Japan Today

omarbabilon comments

Posted in: In Japan, you are what your blood type is See in context

me, my parents and brothers... we all are O and we all are absolutely different from each other... What kind of idiot would believe its true?. Oh sure... i forgot in Japan people wont believe westerners eat french fries with mustard and mayonaise isnt it?... Sure... now you know what kind of idiot.

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Posted in: In Japan, you are what your blood type is See in context

What a stupidity!!!

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Posted in: Kiyoshi Hikawa prays for marriage See in context

But in case (S)HE could marry a lesbian, isnt it?. You know, he looks and act like a girl, probably a lesbian (covered) would be a good option for him, did someone said AKKO???.

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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context

Thanks for your comments gogogo and 30061015..., I guess this web page has not too much japanese readers, but if there are few of them reading these, i hope they understand nobody want to attack their society, if we criticize, is because we are living here too, then if we dont open our eyes to the reality and help them to do the same, things would never change and get better.

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Posted in: Kiyoshi Hikawa prays for marriage See in context

Hey, does he want to get marry?... as i know in Japan gay marriage is not legal. Or... is he pretending to marry a woman?... What for?!!!..., well, anyway if he finally marry a young and pretty woman... i would like to be his neighbor, because i am sure after few weeks of "nothing", "his" wife will be bored and horny...

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Posted in: Maybe what Japan needs right now is a dictator, a dictator with good intentions. If you spend your time discussing issues, then for example the abductions issue will remain unsolved. Certain things ca See in context

Now if i can say something, about goverment, not japanese goverment of course is, the democracy is the perfect way to lead a country, where everybody can choose and be choosed, where no matter how much money, race, economic or social level you have, you can be a good leader if you have enough education and good values. Probably i guess this man said that absurd, because he, as many japanese dont feel they have a real democracy, where they dont feel representent, and their leaders are not identified with the people, because they live in another social and economic reality, a democracy where political and social elites have the power, is not a real democracy, would be like an aristocratic republic, where the common and middle class men would never be a mayor or a congress man, and i'm afraid this is exactly what Japan is now.

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Posted in: Maybe what Japan needs right now is a dictator, a dictator with good intentions. If you spend your time discussing issues, then for example the abductions issue will remain unsolved. Certain things ca See in context

This will show us how ignorant will be people involved in show bussines, there is not a dictator with good intentions since JULIUS CAESAR, and finally he was murdered because some of his friends found he was a Tyrant. But, for sure this is Japan and no matter the constitution (and i'm sure less of 0.5% of the japanese had read it), Japan is a country were people inside they hard like to receive orders and like to be said what can or can't do, thats why we have the black van pals. Actually as foreignes i can't say my opinion about what is better or not for japanese people finally if they want to have a tyrant like the venezuelan gorilla HUGO CHAVEZ, they have the righ to do it, only let us now before to take our money and leave the country, because after the dictator gets the power, ussually he takes the foreing companies and the foreign people's money.

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Posted in: One in every 30 babies born in Japan has at least one foreign parent. We have to discuss very seriously how we should involve foreign residents in building our society. See in context

Now, why i think this quote was wrong translated or something is missing is:

Ussually most of the children born in Japan from a foreign parent and a japanese national, have japanese citizenship, then dual citizenship, for babies born in Japan... Hmmm... i guess i explained my point of view about this in my first comment.

I gues when Mr. Shinkun is talking about discuss seriously how to involve foreign residents, who are parents of japanese children, in building japanese society, he maybe want to say: how we could make them feel and be integrated in this society?..., and the answer in this case is simple: GIVING THEM THE OPTION TO ACCESS A DUAL CITIZENSHIP, IF THEY WANT TO HAVE IT, then in this case a foreign male or female who is parent of children born in Japan with a japanese national, would have the choice to adopt a dual nationality, in case they want to do it, obviously if we are talking about situations when at least one of the parents is a foreigner, if he is talking about this, i agree with him, because in fact this contribute in one way to give more cohesion to the family. But, what about a couple, they both are foreigners and have children born in Japan?. Having in mind that japanese law don't accept the IUS SOLI (Latin for "right of the soil", "right of the territory" or "birthright citizenship", it's a right by which nationality or citizenship can be recognised to any individual born in the territory of the related state), what will happen with these kids, who were born and raised in Japan, who went to japanese schools and speak japanese fluently as any other kid with japanese parents, these kids will be always foreigners, will always have the condition of permanent resident, but without the same rights than the other kids who are growing up with them, will have when they are adults. About this, i believe japanese goverment should visit towns like Hamamatsu in Shizuoka, were a typical japanese family have one or two kids (and two, in fact, is very rare), meanwhile a brazilian family have around 4 kids), and the brazilian kids, ussually at 15 or 16 starts working in factories, meanwhile the japanese teenagers run to Tokyo dreaming to be pop stars, in this proportion, after 20 years... whose do you think will be the majority population in this town?... the japanese?. These kids born in brazilian families, whose will be the mayority of the population in these towns, educated under japanese parametres in japanese schools, in japanese language, won't go to live in Brazil after they are 18 years old, because for them Japan is their home, and probably to live in south america would be hard for them as for any japanese, they grow up with a no belonging feeling "I was born here, i live here, but i dont belong here and will never belong here", finally for most of them is easy to feel far from any kind of sense and even respect to any kind of law or rule about living here, thats why some of then are in gangs, or sometimes commit "little" crimes.

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Posted in: One in every 30 babies born in Japan has at least one foreign parent. We have to discuss very seriously how we should involve foreign residents in building our society. See in context

I gues there is a mistake or something is missing in this quote, because actually a child born in Japan from a foreign parent and a japanese one, can have two nationalities, even being registered at the japanese city hall can be registered at the foreign consulate at the same time, the point is, after he or she is 18 years old, he or she has to choose wich nationality want to keep, because Japan dont accept dual citizenship, this is clear, but what about the foreign country where the baby was registered, because in example: "My wife and i, we have a baby, born in Japan, we registered him at the city hall, but at the same time, registered him at the french consulate, once he is 18 years old, law says he has to choose one nationality but: 1.- Who is going to check that he choosed or not?, is there any bureocrat who is going to take his french passport?. 2.- France accept dual citizenship, as many other countries, including US, then if there is not anybody who will check if he choosed or not, anyway he has the right to keep his french passport, because France is not going to say "For Japan you are only japanese, because they said you choosed to be japanese, meanwhile being in Japan, but for french laws you are still french until you refuse openly french nationality at a french guvernamental office, following an admnistrative proccedure". If we understand this situation under the International Public Law doctrine, everything you do under japanese law in Japan about nationality, would be effective only in japanese territory, in an unilateral way, but... it doesnt work outside, in another countries what have different normativity and regulations. If Japan don't accept dual citizenship, according to japanese laws, it's valid only in japanese territory, because France asume that you are a french citizen and consider you as a french citizen, because you are registered under its laws too, and according it, dual citizenship is acceptable, and you can keep it until you obtain an administrative determination, after a proccedure, in this case Japan can't do anything. The best example of this kind of situation, in reverse, is about Mr. Fujimori, that japanese descendant born from japanese parents and grown up in Peru, who was president of this country, after being accused about many crimes, he ran away to Japan, he never refused his peruvian citizenship neither his japanese citizenship, because peruvian laws accept dual nationality, meanwhile he was in Japan, the peruvian goverment inquire Japan to send him back to Peru to be judged, but Japan always refused saying: "He never refused his japanese citizenship, then he's a japanese citizen, our laws don't accept extradition of japanese people to another countries, then we are not going to send him back".

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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context

Sure, Dear Mr. Aso, you are right: "The Japanese are famous for their long working hours, which have turned the island nation into the world’s second largest economy".

But Japan is also famous for disfunctional families, where children almost never meet their fathers (whose ussually continue working at bars with co-workers or playing golf on saturday and sunday), families where parents have own life separately, where kids live on their own in the streets of shibuya, sometimes until midnight, where sometimes the father rape or chase his own daughter. Sure, we should learn about enjo kosai, about child's pornography sold in any place, like Akihabara where perverts can buy it easily as a candy, about chikans, about discrimination of foreign people in public places as restaurants, hot springs or even places like soaplands or snacks, we should learn about being isolated and never change a word with our neighbor, never listen someone problems and never share ours, learn to never kiss our wife or kids on the street if we want, never tell them that we love them, we should learn to accept IJIME as a normal practice in schools and dont do anything about it, we should learn to understand that people jumping in front of a train is completely normal and getting angry about the time we lose is absolutely acceptable, we should learn that is completelly healthy and normal understand that somebody got angry, took a knife and killed somebody, because was stressed, we should learn life has not value at all, because being selfish and nevermind about any other suffering is totally reasonable. Sure Mr. Aso, you are catholic, but anyway all religions around the world have to learn A LOT OF THINGS from a country where people believes blood type is important to define human behavior.

And please my friends at Japan Today don't delete my post saying that I'M OFF TOPIC, because i'm using Mr. Aso's name, Mr. Aso's words and saying my opinion about his comments, and please don't delete it saying IT IS OFFENSIVE, because it is not, we read about it in your web page everyday, no matter YOU LIKE OR NOT my opinion, all these things really happen in Japan.


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Posted in: Aso says world religions can learn from Japan See in context

Sure, Dear Mr. Aso, you are right: "The Japanese are famous for their long working hours, which have turned the island nation into the world’s second largest economy".

But Japan is also famous for disfunctional families, where children almost never meet their fathers (whose ussually continue working at bars with co-workers or playing golf on saturday and sunday), families where parents have own life separately, where kids live on their own in the streets of shibuya, sometimes until midnight, where sometimes the father rape or chase his own daughter. Sure, we should learn about enjo kosai, about child's pornography sold in any place, like Akihabara where perverts can buy it easily as a candy, about chikans, about discrimination of foreign people in public places as restaurants, hot springs or even places like soaplands or snacks, we should learn about being isolated and never change a word with our neighbor, never listen someone problems and never share ours, learn to never kiss our wife or kids on the street if we want, never tell them that we love them, we should learn to accept IJIME as a normal practice in schools and dont do anything about it, we should learn to understand that people jumping in front of a train is completely normal and getting angry about the time we lose is absolutely acceptable, we should learn that is completelly healthy and normal understand that somebody got angry, took a knife and killed somebody, because was stressed, we should learn life has not value at all, because being selfish and nevermind about any other suffering is totally reasonable. Sure Mr. Aso, you are catholic, but anyway all religions around the world have to learn A LOT OF THINGS from a country where people believes blood type is important to define human behavior.

And please my friends at Japan Today don't delete my post saying that I'M OFF TOPIC, because i'm using Mr. Aso's name, Mr. Aso's words and saying my opinion about his comments, and please don't delete it saying IT IS OFFENSIVE, because it is not, we read about it in your web page everyday, no matter YOU LIKE OR NOT my opinion, all these things really happen in Japan.

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Posted in: Musashi See in context

Please less hair, more meat..., they are men, why dont eat a little?.

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Posted in: Blood type is a good tool to understand different human behaviors. Most Japanese have some knowledge of each blood type and its trait so blood type often becomes a good conversation piece. See in context

Dear Mean Ringo...

In the world there is around 6,000 million people, probably 1,000 million or so are B type, i guess there is no reason to say you hate B-type blood people, because you don't know all of them, it's absolutely absurd to believe people's behavior is result of their blood type, it's a complete non-sense, if so... if would mean there are only four kind of people in ths world: A, B, AB and O. Would somebody tell me what about Ciclotimic, Introspective, Extrovertive, Mixed types... I would like to know if somebody in Japan study Psychology at school or so... i remember in high school we were taught about Jung, Freud, conditioning, Gestalt..., what happenned in Japan?. It seems they are not interested in serious Psychology, of course i know NOBODY in this country like to talk and find a solution for their own psychic problems, but pretending that blood type is responsable about behavior is... A COMPLETE JOKE.

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Posted in: Park tent village moved to gov't building to accommodate overflow See in context

Nobody here is worried about your friends or about you, because according to you nothing will happen to you. We all are posting about homeless people in Japan who is having hard problems, and we show our concern about it... at first you don't mind about japanese people, second about legal residents here and finally you dont mind about they both in case they turn to be homeless, then stop saying about "You Lucky" people will solve your situation, nobody here is worried about you, even you can leave the country anytime you want.

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Posted in: Park tent village moved to gov't building to accommodate overflow See in context

And: Nutricycle Most of the foreign workers at Nova, where not long term residents in Japan, in fact they were people using Student Visa or Working Visa Holders, then if the relation between the company (sponsor of the visa) and the foreign worker is finished, at first there is no reason to continue in Japan, if they came to Japan only to work at Nova, or if they obtained that Working Visa to stay joining that company, because it had a "purpose" (work in that company), then if they lost their jobs they must go back to their countries (IF THEY ARE NOT LONG TERM RESIDENTS), because there is no "purpose" to continue here, then they won't be homeless, because when they've noticed about their laboral condition they should be ready to leave Japan and go back to their contries, they wouldnt have any reason to continue, because the sponsorship of their visas is over.

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Posted in: Park tent village moved to gov't building to accommodate overflow See in context

Maybe you ignore this... To be a contributor of the goverment certainly it gives you as taxpayer the right to be "supported" as you said, but not in the same way as you pretend, we are not talking about charity. The right to be "supported" is originated in the tax itself. Historically, if you DON'T KNOW, since the origin of the taxes and contributions, it served to be used in times of drought and famine in the Ancient Egypt and the Babylon Empire, the wheat and food received from the people, was kept to feed the people in case of need, almost the same was in Rome (the term "CONTRIBUTOR" is originated in an old latin word which means "COLLABORATE" "WORK TOGETHER")and in fact the concept of taxes was born in Rome under that conception, then, if these people, japanese citizens and foreign legal residents (NO WORKING VISA HOLDERS) turn homeless, they have the right to be supported by the goverment with THE MONEY THEY HAD PAYED IN TAXES ALONG ALL THESE YEARS, IT MEANS THEIR TAXES ARE BEING USED TO HELP THEMSELVES. Is it clear or NOT?.

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Posted in: Hibiya Park See in context

Good thing is being interested in people here, suffering without a home, food and a decent way to live, the goverment MUST help them at first and later, if it is possible "be a part of the world".

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Posted in: Blood type is a good tool to understand different human behaviors. Most Japanese have some knowledge of each blood type and its trait so blood type often becomes a good conversation piece. See in context

In fact human behavior depend about many aspects not exactly biological, as the relatioship with equals, the interaction with them, the cultural, social and economical enviroment, the influence of the parents, the existence of rol models (from the parent's image), the influence of conditioning, the education at school, the education at home, all the experiences between 3 and 7 years (the most important formative age)... all this kind of factors and much more... more than only be A+ B+ AB or negative... please... technology is not only make funny video games and nice electronics for home, technology must walk hand in hand with human knowledge. I AM SURE IF JAPAN WERE MORE INTERESTED ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH, SERIOUSLY... NOT LIKE THIS JOKE ABOUT BLOOD TYPES, SURELY WE WOULD NOT HAVE PEOPLE STABBED ON THE STREETS AND MANY PEOPLE JUMPING TO THE TRAINS EVERYDAY.

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Posted in: Blood type is a good tool to understand different human behaviors. Most Japanese have some knowledge of each blood type and its trait so blood type often becomes a good conversation piece. See in context

It seems to me as a superstition, because there are millions of people, so million kind of behavior, simply because no one is the same than others, it sounds almost like saying: "well your brain is big, then you are intelligent, but IT IS TOTALLY FALSE, because being intelligent depends about how much percentage(%) you use of some specific areas of your brain". In fact, it only shows how primitive and poor is the knowledge in Japan about Psychology and Psychiatry, for example if the mad man who stabbed people in Akihabara has the same blood type than me... what does it mean?... Would i do the same?. Please, does somebody know in Japan abou Gestalt, Jun, Freud and many, many other theories about behaviorism. Sostain any kind of institute and research about it... would mean... i'm happy and sweet person because i'm diabetic!!!!....

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Posted in: Hibiya Park See in context

We all must do the neccesary for helping them, the goverment must do the same restrictive politics about the use of the public treasure, cut donations and any kind of economic help for foreign countries, and subventions, this time Japan must think in its citizens and the legal residents at first, it's unbelievable how the goverment pretend give $10 mil in humanitarian aid to Palestinians, meanwhile there are homeless, people losing their house, families without money to fee their children, no..., people must stand up and SAY NO!!!... I DONT ACCEPT MY TAXES TO GO OUT OF THIS COUNTRY... we need our money here.

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Posted in: Beer shampoo See in context

It is suposed youe head must smell clean isnt it?... something like menthol or lavanda or citric essence... BUT BEER????... i guess beer does not smell good at all... what's next nattou smell shampoo or fried chicken?... It seems somebody is using drugs at the researching department at the company.

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Posted in: Former porn star Ai Iijima found dead at Tokyo apartment See in context

Who gave you the right to judge someone else's life?..., anyone is free to do whatever they want with their life, nobody is sanctificating her life, even if she had any morl value in her life, it doesnt matter, the point is she passed away and probably in a miserable circunstance (for any person i guess). Nobody is showing some respect because she was famous or AV actress..., people show some respect because the fact she was a human being, thats all.

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Posted in: Former porn star Ai Iijima found dead at Tokyo apartment See in context

I'm lawyer and would never say such a thing like CAVEMAN... it only shows a very low appreciation of the value of a human being, no matter what she did, right or wrong she was a PERSON and her memory deserve some respect.

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Posted in: Former porn star Ai Iijima found dead at Tokyo apartment See in context

I'm not going to judge her past as AV actress or say anything about how succesful was her mainstream entertaiment career, nor she was a good model or bad model for society or youth (japanese or not), neither if she was a good person, because i never met her. But one thing i could say is she was a human being, she was alone, no matter if she had friends or not, famous or not, nobody was worried about where she would be or what she would be doing, all that famous friends... who told her not to quit entertaiment bussines, NOBODY... her body was found a week after she died, then there wasn't anybody who missed her, so... she never had the chance to say goodbye to anybody and had no one to take her hand, to comfort her in agony (if she had)or say any pray before she exhale her last breath, this was miserable... and nobody should die in this way, without a chance to say "i'm sorry" to the people we hurted or "i love you" to somebody. This makes me feel sad, no matter if she was a AV actress, TV celebrity, model, woman, daughter... she was a human being, this is the only reason because she deserves some consideration. Find some peace wherever you are Matsue, if there is a place where our souls go after death, if not... anyway i celebrate your life hoping you enjoyed the beauty of this life in the perfume of every flower you found, in the shine of every sunny day... in LOVE, if you LOVED someone, and even in the bad things of this life what made you fight for survive, no matter if you did right or wrong. Resquietcat In Pace, we will follow you someday...

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Posted in: Marx's 'Das Kapital' comic finds new fans in Japan See in context

Its the best fiction book... all fantasy, all impossible, all lies. The human being is selfish and egoist, communism will never work well with us.. in case... communist leaders always tend to turn in dictators who forget the people and are only interested in money and power... isnt it?, Communist axioma: "In a communist society everybody is equal, we all are the same... excluding me (the dictator), my family, my relatives, my friends and the members of the party". With Castro, Chavez (the venezuelan gorilla), Evo Morales (Chavez girlfriend) and the other red puppets we have enough to sell books about that stupid fantasies to children or teenagers.

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Posted in: Santas See in context

I agree, it is stupid to give toys in the expensive and posh area in Tokyo... why dont go to poor neighborhoods... they really need toys.

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Posted in: What's your recommendation for helping Crown Princess Masako recover fully from whatever is ailing her? See in context

Hey you can divorce, and fly away from Japan... there are many coutries where people doesnt have any idea who you are, then you would live happy and quietly far from "weirdland". Of course, if finally you decide to escape and start a NORMAL life abroad, be aware of the japanese tourists, they are almost everywhere, one could recognise you and ask you for a photo. =^o^=

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Posted in: NHK casting for foreigners for drama See in context

I want a role in a DORAMA starred by DORAEMON..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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