversial new religion. It was founded by an wall street trader who believes he is a supreme being. Why does that party get an exception? I see it everywhere.
Everything is just relative. The church doesn't encourage violence, hate or support terrorism. We live in a democracy that supports freedom of belief. Why have double standards depending on the situation.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: The number of families relying on Japan's meager welfare benefits surged during the pandemic, and poverty has increased, especially in families headed by single mothers. What was labeled the 'lost generation' during Japan's long years of stagnation has become an 'underclass' accounting for about four in 10 Japanese. See in context
I feel the solution is simple, give more rights to divorced ladies. Force the husbands to pay money to the wife (by law like America) until their kids come of age. If they don't, send them to jail. Split assets and provide more protection for abused ladies. Furthermore, stop this annoying Juku system. Kids should learn almost everything at school. I spend a fortune each month just so my kids can keep pace with their classmates.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Osaka immigration footage shows mistreatment of detained foreigner See in context
The immigration centers are absolutely terrible. Even during the COVID situation, there's no spacing between people waiting, staff don't speak any foreign languages, they are often very rude and absolutely no help. I speak some Japanese and have helped multiple foreigners with their visas. One foreigner had an unfortunate mistake and the staff was absolutely revolting. They shouted and treated him like a criminal. Luckily all worked out in the end.
22 ( +34 / -12 )
Posted in: Man arrested for trying to molest baby boy mistaken for girl See in context
lock him up! He seems to have a serious problem.
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: 2-year-old girl dies after being left in car for 7 hours See in context
Anyone with kids know there 101 ways kids can meet unfortunate situations and it's up to us to keep them safe and stay on our toes. This is a very unfortunate accident, nothing more. I'm sure this father and family is devastated and I wish them all the best. RIP little one.
-2 ( +12 / -14 )
Posted in: Japanese startup's launch of compact rocket fails See in context
Horie is a special kind of guy. Simular to SpaceX's founder Elon Musk, he has his controversies and a whole bunch of disbelievers but he still fights on! great work.
Japan needs more private entrepreneurial type people who are willing to take big risks to achieve big things. Not sure his thinking of the future, but when it comes to space, competition reduces price so I really hope Horie successfully achieves his dream and makes a viable space company.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: 4-year-old girl falls to death from high-rise apartment See in context
totally understandable as most people stay in apartments in Japan, parents in Japan trust their to stay home alone and both parents work these days. It's an unfortunate situation but I don't think locking someone up will solve anything. Just extra protection, more locks and education on risks for both kids and parents.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: 3 states ease lockdowns as U.S. COVID-19 death toll passes 50,000 See in context
People are jumping the gun. It's all well and good for young people to work, but Korea, China, Australia and Germany (to some degree) have turned around the country within 2 or so months and get hardly any cases of the virus. Inaction, in my personal opinion, will make this virus into a never ending endemic. That'll be totally sucks. Let's just test everyone, everyone wears mask, big events and gathers shut and smaller businesses stay open. Get the reproduction number down to about 1.0 and then reopen the economy. No point just opening the economy hoping for the best.
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Thai police arrest Japanese man wanted over burglaries in Japan See in context
Tons of respect for Thai - great job sending this guy back to pay the consequences of his actions!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Prosecutors not to indict mother who dropped 2-year-old daughter from balcony See in context
some added info from Mainichi:
Officers at Sumiyoshi Police Station in Osaka Prefecture said Sekimoto had told others around her that she was mentally unstable and was worried about raising her child. A relative of her 36-year-old husband told the Mainichi Shimbun, "There was one time when she had neurosis or something like that after giving birth, but I heard that she was already better."
Police said Sekimoto lived with her husband and daughter as a family of three.
Seems like this was a mental issue that wasn't treated in time. Furthermore, I think this issue also relates to how Japanese view mental illnesses and would rather push it under the rug. I definitely don't condone what she did and she should pay the consequences of her actions.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 80-year-old woman found dead in Iwate home See in context
Poor dear. It's a shame it took a whole week or more to realize her death. An earlier response would have helped the police in their case tremendously.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 4-year-old boy hit, killed by truck in Saga; driver arrested See in context
I personally do think the boy would have benefited a lot with a quality bicycle helmet, if it turns out that he wasn't wearing one. I have kids and it's hard enough to get them to wear helmets, since most of their friends don't wear one. Even adults don't set the example by wearing helmets.
But like most others say, the driver is always at fault - absolutely. As a driver myself, a pedestrian can be in the middle of the road, but it is still my responsibility to always be aware of my surroundings, always. The driver must feel awful having hit and killed such a young boy, but he is still totally to blame. Also, potentially the truck company for not having a back camera fitted to avoid an accident like this. The technology is freely available now.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Nissan to sell battery business to Chinese renewable energy operator See in context
Seems like China will be making 70% of the world's EV batteries after this deal. Nissan said: " The transaction will enable Nissan to concentrate on developing and producing market-leading electric vehicles...". I personally think that's BS. They just want to save the extra buck. Tesla is one of the few electric car companies to not to outsource the work. I hope it stays like that.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan now has over 40,000 foreign convenience store clerks as it continues to internationalize See in context
My Irish friend worked for a short time in a convenient store and was discouraged by the hard work and low wage. He took a picture of his wage slip to remind him never to stoop that low again...
It must be quite hard for fast food chains and convenient stores to find new employees in a society with an aging population.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Kindergarten employee arrested for abusing 5-year-old boy See in context
Kudos to the lady who called her in. It's a hard thing to report inappropriate behavior of a fellow worker. Kids at that age can be little devils, but patience should always be practiced whatever the situation.
-8 ( +1 / -9 )
Posted in: Gunman opens fire in Texas high school, killing 10 people See in context
So thankful to be in a country with no guns. Every school and year has loners and kids struggling with one problem or another. Broken families, divorced, toxic environments cause kids to go crazy imo. I really hope the kids in that Texas school get the mental help they need to overcome this tragic situation and the next gun shooting doesn't happen any time soon. Hopefully not another one this year.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Self-proclaimed idol ‘producer’ arrested for allegedly kidnapping 14-year-old runaway girl See in context
250km away is quite far! At least he had the decency to bring her back to Tokyo. I hope he didn't take any of her innocence away and she can resolve her problems she has at home. It's sick of him to ask her to bring her uniform.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. trade gap rises 6th straight month to 9 ½-year high See in context
imo a partial global free trade agreement would be much more beneficial than DT's protectionism stance. Having a stupid trade war only affects us customers :(
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Father arrested over fatal abuse of 5-year-old stepdaughter See in context
Poor girl.
As a step father, he should have put more effort than normal to win the heart of his step daughter. Instead he did something unforgivable. RIP
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japanese woman publishes book about being groped on trains for six years, from age 12 to 18 See in context
I only heard of 1 or 2 Japanese associates who said they have been touched on the train once. That being said, the Yamanote line is normally packed and this was a while ago, possibly before all the beefed up security and acknowledgement of this problem.
I'm giving this lady the benefit of the doubt, I think she's telling the truth in most part. Probably not all those times were super serious, but enough were to scar her.
imo, Japanese men need to work less and spend more times with their (probably) lonely housewives. No need for this nonsense
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: What robot strippers say about sexism, tech and the future See in context
Robot strippers! very very nice idea. I hope this can possible cut down on the most tragic issue of human trafficking.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: 1-year-old girl seriously injured after being hit by car driven by 91-year-old man See in context
I'm looking forwards to self driving cars. I'm hopefully sad stories like this will finally go away when they arrive on our streets.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: 5-year-old girl abused by mother, grandmother See in context
What a big house hold! 2 brothers, a grand mother, 3 kids and the mother... I suspect there's more to this store then was reported. Furthermore, 7:30pm is kind of late for a 5 year old to go to a convenience store, possibly by herself and not wearing shoes in winter. I hope this story was exaggerated.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: 26 killed, 20 wounded in Texas church shooting See in context
Just unbelievable. RIP the adults and KIDS that lost their lives. What what it sounds like, he had some type of fast firing gun and a get away car. Very similar to previous shootings imo
12 ( +12 / -0 )
Posted in: One girl dead, another injured after leaping from 5th floor of condo See in context
First and foremost, rest in peace!
However, living on the 5th floor myself, I find the situation a little suspicious (I don't feel it's high enough). Anyway, these days, life seems to be getting harder and more complex. I feel better support for teens in Japan is very important and all Japanese teens shouldn't just hold in their feelings.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 dead as powerful typhoon makes landfall in central Japan See in context
Boats are an expensive asset and for some people, it's their lively hood. He must have been trying to stop someone's livelihood being washed away or damaged. imo
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 7 injured after 85-year-old driver hits pedestrians in Tokyo See in context
Can't wait for autonomous cars that can safely navigate a city environment. It'll be safer for old people to travel by car.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan
I was just talking to a friend of mine a couple of weeks ago over lunch to just get a…
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Oh boy, gonna go find an Obama judge and whine again,
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan