Japan Today

nokomarie comments

Posted in: Aichi murder suspect was in house for 10 hours after killings See in context

This story continues to be my favorite on so many levels. Apparently, J-police really do contain a crime scene from the front door inwards. Amazing.

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Posted in: Man arrested for fatally stabbing girlfriend in Aichi apartment See in context

Michiko3, I asked why are We woman so dumb. I am a woman and a survivor of abuse. I never called the cops either. I think you need to read more carefully before spouting off like that. Yes, the story is sad.

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Posted in: U.S. professor's Holocaust-Gaza comparison stirs debate See in context

LostinNagoya, the problem with these analogies is always one of proportion. Eichman at least was one man in control of much, who knowingly took part in doing a lot of damage. You will note that his office cleaning lady was not executed whereas the vast majority of the victims of 9-11 had about as much control over finacial affairs as she did but were killed all the same.

Do I approve of Isreal's occupation of the West Bank? Well, no, I think Isreal is very unjust in this. As it is an artificial state, begun with a history of oppression and injustice, one would like to think they would want to avoid committing injustice themselves. But no, people will be people and Isreal wants to (and feels entitled to) expand. Oddly, Isreal is turning up the rhetoric about the Holocaust and ant-Semitism just as the last survivors of the death camps are dying of old age. Worried about something, are they?

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Posted in: 8-year-old Saudi girl divorces 50-year-old husband See in context

they would see all the potential benefits of the marriage and regard it as some quaint foreign tradition.<

A tradition that makes it impossible for the child in question to lead a carefree life as a child should. Or is it appropriate to have to remind a little girl not to do this or that because she is a married woman? As it is, this girl is now a divorcee, a girl with a past. And puberty comes young in those parts too. Gah, they probably had to return the bride price to the old goat plus damages and the family is going to be the laugingstock of the whole nation. A weak father like that is likely to take it out on his women. What a world.

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Posted in: Man arrested for fatally stabbing girlfriend in Aichi apartment See in context

Why, oh why, did she call her mom and not the police? Why are we women so dumb?

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Posted in: More details emerge in Aichi double murder, including cat's death, mysterious assailant See in context

The cat was found dead outside...hmmm the case darkens. The cat rubbed up against the wrong stranger? Believe me, a cat that is afraid of you even inside a house is a tough animal to corner unless it is old and fat. Otherwise, lighting reflexes are needed. Which sort of makes me think the person was more likely high rather than drunk, if you follow my meaning.

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Posted in: More details emerge in Aichi double murder, including cat's death, mysterious assailant See in context

I can see killing the family dog, but a cat? Not at all that easy to do.

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