Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context
Cleo - your children are Japanese and/or English? What would have happened if you wanted more of an English identity for your children? I do think that things worked out well for you and you are happy in Japan. I myself tried Japanese schools for my children and they were not a good match. My children are culturally American and we are now in California and they are doing extremely well: wrestling, swimteam, AP Euro, choir, band, prom, great roads, multicultural people, Japanese is taught as well, etc... just a perfect spot for them. I do like Japan very much but it just did not work out. We will return for vacations. As for Mr. and Mrs. Savoie and children, the father should be able to see the children for the children. It is spiteful otherwise and really all Mrs. Savoie needs to do is allow him to visit. It is in the children's interest to allow this visitation. What a mess really is divorce.
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Posted in: NATO airstrike kills Gadhafi's youngest son, 3 grandchildren See in context
The commander of the NATO operation, Canadian Lt Gen Charles Bouchard, said he was aware of unconfirmed reports that some Gadhafi family members may have been killed and he regretted “all loss of life, specially the innocent civilians being harmed as a result of the ongoing conflict.”
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Posted in: Obama releases full birth certificate to end controversy See in context
Mother was an American. Makes Obama a natural born citizen. Location does not matter. McCain was born outside the US.
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Posted in: Japan's Christians celebrate Easter amid disaster See in context
"I am very frightened because the house where I felt safe really shook a lot and many children my age have died. I cannot go to play in the park. I want to know: why do I have to be so afraid? Why do children have to be so sad?" said seven-year-old Elena.
Benedict admitted: "I also have the same questions: why is it this way? Why do you have to suffer so much while others live in ease?
"And we do not have the answers, but we know that Jesus suffered as you do, an innocent, and that the true God who is revealed in Jesus is by your side."
Death is defeated by the resurrection and offers great hope. I have found many Japanese who are very good people and to me they are more closer to God then many who preach the many religions that exist. As the Pope in one of his many books wrote "a Christian is basically a good, moral person". The reason is Love and Love in the reason. Yes, the resurrection offers great hope for ALL. Happy Easter all.
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Posted in: Is U.S. military relief effort Operation Tomodachi really about friendship? See in context
Stupid question. Of course it is. I wish the military was always used in this mannner. Those are some good friends my man.
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Posted in: Afghans angry at Koran burning in Florida kill 7 at U.N. compound See in context
Sarge, you are absolutely right about the Napal Sherpas. Most of this was filmed, I do believe, and the killers will be found. Maybe by the Sherpas first! Not only that, I do not think anyone sleeps well when they become a murderer. I like Karzai's response: 'Karzai issued a statement late Friday calling the killings an “inhumane act” that was “against the values of Islam and Afghans.” '
Terry Jones should understand that the Bible is called a "hate book" by some in this country. Jones really shows an ignorance equal to the murderers in Afganistan and sould be liable for knowingly instigating a riot. We all better learn to live together and realize that everyone is created in the image of God. Give each other a little respect and run from hate. "Hate" what a curse for mankind.
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Posted in: Up to 1,000 bodies left untouched near nuclear plant due to radiation fears See in context
The sacred remains of those poor souls should be gathered and buried as quickly as possible.
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Posted in: No more nukes See in context
Cleo,I hope all is fine with you and your family. I hope this: That this thing gets under control. Then the latest technology is able to eradicate the radiation and that we all find a way to live in peace. Nuclear power may be a key to not having wars, not that this situation helps. I as an American am very tired of war. Too many. Let us build an Earth based on common respect and one to help each other. Dream on, as aerosmith says. But I hope and I will go to my grave with this hope. It is so sad what is happening in Japan, the country of my children.
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Posted in: Quake response showcases Japan's resilient spirit See in context
IFeelMust: You hit the essence of life. The key to true living and so has the people that have helped you. Religion does not matter but it is the hand that reaches out in time of need. God bless you and watch over all.
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Posted in: No. of people dying alone rises in 'no-relationship' society See in context
A ot what people write is projection of themselves. I had a wonderful experience in Tokyo. I wonder what the stats are for other cities in the world for people dying alone. After all, is not death by definition a solitary event. Old people very often live alone having outlived their spouse. Their children check once in awhile. C'est la vie.
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Posted in: Fashionable 'yama' girls take to the hills See in context
Wonderful trend to see the young enjoying God's creation. I enjoy seeing them in their joy as well. Hard work climbing but it really brings out a spirit of joy.
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Posted in: The younger generation is confronted by unstable employment prospects. That means many will be excluded from the workplace in the first half of their adult life, which in turn, will deny them the oppo See in context
Share the available work so everyone can have dignity and a family. Noone should be excluded. Doors should be open for people to enter freely, not forced. If people are given the opportunity they will come to the table and do well.
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Posted in: Waiting for a sign See in context
The wafer? It is partaking in the meal set forth by Christ. That is all. Catholics condemn no one. It is in God's hands. Jesus instituted the Eucharist for a reason having to do with space and time as he was the Son of God. The Word through whom all was created. All religions will point to the Spirit of God for He leaves no one destitude. Shinto for the mountains and the sea groaning for the new beaven and Earth. Budhist for one with Christ God. Man crys for help and deliverance from death, suffering and sorrow, the results of sin. Only through accepting that indeed God is Love will anyone see that the Son of God brought humanity into the Godhead by the cross. Cleo you gave all for your children and surely it is unknowingly to you a part of Christ. Most traditional cultures do this.
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Posted in: Waiting for a sign See in context
Who knows how it will all end up. One thing is for certain is that the Christ story is not one thought up in a shoet historical period. It was from God in the beginning to the omega,the end. One word for creation and a book for humanity. Try explaining yourself to an ameoba.
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Posted in: Homeless getting younger and younger See in context
There is a path out. Take the welfare, get a room, and start knocking on doors for work. Find work and be there on time and do a good job. Build up skills and you are on your way. Support groups may be needed to build self worth. Others may be ill and need to be helped off the streets so that they are not preyed upon by the criminal element. Poor people and yes this is certainly appropriate for Christmas for Christ came for just these folks. BTW how many paychecks are any of us to homelessness?
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
"Should those who abuse their and others sexuality be kicked out of the military? Probably not because youth will be youth." - I want to add that this is true only if no crime has been committed.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Wolfpack - Thanks for standing up for what is right - That LGBT (sounds like a sandwich) is really just abuse of human sexuality. So is using females as pieces of meat. The fine gift of human sexuality is really a gift of self to another. A beautiful encounter that can produce life. Now if we think that the military will act honorably, none of the abuses stated should be allowed as a good thing. They are not honorable but can happen and should be private. Should those who abuse their and others sexuality be kicked out of the military? Probably not because youth will be youth. Maybe that is all that is happening here.
However, why good people are fooled into saying it is a civil rights issue is beyond me because it is really evident, before our eyes, that that behavior is an abomination. It is similar to the abortion debate where it is also evident that a human being is involved and some people cannot see that. I do think that most in society are tolerant, including yourself, but are afraid of the mass delusion that this behavior is normal and something worth teaching our children to emulate. Would we stand up to defend our children and will we be put into prison for it? Will freedom of religion, speech and press be curtailed to stop "hate" speech? I do not know but one thing is certain is that nature will not be mocked.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Wolfpack is entirely correct... Now for the benefits. Hmm maybe some military members could take an umemployed person to live with them. Civil union can be platonic as well. More people could eat and have health care. Why not group unions? Imagine one joins the military and is open about his very close group be it platonic or not. Having more than one wife is a possibility as well. HIV health care AIDs. Many will join just for the health care for the other HIV positive partner. Cannot blame them. Many straight folks should and do do the same for their spouse and family. In any event the human heart does point to the natural moral order with mercy and compassion as life teaches us. We all fail at times and must deal with our own weaknesses. Morality cannot be legislated anyway. We will be OK. All of us.
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Posted in: U.S. Senate votes to overturn military gay ban See in context
Sailwind - Well said. It is a sad day for the majority of the people in the US.
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Posted in: WikiLeaks chief fears U.S. preparing to indict him See in context
what will be leaked - sorry
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Posted in: WikiLeaks chief fears U.S. preparing to indict him See in context
I wonder what will leaked regarding the banks. Was it such a threat what he released? Not really. The bank stuff will most likely be babble as well. Coward? I do not think so.
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Posted in: 2 million Americans lose jobless benefits as holiday season arrives See in context
They could have waited until after Christmas.
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Posted in: Is religion more of a destructive or benign force in the world today? See in context
There is a reason the concept of rights developed in the West (China's view of rights differs from ours). The dignity of the individual created in God's image. We have rights by our being human, from conception to death. But we are drifting from this basic premise and innocent lives are being lost on one end, and perhaps in the not to distance future, the other end will be deemed as non productive and not of much use. Without a sense of a moral order we have the morality of those who can sway public opinion. This is not always in the best interests of the moral order.
BTW we are not obliged to follow laws that go against the moral order in the military nor in society. This is written in our hearts, as the poster above pointed out in the statement that one can be moral without religion. I might add as long as one does not have an erring conscience.
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Posted in: Gloom, anger spreads as European economies teeter See in context
Pretty complex stuff. Who owns the debt? Pension funds? Insurance funds? What happens if the investors are forced to take a lose? Will chaos reign and a leader emerge? I hope a good leader does this time around. God knows we need one who is just, wise and compassionate.
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Posted in: TSA chief calls for understanding; pat-down leaves Michigan man covered in urine See in context
Yet, they should have listened to this man's concerns.
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Posted in: TSA chief calls for understanding; pat-down leaves Michigan man covered in urine See in context
Sad it has come to this. However, maybe they know something we do not. Why not put things where the sun don't shine? Even put something in the body. Plastic ... we may not have a choice for safety.
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Posted in: Thousands of UK students protest tuition fees hike See in context
Short sighted. Only the rich will have the education and good jobs. Shame on the Torys for this. It is slavery by keeping the poor poor by not giving opportunity. Cleo has the right perspective. Why cannot the conservative politicians be just, for the less well off children? I myself am a "social conservative". We must organize but keep a moral perspective. I would rather pissoff the bankers of the debt than to bring my country into slavery. C'est toute. Out with the debt holders. No more debt. We all need to be forgiven of debt and start again. Yeh the cycle of debt will come again and we then have this forgiveness of debt. About 50 years I think. But think of the power of debt forgiveness allthe way around. Beautiful. Money for schools. New business. Food.
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Posted in: Japan may form new unit to watch Chinese navy See in context
Time for the Samurai Spirit with the US of A. There are boundaries that should not be crossed. However, how about joint exploration?
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Posted in: Trump administration to keep only 294 USAID staff out of over 10,000 globally, sources say
Posted in: Trump administration to keep only 294 USAID staff out of over 10,000 globally, sources say
Posted in: Trump administration to keep only 294 USAID staff out of over 10,000 globally, sources say
Posted in: Blake Lively sued by Texas crisis specialist in latest 'It Ends With Us' lawsuit