Japan Today

nieldevi comments

Posted in: Does J-pop really suck? See in context

No matter what scale they play in, it's still Disco

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Posted in: Sarah Palin: Serious 2012 contender or pretender? See in context

Past tense. History. If you don't think Obama can do the job right, how could you think that she could? Like her friend O'Connell that "studied" Constitutional law but doesn't know which amendment is which or what they say. Sarah's a bluff and a wink. Go find another. I mean, at least Hillary had a law degree and experience.

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Posted in: Anti-Japan protests spread in Chinese cities See in context



It appears that people over there are not so wild about autocracy. How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paris?

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Posted in: U.S. lawmakers pressure Japan on child custody rights See in context

Well, then there will have to be a lot of sanctions on Japan before Japan makes a move to do the right thing because they are all so hard headed people who will not change for anything or anyone.

Alladin, please let the genie out of the bottle and tell us stubborn Japanese how to better ourselves and the antiquated legal system.

I believe that this case was properly decided, given that the best interest of these children was observed. They were not raised in America and forcing them to stay would have been a hardship on the children, as well as the father appears to have been less than honest then and now. And I cannot honestly say that is always the case, but to try and micro-manage all custody cases based on the customs of another society is shear ignorance and disrespect. How about the Ayatollah moves over to your American neighbourhood and starts telling you what you're doing "wrong". I don't guess you'd like that much. Get a grip and quit complaining about everything Japanese. If you want to make things better, get off your high horse and try to help instead of only tearing things down.

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Posted in: U.S. lawmakers pressure Japan on child custody rights See in context

416 American congressmen running for re-election in an environment of right-wing, politically motivated "correctness", vying for the Moral Majority vote so they can stay in their cushy jobs. Or, maybe they really do know what's best in each individual divorce case just by applying a blanket resolution (kind of like stem-cell research). Indeed let's take the load off of the Judiciary by passing laws that restrict and prohibit every just about about everything in every possible scenario, and for the kicker, let's make every other country obey, or else...!

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Posted in: Japan, China test each other's diplomatic resolve See in context

Problems of inconsistancy in the behavior of the Chinese Government is going to be a major problem for Japanese companies in China.

I submit to you that inconsistencies in Governments breed mistrust in populations such as civilians as well as marketplaces. Propaganda may be a good tool to whip up nationalist fervor, but it will only "sell" to those sharing you nationalism. The Americans have the same problem, too much (Christian) "God bless America" that they got attacked on 9/11. The Japanese had successfully filtered out national pride from their international product line for many years and became a world power economically, and it would be a mistake to start blowing that trumpet now.

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Posted in: Japan, China test each other's diplomatic resolve See in context

And what about Japan's economic clout? At last count Japan was one of China's biggest trade partners, who will surely stop buying if there are doubts about China's political intentions. Bad move on Wen's part to try to bully it's best customers, but I suppose Communists are not too big on customer service. It could take some time for them to learn the principals of living in the world-wide market economy, and in the meantime, Wen may not be a very good choice for poster-boy of the Chinese brand.

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Posted in: Mother murders her 2 children; then tries to kill herself See in context

The most disturbing thing here is the netwits who reflexively blame a culture or a country (and it's government) for social ills that are found in humans everywhere throughout time and locale. Japanese culture may be different than where you come from, but take an honest look at your own nest before condemning an entire country. And, Governments, regardless of laws or social services, there will still be incidents outside the norm. Someone once said that you cannot legislate morality. Neither can you legislate good behavior.

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Posted in: 'Nippon Civilian Police' skirts a fine line between vigilance and vigilantism See in context

Supa Sentai! Another TV Show celebrity in the making. Probably will get CM's for oishi sake.

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Posted in: Obama says Muslims have right to build mosque near ground zero See in context

If it's a 13-storey community center (YMMA) and it has a prayer room in it, how does it differ from a hospital with a chapel in it? And how does that constitute a mosque? And, if it's not a mosque, then why call it a mosque except to inflame hatred? The way I read it is the building that is there has been used as a Muslim center for some 15 or 20 years (correct me if I'm wrong), and that the City of New York has already approved the project to proceed. Now I have been told (since I don't live in NYC, nor have been to this address) that there is an existent mosque in the neighborhood. What if some proposed building a church near there? What if someone wants a synagogue? Both kissing cousins of the Abrahamic religion of Mohamed. Maybe that's why they fight like siblings, because they are siblings.

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Posted in: Do you think a man holding a door open for a woman, holding her chair for her when she sits down, or giving up his seat for her are outmoded gestures of politeness or do they still have their place in See in context

The person with little control for themself is the one that seeks to control others. Respect for the Mothers of our species may be more practicable than polite. It just makes good sense to protect our women and children. Little expressions of charity demonstrate our understanding and acceptance of social mechanisations. Conversely, it appears to me that Japanese males and females appear to have the situation in hand and that whatever customs are existent very likely are an act of mutual consent. It has always been my experience that people will tell you if they don't like something, and like water, it will find it's common level. Helping others makes you feel good, but how you help is how you learned it.

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Posted in: Parents of bullied student file damages suit in Gifu See in context

Of course teaching self defense to the kids (and apparently a few teachers) is vital, but does defense have to mean violence, or even physical? When you use violence to deter a bully are you not teaching that violence is acceptable as the solution to violence? What a quandary. If, in deed, we are the parents and teachers wouldn't we be offering techniques a bit more civilized than Ultraman wrestling or sword fights? Grow up time, folks. Bullying exists because one party, the bullied, is acceptant of the bargain offered by the other party, the bully. It is a negotiation, and a transaction. But if the party of the first part, the bullied, refuses to engage in the contract, the party of the second part, the bully, is left without a deal and no transaction can proceed. Turn your back and walk away, if he hits you, sue. Or simply go around telling everybody what he did until his reputation sticks as a jerk. Nobody likes a jerk. At any rate, it will be his disgrace, not your's.

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Posted in: Future of commercial whaling ban rests with Japan See in context

When I was a kid (granted, it's been a while) my Scandinavian relatives always had whale on the smorgasbord. Go ask an Eskimo to stop eating whale because it's immoral. Maybe you can synthesize something out of coal and oil, then you "economy" can flourish.

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Posted in: Salarymen (and women) reveal their most embarrassing moments while drunk See in context

Alcoholism transverses culture and time. It has been with us from the beginnings. The issue is not the disease as much as it's causes. Like all addiction the victim denies the problem. And as with tobacco addition, the cure is abstinence. The roots of the self-destructive behavior are the problem that needs to be dealt with, and those causes may be widely diverse, but it boils down to why a person is seeking to harm themselves. If the cause can be revealed, then the abstinence is an easy second step.

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Posted in: Jero tries a new look for latest song See in context

Jam on, Jerry.

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Posted in: Jero tries a new look for latest song See in context

The picture makes him look like Jimi. And as far as the argument goes, I don't think there is one. At last check I heard that he is an entertainer and not a politician or religious leader. This is what entertainers do, here, there, everywhere. I suppose you've never been to Motown.......

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Posted in: Ronald McDonald under fire from child obesity opponents See in context

Ban the transfats and artificial sweetners - not the mascot! Who is forcing you to eat that stuff anyway? Read the label, then complain about the ingredients, not the clown.

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