Posted in: Men arrested over alleged prostitution for inbound tourists in Tokyo See in context
Unfortunately more tourists bring more crime. Prostitution is rare on the streets of Japan. Hopefully Tokyo doesn’t become like Bangkok which is more popular for sex tourism.
Nope, Japanese brought prostitution in Japan themselves. The men who were arrested are Japanese nationals,so don't blame this to tourists. Plus before this even happened, Japan has already a reputation of supplying the world with Japanese pornography, so this is an unspoken topic but JAV is one of the attractions that foreign male tourists came for. JAVs give them desire to have sex with Japanese women and these pimps are making it happen. So these were all created by Japanese.
1 ( +9 / -8 )
Posted in: Makers of Dassai to brew sake in space and sell 100 milliliters for ¥100 million See in context
Japanese people are so good at these gimmicks to rip people off and the funny thing is, there is always some gullible folks who fall for these kinds of BS.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context
Rest assured that if a middle aged woman was wearing pants with thong underwear underneath, then pulled down her pants to flash a teenage boy behind her "to show him my t-back", then yes, she would be arrested, and rightly so, because that is flashing. And morally speaking, it would be considered by most people as a form of sexual predation on a minor.
"Middle Aged Woman" so what if it's a woman in her 20s would she be arrested too?
I think the society is hypocrite. We often see this on mainstream media, that when young women show their butts to men it is "Cute", "Sexy", or "Funny". But when its done by a middle aged man, it is perverted.
Im not saying that the action of this guy was right! It is indeed perverted. But my point is that the system is so selective. I bet that if this is done by a young woman, for sure we won't be discussing about this and police will probably just laugh about it for sure.
This is stalking issues, if a woman reports a case of stalking, cops will take it seriously. But, if the accuser is a man, cops will not take it seriously.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: 'I just wanted her to see my T-back' doesn’t save man from being arrested for exposing butt See in context
So what if its the other way around? A woman wearing super mini skirt, exposing her T-Back to a teenage boy behind her. Can that be a ground to arrest this woman for the same offense as this man? Because I've seen that very often here in Tokyo and I didn't see cops making arrests. These policies are kinda biased.
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: Japanese, South Koreans at bottom of global love life survey See in context
hmmm I don't know how accurate these surveys are. But I don't buy this. Base on what I see around me, almost everyone I know are dating. Yes the decline of population is real because couples are not financially ready to raise families. But when it comes to romance and dating, it is not really an issue here.
Well, IPSOS is based in France so that's why their surveys are not 100% reliable.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Raygun retires from breaking after 'upsetting' Olympic backlash See in context
Raygun is the perfect example of today’s culture of hollow performance over substance. The world of academia, where she comes from, loves to prop up people like her, claiming it’s all about “individual expression.” But let’s face it - Raygun’s "breakdancing" was more about attention than real talent or dedication. Real dancers put in years of hard work, refining their craft, showing respect for tradition, and building true skill. Raygun? She’s more interested in going viral than mastering her art.
This is ridiculous. Olympics has a selection process, meaning someone is responsible of selecting who can compete and cannot. She was selected and performed, yes it wasn't great but I don't think she's done this for her self promotion. She was included in the team and she's gotta do what she's gotta do. Will you say the same thing to swimmers who performed poorly and lost? Blame the coach and Olympics committee for including her to the team.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Raygun retires from breaking after 'upsetting' Olympic backlash See in context
People are cruel. All the bullying was not necessary. She did her best, maybe not the best for the standards of so many but she's done nothing wrong and she was just following her dreams. She doesn't deserve to be humiliated like that and now her dreams were crushed. I wonder if people will ridicule athletes who didn't do well in other sports the same way as what they've done to her? Blame the Olympics committee for not choosing the most eligible athletes to compete in their events. Only if they've done their jobs properly, this woman would still be pursuing her dreams now.
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Marcos Jr heads for landslide as Philippines votes for new president See in context
Dear JT,
Please dig more about this story, Marcos Jr. will not win landslide, It's the other way around. Do not rely on PULSE Asia and other survey companies' information, they are fake and paid by the current administration and the Marcoses. If you check GOOGLE trends, which is more accurate than survey companies. VP Leni is leading, she has 53% while Marcos JR has only 26%. Also, please follow and check out the campaign rallies, you can see that the GAP between these 2 candidates' rallies is huge. The numbers of attendees joining VP Leni's campaign rallies are mostly going up to hundreds of thousands, while Marcos Jr. cannot even show and produce drone shots of his campaign rallies. Just go online and you can easily find the videos and drone shots of VP Leni's events and you will see the huge gap . Please take note, these same survey companies predicted the same thing last 2016, and the result was obviously different from what they've predicted.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Tenet' director Nolan slams Warner Bros same day streaming plan See in context
JJ Jetplane
That used to be true. But as the billion dollar movie became more common, the pay structure started to change.
hmmm as a person who work in the movie industry , I am not aware of this payment structure, I am not sure if the hollywood system is different than here, but I have friends who are also film crew in LA and I don’t think they get that kind of payment structure, if that’s true, that would be lovely though. But, it doesn’t make any sense. Indeed the stars and maybe a big named director like Nolan can get some blockbuster bonuses. But not the crew. Plus, the whole point here is, the movie already had enough screenings, movie theaters wont pull it out of their theaters if its still making money. But there are no demands anymore, so theaters have to put something new to show. Because as what the others say above, indeed, its not really the best Nolan flick. I honestly like his early works but Tenet is not as good as those. WB is actually giving him a favor by distributing it through streaming media though, If this was 10 years ago it will go straight to DVD after the theatrical release is done, and there will be less chance that people would watch it. He should be happy that the movie earnings already surpassed the actual budget and profited 160 million USD more.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Tenet' director Nolan slams Warner Bros same day streaming plan See in context
JJ Jetplane
I do agree with Nolan that what the WB is doing is potentially ripping away and shorting royalties and bonus payments to film makers and film crews.
Cast and Crew were already paid during the production. They don't really get royalties etc. But try to look at the distributor's perspective. The movie already had it's time on the theaters and it already earned 360 Million USD, but I don't think they can push further as many movie theaters around the globe are still not fully operational as usual due to the pandemic. Many people are still on tight budget due to this unstable and challenging economic situation, so going to movie theaters to watch a Nolan flick is not really their priority. Nolan should instead be thankful that despite of this really bad year (especially in the entertainment industry), his film still made huge blockbuster earnings. Very selfish and ungrateful.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Tenet' director Nolan slams Warner Bros same day streaming plan See in context
I understand Nolan's sentiments as an artist, however he doesn't completely own the movie, the Distributors do. He was already paid millions of dollars being the writer and director, but once it's signed by the distributors? It's not in his hands anymore and the investors have to get their money back and no matter how great of a director Nolan is, distribution is not his expertise.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: JAL ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' for gender-neutral greetings See in context
Nippor Nick
We would like to welcome everyone aboard.
There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Indeed, then how come JAL has to make official statements about this, when they can just apply this without making a big noise? Or maybe the real intention is using LGBT for marketing?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: JAL ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' for gender-neutral greetings See in context
I have LGBT friends, who really don't mind these announcements. They want same sex marriage legalized though. So this is an empty gesture , more of a marketing campaign. Why not do a campaign to legalize same sex marriage instead? So what are they gonna ban next? Babies gender reveals?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: JAL ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' for gender-neutral greetings See in context
I will only believe the sincerity of the Japanese people regarding gender equality if I see them accept and embrace female sushi chefs. I dare JAL to have a sushi counter with a female taisho (chef) at one of their
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempted rape of teenage girl suspect in similar crimes See in context
P. Smith
Is it because women are looked upon as merely objects here?
And many Japanese women embrace this and don't see a problem with it. Sad but that's the reality.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: After hospital visit, Abe says he will do his utmost as prime minister See in context
PM Abe should call and learn from President Duterte of the Philippines. Just take a picture of himself eating somewhere with his family as a proof that he is still alive and healthy . Make sure to show the latest edition of the Newspaper as evidence that the photo is taken now, he can also photo shop it, but he must hire a very good artist. And then declare a perpetual isolation due to covid-19. It's a wise ticket to stay in power for eternity wether he's sick or not.
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Doubts growing in Japan over Tokyo Olympics See in context
There’s probably a financial penalty to be paid if Japan unilaterally postpones or cancels the Olympics. A recommendation by the IOC or perhaps WHO would get them off the hook, hence this procrastination.
Empty stadiums plus risk of re-spreading the virus again seems have more risk and bad impact economically.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Doubts growing in Japan over Tokyo Olympics See in context
Cancel it for 2020. Have Tokyo host it in 2024 ( if it is still willing ). Paris hosts in 2028. This gives Paris more time to build and prepare, and allows Tokyo a chance to recoup their investment in 2024.
does it really need to be done every 4 years? If things improve late this year why not do it on 2021? We are in the generation where changes are happening and encouraged, why not allow it for Olympics too especially if it's for good reasons.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Doubts growing in Japan over Tokyo Olympics See in context
To simplify what Abe, Koike and IOC think in one sentence:
Olympics is more priority than the safety and lives of Japanese people.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Doubts growing in Japan over Tokyo Olympics See in context
Do you know what is in Abe's mind now ? Hahaaha, you don't, I do.
Abe wants a miracle, as simple as that.
This is not about what Abe's mind, this is about what is right for the safety of people and economy. He doesn't have to wait for a miracle as he can avoid this disaster.
Yes I am not a scientist neither you are, but one thing I am sure of, thousands of people (and still growing) are dying because of this virus. As someone mentioned above, pushing this through will lose the essence of temporary closing the schools and other public events. It shows that they aren't really that committed to fight this disease. Even the greedy capitalist Disney closed for almost a month, this means this has to be taken seriously with careful considerations as "IT IS REGRETTABLE" will not be acceptable if things get worse especially if it results to the lost of many lives.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Doubts growing in Japan over Tokyo Olympics See in context
iraira, you have never been a Prime Minister, have you ?
It is not as simple as IOC's decision, much more complicated than that. Japan, aka Abe, has to be involved, and to be shown hard facts for the canceling
You don't have to be a Prime Minister to have common sense that saving lives (including yours if you are in Japan) is priority than this extravagant event. People are not asking to cancel but suggesting to postpone and re-schedule it when all countries have fully recovered from this pandemic, which is very unlikely to happen soon as it is just starting to spread in Europe and US . As of now the corona virus has already impacted the economy so badly and pushing to make this Olympics happen on it's original schedule will worsen that. All these travel ban and preventions will go to waste if you will let people go again risking to start spread the virus rather than completely stopping it. It is being postponed for good reason, you don't want Japan to be blamed for re-spreading this disease again. Shikata ga nai yo. What is your solution if in case the infections grow again in Japan?
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: 'United by Emotion' to be Tokyo Olympic Games motto See in context
How come "UNITED" is the motto? when the principle of Olympic games is COMPETITION ? A competition about which first world country is the best. Why not focus on the values of competitiveness?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Cold puffs See in context
Japan cannot really give up their smoking habits, I even feel that they are more prioritized than the non smokers.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Ghosn used company money for private events: Nissan report See in context
I think Nissan should think about changing it's lawyers as this will make them look more bad than Ghosn for this move. It's like shooting their own foot as this is obviously a poor accounting management of their company. The fault is at that person who released the funds without checking if they will be used for business purpose or personal. Now try to explain your shareholders why a big company like yours don't have this basic pre-approval process for spending.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Ghosn used company money for private events: Nissan report See in context
why can't some people admit that ghosn isn't exactly totally innocent here? he did do some shady things. did it rise to the level of imprisonment? no, but that doesn't mean he should rise to the level of martyr, either.
Because it is not for you and me to decide wether he is innocent or not, I can't speak in his behalf but one thing that I agree with him, despite of the accusations he deserves a fair trial. And everyone in Japan wether foreigners or Japanese deserve a fair trial.
13 ( +16 / -3 )
Posted in: Ghosn used company money for private events: Nissan report See in context
What!? So you mean a big company Nissan doesn't have a proper accounting department team who analyze the justification of the cost first before approving the release of these funds? I think this is more of like a Nissan company structure's fault.
16 ( +20 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa selling his private jet See in context
Oh! One Billionaire put a dislike on my comment. lol
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa selling his private jet See in context
isn't it great? That his only problem is how to get rid of his old multi million dollar plane that he only uses so he can sleep well on long flights? While his workers are all paid 20 man (or less) a month. What a great and very sinpiring man! (slow clap)
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa selling his private jet See in context
definitely these seats are where he had sex with hundreds of his gold digger girls , Maybe 3-5 gold diggers per flight? haha
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Russian boxers to boycott Olympics if sanctions not lifted See in context
our Olympics.
What makes you OWN your Olympics?
They are cheats through and through, up to the state level.
Any evidence that ALL Russian athletes are cheats? You are generalizing all Russians.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Fukuoka Stock Exchange exec arrested for taking upskirt photos
Posted in: Israel threatens 'all hell will break loose' on Hamas in latest Gaza ceasefire crisis
Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March
Posted in: Chinese animated blockbuster breaks records, prompts patriotism