Japan Today

Numan comments

Posted in: Russia's Medvedev floats idea of pushing back Poland's borders See in context

A full world war would be great for nationalism in all countries and especially Russia, China, Iran, and NK. It would would really bad for the loss of life on both sides. It would be great for many countries' economies especially Western countries. It would be really terrible for the people of Russia, China, Iran, and NK because they will have to rebuild and probably face all kinds of discrimination abroad especially when their countries lose in a humiliating defeat.

However, it might be really great for those countries when that humiliating defeat leads to regime change. We might see China and/or Russia (maybe not for the latter) become the economic powerhouses like Germany and Japan was after their tremendous defeat in WWII. There will probably be a long awaited unification of Korea.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Posted in: TikTok banned from EU Commission phones over cybersecurity See in context

Good! Smart move! TikTok is more dangerous and effective than those Chines spy balloons.

The Chinese chicken hawk generals must be happy that the military computer geeks and nerdy civilian CEOs will no longer have the praise and ear of the dear leader "Xi the pooh".

It is time to start investing in helium companies!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Sea otters could disappear from Japanese aquariums See in context

Japanese zoos care for the animals the way the fishermen and fishmongers care for sea creatures at Toyosu Fish market. They are a means to an end. It is even worse if you are not considered a popular animal at the facility. Remember, when the owners of one park and Japanese government just left a dolphin alone in any empty unpopular park? It also died later due to the pandemic!.

They could have just released the dolphin if it was too expensive to move to another park or sale. They prefer to let it die. Probably, it was to recoup some possible life insurance on the animal.

We have just learned that Honey, the lone dolphin kept in an near-abandoned animal park in Japan, has died. She had been alone in her tank for several years until her death. Despite efforts by local Japanese activists and international organizations (including the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) of Earth Island Institute), the owners and Japanese authorities refused to take action to transfer Honey to a better facility with companion dolphins.

Honey the Dolphin Dies Alone in Japan Park


Japan's animal parks are notorious around the world and well known by respected organizations for its mistreatment. It is the number one reason why it will not join any international governing bodies because they would be guilty of so many violations.

There is a guy in Japan selling unregulated wolf dogs!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan seeks G7 endorsement on discharge of Fukushima treated water See in context

The Japanese government is looking for a foreign "scapegoat" when this turns out bad. They will claim that "the foreigners" gave them bad advice!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Ice landing See in context

Nature is always stunning!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Russia, China show off ties amid maneuvering over Ukraine See in context

When Biden visited Ukraine the other day, Putin try to pull a lil Kim North Korean move a fire a missile to brag during Russia's "State of the Union" speech.

Putin wanted to boast about Russia launching a nuclear-capable ICBM — but the launch failed so he couldn't, report says


Pretty sad when Russia can't even manage to keep up with N. Korea in military achievements.

As stated, this weapon is a late construction Soviet Union designed missile, that means it is well over 30-40 year old design. Most likely not mentioned is the warhead is likely a holdover weapon from the same era. Most people don't grasp just how much PM's are required to keep these weapons in a working state. So even if it launched, would it make it to the intended target location, would be questionable. Then, the next big question would be, will the warhead function or fizzle, remembering that these warheads are most likely 30–40 years old with questionable upkeep for decades at a time. The US Navy made a good decision to go with solid fuel missiles, they are simple and reliable. The Air Force kept with the liquid fuel Missiles, which were cheaper to build outright but the upkeep for the handful of missiles now days exceeds the cost of the full Trident missile submarine program. Today ONE Trident SSBN has equal the firepower of the Air Force Ballistic missile program in total. Liquid fuel missiles, no matter who builds them are cheap to build but over time are a nightmare to maintain in working condition. Hint, the Russian missiles are liquid fueled with only a handful of exceptions.

Expect a few more mysterious fallings from hotel windows.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Game on: Sony re-enters VR headset fray See in context

Sony could be major player in many things, but it suffers from weak Japanese leadership (typical) with no vision, gun shy and no follow through.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Russia, China show off ties amid maneuvering over Ukraine See in context

Honestly, this just all for show. Both countries have shown time and time again that they will not honor an agreement with any nation. Putin has looked weak attacking Ukraine. He has eye set on some easier targets.

Putin cancels decree underpinning Moldova's sovereignty in separatist conflict


These two countries camaraderie lies in the fact that they both want to weaken the US , so they can replace it as the most powerful country in the world. Biden has made all 3 countries (North Korea, too!) look weak. A far cry to sniveling, bootlicking, idolizing, and capitulating that trump did. This photo looks like a support group for people going through depression.

Both countries at some point still need to stab the other in the back to be the top dog. Germany and Japan had a similar relationship!

Now, China is just waiting to give Russia the "reacharound" when it least expects it. Even in the first photo Wang Yi has the power handshake attempting to show dominance over a weakened Putin.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: How North Korea could use a Pacific 'firing range' to perfect its missiles See in context

When Biden visited Ukraine the other day, Putin try to pull a lil Kim North Korean move a fire a missile to brag during Russia's "State of the Union" speech.

Putin wanted to boast about Russia launching a nuclear-capable ICBM — but the launch failed so he couldn't, report says


Pretty sad when Russia can't even manage to keep up with N. Korea in military achievements.

As stated, this weapon is a late construction Soviet Union designed missile, that means it is well over 30-40 year old design. Most likely not mentioned is the warhead is likely a holdover weapon from the same era. Most people don't grasp just how much PM's are required to keep these weapons in a working state. So even if it launched, would it make it to the intended target location, would be questionable. Then, the next big question would be, will the warhead function or fizzle, remembering that these warheads are most likely 30–40 years old with questionable upkeep for decades at a time. The US Navy made a good decision to go with solid fuel missiles, they are simple and reliable. The Air Force kept with the liquid fuel Missiles, which were cheaper to build outright but the upkeep for the handful of missiles now days exceeds the cost of the full Trident missile submarine program. Today ONE Trident SSBN has equal the firepower of the Air Force Ballistic missile program in total. Liquid fuel missiles, no matter who builds them are cheap to build but over time are a nightmare to maintain in working condition. Hint, the Russian missiles are liquid fueled with only a handful of exceptions.

Expect a few more mysterious fallings from hotel windows.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't to screen Japanese-language schools to ensure quality See in context

Oh jeez. They are going to force everyone to use out of date textbooks and teach you to speak Japanese that nobody even uses anymore.

Run only by the big companies because all the mom and pop schools have been eating into their profits. The same way big tech companies began to ruin Akihabara!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Russian firms showcase guns, missiles at UAE defense expo See in context

maritime section 

Ah, I see. Ukraine only sank a few ships from land during the current war. There is no proof, yet that Russian naval weapons are also inferior. However, all you have to do is ask China about Russian naval equipment!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Russian firms showcase guns, missiles at UAE defense expo See in context

How can you promote your nations tech when your country is losing a war?

Sell it to third-world nations, despots, warlords, theocracies and other groups that attempt to control the people with violence and force.

Are these Russian government controlled companies that will use those funds to purchase other more effective weapons from China, Iran, and North Korea?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: I don't like having to write my name on my garbage bag -- it's as if someone is peering into my life. See in context

Nope! I would not do it!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: 34 nations: No clarity on neutrality, no Olympics for Russia See in context

Russia or its "representatives" should not be competing for the number of times they were caught using banned substances in a government sponsored doping program!


Because Russia has chosen to attack a sovereign nation because Putin's near death experience with cancer sparked a midlife-crises/bucket list to ensure his legacy in Russia history!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Biden walks through Kyiv to show resolve ahead of war's anniversary See in context

Xi the pooh, lil Kim, and Puti must be screaming in their official government issued communist-based handbooks! Remember, if Putin loses this war, all the countries that supported Putin also looks weak in the eyes of its followers and any potential allies. It will be harder for those same countries to get the support of the people for their own aspirations like invading Taiwan!

Biden has just made Putin flinch on the world stage!

How many people will "accidently" fall out of windows to satiate Putin's displeasure of this event getting attention around the world?

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Pandemic racism, mass shootings spur Asian-Americans to take up guns See in context

FBI Statistics:

Of the 6,312 known offenders:

56.1% were White

21.3% were Black or African American

13.5% race unknown

Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders.

Of the 4,884 known offenders for whom ethnicity was reported:

7.6% were Hispanic or Latino

8.9% were in a group of multiple ethnicities

28.1% ethnicity unknown

Of the 5,757 known offenders for whom ages were known:

82.3% were 18 years of age or older

@Jeff Lee........Whites commit the most hate crimes in the US! That is a fact!

What you have failed to mention in your over and under representation is........

African Americans are more likely than white Americans to be arrested; once arrested, they are more likely to be convicted; and once convicted, and they are more likely to experience lengthy prison sentences. African-American adults are 5.9 times as likely to be incarcerated than whites and Hispanics are 3.1 times as likely.

> Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System


Whites who commit crimes are more likely to get a pass or are not prosecuted than minorities in particular Blacks.

That explains your under and over representations!

Nothing exists in a vacuum!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: SDF member arrested for violation of child prostitution law See in context

This should be an open and shut case! Someone should be receiving a dishonorable discharge in addition to jail time!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Almost no data found in phones seized from 'Luffy' robbery suspects See in context

They will be held in jail with the rolling 21 days. Every 21 days the police will come up with another reason to rearrest them (Ghosn treatment) until someone is coerced into confessing to some crime. Most likely it will be unrelated, but it will be exaggerated to make the police look competent.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Moscow accuses Japan of Russophobia, making 'vicious attacks' over Ukraine war See in context


You are also disregarding the possible geopolitics at play should NATO and Russian forces get into an actual direct conflict.

NATO would crush Russia and its allies! A blind person could see that!

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Posted in: 33-year-old man arrested for placing stones on train tracks See in context

"successful" socio-economic model

LOL! Show me the "success" part!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Moscow accuses Japan of Russophobia, making 'vicious attacks' over Ukraine war See in context

Russia, trump, and China all like to play the victim. There is a reason that they are all busom buddies.

Another supposed victim just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar:

Air Force jets intercept Russian aircraft near Alaska


Biden and the US has continued to show its strength to other nations by shooting down foreign objects like hot cakes and intercepting foreign aircrafts entering US airspace.

Both trump and Abe's Japan both just capitulated to these same countries out of envy!

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan suspects China flew 3 spy balloons over territory in 2019-2021 See in context

Like I said on a previous article:

Any time tech is involved then Japan is always the weak link. They are 8/10 the security risk! Their cybersecurity is in the 80s like China's satellite technology (They need to use balloons)! China can easily steal information through the Japanese connection.

Another example of Japan's security incompetence!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: 2 Japanese firms to join hands with Britain in new network technology See in context

Any time tech is involved then Japan is always the weak link. They are 8/10 the security risk! Their cybersecurity is in the 80s like China's satellite technology! China can easily steal information through the Japanese connection.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Buddhist monk arrested for hitting woman with knife See in context

A certified monk is just having a religious business license in Japan. I know a Budo instructor who is both a Shinto and Buddhist priest. His dojo is the temple/shrine. He use it to avoid paying taxes. All the monthly fees that his budo students pay to train with him or any products/merchandise sold are considered donations and non taxable because of his religious designation!

It is all a scam!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: BOJ's 'bazooka' chief Kuroda stepping down after record tenure See in context

Three despicable people in that photo. I can think one positive word to describe any of those people's careers!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: How video evidence is presented in court can hold sway in cases like the beating death of Tyre Nichols See in context


Why weren't these kinds of articles published for the George Floyd case in 2020? From the front it looked like he placed his knee solely on his neck, but:

New Lawsuits: Derek Chauvin Held Others Down With Knee On Neck


The technique should only be used to get the suspect handcuffed according to the police training manual once handcuffed suspects should be placed on their side with a hobble wrapped around their legs to prevent them kicking out or running off

How long did Chauvin hold his knee on Floyd's neck after already handcuffing him?

How long does it take for the average person to pass out from a blood choke? How long does it take that choke to kill a person?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Turkey finds more survivors as anger grows a week after earthquake See in context

Corruption is rampant in the construction industry! Too many ways and too many incentives to cut costs.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Which city spends the most on ramen every year? Not Tokyo, Sapporo, or Fukuoka, but a Tohoku town See in context

One of the best Ramen chains that closed because of the pandemic was "Kohmen!" I wish they would revive the chain. I know some former employees remember the original recipes, so they could start their own shop. At the very least those same former employees could post all the recipes online, and I would make it myself.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Lack of Winter Olympic bids may lead to rotating fixed hosts See in context

How can you rotate hosts if no one wants to host the event? You cannot self-invite your event to any city around the world whenever you feel like it.

The way the Olympics is currently run by the corrupt IOC officials makes it a money pit that only benefits the event organizers and the IOC. The city and the taxes payers always lose.

Then you hear later that there was a bribery scandal by the IOC and the local officials or their close allies in the private sector.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. blacklists 6 Chinese entities over balloon program See in context

And, I hope that they do not stop there.....................

China says proposed U.S. ban on Chinese buying U.S. property violates market rules


No more using private property as spy bases and police stations. It also mean that they can no longer steal US citizens water rights and purchase businesses that are important for national security!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

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