Japan Today

okimike67 comments

Posted in: San Francisco's last gun store closing doors for good See in context

Everytime people are beheaded, blownup or executed, we are told not to blame all muslims. Isnt it about time that law abiding gun owners got the same treatment???

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Utah's reintroduction of firing squads bucks global trend See in context

And I am proud to say I am from Utah!!! At least there is somewhere where someone that commits the most heinous crimes against humanity can look forward to a death by lead poisioning!!! It is not about revenge, its about justice.. for the victim and for the public. If the worst cases are treated to a life of worry free life at the tax payer expense then the public is being abused. The cost of maintaining a life-sentensed inmate is staggering, annually more than most people make in a year.

So, go ahead and negetive the crap out of me. The one who do are probably the same ones that think everybody should have free healthcare, free welfare, free this, free that!!! Oh, and it all should be paid by someone else (rich people/companies).

Society as a whole needs a rebood IMHO. Heinous crimes deserve severe repercussions. Life has consequences, they can be regulated or taxed away.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: KFC Japan runs out of french fries due to U.S. industrial dispute See in context

The average salary of the West Coast dockworker is $165,000 (crane operators make $300,000), no contribution to their medical insurance, no deductible or co-pay & $1 perscriptions. Oh, and after 6 years on the job... medical coverage for life. But that is not enough. To put it into perspective; the average salary in the US is $50,000. FREAKIN UNIONS, I HATE them!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. gov't challenges court ruling on NSA snooping See in context

Don't know why there is surprise here. The 1st Amendment has been trashed by this administration, along with the 2nd and 10th, so what's a little 4th Amendment bashing causing a stir for? My surprise is that FINALLY a Federal Judge has stood up for the oath of office, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and done the right thing. So many ACTIVIST Judges now ruling on ideology rather than constitutional law. We need more decisions like this!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Now for something completely different... Monty Python returns See in context

"Bring out your Dead"

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Lawson store closed after employee puts photo of himself in freezer on Facebook See in context

To all who support what Lawson did to the dad; Just think how different the landscape of business would be if every store/company were ordered closed when a child did something stupid! And I am willing to bet great sums of money that your parents would be in that group as well!! And perish the thought... what if YOUR KID does something stupid???

And here is another point on Lawson's actions to this. Where were they in shutting down a franchise owner when the owner of one refused to pay my daughter for her ordered overtime as well as shaving hours off of her time card?? We called the Corporate office and reported that this was happening to not just our daughter but MANY other HS kids that worked baito there. Daughter was compensated for hours, other kids my daughter knew were as well, BUT the guy still has his franchise!!! How is that for Corporate Leadership??? Childish prank = Loss of Store Predatory Labor Practices on grand scale = NOTHING!!!

Either this article is lacking in context (more to the story, repeated violations etc...) or Lawson is VERY stupid. I think I too will join the boycott on Lawson. First, because they are so stupid, second because they are REAL Stupid and third because they are I WILL STOP! BYE BYE Lawson!!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: The Ospreys barely miss my house's rooftop and shake the house with the loud noise. See in context

Or maybe... The Communist Party could pay more people 5,000 yen a day (like they do the protesters) to walk around with sound measuring devices. Or they could fly in more Mainlanders to add to the groups, like they already do, so that the sound measuring efforts look like real Okinawans are complaining!

Fact is that this is a very small minority stacking the deck (paying for bodies to show up at events) to promote a communist agenda. One that is being funded (in part or in whole) bu the Chinese Govt. These few old folks that they drum up are also subsidised.

So the whole "its too loud" loses credibility to both the US and Japan govts. Play straight and it may work better, play crooked and get laughed at!!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Experts find remains of England's King Richard III under parking lot See in context

And so my great, great, great, great ... grandfather is finally found!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. Marine arrested in Okinawa for trespassing See in context

That is not it! I promise that what he gets from the Marine Corps is WAY more than what you can imagine! 100,000 is merely the start of a very rough patch in his life, rest assured!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama unveils $500 million gun control package See in context


What you fail to realize (or acknoledge anyway) is that these are State rights and not Federal. If a State wants to make laws regarding the use of guns then they can. While I dont agree with NY's new enactment it is their right as a State to do so. If their constituency does not agree they will get bounced out adn the laws changed.

For the FED to enact by proclimation (Ex Order) new and sweeping mandates it not only circumvents the checks and balances established to regulate the government but also denies the States given rights. More FED power is what it is all about.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama unveils $500 million gun control package See in context


Perhaps so (for suicides involving guns) but not all sucides are gun related. And if someone wants to kill themselves there are MANY more ways to do so than with a gun. So your point is nullified.

And you miss the point entirely. There are far more "important" areas to focus on than limiting guns. AND the fact that people kill people and not guns killing people is a point that needs to be made adn understood. But since this is a Liberal agenda item those are all washed under the carpet. The Liberal "We Care and want to protect you" hypocracy needs to end. They dont want anyone to have guns, period!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama unveils $500 million gun control package See in context

So lets review the existing gun laws related to a few of the largest sprees in recent history:

Chicago: Toughest laws in the US AND YET they have more people killed with guns. In fact they have had more killed than have been killed in Afganistan. 513 were murdered, up 15% from 2011. Conneticut: Extremely strict gun laws. In fact the gun used at Sandy Hook (27 killed) was prohibited by law. Fort Hood, TX: 43 killed on a US Army base where gun control is HIGHLY regulated.

What is common about all of these is not the fact that regular citizens have guns. In almost all "spree" cases there is mental issues at hand adn where gun violence is rampent there are social or drug issues that exacerbate a bad situation (high unemployment, gangs...).

Gun violence is LOWEST in States with concealed carry laws adn states with the highest rate of issued permits. If guns were the problem this would not be the case.

More and new laws WILL NOT, as history has shown, improve the situation. Enforcement of existing laws, improvement in mental health reporting and addressing the serious social issues WILL.

Guns dont kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! So lets not distort the facts any more please!!!

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

Posted in: Okinawa says U.S. military not doing enough to control its personnel See in context


Was your comment fired in my direction? All I did was capture the statitics that were "surprisingly" posted in the article. It is a fact that I hav eknow for a VERY long time but have not (especially recently) seen printed. How can you call it manipulation when it is clearly shown that 3% of the population does .8% of the "crime". And dont forget that the comment made above that driving infractions are counted in the crime stats while the locals with teh same are not. So if anything it is even MUCH less statistically!!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Okinawan governor to visit Washington See in context


While in DC please ask for help in getting your excessive crime rate under control. Figures from the Okinawa prefectural police show the percentage of crimes committed by US SOFA personnel has fallen from a high in 1973 of 6.9% of all crimes to 0.8% in 2011. Last year, the group accounted for around 3% of Okinawa’s total population.

So... that means that the local population crime rate is 3.5 times greater than that of the Military community. If a Goveror could reduce the crime rates to less than 1/3 of the current he would be assured re-election.

Isnt that what this is all about?? Just sayin!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Okinawa says U.S. military not doing enough to control its personnel See in context

Figures from the Okinawa prefectural police show the percentage of crimes committed by this group has fallen from a high in 1973 of 6.9% of all crimes to 0.8% in 2011.

Last year, the group accounted for around 3% of Okinawa’s total population.

So... that means that the local population crime rate is 3.5 times greater than that of the Military community. Perhaps instead of demonizing them they should study and look to emulate them. Would , perhaps, lead to a better society? Not in regards to ANYTHING except crime so no anti-american bashing required.

Just sayin!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Sean Penn joins Chavez at election rally in Venezuela See in context

Next time he goes they should just keep him out and not let him return!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context

because if he aspires to being president one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations,”

Well then Obama better hang it up. HOW can he ask for Romney to answer questions when he himself STILL refuses to answer questions on his background, AS WELL AS questions on his cronnies and how those relatoinships cross the lines (Solyndra...). Also dont forget all those broken promises (lies) either!!

If you are buying the hype and spin you need to do a little more reading in sources other than the HIGHLY slanted press. Romney has neither hid nor mis-construed his past, MUCH different from Obama!!!

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Posted in: Romney demands Obama apology over Bain attacks See in context

Obama should answer questions about Obama!

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Posted in: Democrats bombard Romney with tax haven attacks See in context

Zurcromium said Its typical of the 1% to avoid paying taxes making working americans pick up the tax burden.

Yep.... Thats why the 1% pay OVER 50% of ALL the taxes. What about the over 50% of the "working" population that pays NO TAX? They sure are scamming; YEA RIGHT!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Oracle chief buys Hawaiian island See in context

Peanut, MEGA thumbs up!

This occupy mentality that all rich people are evil and their money really belogs to the "Workers" has me scratching my head adn VERY concerned. America was always lauded as the bed of creation where even the lowest on the economic pole could rise to fame and fortune. In fact, almost all of the mega rich have come from simple backgrounds.

One might think that this would be a motivation for the simpletons that are "Occupy" but they just want something for nothing.

I say to them, if you want everybody equal move to France or better yet, N. Korea. Wait, even there there are rich people, its just that they didnt earn it.

I have a company that is quite successful. Could I have reached the position where I am at with NO help from my employees? NO! Does that mean that they "deserve" to make the same as me? NO!! Does that mean that they should be happy that I had the initive, insight, fortitude, guts, balls, detemination, hard work, sweat, and yes LUCK, to get it off the ground so that they could have a job? YES!!!!!!! And should the people that serve my employees (carpenters, farmers, drivers, gas stations, conbini, car manufactures.......) be happy that my employees have a job which generates income for them to spend on their service/product? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is capitalism. You want equality go TRUE socialism (you will find NONE). The "quasi" socilistic states have/are failing because with no incentive there is no drive = failure!

Ellison was a co-founder of a very successful company. There can be debate on his "contribution" to the success but no denying the success. ALOT of people made ALOT of money on what he adn his partners CREATED!! Laud the success and try to see that you are fortunate to exist in a society where you too can be successful. That is unless you are of a mental or physical mindset that you just deserve to be handed something adn be equal to those that DO SOMETHING. This mindset will just drive out the people willing to invest (FOR A RETURN) their time and money to generate jobs. ANd then there will be less jobs, less disposable income, less companies, less jobs, less money, less disposable income.........

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Oracle chief buys Hawaiian island See in context

Cant fault the guy though the "Occupy" movement surely will. He built something from nothing and is now #6 richest in the world. That is what I love about capatilism! Smarts + Hard work + LUCK = Success!!

Of course, had he been starting up now in the US (or France) things would be totally different.

Well done Ellison, WELL DONE!! I am on your heels, only 36.999 billion to go.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Coca-Cola not to blame for U.S. obesity: CEO See in context

Sugar is to blame!

Fatty foods are to blame!

High fructose corn syrup is to blame!

NOT!!! Its the people that chose to ingest it that are to blame! Lets let the blame lie where iot belongs, Please!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor asks Gemba, Morimoto to cancel Osprey deployment See in context

And the beat goes on!

To answer the question, YES! Simplest response; NK missles are not just pointed at but have been LAUNCHED at, over and around Japan. FACT that is indisputable!

And with China barking at the Senkaku's.. OH WAIT that is now going to be Tokyo and not Okinawa. My bad!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Okinawa governor asks Gemba, Morimoto to cancel Osprey deployment See in context

Osprey GOOD! Blind dissent BAD!!!

Go back, read, study and learn the facts on the safety of flight and then return to the ring. Flying in ANY aircraft, military or commercial, is safer than driving. PERIOD. Safer means for those in the plane as well as those under it. And when the flight hours per "incident" are reviewed the Osprey is MUCH safer than the existing helo`s. The drivelers and drones are just trying to keep the drum beating. FADING Fading fading fad fa f....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Romney won't say if he'll overturn immigration order See in context

Oh... and dont forget the BLATENT politics on this one! He can play the humanity adn moral rights card all he wants. Those that believe that deserve him!!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Romney won't say if he'll overturn immigration order See in context

Another SLAP in the face of America by Obama. His "My Way OR My Way" tactics are all to familiar at this point. If he cant follow the law to get his way he just does it. Another Supreme Court review in the works...

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Hashimoto clashes with Osaka officials over tattoo survey See in context

What about all those girls that have the eywbrow tats????? Hmm.... could be a sudden loss of OLs in Osaka!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Hollande elected French president See in context

Sign of the times...... The public doesn't want to admit that it has to be more fiscally responsible! Those that promise more handouts (read socialist nation building) will garner the most votes. This has just been proven in France, DESPITE recent events in Greece/Italy and others coming. Now add France to this list.

Obama is reading the same script and America will follow the same path of Greece/Italy/France... if spending is not controlled! Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, Obama is continuing to raise spending and promise more to the masses. Worked in France, why not America??

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Dutch roll out 'cannabis card' to stop pot tourists See in context

Darn, there goes my vacation plan!!! ;)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. senators say Okinawa base plan needs congressional approval See in context

Just a point to ponder.... Last week on JTV (mainland program) they pointed out that the CoCo Curry shop in Chatan on Kokutaidoro was the HIGHEST GROSSING store in ALL OF JAPAN. And why.... all the Military in the area. And who says their presence is not a benifit!

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