Posted in: Toshiba invents device it claims can decontaminate radioactive soil See in context
Wow, a site with 100% shills on it. This technology, if it works at all, will do VERY LITTLE to change the situation. 1) too much dirt, and you have to dig it all up - not feasible 2) where do the hot particles/isotopes go? In the ocean? 3) it will do nothing to stop the accumulation of isotopes up the food chain.
Japan has poisoned itself and the entire world with its mismanagement of cover-up of the disaster (with the support of the US & other governments, plus the GE-owned media blackout in the US of the situation).
There is no greater shame than the ongoing coverup that the Japanese government and Tepco are perpetuating. It is an absolute crime against the human species. This is a pivotal moment for the Japanese people to rise up for what is right. Otherwise its people (and their false beliefs) are just colluding with the government and industry to bring greater harm upon the world.
There's no magic soil decontamination machine. It won't fix the problem. Stop pretending it will. We're not that stupid.
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What an odd thing to say. Who thinks of their homeland as "far away", or "situated at the end of…
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