Posted in: What are they thinking? See in context
China: I’m unstoppable if I get Japan and the Koreas on one page.
Japan: Bomance with Trump is risky.
Korea: This is win win for me.
China: $, ¥, €? ha ha ha Putin, your move.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Reports of measles rising in Okinawa; damage to tourism feared See in context
Vaccinate your children. It’s free as a preventative measure. No child’s health should be in jeopardy in this age and time.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Boy walks on shinkansen track for 4 km, disrupting service See in context
The kid took “play day” to a whole new level. Why isn’t access childproof? Why 4 kms after he was seen?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese idol singer reveals that she’s pregnant with her manager’s baby See in context
I thought gossip was what drives “teen idols” groups. This couple might turn out to be the “rave” on these “talento” shows. I wish them well. However, there’s a strong possibility that he’s a serial abuser.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: More than 15,000 people with dementia reported missing in 2016 See in context
Along with police training, a protocol needs to be established for the public and joint training should be done. Less something tragic, I think a few of those "missing" are living comfortably in adopted homes. Due to the kind nature of the Japanese people, I can see families taking-in a complete stranger.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Bullying keeps youth suicides high in Japan See in context
My prayer is that Japan's psychological and sociological systems develop into a definitive care system. There must be more interventions with families of both sides and teacher training. Taking people who can pass a test is not sufficient for teaching. When applicants past "the test' they shoud be submitted to rigorous training to include a few hours of child psychology. I have seen the teachers been bullied and are totally unaware of the games "rotten kids play". Of course, I agree that it all starts at home, but let's face it, fathers are bread winners and mothers are chauffeurs. I've even seen grandparents chastise the schools for ruining their grands. Everyone wants to be "kawai" and no one wants to stand-up for the defenseless silent suffered. Japan needs an academy or boarding school for truants and bullies. That's the only place that a true no-tollerance policy can be carried out. Parents, teachers, and the government appears unprepared or unable.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: What do you think about the way English is used in the branding and marketing of products in Japan? See in context
I think Japan needs to once and for all "grow up" when it comes to ESL. "It sounds cute" does not resonate anymore. You can't really stop freedom of speech, but there are enough foreigners here to help with "catchy phrases" and "buildings, cars, businesses" names. It's ridiculous that highly paid executives are signing off on silly English.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 12-year-old boy jumps to death in Nagoya subway; leaves suicide note See in context
How do you outreach to save young beautiful lives with a "survey" AND expect a 12 year old to admit to being bullied. When will teachers take charge of the studying/working environment and develope a bit of peripheral vision? This is so avoidable... soooo sad
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Thai police arrest 4 Japanese men over drugs, bribery See in context
I am soooo happy for the "rats" that squealed them out, the "dogs" that sniffed them out, the "mules" that got caught, and the "pigs" that caught them. Let's eradicate the demand for drugs...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Yakuza cancel Halloween trick-or-treat event for kids See in context
This is recruiting at its best! Why don't they do "drive by" candy drops at every home? ...incognito. Why should the kids and parents come to them? Why would they be allowed to sponsor a community event, "Robbing Hoods?" Where's Elliot Ness and the Untouchables in this case?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 24-year-old man arrested for fatally abusing 4-year-old stepson See in context
Mom has got to be a battered "girlfriend" Who else would "just check on the child later" So sad that women/men would risk their own children's safety for the comforts of an "animal" like Miyakita.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Idol singer ordered to pay management company Y650,000 after going to hotel with male fan See in context
Please "her family" don't hide in shame. Sue her so-called management for leaving her unsupervised. Shouldn't the so-called contract provide for minors to be driven to and from these venues and provisions made for "adult" chaperones? The judge shall be judged! The cops need to get her iPhone and pursue the pervert to the fullest extent on the law. I heared 15 is the age of consent, but still so freaking sad on so many levels.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Case dropped against Thai ex-police chief over gun possession See in context
He used "common wit" lol
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Teacher forces 96 students to kneel for 20 minutes as punishment for being late See in context
"KNEEL translation?" sit at attention... Japanese kids do this for hours during ceremonies, lectures, etc. The teacher's (teachers) judgement is in question (hastily calling for a period of reflection). Timing is everything.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: What Japanese habits have you adopted since moving to Japan? See in context
Slight bow of gratitude to the driver who lets me go by...even in the crosswalks.
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Heartache for Japan's 40-year-old virgins See in context
The average young lady in Japan is so preoccupied with the "doll like" looks, false eyelashes, flashy false nails, weaves, wooden shoes, bleaching their skin or monthly esthetic treatments, shaving their bodies, etc. than relationships when they are under 30 years old. Over 30 years old, it seems to be the same, to include, the annual reunions from pre-school to college, in addition to the monthly moai. Seems like nothing changes (not to mention sexual activity, except for an occasional drunken encounter). Bestu ni comes to mind. The window is very small for Japanese men with the amount of cultural baggage involved. Foreign men/women seem to fair better than the locals in/with any age group. Snacks don't help men develop the skills needed to interact with the opposite sex! A snack is a fairytale joint where you drink a lot, spend a lot of time, spend a lot of money, and you come back for more of the sweet little lady whose boyfriend/pimp is waiting around the corner at closing time. Times are changing...this could be a double edged sword (no pun intended)
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Do you think lowering the voting age to 18 in Japan is a good idea? See in context
Maybe the new generation will come out to vote and rid Japan's politics of some of the nepotism and homesteading. Hopefully, they'd teach the power of voting in High School. Adulthood should stay at 20y/o.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: How women can manipulate clueless men See in context
volunteer "dummy" for the next survey...please
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Worker killed by truck without driver at construction site See in context
It's a shame that a death should result from very basic err. Every truck should have chocks/blocks and use when parked, regardless of the terrain. Neglect!
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for kidnapping 5-year-old girl See in context
What a "kind-hearted" man. Castrate him!!!
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Japanese swimmer expelled from Asian Games for stealing camera See in context
The burden of guilt wears heavily in Japan. I hope he has an alternative plan for life and career. Hope he doesn't do the ..."unthinkable." After a stupid act like that, Go West young man! Go West! Where you can commit any atrocity and re-invent yourself after a few years...even "find the Lord."
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: China's swim king Sun calls Japan's national anthem 'ugly' See in context
Japan, I love your anthem, mostly far there's only "one version" and no artist tries to embellish it♪ Simple and to the point, the average non-singer can sing it. Unlike most that are full of pomp and circumstance but without heart and loyalty. It's short, yes! So no one has time to do something stupid like spit or grab their nuts.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Women who attract 'chikan,' and women who don’t: An illustrated guide See in context
If you are a PERVERT, I guess it doesn't matter what women do. Get treatment for the sicko's and let women dress with current "trends/styles" as they please.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What do you think is the most famous song in the English language? See in context
I lost heart in San Francisco♪
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: What do you think about those people who are holding parties to celebrate the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher? See in context
If you have nothing to celebrate, of course, you mock greatness. Requiescat in pace, my dear "Iron Lady" Sir Winston would have been equally proud of you.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Woman puts skeletonised brother in trash after realizing he's dead See in context
"Horrorble" siblings...a hermit is a person. requiestcat in pace Masao-san
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Men who use trains on dates: Please stay single See in context
The writer is a train-wreck. I don't think mode of transportation is a major part of dating or life for that matter. Having said that, an old '57 Ford on "look out point" back in the day was definitely the way to go. lol
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. Marine arrested for trespassing in Okinawa See in context
"Back before reversion" Get real folks, Okinawa flew the American flag before "REVERSION." Be careful how far you dig, you may find that ULTRAMAN is contested as being written under the AMERICAN FLAG. Americans are accountable and responsible adults from the tender VOTING age of 18. We are mixing apples and oranges to get turnips. Charge the Japanese drunks and American (or any other foreign drunk) alike, i.e. "public intoxication, unlawful entry, breaking and entry, etc." as applies. Do we ever shut down, Izakayas, bars, or snacks? I know of foreign drunken teachers, business person, DJ's, athletes, and others that have been deported. No one questions their mission or even reason for being in Japan. Why are you eyeballing the military? This is not an occupation of a Japanese prefecture! It's just an occupation in support of the mission like any expat on this panel.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. Marine arrested for trespassing in Okinawa See in context
How times have changed...back in the day if you missed your turn and ended up off course; you bow gently or shake hands and leave. Bring a case of beer, box of chocolate, invite to lunch (on or off base) or make some other simple gesture as a good neighbor. Nowadays, we want the bases out, the military on curfew or even lock-down, no more drinking, curtail everything but the doubling the price on purchases and tripling the rental fees. Suck it up folks! I say, no more curfew, lock downs, or other mass punishments. Any individual that breaks a law, punishment falls squarely on his or her shoulders. I am particularly sick and tired of those who blame in mass. Fact is, if there wasn't a curfew, that young officer would have stumbled back to his base or waited for the young lady in question. You are asking responsible adults to behave like elementary school kids because of the behaviors of a few. Because these incidents were allegedly alcohol related, does not mean drinking privileges should be revoked. Get a life woosters, lock down or not, we'll still be here to support the mission. By the way, the Okinawan merchants are complaining already. They just can't vocalize their complaints because of people like you. With all the opining and whining, there are very few on this panel that helps the Okinawan economy like we do. Drinking is a major industry on this island.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Police probe claim U.S. serviceman punched 13-yr-old boy in Okinawan home See in context
It’s truly incredible and unfortunate when bias and branding beats the hell out of sensibility. Ugliness is very quick to raise its ugly head. While it is true that a very low percentile of service members serving overseas are “ugly Americans” some on this panel would take any action and every opportunity to “crucify” based on your own biases. They are truly bitter, hateful, and outright insensitive individuals and their behaviors are no different from those very few idiotic service members. Irresponsible! Stoking the flames in such a volatile environment does no good to Japan/Okinawa or the U.S.A. The action of one should rest squarely on his or her shoulders. What most of you disregard is that Americans are responsible and accountable for their behaviors in and out of uniform (no matter what service). How quickly we moved from that horrible woman practicing “mind control” or an extended family of alleged accomplices to highlight the “bad” acts of just over 0% of the military stationed and transient in Japan. It is news worthy, but not for political gain or to exercise your own disdain. There is a problem with alcohol in all services and all walks of life for that matter. However, we cannot tell adults not to drink or how to drink responsibly. This too, is a major problem for Okinawans. It matters when drunks climb stairs or trains in their alleged alcohol states and cause harm to themselves of others. Okinawa is a known stepchild of Japan and has been like that without service members’ contributions. All service members, for whatever reason, who break the laws of Japan, double jeopardy follows; they will be duly punished in both courts of law. Curfews or very few restraints can help in cases of psychological illness or just plain stupidity. We do a great service here in Japan and most of the idiots who "dirty" or name and purpose are excellent technicians who help us accomplish the MISSION. Catch 22 anyone?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Fukuoka Stock Exchange exec arrested for taking upskirt photos
Posted in: Israel threatens 'all hell will break loose' on Hamas in latest Gaza ceasefire crisis
Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March
Posted in: Chinese animated blockbuster breaks records, prompts patriotism