Posted in: Indonesia defends rail project after Japan expresses anger See in context
Beijing and Tokyo had long been vying to build the line linking the capital Jakarta with the mountain-fringed city of Bandung
According to Reuters in Jakarta, Japan initially believed it had won the contract after spending USD 3 million on a feasibility study, but in March the Indonesian president decided to invite competitive offers.
After Japan did all the work, China copied the plans and submitted them aa their own.
AFP thinks 6 months is a long time?!
And AFP thinks copying others work and paying bribes is "vying"?
11 ( +16 / -5 )
Posted in: Pentagon chief says U.S. flights over South China Sea will go on See in context
China has moved weaponry onto artificial islands that it is building in contested areas of the South China Sea, adding to the risks of a confrontation with the United States and its regional security partners including Australia.
Australian military officers and officials have discussed a need to demonstrate that they do not recognise any 12-mile territorial zone or more expansive economic zone that China may unilaterally claim around its freshly-minted islands. But they are grappling with the need to avoid inflaming a potential confrontation Australia's largest trading partner.
Last week the United States demonstrated its position with a flyover by a P-8 surveillance plane, which carried a CNN journalist.
The voice of an Australian can be heard over the aircraft's radio.
Too late?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan tells China to stop coral poaching after 200 boats spotted See in context
The article doesn't tell you how far the boats were from Ogasawara Islands
You can see in this video how close they are to Japanese islands. Also you can see that some of these boats are Chinese government boats that are controlling the other ships.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan tells China to stop coral poaching after 200 boats spotted See in context
The deep-red Japanese corals are highly prized in China where they are worn as jewelry, and can fetch as much as ¥180,000 ($1,578) per gram, according to the Mainichi Shimbun daily.
five Chinese boat captains have been arrested on the suspicion of violating fishing laws in October
All but one have been released after paying—or promising to pay —an undisclosed penalty fee.
No surprise that more boats are doing this. No loss but lots of money.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Beauty tips See in context
Japanese “talent” and model Kiko Mizuhara
She is an American model working in Japan.
Her birth name is Noriko Daniel. Kiko's father is American and her mother is Japanese (Korean descent).
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Taiwan threatens to call off Japan art loan in poster row See in context
Sometimes these stories are incomplete
AFP story is incomplete so I linked to a local news site with more info.
but if the problem is with the promotional posters
That is the only problem. The Tokyo Museum posters were done per their agreement with Taiwan.
I'm sure they can put a lot of pressure on sponsors to change the posters.
Try to twist it all you want. Sponsors have the money. So what "pressure" should they use. We won't take your dirty money unless you do exactly what we say.
Advertising/press reprts by others is not controlled by Tokyo museum.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Taiwan threatens to call off Japan art loan in poster row See in context
"The NPM demands that all posters and publicity materials on the exhibition that are not marked 'National' be removed by midnight Saturday. There is no room for negotiation," NPM director Feng Ming-chu said.
The Tokyo National Museum, where the show is to take place, said that it has followed the agreement to use the full name, but it has no control over the media sponsors, because freedom of the press is involved.
Under the agreement signed between the two sides, Taiwan will not shoulder any costs because the show could not be opened as scheduled or because the show ends earlier than planned.
The Presidential Office also demanded an immediate correction in a strongly worded news release, threatening that the NPM will cancel all activities related to the show, and the first lady will not attend the opening ceremony, if the problem is not resolved.
President Ma Ying-jeou said that "the National Palace Museum" is the only official name of the museum, and it will be unacceptable to both the government and people if national dignity is compromised because of cultural exchanges.
Tokyo did what they were supposed to do. They do not control the press.
President Ma thinks Taiwan is a part of China. He is against Taiwan being independent. This is just to make points with China by beating Japan.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Clean energy See in context
Assuming "pepper" is there to showcase Japan's technology prowess
Why Softbank Turned to France for an Emotional Robot
The robot is there to showcase Son.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Monument to comfort women dedicated in Virginia See in context
States can have national monuments in them
If not in a state where do you think a national monument could possibly be, in a foreign country? Of course it's in a state but it's not a state monument so he and you are wrong.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Monument to comfort women dedicated in Virginia See in context
Virginia has at least two such monuments: Richmond Slavery Reconciliation Statue and the Booker T. Washington national monument
Virginia is a state, not a nation.
-11 ( +4 / -15 )
Posted in: China frees ship after Mitsui O.S.K. pays $28 mil See in context
Mitsui noted at the time that this case and another similar claim for Y1.2bn for a ship originally belonging to Dah Loh Industrial Co could “adversely affect the financial condition of Mitsui OSK lines” if awarded in full.
The Shanghai Maritime Court said it awarded Y2.9bn in compensation to the two grandsons in 2010, and that Mitsui’s appeal and request to reopen the case were both rejected by higher courts.
It awarded $9.45m to plaintiffs in the Dah Loh case. The court said that case was settled last year by Mitsui and Dah Loh’s legal representative.
Mitsui paid before so China knows they will pay again and again and again.
Mitsui had a contract with a Chinese company to deliver Australian ore using the seized ship.
If Mistsui failed to deliver the ore they would be back in a Chinese "court".
China has more surprises for Japan.
Three employees at one of Marubeni Corp's (8002.T) grain trading units in China have been detained by authorities, the Japanese trading house said on Thursday, a move sources told Reuters was prompted by allegations the unit evaded taxes on soy bean imports.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan lodges protest against China's seizure of Mitsui O.S.K ship See in context
For decades, China has disallowed such claims in Chinese courts. They stated that all war-related compensation between China and Japan reached final settlement in 1972, following normalisation of relationships between China and Japan. China now unilaterally refuses to recognise that settlement, but gives no reason as to why.
China has long claimed that contracts signed under the KMT government had no validity after the Communists came to power in 1949. This was to avoid repayment of almost one trillion dollars in unpaid Chinese war bonds (plus interest) from prior to WWII (see China could owe America one trillion dollars in pre-WWII war bond debt).
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan lodges protest against China's seizure of Mitsui O.S.K ship See in context
The company said in a 2006 filing that the Chung Wei claim was initially launched in 1990 for Y31.3bn ($305m), but rejected on procedural grounds in the mid-1990s. It was reopened in 2003 by Chen Shuntongs grandsons.
Mitsui noted at the time that this case and another similar claim for Y1.2bn for a ship originally belonging to Dah Loh Industrial Co could adversely affect the financial condition of Mitsui OSK lines if awarded in full.
The Shanghai Maritime Court said it awarded Y2.9bn in compensation to the two grandsons in 2010, and that Mitsuis appeal and request to reopen the case were both rejected by higher courts.
It awarded $9.45m to plaintiffs in the Dah Loh case. The court said that case was settled last year by Mitsui and Dah Lohs legal representative.
How many other claims are there against Mitsui?
How many have Mitsui paid on?
Did Mitsui report these "expenses" or are they hidden from shareholders?
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan lodges protest against China's seizure of Mitsui O.S.K ship See in context
China’s seizure of a Japanese ship over unpaid bills dating back to the 1930s
what the Chinese side says is money owed from the 1930s
This is false. There are no "unpaid bills".
The ships were leased from Chinese company. Then the ships "were expropriated by the Japanese government before their charter contracts were terminated. Both vessels then sank or were lost at sea."
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan: Business as usual, but not for Olympus whistleblower Michael Woodford See in context
I once asked a senior Japanese financial journalist what would have happened if I had given him the file that I gave to Jonathan Soble of the Financial Times.
He didn't give it to "a senior Japanese financial journalist ". Why?
Those facts are very significant. After Woodford went to the FT and other non-Japanese media, it was eventually picked up by the mainstream Japanese media.
So it's the Japanese media fault he didn't go to them first.
And why didn't any Western media break the story before Facta(yes Japanese but not really media?!)?
In 2008 he became executive managing director of Olympus Europa Holding GmbH. Woodford had originally flown to Tokyo to submit his resignation after Olympus purchased Gyrus, a move that would have normally been under Woodford's direct authority but instead had been arranged directly by Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, the then-chairman, president, and CEO of Olympus. Kikukawa instead made Woodford head of all of Olympus's Europe operations and gave him a seat on the board of directors.
He knew about this. He was paid off before(Woodford head of all of Olympus's Europe operations) and they stupidly thought he could be bought again.
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Japan: Business as usual, but not for Olympus whistleblower Michael Woodford See in context
Earth to marcelito August comes before September, October, November and December.
The question is "what planet are you and so many others on?" Why didn't you know a simple fact? Because this white guy and all the others don't want you to and you have no interest in the truth if they don't fit your preconceived notions of superiority.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan: Business as usual, but not for Olympus whistleblower Michael Woodford See in context
I once asked a senior Japanese financial journalist what would have happened if I had given him the file that I gave to Jonathan Soble of the Financial Times. He smiled and said his editor would never have allowed him to write the story
The story was first reported in a Japanese paper.
-2 ( +6 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan upset by S Korean 'comfort women' exhibit at French comic book festival See in context
A Story of A Comfort Woman - Tattoo
"who can take 15 men". anyone who didn't volunteer was killed. "rolled on a board with hundreds of nails sticking out"
''The soldiers put the severed heads in a large kettle and boiled it.'' ''Then they swung wooden swords at us and made us drink the broth''
The only people who would believe this trash are ones who hate Japan as much as the author and sponsoring government.
-14 ( +28 / -40 )
Posted in: Toyota to face U.S. trial over vehicle acceleration See in context
In the multidistrict litigation, plaintiffs attorneys are moving forward with the second bellwether case, brought on July 8, 2010, by a woman in Columbus, Ga., who suffered spinal fractures after her 2005 Camry accelerated into a column near the door of an elementary school gymnasium.
“She stopped at a stop sign. She looked both ways, and then just as she started to enter the intersection her vehicle suddenly accelerated out of control and went straight onto the property of the elementary school and accelerated through a grove of trees, past a fence and eventually slammed into the school gymnasium,” Walburg said. “She clearly testified that she tried to hit the brakes multiple times, and the vehicle would not stop.”
The driver, Ida St. John, who was 83 years old at the time of the 2009 accident, has since died, leaving the case in the hands of her estate, according to court documents filed on December 17. Walburg said he is investigating whether St. John’s death was tied to injuries she suffered during the crash.
Old age is the cause of her accident and her death, not the car.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: SoftBank to get government-backed bank loans See in context
SoftBank will use the money mainly for refinancing, the influential daily said.
Bank charges high interest for high risk loans.
Government bank charges lower interest for same high risk loans. Softbank is government supported company and tax payers will end up paying for their mistakes.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Female station attendant subdues violent passenger with judo throw See in context
animated re-enactment of assault
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: $20 mil Toyota wrongful-death lawsuit begins in U.S. See in context
Noriko Uno, 66, died Aug. 28, 2009. While she was running errands, her car was struck by one driven by an 86-year-old driver who ran a stop sign and who is also defendant at the trial. The Camry spun, and Uno’s foot got stuck between the gas and brake pedals, the family said in court papers, and the car accelerated out of control. Noriko Uno tried in vain to brake with her left foot, according to the family. After about half a mile her car struck a tree as she tried to avoid oncoming traffic, the family said.
Not enough info to say definitely but it looks like she mistakenly pressed the gas after being hit by the other car.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Nagasaki marks 68th anniversary of atomic bombing See in context
After Hiroshima, Truman Failed to Pause--and a U.S. War Crime Followed
After all, by this time, Truman (as recorded in his diary and by others) was well aware that the Japanese were hopelessly defeated and seeking terms of surrender--and he had, just two weeks earlier, written "Fini Japs" in his diary ...
For one thing, when the plutonium bomb exploded above Nagasaki it made the uranium-type bomb dropped on Hiroshima obsolete.
USA just wanted to test their toy on humans.
-6 ( +8 / -14 )
Posted in: Do you consider the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be war crimes? See in context
Jeffrey Rolek
In 1945, the atomic bomb was originally supposed to be dropped on Nazi Germany.
Not saying it's not true but do you have a source for this? . I mean primary source, original docs. If you do can you link to them.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: U.S. judge finalizing deal in Toyota acceleration cases See in context
False NHTSA complaints found in Kane's report to Congress
Sources familiar with the NHTSA / Toyota investigations have reported to Carquestions that all of the investigations of the past two weeks (more than 8) have all resulted in a finding of "driver error" and no vehicle defects have been found
The fault is with the driver and the American legal system. The government was willing to do anything to save GM .
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan seeks answers from U.S. over embassy bugging claim See in context
What was unknown to the participants of the Conference was that the American "Black Chamber" (the Cypher Bureau, a US intelligence service), commanded by Herbert Yardley, was spying on the delegations' communications with their home capitals. In particular, Japanese communications were penetrated thoroughly, ...
Nothing new.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Huffington Post launches Japanese edition See in context
Do you really think it will ever get any deeper than the "Japan sucks!" "No it doesn't" argument so beautifully perfected >on this site? Thanks, but I'll be reading the Japanese version.
Do you really think it will ever get any deeper than the "Japan sucks!" argument so beautifully perfected on the Asahi Shimbun site?!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Chinese military planes flew near disputed isles 40 times in one day See in context
Around 1900, Japanese entrepreneur Koga Tatsushiro constructed a bonito processing plant on the islands with 200 workers.
Japan needs to rebuild on these islands! .
Tony Ew - No seagulls in the picture, link above.
marcelito - How has doing nothing solved the problem?
US says these islands are included in the defense agreement. Then they should be included in joint exercises. Japan's SDF and USFJ should hold some drills that include these islands. Let's see if China will send planes in the middle of a joint exercise. Or if Chinese boats will try to prevent a landing on the islands by joint forces.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Sending a message See in context
You should look at the original banner.
Their message is that Abe and Hitler are same.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Pro-Korean, anti-Korean forces face off in Shin-Okubo See in context
at least the speaker admits there was a Nanking Massacre
Korean youtube poster found the one and only nationalist nut who believes there was a Nanking Massacre.
Ripleys believe it or not.
Definitely not.
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Their story is so sweet I want to vomit.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'
Posted in: N Korean leader Kim slams U.S.-S Korea-Japan partnership and vows to boost his nuclear program
Posted in: N Korean leader Kim slams U.S.-S Korea-Japan partnership and vows to boost his nuclear program
Posted in: N Korean leader Kim slams U.S.-S Korea-Japan partnership and vows to boost his nuclear program