Japan Today

NoSenSei comments

Posted in: 'Terrace House' star Kimura likely took her own life using toxic gas See in context

three down votes on @Michael Machida comment is what's wrong in our society.

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Posted in: Radiology professional suspended from work for stalking 4 male doctors See in context

Wonder why this is not in crime section.

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Posted in: Suspect says killing spree lasted 2 months See in context

His neighbours did not complain aout foul smell or weird sounds, and my neighbours called police twice in a week becuase my alarm was too loud.

When cops were at door they did not even know what to do, they just waited at my door when I came out to leave for work they were like "隣の部屋から大きい声を聞こえましたか?”

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Posted in: LGBT groups, educators call for diversity in school uniforms See in context

While half of the world is discussing about same sex marriage or the freedom to choose dress which is supposed to be worn by another sex, I am trying all my best to convince my parents about intercaste marriage (Which they are strongly opposing), so that I (Boy) could get married with girl whom I love.

Guess, we all are fighting our own fights.

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Posted in: Australia to drug test unemployed in trial welfare crackdown See in context

Few years later there will be movie on it. How person killed him/herself when he/she was falsely accused.

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Posted in: Japan needs anti-smoking law ahead of Tokyo Olympics: WHO See in context

I don't understand why people are crying out loud here. Most of restaurants have different placing / room for smoking customers. And I don't see people smoking in public places, there are exception some times. People follow here old unwritten laws rather than newly written laws, and in case of smoking as per I have experienced it is not how people are crying here.

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Posted in: Over 10 construction firms raided over suspected bid rigging See in context

Bid Rigging, I thought this is how the world is working. Isn't it same in every other countries too. Big Companies have big brothers inside the government, brothers do favor each other. In every country there are like handful pf general contractors and remaining small companies swims inside the pool with water supplied by those big companies.

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