Japan Today

NoAmericanIdiot comments

Posted in: Reagan's legacy weighed amid 100th birthday events See in context

Reagan's most famous words:

"I don't recall."

"I don't remember."

Reagan was a liar. Reagan was senile. Ironically both turned out to be true.

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Posted in: House Republicans move to slash domestic programs See in context

Some programs to consider being axed or altered:

terminate the Food Stamp program;

cut federal pay by 50 percent; cut the federal work force by 25 percent;

end funding to NPR/PBS;

end all foreign aid (except in cases of natural emergencies);

elimination of the thousands of overlapping social (i.e., handout) programs for the "poor";

removal of federal highway funding for any state that offers financial incentives to people entering the U.S. illegally

Not one of those will ever happen.

Hmm, welfare to the poor, about a trillion a year, more if you count additional programs. Bailouts for the super rich were how much exactly? How much is it if you take out companies like Government Electric, or Government Motors, which are 2 of Obamas [Obama's] biggest donors? Hell of a lot less now isn't it. - Rush Limbaugh

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Posted in: GOP investigators take aim at health care overhaul See in context

Republicans bring shame to America. We have finally begun to help the uninsured and Republicans want to take it away from them. 50 million without health insurance is a disgrace. The Republicans plan on disobeying the law. Then they want the corrupt Supreme Court come to their rescue like they always have; at least the corrupt Republican installed justices.

that financed the rise and political dreams of frauds like John Edwards. Edwards made millions as a lawyer using junk science to wipe out the careers of doctors, obstetricians in particular.

Wow is this far fetched. Is it wrong for repubs to tell the truth on JT? It seems so.

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Posted in: Arizona gunman kills 5, then himself See in context

RIP to those killed and peace to their survivors.

Guns are bad.

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Posted in: Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law See in context

Ha ha,

Stupid Arizona conservatives lose.

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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

Molenir, read your own damn article. It says nothing but "She added that the shooters are Hispanic men who "appear to be undocumented."" They have not caught them yet so how could the person who said that even know that?

Nice try Molenir, but you are just letting us know you are willing to be part of the deceit. It does not matter if they later turn out to be illegal aliens; the fact of the matter is that it is not now known and it is deceitful to represent it that way.

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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

LouReed at 11:59 AM JST - 1st May

Arizona Sheriff shot by illegal aliens today.

Shame on you for misrepresentation. The article said nothing about illegal aliens.

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Posted in: Lawsuits challenge new Arizona immigration law See in context

Alphaape at 08:49 AM JST - 30th April

The cop needs to be put on desk duty. He should know that you just can't stop and check on the status of any person unless there is probably cause for a crime (4th Amendment to the Constitution agains unlawful search and seizure). So for him to say there is no way to find out the immigration status from a lawful stop and questioning is laughable.

Wrong as usual! The 15 yr. old veteran said it it would impede an investigation not that there wasn't a way to do it. Apparently the Police Chief agrees. The Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris, chief of Arizona's largest city said on Friday the state's controversial new crackdown on illegal immigrants would likely create more problems than it solved for local law enforcement. Harris said asking officers to determine immigration status during an investigation would interfere with their primary job.


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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

This is great; just another boycott against Arizona. Soon there will be far too many to list.


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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

Apparently the Police Chief disagrees with your findings Molnir.

The Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris, chief of Arizona's largest city said on Friday the state's controversial new crackdown on illegal immigrants would likely create more problems than it solved for local law enforcement. Harris said asking officers to determine immigration status during an investigation would interfere with their primary job.

per Reuters


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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

Nice try Molnir but there were no personal attacks in my post. It is obvious you have no idea what a personal attack is. Try visiting a website that would explain that and other logical fallacies. Just because you are exposed for your weak information does not make it personal. Even raising doubt as to the veracity of your sources and/or information does not make it personal.

Moderator: Readers, please keep the discussion civil.

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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

I know about a half dozen cops, 2 of whom are hispanic. Every single one of them is in favor of this.

Wow, miraculously Molenir always finds people around him or that he knows that agree with him; it must mean he is right. Between his personal attestation and anecdotal evidence he always has all the bases covered. Although his personal attestment should be all we require to understand that he must be right and cops must be looking forward to prosecuting every single illegal alien we are still left shaking our heads. Does he even know about logical fallacies? Does he not know that many of us know dozens of cops and refuse to believe that in Arizona they would rather be working on rounding up harmless families then doing the work of catching criminals?

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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

Man, why are you spitting in my family's face?

Get real dude; enough of the hyperbole.

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Posted in: Furor grows over Arizona's new immigration law See in context

Again, most Latino citizens actually support this measure - Molenir

Sorry that is not true a two new polls came out and one said 72% of legal Arizona Hispanics said they are against the law. Another said nationwide 67.7% of legal Hispanics said they are against the Arizona law.

Just wait until Arizona feels the pinch of the boycotts affecting the state. Trade and tourism will go down.


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Posted in: Israeli president: Iran threatens whole world See in context

Actually adaydream was initially correct whether he knew it or not. Iran imports gasoline. Google "Iran import gasoline" and you will find the answers. No point in posting a single reference myself when the evidence is overwhelming.

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Posted in: Boxer Valero kills himself in Venezuela jail, police say See in context

MistWizard at 06:39 PM JST - 20th April

where his wife was being treated for injuries including a punctured lung and broken ribs.

If one is going to draw a line at where to end the relationship, I think the first time he gives you a punctured lung might be quite the outer limit. Hard to believe she survived that only to give him another crack at killing her.

My sentiments exactly!

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Posted in: Obama asks businesses to back climate bill See in context

Sorry bud, but the earth is actually cooling. Has been for about the past 10 years. - Molenir

That's all you need to say. Mostly all of the educated conservatives now acknowledge that the earth's climate is warming. They just say that the humans are not the cause of it and it will straighten itself out. Look it up.

Here's a clue when your science book begins with an explanation of intelligent design the rest of it will be bullsh** too.

There is no point in telling you to look up information because it is all there and always has been but you will only read your books on Intelligent Design like Of Pandas and People or The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems. And you will only read faulty studies written by pandering scientists.

It is people that cannot understand science that deny so many of the scientific findings that we have today. These people do not take science seriously. So they go scientist shopping to find scientists that will agree that evolution is a farce or that the earth is actually cooling instead of warming. The scientists are just pathetic that cater to these imbeciles. The scientists are the type that said smoking was not bad for your health when evidence clearly showed that it was in the 60's and even later.

So Molenir can shop around and find a tiny, fractional minority of scientists who will support his drivel but they all have zero credibility. There is a reason they can't get their work published in any respectable science publication or forum.

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Posted in: Tea Party crashers plan to exaggerate 'racists' and 'morons' See in context

The Tea Party is a propaganda machine. It spits out the paranoia to the conservative sheep and just like the conservative sheep on JT they repeat the redneck agenda.

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Posted in: Body of newborn boy found floating in Tokyo river See in context

@dolphingirl.. the abortions that you speak of are those that are officially reported by the medical profession. They are the abortions performed legally by doctors in clinics and hospitals. Those are not the source of the dead infants found in the rivers and gomiire. Mikanojo

I agree this is about a disgusting crime. How gross!

Moderator: Readers, once again we remind you that the abortion issue is not relevant to this discussion.

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Posted in: Volcanic ash may hover over Europe for days See in context

It's a sign from God!

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Posted in: Tea Party crashers plan to exaggerate 'racists' and 'morons' See in context

Individual liberty and freedom from government is what the Tea Party is all about.

Politics is what the Tea Party is all about; nothing more. Haters of Obama!

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Posted in: Obama asks businesses to back climate bill See in context


Good green jobs? Thats a contradiction in terms. You realize that for every "green" job created, 2 jobs are lost? Yeah, look it up. The data is there

I did look it up and you are wrong for every green job created though a new green job project it perpetuates another non-green job. Spain's economic demise has nothing to do with green jobs. Look at the UK, Netherlands, France, Poland, Germany as some of the best examples but there are countless others benefiting from new green job sectors of their economy. Windmills, solar cells and other green projects more often use construction workers to install the technology. Molenir would probably count the construction worker as a green job that took the place of a non-green job.

Molenir is the type of person who has no understanding of direct correlation. He thinks if green jobs are being created while unemployment is rising it is because of the green jobs. Wake up Molenir there was a housing crisis and a financial meltdown.

Just think of how stupid these people are that listen to 1 scientist out of 1000. Carbon emissions have been proven without a doubt to cause global warming. Remember when these guys used to deny there really was warming? Now that they changed their tune they call it "climate change." Molenir likes to tell how little humans contribute but he doesn't see that it is only a few degrees we are talking about not even 10 degrees. The prospect of a four-degree Celsius rise in global average temperatures in 50 years is a given with the current emissions outputs and that is huge. Look up what just 4 degrees would do and you will be amazed. Many islands would just disappear because of the rise in sea level.

The accelerated effect of more carbon in the atmosphere could make things much worse.

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