Japan Today

nozaki comments

Posted in: Head of influential Japan opposition party suspended over extramarital affair See in context

What he did is not only just extramarital affair, often invited her at the Diet, Besides he seemed to even intend to make "her" to new candidate of his party at next election.

His believers have insisted this scandals "conspiracy by financial ministry" But he is just thoughtless despite many politicians had faced similar scandals in past.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. to deploy missile units to Japan islands in Taiwan contingency See in context

And, it more increase risk to people of Okinawa, without even deliberation.

Both countries where people facing low birthrate, aging, inequality or many unrest to future actually have no room to boost arms race.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Ex-Hyogo governor reelected despite power abuse scandal See in context

Basically, interest to politics is lost at recent Japanese society, it's reflected to low voter turnout of general election.

Therefore, this election's situation that crowds drastically become to adore one arrogant politician as if hero or star during just a month is very un-natural unless something direction.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Posted in: Ex-Hyogo governor reelected despite power abuse scandal See in context

This election was so anormal never seen before in Japan.

Mass disinformation from online, mass mobilization from cult group "Unification Church", rapidly increased cheering crowds for Ex-governor, arrested person from supporters of Ex-governor one after another, slander against victim, and so.

But, domestic major media silence and never criticize or correct no matter how many problematic campaignings on the excuse of "political fairness" during election campaign, its attitude assisted Ex-governor resultantly.

These un-democratic situation will be repeated at general election next year.

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

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