Japan Today

Open-minded comments

Posted in: Who still uses pagers anyway? See in context

They have no GPS like an old flip phone, and they can not be pinged by cellular towers.

"They all went to cell phones, burner phones" which can be easily disposed of and replaced with another phone with a different number, making them difficult to trace.

It depends on country and location within that country. Alot of places require ID to purchase a burner or to get service. They are becoming harder to acquire on a regular basis!

Good spies or criminals would need to replace them every few days. That is a lot of logistics!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Lebanon rocked again by exploding devices; 14 dead, 450 injured See in context

Another biased article. Are now supposed to feel sorry for a couple of dead Hizb-Allah terrorists? It is not like Hizb-Allah is a lilly-white, innocent, humanitarian project.

In the event, this should be a reminder to all our smartphone addicts that every lithium battery is a potential firebomb.

I thought you were on a lunch break after shutting down the other article!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: Lebanon rocked again by exploding devices; 14 dead, 450 injured See in context

Who made the exploding pagers? A messy global trail emerges behind deadly Lebanon blasts


An electronics manufacturer in Taiwan said Wednesday that a company based in Hungary made the pagers bearing its brand that were used by members of the militant group Hezbollah and exploded simultaneously across Lebanon on Tuesday.

BAC Consulting Chief Executive Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono confirmed that her company worked with Gold Apollo.

Her background and resume reads like a spy or sleeper agent in a movie!


Zoltán Kovács, a spokesperson for the Hungarian prime minister, said on X that authorities have confirmed that BAC Consulting was a trading intermediary that was not manufacturing or operating in Hungary and that "the referenced devices have never been in Hungary."


Asians selling electronic devices to other Asians with Israelis as the middle men!

This is not US or the West. This is Asians and Israelis!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations 

Well, does she say anything about her mass importations, that have a massive effect on society? Fact is, a country without borders is not a country, it is a territory.

About Trumps mass deportations, he is once again let is over-the-top rethoric run amok. Of course it is unfeasible to "deport" millions all at once, Stalin style. But by removing replacing incentives to come with incentives to leave and enforce existing laws, the flow can be stopped and slowly reversed. It is not rocket science.

You must be really be all out of words if you switching to multiple accounts to increase the number of posts!

Please it is almost your lunchtime. I mean all personas need to eat. And you usually eat between 12-1:30, so you need an excuse to shutdown the thread to meet your quota!

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

Scientific American makes presidential endorsement for only the second time in its 179-year history


Most Americans do not want Trump as president!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

More incendiary language from the MAGA/Trump supporters

Almost half of Republicans say they won’t accept election results if their candidate loses: Study


It shows Trump's threats that it will be a "bloodbath" if he is not elected in 2024 in a whole new light!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Lebanon rocked again by exploding devices; 14 dead, 450 injured See in context


Normal war methods aren't working. Hamas and Hezbollah just send more people to die. Aim for the leadership tiers - you know the guys that don't go near any weapons but handle communications, logistics, and funding. Take them out as selectively as possible.

These 2 terror organizations have been allowed to exist far too long.

The third and fourth organizations are the Zionist in the Israeli government and the illegal settlers!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Lebanon rocked again by exploding devices; 14 dead, 450 injured See in context

Richard Price...

Justice Department disrupts vast Chinese hacking operation that infected consumer devices


It is not the US or most Western governments that consumers need to fear!

Asians selling electronic devices to other Asians with Israelis as the middle men!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

I'd love to see some objective studies on the average IQ of the Haitian-American residents of Springfield and the average Trump voter.

I'd love to see the studies on the average IQ of the Haitian-American residents of Springfield and the Trump family.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

Liberals say the same thing about Trump voters or people with the last name Hatfield and McCoy.

That's it, back on track. "But the wiberals do it too!"

I'd love to see some objective studies on the average IQ of the Haitian-American residents of Springfield and the average Trump voter.

Did you not see the MAGA leader debate or been to any of his rallies?

The evidence speaks for its self!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: Lebanon rocked again by exploding devices; 14 dead, 450 injured See in context

The implications for every 'Western' cell phone, pager, radio, computer, laptop, and tablet company are going to be severe. How many people will trust that JSIP or American 'aggressive' 'security agencies' won't be able to get into their supply chain and insert 'tampered' products aimed at any organized opposition groups.

Basically, all the efforts to demonize and denigrate Chinese companies now sound pretty sinister, don't they.

Richard Price...This was an Asian company selling to other Asians.

The only Westerners in this operation was "Israeli" who are mostly converted Europeans.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

He just got a huge endorsement from the Teamsters union members that is beyond huge, not to mention this issue and economy, Harris doesn’t come close to touching Trump.

Just like Trump claimed Taylor Swift endorsed him for president!

Everyone knows how that went down!

Trump still has not stopped angry tweeting about Taylor Swift on the toilet in the middle of the night!

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

The gop has shown nothing but bad faith in working with dems by rejecting the bipartisan border deal etc. Non magas see this. The simple fact is that in order to win in November, Trump needs to pick up votes and he simply is not doing that. Harris is. Another day, another dumb attempt to change the momentum.

More than 100 former GOP officials back Harris over Trump in damning letter


9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

More incendiary language from the MAGA crowd

Trump: Kamala will be ‘invasion president'

> JD Vance boasts he’ll keep calling Springfield Haitians ‘illegal aliens’ even though he knows they aren’t

> Also JD Vance: We create "stories."

Miss Sassy — the cat at the center of the fake story about Haitian migrants — is safe and well


Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance tried to prove his baseless claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets by pointing to a police report from one resident in Springfield, Ohio, that alleged her cat may have been stolen by her Haitian neighbors.

> Turns out the cat, Miss Sassy, had been hiding in the basement the whole time, and Anna Kilgore had apologized to her neighbors for the mix-up with the help of a translation app, she told The Wall Street Journal this week.

Vance once slammed Republicans for anti-immigrant stance. Now he’s pushing rumors about Haitians.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. panel allows Nippon Steel to resubmit buyout review request See in context

Not a good deal at all!

Any supporter of this deal.....Would Japan allow the US to purchase Nippon Steel?

Japan does not even want foreigners to be CEO of Japanese companies because of fear of doing better than their Japanese counterparts.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: X update allows app to bypass Brazil ban: internet providers See in context

Musk playing 5D chess with the Brazilian dictator chump.

Elon is playing 5D chess with his company that he 40 Billion fo that was only worth 1% percent of that price at best.

How are Tesla and Twitter sales doing again?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

They used to at least pretend it was only the illegals they hated. Now we see the truth - it’s all immigrants.

Unless the immigrants are their slaves or at least indentured servants!

They racists and their supporters want immigrants just not immigrants with any rights in the country!

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Harris hits Trump's promise of mass deportations as both candidates break from battleground states See in context

“Imagine what that would look like and what that would be? How’s that going to happen? Massive raids? Massive detention camps? What are they talking about?” she said.

Exactly how the Nazis started!

The informed as well as the racists hear Trump's "Dogs and Whistles!"

His desperate cries for support will not help him win in November!

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: Lebanon rocked again by exploding devices; 14 dead, 450 injured See in context

Somebody's electronics manufacturing company stock should be crashing. Atleast, they will losing a lot of future sales.

How long before the company changes its name?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Maná removes song with Nicky Jam in protest of his support for Trump See in context

Well....that did not last long!

Jam, who was introduced by Trump as a “hot” woman, disabled the comment section of a recent Instagram post after being mocked by commentators.

Reggaeton Star Nicky Jam Deletes Endorsement After Donald Trump Misgendering


“Maná doesn’t work with racists,” read an Instagram post from the band’s official account.

LOL! Trump's dementia is hurting his inroads into the Hispanic vote!

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Posted in: Lowered adult age sees rise in young Japanese struggling with debt See in context

A lot of university students in the US and young adults right out of high school get caught in the student loan and/or credit card trap (debt) because of lack of financial mentors or formal financial literacy.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context


The Dems did the same

We are still waiting for your proof!

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

The Dems did the same

Prove it! Which Democrat or affiliate told others to attack protesters, and they will pay their legal bills.

Distracting us from your coworkers comments?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

Is it really too much to ask that you refrain from inciting people to try to murder our elected Presidential candidate every 10 weeks?

no one is trying to murder yours, who wasn’t even the one elected.

Is it too much?

To not ask supporters to beat protesters at his rally and said he’d pay their legal bills,

to not threatened a “blood bath” if he loses the election, or

to not threaten to weaponize the government against those he do not like.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

Nope. How about hold the left accountable for their violent rhetoric that incites crazed people to think the only way to win is if Trump is murdered?

Exactly, why would commit insurrection because Trump incited you to do so knowing that you risk imprisonment or death.

Why would attack protesters you disagree with because Trump to you that he pardon you later?

Why attempt to steal an election or documents from the Whitehouse and hide them Mar Lago because Trump said he would pardon you later!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

Wow mods double standards.

So trying to make a justification for trying to kill Trump and for killing Abe is ok but pointing this out for what it is , well that isn't permitted.

Antiquesaving....You would know because you are one!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

Antiquesaving wrote:

So we are justifying killing people.

How low can people go?

So we are putting words into other people statements to support their own narrative,

How low can Antiquesaving (JT mod) go?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

To all those trying to deflect the situation towards guns in the United States. Let me point a few things out.

I am from a country where guns are rare. No one in my family has ever owned one. I have never seen or held a real gun. I live in Japan where guns are even rarer.

But let me remind you, despite Japan having some of the strictest gun laws in the world, prime minister Ave was killed by a gun. A homemade gun, but a gun so stop trying to deflect.

Ironically, Shinzo was also found to be corrupt like Trump, big fan of Trump and both had assassination attempts on their lives by former supporters.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

I would simply pull him aside in a private office and say look. Mr. President is it really worth it?

Well...Christopher! He is not the president. The country pulled him to the side 4 years ago. The country said, "You are fired!"

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump blames Biden and Harris' rhetoric toward him for attempt on his life See in context

The guy who told his supporters to beat protesters at his rally and said he’d pay their legal bills, the guy who threatened a “blood bath” if he loses the election, the guy who is out and out threatening to weaponize the government, that guy is the victim of rhetoric?

This needs to be repeated!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

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