Posted in: S Korea to use radiation detectors, food from home at Tokyo Olympics See in context
As some have stated. Grow up.
If in fact Korea has concerns about the radiation levels of the event sites, why not have them inspect beforehand and check for themselves.
if and when, the results do indeed confirm their concerns, SIMPLY BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS.
If they don’t want to go though the above hassles, SIMPLY BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS NOW!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan asks S Korean parliament speaker retract emperor comments See in context
The same thing with comfort women. It was the Imperial Japanese Army that ordered the recruitment of comfort women by any means, and was the sole benefactor of the comfort women, therefore Japan alone is liable for the atrocity of the forced conscription of the comfort women across Asia.
Except that their was no such order when it comes to women in the Korean peninsula. Nada. Zero.
Therefore, as always, a comparison to Auschwitz and Holocaust is simply lame.
14 ( +16 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan, S Korea reject report of WWII forced labor economic plan See in context
Wrong. Re-read my post.
Perhaps you could elaborate for it appears your arguments are all over the place. You can start off by specifying your description of "illegal activities".
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan, S Korea reject report of WWII forced labor economic plan See in context
Wrong. The whole treaty was made under the context that Japan’s annexation of Korea was legal. Japan ensured this was the case, such that they excluded ‘damages’ which are claims associated with illegal activities, and that is also why the f....
So let me get this straight. The Korea's highest court ruled that since Annexation was illegal, any activities under Japan during that time are deemed 'illegal' and thus, the individual claims are valid. Wow!
In my previous post, I quoted that the Korean judicial system was 'asinine' but that's too kind. I've now got various other words to describe them but I'm afraid the editors would delete them.
13 ( +13 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, S Korea reject report of WWII forced labor economic plan See in context
Based on the Agreed Minutes to the Agreement on the Settlement of Problems Concerning
Property and Claims and on the Economic Co-operation between Japan and the Republic of Korea dated June 22, 1965 (Archived in UN Treaties 1966 pg 292)
(g) It is confirmed that problem concerning property, rights and interests of the two countries and their nationals and concerning the claims between the two countries and their nationals, which is settled completely and finally as mentioned in paragraph 1, Includes ANY CLAIM falling within the scope of the "Outline of the
Claims of the Republic of Korea against Japan" (the so-called "Eight Items"), which was submitted by the Korean side at the Japan-Republic of Korea negotiations and that, therefore, NO CONTENTION can be made with respect to the above mentioned Outline of the Claims of the Republic of Korea against Japan ;
Item 5 of "Outline of the Claims of the Republic of Korea against Japan" states,
"....amounts receivable, compensation, and OTHER RIGHTS OF CLAIM (その他の請求権) of drafted South Korean workers.”
Therefore, the agreement pretty much covers everything including frivolous lawsuits and its asinine court system that awards such claims.
15 ( +17 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan tax agency finds Ghosn used Nissan money for private use: report See in context
The work his sister did was fictitious?
Says who? How would they know?
Says Nissan.
‘..payment of sums totaling more than 750,000 U.S. dollars to Ghosn’s sister on the basis of a fictitious consulting contract, starting in 2003 and extending for over 10 years with no evidence of any services having been rendered;..”
Some posters need to read post from “Who am I” instead of coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories. It’s that simple.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Kyoto’s popular tourist spot Gion to forbid photos on private roads See in context
These apologists don't get it, the people of Kyoto will like it more if there were lesser tourists visiting their town. I don't really understand why would you dislike or contradict our points. So if you respect Kyoto residents you should also support not allowing tourists to visit there.
This is true. Kyoto really didn’t have a time period when they were struggling for lack of tourists.
Due to over tourism, there is an exponential increase in Air BnB as opposed to conventional lodging facilities.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan, S Korea reject report of WWII forced labor economic plan See in context
Another lame attempt by the Koreans to get compensation “okawari”. I’ve seen common street beggars have more self pride.
19 ( +21 / -2 )
Posted in: Gov't to urge male civil servants to take more than 1-month childcare leave See in context
Huh? Where in the world did you get this information? Japan is notorious for having far too many public servants.
False. By a mile I might add.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan not inviting S Korea to naval review amid dispute See in context
Which never happened. Blame it on the P-1's obsolete ESM equipment for confusion on JMSDF's part.
Which did happen which Koreans admitted. Then along the lines, they kept changing their stories and at the end, chose to deny because they realized that their citizens are dumb enough to believe their ever changing stories. And it worked.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan not inviting S Korea to naval review amid dispute See in context
As a result of the hostile radar lock incident, Korea is simply not worthy to be invited. I'm liking the recent trend by the Japanese government to further distance themselves from them.
To update, it appears China has accepted the invitation.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan wins partial WTO victory in S Korea duties case See in context
But it also threw out some of Japan's claims of alleged breaches.
Irrelevant. It's not a numbers game. It's the final determination and recommendation by the Appellate Body that counts.
"....8.5. Pursuant to Article 3.8 of the DSU, in cases where there is infringement of the obligations assumed under a covered agreement, the action is considered prima facie to constitute a case of nullification or impairment of benefits under that agreement. Accordingly, to the extent Korea has acted inconsistently with certain provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, we conclude that Korea has nullified or impaired benefits accruing to Japan under that Agreement.
8.2 Recommendation
8.6. Pursuant to Article 19.1 of the DSU, having found that Korea acted inconsistently with certain provisions of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, we recommend that Korea bring its measures into conformity with its obligations under that Agreement....."
The report of the Appellate Body will be officially adopted by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) within 30 days.
Japan demands that the ROK to promptly implement the recommendations presented in the report and to immediately eliminate its measure (anti-dumping duties) that the Appellate Body determined to be inconsistent with the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
Japan will have a right to invoke countermeasures in line with the procedures under the WTO Agreement if the ROK fails to implement the WTO recommendations.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Diplomatic row with South Korea starts to hurt Japan's services account See in context
@nigelboy - again, you talk about sum spent per person PER VISIT due to relatively shorter stays by visitors from SK, ignoring the total sum spent being greater through more frequent visits.
Not really. How should I put this mildly?
Koreans constitute 19% of the total visitors to Japan. On the other hand, total sum consumed by Koreans is only at 9.6% of the total.
Quality versus quantity. If the Japanese government thought this though, Koreans are essentially a space hogger in an overcrowding tourists situation in Japan. I thought I made that clear.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Diplomatic row with South Korea starts to hurt Japan's services account See in context
Overcrowding? Does an international visitor staying for 5 days per visit and visiting 3 times a year crowd the streets of Japan anymore than a visitor staying for 15 days, once a year?
Yes. Overcrowding. Wouldn’t it be nice for instance, for Kyoto to have less travelers but spend a quite a bit more per person than having an overcrowded situation where 20% of them are simply cheap tourists who are essentially a space eater?
And restricting SK visitors would do wonders for Japan's travel account surplus wouldn't it.. further restrict visitors by adding visa requirements when visitors are already down.
Yes. While it may hurt short term, the long term benefit would be for more quality tourists to have access to Japan like lodging.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Diplomatic row with South Korea starts to hurt Japan's services account See in context
So who's cherry-picking the data to suit one's narrative?
Not really cherrypicking. Personally, the government should consider more on quality than quantity so to reduce over crowding. Hence, they should eliminate visa free status of Koreans and make them adhere to minimum financial requirements like the ones implemented for Chinese nationals.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Diplomatic row with South Korea starts to hurt Japan's services account See in context
A 7.6% drop in visitors from SK only resulted in a 0.9% reduction in tourist spending, because the overall foreign visitor numbers increased 5.6% in one month. If spending by SK visitors only was analysed, the drop would be closer to the 7.6% figure.
As the article indicates, it's a 0.9% reduction in " travel account surplus "- or the amount spent in Japan by foreign visitors minus that by Japanese traveling overseas .
Based on JNTO figures which also states 5.6% increase, there was also a 6.5% increase in Japanese traveling abroad. Hence, the major factor in the 0.9% reduction on the account surplus.
As for the Koreans not spending much, here it is. (Pg 3)
69,013 yen/person. Dead last. No nationality even comes close.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Nissan chief Saikawa to step down Sept 16; successor to be named See in context
Now comes the most important issue. The way Ghosn (and his wife) are being treated. The ball is in Japan's court here.
If In fact the abuse SAR, which is essentially an internal executive bonus program, somehow violates parts of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, it would be an added charge to both Ghosn and Kelly as well as indictments on Saikawa and other executives who had received this benefit. Heck. Ghosn got 140 million yen extra.
My guess is that you haven’t read nor comprehended the recently issued internal audit report. What Saikawa dubiously received can only be categorized as a minor footnote as compared to the actions that Ghosn and Kelly arrogantly conducted.
But fear not. The lawyers of Ghosn will no doubt mention your support comments to him. ‘The ex-pat populace supports Ghosn.’ I’m quite positive that when he is absolved, he will thank everyone of you for your support.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Nissan chief Saikawa to step down Sept 16; successor to be named See in context
everyone pretty much are unified in saying much of the compensation system was setup under Ghosn instructions. so Ghosn set it up, Ghosn and Saikawa and maybe others profited from that system, yet Ghosn is the only one who went to jail over accusations he broke the law, yet Saikawa didnt!? Ignorance isnt an excuse in the eyes of the law
Nope. SAR is not a new concept but adjusting the dates unilaterally to the executives favor and withholding such info by Kelly and Ghosn was recently unveiled by the audit staff. But then again, this SAR is simply an internal bonus incentive program so I doubt if it violates any of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
As to the internal audit report issued recently, it can be found on the Nissan website. What’s nice about this short summary report is that it highlights the misconducts of both Ghosn and Kelly (without indicating whether it fringes criminally).
So no. This isn’t about foreign execs getting the short end of the stick in Japan’s judicial system. This is about an arrogant foreigner whose ego got the best of him and convinced himself he was above the law.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Nissan chief Saikawa to step down Sept 16; successor to be named See in context
Well, you also wrote above that Saikawa "was a puppet with absolutely no skills, brains nor the character to lead a corporation." Why suddenly omit and/or play down your own negative comments about the man? As far as many people are concerned, you described Saikawa perfectly and being "just smart enough" was not the part they had in mind.
Huh? My negative comments regarding Saikawa was his inability to ‘lead a corporation’. Somehow you assume that graduating from a prestigious university teaches the ability to do lead a corporation.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Nissan chief Saikawa to step down Sept 16; successor to be named See in context
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of a guy who graduated from the University of Tokyo with a degree in economics. If Saikawa is typical of an economics graduate from Japan's top university, maybe Nissan's next CEO should be a foreigner or at least a Japanese person who completed her/his undergraduate education outside of Japan.
Like I said, just smart enough to not get involved heavily with Kelly-Ghosn dealings while reaping some benefits.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Diplomatic row with South Korea starts to hurt Japan's services account See in context
I meant, Koreans per person are dead last in the amount they consume while in Japan.
10 ( +18 / -8 )
Posted in: Diplomatic row with South Korea starts to hurt Japan's services account See in context
In July, the number of South Korea visitors dropped by 7.6% from a year earlier
You’d figure that since SK visitors are the largest in terms of sheer numbers, the financial decline would be on par with the percentage but nope. Less than a percent. This essentially supports the figure published by the Japan Tourism Agency that Koreans are dead last in the amount they consume while in Japan.
12 ( +20 / -8 )
Posted in: Nissan chief Saikawa to step down Sept 16; successor to be named See in context
As for his guilt in this, it appears Greg Kelly is the architect behind the options illicit adjustment of maturity date, I am guessing the system was setup under Ghosn so executive can maximise remuneration without having to go through reporting process.
Whats not reported is that Ghosn himself received an additional 140 million yen as opposed to Saikawa’s 47 million yen under Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR). Can’t say that this abuse in this in house bonus program violates the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act but if it is, there is another charge added to Ghosn.
People on this site give too much credit to Saikawa as if he was also complicit in engaging in this fraud when the reality is that he was a puppet with absolutely no skills, brains nor the character to lead a corporation. He was just smart enough to not get heavily involved with Kelly-Ghosn deals.
-10 ( +3 / -13 )
Posted in: Kono may move to defense in cabinet shuffle: report See in context
As I have explained before, Japan is blinded after the GSOMIA is terminated, and restoring it is the most important pending issue for Japan's national security.
".....South Korea’s satellite intelligence, after all, is limited to domains south of the military demarcation line. By contrast, Japan’s Self-Defense Forces have several intelligence satellites monitoring North Korean activity north of the military demarcation line....."
Doesn't matter. Knowing the current Korean administration, they would openly welcome NK forces to walk right in to Seoul with a red carpet since the U.S. forces essentially moved out of Seoul.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Nissan CEO Saikawa admits being paid too much by equity scheme See in context
Can anyone tell me, are they really the same thing, or is there a difference?
Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR) is essentially performance driven incentive for executives where the company sets the payout rates and schedules based on how much the stock appreciated. It’s strictly internal so what Saikawa did was purposely amended the option date to get a higher payout.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Nissan CEO Saikawa admits being paid too much by equity scheme See in context
Stock Application Rights (SAR) in question dates back to May of 2013. He apparently delayed it one week while the stock price was rising.
This was discovered as a result of their own internal audit.
Should be severely reprimanded by the Boad.
But no. It does not even remotely compare to what Ghosn is accused of.
-21 ( +2 / -23 )
Posted in: Japan briefs diplomats on Fukushima plant's radioactive water See in context
Studies on tritium have shown that it is a mutagen and a carcinogen and that it is a danger to the fetus in the womb.
It is absorbed by the skin and can be carried in air by evaporation, absorbed into the lungs.
Was this information presented to the diplomats as a rumor or fact?
If that’s the case, Fukushima is the last thing they should be worried about since NPP around the world are releasing this stuff to the atmosphere everyday day for decades. (La Hague, France. Bruce Power, Canada)
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Under-fire lawmaker hits back at criticism over S Korea war remarks See in context
I suggest you listen to one of your compatriot posters here on this site who previously admitted that individual rights to claim haven't been terminated by the 1965 agreement. Better still, maybe you should research your government's position prior to Abe's regime, which was consistently of the position that individual rights to claim haven't been extinguished.
It hasn't. The agreement simply calls for these frivolous lawsuits and absurd judgments to be that of the responsibility of the Korean government.
7 ( +10 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan briefs diplomats on Fukushima plant's radioactive water See in context
Tritium is not unique to Fukushima's melted reactors and is not harmful in low doses, and water containing it is routinely released from nuclear power plants around the world, including in South Korea, officials say.
Korea’s Wolseong NPP and Kori NPP releases tritium into the ocean as well.
And just the other day, the Korean official had the nerve to summonhe Japanese Embassy in Seoul to explain the situation.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan-S Korea spat an economic lose-lose for both countries See in context
Utter nonsense, there are millions of working Japanese that don't spend the above amount in a month.
We’re discussing about foreign tourists.
This article states,
”South Koreans were the second largest contingent of foreign visitors to Japan last year, just behind visitors from China, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization.”
My response,
Might want to mention that Korean tourists were dead last in consumption amount per person. Only 78,804 yen. By far the lowest.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: Japanese foreign minister asks Rubio for exemption from Trump tariffs
Posted in: Trump keeps tariffs drumbeat going, with autos targeted next
Posted in: The EU was built for another age – here’s how it must adapt to survive